Build fixes
[iolib.git] / sockets / resolv.lisp
1 ;;;; -*- Mode: Lisp; Syntax: ANSI-Common-Lisp; Indent-tabs-mode: NIL -*-
2 ;;;
3 ;;; resolv.lisp --- Host, protocol and service lookups.
4 ;;;
5 ;;; Copyright (C) 2006-2007, Stelian Ionescu <>
6 ;;;
7 ;;; This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
8 ;;; modify it under the terms of the version 2.1 of
9 ;;; the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
10 ;;; the Free Software Foundation, as clarified by the
11 ;;; preamble found here:
12 ;;;
13 ;;;
14 ;;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
15 ;;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
17 ;;; GNU General Public License for more details.
18 ;;;
19 ;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General
20 ;;; Public License along with this library; if not, write to the
21 ;;; Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor,
22 ;;; Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
24 (in-package :net.sockets)
26 (define-constant +max-ipv4-value+ (1- (expt 2 32))
27 :documentation "Integer denoting")
29 ;;;; Host Lookup
31 (defun get-address-info (&key (node (null-pointer)) (service (null-pointer))
32 (hint-flags 0) (hint-family 0)
33 (hint-type 0) (hint-protocol 0))
34 (with-foreign-objects ((hints 'addrinfo)
35 (res :pointer))
36 (bzero hints size-of-addrinfo)
37 (with-foreign-slots ((flags family socktype
38 protocol)
39 hints addrinfo)
40 (setf flags hint-flags
41 family hint-family
42 socktype hint-type
43 protocol hint-protocol)
44 (getaddrinfo node service hints res)
45 (make-pointer (pointer-address (mem-ref res :pointer))))))
47 (defun get-name-info (sockaddr &key (want-host t) want-service (flags 0))
48 (assert (or want-host want-service))
49 (let ((salen size-of-sockaddr-storage))
50 (with-foreign-objects ((host :char ni-maxhost)
51 (service :char ni-maxserv))
52 (getnameinfo sockaddr salen
53 host (if want-host ni-maxhost 0)
54 service (if want-service ni-maxserv 0)
55 flags)
56 (values (and want-host (foreign-string-to-lisp
57 host #|:count ni-maxhost|#))
58 (and want-service (foreign-string-to-lisp
59 service #|:count ni-maxserv|#))))))
61 (defclass host ()
62 ((truename :initarg :truename :reader host-truename
63 :documentation "The name of the host.")
64 (aliases :initarg :aliases :reader host-aliases
65 :documentation "A list of aliases.")
66 (addresses :initarg :addresses :reader host-addresses
67 :documentation "A list of addresses."))
68 (:documentation "Class representing a host: name, aliases and addresses."))
70 (defmethod initialize-instance :after ((host host) &key)
71 (with-slots (addresses) host
72 (setf addresses (alexandria:ensure-list addresses))))
74 (defun host-random-address (host)
75 "Returns a random address from HOST's address list."
76 (alexandria:random-elt (host-addresses host)))
78 (defun make-host (truename addresses &optional aliases)
79 "Instantiates a HOST object."
80 (make-instance 'host
81 :truename truename
82 :aliases aliases
83 :addresses addresses))
85 (defmethod print-object ((host host) stream)
86 (print-unreadable-object (host stream :type t :identity nil)
87 (with-slots (truename aliases addresses) host
88 (format stream "Canonical name: ~S. Aliases: ~:[None~;~:*~{~S~^, ~}~].~%~
89 Addresses: ~{~A~^, ~}"
90 truename aliases addresses))))
92 ;;;; Auxiliary Functions
94 (defun lookup-host-u8-vector-4 (host ipv6)
95 (coercef host 'ub8-sarray)
96 (ecase ipv6
97 ((nil)
98 ;; Darwin's getnameinfo() seems buggy. Signals a EAI_FAMILY
99 ;; error on test LOOKUP-HOST.4. We use gethostbyaddr() here
100 ;; instead as a workaround. FIXME: handle errors properly.
