Add wrappers for directory walking syscalls: opendir(), readdir_r(), etc ...
[iolib.git] / syscalls / ffi-functions-unix.lisp
1 ;;;; -*- Mode: Lisp; Syntax: ANSI-Common-Lisp; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
2 ;;;
3 ;;; --- *UNIX foreign function definitions.
4 ;;;
6 (in-package :iolib.syscalls)
8 ;;; Needed for clock_gettime() and friends.
9 #+linux (load-foreign-library "")
12 ;;;-------------------------------------------------------------------------
13 ;;; ERRNO-related functions
14 ;;;-------------------------------------------------------------------------
16 (defentrypoint (setf %sys-errno) (value)
17 (%%sys-set-errno value))
19 (defentrypoint %sys-strerror (&optional (err (%sys-errno)))
20 "Look up the error message string for ERRNO. (reentrant)"
21 (let ((errno
22 (if (keywordp err)
23 (foreign-enum-value 'errno-values err)
24 err)))
25 (with-foreign-pointer-as-string ((buf bufsiz) 1024)
26 (%sys-strerror-r errno buf bufsiz))))
28 (defmethod print-object ((posix-error posix-error) stream)
29 (print-unreadable-object (posix-error stream :type nil :identity nil)
30 (let ((code (code-of posix-error))
31 (identifier (identifier-of posix-error)))
32 (format stream "POSIX Error ~A code: ~S ~S"
33 identifier (or code "[No code]")
34 (or (%sys-strerror code) "[Can't get error string.]")))))
37 ;;;-------------------------------------------------------------------------
38 ;;; Memory manipulation
39 ;;;-------------------------------------------------------------------------
41 (defcfun* ("memset" %sys-memset) :pointer
42 (buffer :pointer)
43 (value :int)
44 (length size-t))
46 (defentrypoint %sys-bzero (buffer length)
47 (%sys-memset buffer 0 length))
49 (defcfun* ("memcpy" %sys-memcpy) :pointer
50 (dest :pointer)
51 (src :pointer)
52 (length size-t))
54 (defcfun* ("memmove" %sys-memmove) :pointer
55 (dest :pointer)
56 (src :pointer)
57 (length size-t))
60 ;;;-------------------------------------------------------------------------
61 ;;; I/O
62 ;;;-------------------------------------------------------------------------
64 (defsyscall* ("read" %sys-read) ssize-t
65 "Read at most COUNT bytes from FD into the foreign area BUF."
66 (fd :int)
67 (buf :pointer)
68 (count size-t))
70 (defsyscall* ("write" %sys-write) ssize-t
71 "Write at most COUNT bytes to FD from the foreign area BUF."
72 (fd :int)
73 (buf :pointer)
74 (count size-t))
77 ;;;-------------------------------------------------------------------------
78 ;;; Files
79 ;;;-------------------------------------------------------------------------
81 (defsyscall* ("open" %%sys-open) :int
82 (pathname filename-designator)
83 (flags :int)
84 (mode mode-t))
86 (defvar *default-open-mode* #o666)
88 (defentrypoint %sys-open (pathname flags &optional (mode *default-open-mode*))
89 (%%sys-open pathname flags mode))
91 (defsyscall* ("creat" %sys-creat) :int
92 (pathname filename-designator)
93 (mode mode-t))
95 (defsyscall ("pipe" %%sys-pipe) :int
96 (filedes :pointer))
98 (defentrypoint %sys-pipe ()
99 "Create pipe, returns two values with the new FDs."
100 (with-foreign-object (filedes :int 2)
101 (%%sys-pipe filedes)
102 (values (mem-aref filedes :int 0)
103 (mem-aref filedes :int 1))))
105 (defsyscall ("mkfifo" %sys-mkfifo) :int
106 "Create a FIFO (named pipe)."
107 (path filename-designator)
108 (mode mode-t))
110 (defsyscall "umask" mode-t
111 "Sets the umask and returns the old one"
112 (new-mode mode-t))
114 (defsyscall ("access" %sys-access) :int
115 (path filename-designator)
116 (amode :int))
118 (defsyscall ("rename" %sys-rename) :int
119 "Rename a file."