101 #+darwin
102 (with-foreign-object (addr 'in-addr-struct)
103 (setf (foreign-slot-value addr 'in-addr-struct 'addr)
104 (htonl (vector-to-integer host)))
105 (let ((ptr (gethostbyaddr addr 4 af-inet)))
106 (if (null-pointer-p ptr)
107 (resolver-error -1 :data host)
108 (make-host (foreign-slot-value
109 ptr 'hostent 'name)
110 (list (make-address (copy-seq host)))))))
111 #-darwin
112 (with-foreign-object (sin 'sockaddr-storage)
113 (make-sockaddr-in sin host)
114 (make-host (get-name-info sin :flags ni-namereqd)
115 (list (make-address (copy-seq host))))))
116 ((t)
117 (with-foreign-object (sin6 'sockaddr-storage)
118 (let ((ipv6addr (map-ipv4-vector-to-ipv6 host)))
119 (make-sockaddr-in6 sin6 ipv6addr)
120 (make-host (get-name-info sin6 :flags ni-namereqd)
121 (list (make-address ipv6addr))))))
122 ((:ipv6)
123 (resolver-error
124 :eai-fail :data host
125 :message "Received IPv4 address but IPv6-only was requested."))))
127 (defun lookup-host-u16-vector-8 (host ipv6)
128 (coercef host 'ub16-sarray)
129 (ecase ipv6
130 ((nil)
131 (resolver-error
132 :eai-fail :data host
133 :message "Received IPv6 address but IPv4-only was requested."))
134 ((:ipv6 t)
135 (with-foreign-object (sin6 'sockaddr-storage)
136 (make-sockaddr-in6 sin6 host)
137 (make-host (get-name-info sin6 :flags ni-namereqd)
138 (list (make-address (copy-seq host))))))))
140 (defun make-host-from-addrinfo (addrinfo)
141 (let ((canonname (foreign-slot-value
142 addrinfo 'addrinfo 'canonname))
143 (addrlist
144 (loop :for addrptr := addrinfo
145 :then (foreign-slot-value addrptr 'addrinfo 'next)
146 :while (not (null-pointer-p addrptr))
147 :collect (sockaddr-storage->sockaddr
148 (foreign-slot-value
149 addrptr 'addrinfo 'addr)))))
150 (make-host (if (null-pointer-p canonname)
152 (foreign-string-to-lisp canonname))
153 addrlist)))
155 (defun map-host-ipv4-addresses-to-ipv6 (hostobj)
156 (declare (type host hostobj))
157 (with-slots (addresses) hostobj
158 (setf addresses
159 (mapcar (lambda (address)
160 (if (ipv4-address-p address)
161 (make-address (map-ipv4-vector-to-ipv6
162 (address-name address)))
163 address))
164 addresses)))
165 hostobj)
167 ;;;; External Interface
169 (defgeneric lookup-host (name-or-address &key ipv6)
170 (:documentation "Looks up a host by name or address. IPV6
171 determines the IPv6 behaviour, defaults to *IPV6*."))
173 (defmethod lookup-host ((host string) &key (ipv6 *ipv6*))
174 (check-type ipv6 (member nil :ipv6 t) "valid IPv6 configuration")
175 (flet ((decide-family-and-flags ()
176 (case ipv6
177 ((nil) (values af-inet 0))
178 ;; freebsd 6.1 rejects AI_V4MAPPED and AI_ALL (weird thing)
179 ;; therefore I'll use AF_UNSPEC and do the mappings myself
180 ((t) #-(or windows bsd) (values af-inet6
181 (logior ai-v4mapped ai-all))
182 #+(or windows bsd) (values af-unspec 0))
183 (:ipv6 (values af-inet6 0)))))
184 (multiple-value-bind (vector type) (address-to-vector host)
185 (case type
186 (:ipv4 (lookup-host-u8-vector-4 vector ipv6))
187 (:ipv6 (lookup-host-u16-vector-8 vector ipv6))
188 (t (multiple-value-bind (family flags)
189 (decide-family-and-flags)
190 #-windows (setf flags (logior flags ai-canonname ai-addrconfig))
191 (let* ((addrinfo (get-address-info
192 :node host
193 :hint-flags flags
194 :hint-family family
195 :hint-type sock-stream
196 :hint-protocol ipproto-ip))
197 (hostobj (make-host-from-addrinfo addrinfo)))
198 (when (string-not-equal (host-truename hostobj) host)
199 (setf (slot-value hostobj 'aliases) (list host)))
200 (freeaddrinfo addrinfo)
201 ;; mapping IPv4 addresses onto IPv6
202 #+bsd
203 (when (eq ipv6 t)
204 (map-host-ipv4-addresses-to-ipv6 hostobj))
205 (values hostobj))))))))
207 ;;; FIXME: Doesn't return aliases, why?
208 (defmethod lookup-host (host &key (ipv6 *ipv6*))
209 (check-type ipv6 (member nil :ipv6 t) "valid IPv6 configuration")
210 (multiple-value-bind (vector type) (address-to-vector host)
211 (case type
212 (:ipv4 (lookup-host-u8-vector-4 vector ipv6))
213 (:ipv6 (lookup-host-u16-vector-8 vector ipv6))
214 ;; better error?
215 (t (error 'parse-error)))))
217 (defun convert-or-lookup-inet-address (address &optional (ipv6 *ipv6*))
218 "If ADDRESS is an inet-address designator, it is converted, if
219 necessary, to an INET-ADDRESS object and returned. Otherwise it
220 is assumed to be a host name which is then looked up in order to
221 return its primary address as the first return value and the
222 remaining address list as the second return value."
223 (or (ignore-errors (ensure-address address :internet))
224 (let ((addresses (host-addresses (lookup-host address :ipv6 ipv6))))
225 (values (car addresses) (cdr addresses)))))
227 ;;;; Service Lookup
229 (defclass service ()
230 ((name :initarg :name :reader service-name
231 :documentation "The service name.")
232 (port :initarg :port :reader service-port
233 :documentation "The service's default port.")
234 ;; why only these keyword? --luis
235 (protocol :initarg :protocol :reader service-protocol
236 :documentation "The service's protocol, :TCP or :UDP."))
237 (:documentation "Class representing a service."))
239 (defun make-service (name port protocol)
240 "Constructor for SERVICE objects."
241 (make-instance 'service :name name :port port :protocol protocol))
243 (defmethod print-object ((service service) stream)
244 (print-unreadable-object (service stream :type t :identity nil)
245 (with-slots (name port protocol) service
246 (format stream "Name: ~A Port: ~A Protocol: ~A" name port protocol))))
248 #+darwin
249 (defun %get-service-name (port protocol)
250 (let ((ptr (getservbyport port (ecase protocol
251 (:tcp "tcp")
252 (:udp "udp")
253 (:any (cffi:null-pointer))))))
254 (if (null-pointer-p ptr)
255 (resolver-error -1 :data port) ; FIXME: wrong error
256 (foreign-slot-value ptr 'servent 'name ))))
258 #-darwin
259 (defun %get-service-name (port-arg protocol)
260 (with-foreign-object (sin 'sockaddr-in)
261 (bzero sin size-of-sockaddr-in)
262 (with-foreign-slots
263 ((family port) sin sockaddr-in)
264 (setf family af-inet
265 port (htons port-arg)))
266 (nth-value 1 (get-name-info sin
267 :flags (case protocol
268 (:udp ni-dgram)
269 (t 0))
270 :want-host nil :want-service t))))
272 (defun lookup-service-number (port-number protocol)
273 (declare (type ub32 port-number))
274 (let ((service (%get-service-name port-number protocol)))
275 (make-service service port-number protocol)))
277 (defun lookup-service-name (port protocol)
278 (flet ((protocol-type-to-int (protocol)
279 (case protocol
280 (:tcp sock-stream)
281 (:udp sock-dgram)
282 (:any 0)))
283 (socket-type-from-int (alien-val)
284 (case alien-val
285 (#.sock-stream :tcp)
286 (#.sock-dgram :udp)
287 (t :unknown))))
288 (let* ((addrinfo (get-address-info
289 :service port
290 :hint-type (protocol-type-to-int protocol)))
291 (port-number (ntohs (foreign-slot-value
292 (foreign-slot-value addrinfo
293 'addrinfo 'addr)
294 'sockaddr-in 'port)))
295 (true-protocol
296 (socket-type-from-int
297 (foreign-slot-value addrinfo 'addrinfo 'socktype))))
298 (freeaddrinfo addrinfo)
299 (make-service port port-number true-protocol))))
301 ;;; This tries to parse stuff like "22" as a number instead of a
302 ;;; protocol name. Why bother? If it does matter, then we should
303 ;;; document this behaviour. --luis
305 ;;; Hmm, changing the protocol argument to &OPTIONAL might have not
306 ;;; been a great idea on my part. --luis
307 (defun lookup-service (port-or-name &optional (protocol :tcp))
308 "Lookup a service by port or name. PROTOCOL should be one
309 of :TCP, :UDP or :ANY."
310 (check-type protocol (member :tcp :udp :any))
311 (let ((parsed-number (parse-number-or-nil port-or-name :ub16)))
312 (if
313 (lookup-service-number parsed-number protocol)
314 (lookup-service-name port-or-name protocol))))
316 ;;;; Protocol Lookup
318 (defclass protocol ()
319 ((name :initarg :name :reader protocol-name
320 :documentation "The protocol's primary name.")
321 (aliases :initarg :aliases :reader protocol-aliases
322 :documentation "A list of aliases for this protocol.")
323 (number :initarg :number :reader protocol-number
324 :documentation "The protocol number."))
325 (:documentation "Class representing a protocol."))
327 (defun make-protocol (name number &optional aliases)
328 "Constructor for PROTOCOL objects."
329 (make-instance 'protocol :name name :number number :aliases aliases))
331 (defmethod print-object ((protocol protocol) stream)
332 (print-unreadable-object (protocol stream :type t :identity nil)
333 (with-slots (name aliases protonum) protocol
334 (format stream "Name: ~S Protocol number: ~A Aliases: ~{~S~^, ~}"
335 name protonum aliases))))
337 (define-condition unknown-protocol (system-error)
338 ((name :initarg :name :initform nil :reader protocol-name))
339 (:report (lambda (condition stream)
340 (format stream "Unknown protocol: ~S" (protocol-name condition))))
341 (:documentation "Condition raised when a network protocol is not found."))
343 (defun make-protocol-from-protoent (protoent)
344 (with-foreign-slots ((name proto aliases)
345 protoent protoent)
346 (let ((alias-strings
347 (loop :for i :from 0
348 :for alias := (mem-aref aliases :string i)
349 :while alias :collect alias)))
350 (make-protocol name proto alias-strings))))
352 ;;; Again, why bother parsing numbers in strings? --luis
353 (defun lookup-protocol (name-or-number)
354 "Lookup a protocol by name or number. Signals an
355 UNKNOWN-PROTOCOL error if no protocol is found."
356 (let ((parsed-number (parse-number-or-nil name-or-number)))
357 (handler-case
358 (make-protocol-from-protoent
359 (if parsed-number
360 (getprotobynumber parsed-number)
361 (getprotobyname name-or-number)))
362 (posix-error ()
363 (error 'unknown-protocol :name name-or-number)))))