120 (old filename-designator)
121 (new filename-designator))
123 (defsyscall ("link" %sys-link) :int
124 (path1 filename-designator)
125 (path2 filename-designator))
127 (defsyscall ("symlink" %sys-symlink) :int
128 "Creates a symbolic link"
129 (name1 filename-designator)
130 (name2 filename-designator))
132 (defsyscall ("readlink" %%sys-readlink) ssize-t
133 (path filename-designator)
134 (buf :pointer)
135 (bufsize size-t))
137 (defentrypoint %sys-readlink (path)
138 "Read value of a symbolic link."
139 (with-foreign-pointer (buf 4096 bufsize)
140 (let ((count (%%sys-readlink path buf bufsize)))
141 (values (foreign-string-to-lisp buf :count count)))))
143 (defsyscall ("unlink" %sys-unlink) :int
144 (path filename-designator))
146 (defsyscall* ("chown" %sys-chown) :int
147 "Change ownership of a file."
148 (path filename-designator)
149 (owner uid-t)
150 (group uid-t))
152 (defsyscall* ("fchown" %sys-fchown) :int
153 "Change ownership of an open file."
154 (fd :int)
155 (owner uid-t)
156 (group uid-t))
158 (defsyscall* ("lchown" %sys-lchown) :int
159 "Change ownership of a file or symlink."
160 (path filename-designator)
161 (owner uid-t)
162 (group uid-t))
164 (defsyscall* ("chmod" %sys-chmod) :int
165 (path filename-designator)
166 (mode mode-t))
168 (defsyscall* ("fchmod" %sys-fchmod) :int
169 (fd :int)
170 (mode mode-t))
172 ;;; STAT()
174 (define-c-struct-wrapper stat ())
176 (defconstant +stat-version-linux+ 3)
178 ;;; If necessary for performance reasons, we can add an optional
179 ;;; argument to this function and use that to reuse a wrapper object.
180 (defentrypoint funcall-stat (fn arg)
181 (with-foreign-object (buf 'stat)
182 (funcall fn arg buf)
183 (make-instance 'stat :pointer buf)))
185 (defentrypoint %sys-stat (path)
186 "Get information about a file."
187 (funcall-stat #'%%sys-stat path))
189 (defentrypoint %sys-fstat (fd)
190 "Get information about a file descriptor"
191 (funcall-stat #'%%sys-fstat fd))
193 (defentrypoint %sys-lstat (path)
194 "Get information about a file or symlink."
195 (funcall-stat #'%%sys-lstat path))
197 (defsyscall ("sync" %sys-sync) :void
198 "Schedule all file system buffers to be written to disk.")
200 (defsyscall* ("fsync" %sys-fsync) :int
201 (fildes :int))
203 (defsyscall ("mkstemp" %%sys-mkstemp) :int
204 (template filename-designator))
206 (defentrypoint %sys-mkstemp (&optional (template ""))
207 (let ((template (concatenate 'string template "XXXXXX")))
208 (with-foreign-string (ptr (filename template))
209 (values (%%sys-mkstemp ptr) (foreign-string-to-lisp ptr)))))
212 ;;;-------------------------------------------------------------------------
213 ;;; Directories
214 ;;;-------------------------------------------------------------------------
216 (defsyscall "mkdir" :int
217 "Create a directory."
218 (path filename-designator)
219 (mode mode-t))
221 (defsyscall ("rmdir" %sys-rmdir) :int
222 (path filename-designator))
224 (defsyscall ("chdir" %sys-chdir) :int
225 "Changes the current working directory"
226 (path filename-designator))
228 (defsyscall* ("fchdir" %sys-fchdir) :int
229 (fildes :int))
231 (defsyscall ("getcwd" %%sys-getcwd) :string
232 (buf :pointer)
233 (size size-t))
235 (defentrypoint %sys-getcwd ()
236 "Returns the current working directory as a string."
237 (with-foreign-pointer (buf path-max size)
238 (%%sys-getcwd buf size)))
240 (defsyscall ("mkdtemp" %%sys-mkdtemp) :int
241 (template filename-designator))
243 (defentrypoint %sys-mkdtemp (&optional (template ""))
244 (let ((template (concatenate 'string template "XXXXXX")))
245 (with-foreign-string (ptr (filename template))
246 (values (%%sys-mkdtemp ptr) (foreign-string-to-lisp ptr)))))
249 ;;;-------------------------------------------------------------------------
250 ;;; File Descriptors
251 ;;;-------------------------------------------------------------------------
253 (defsyscall ("close" %sys-close) :int
254 "Close an open file descriptor."
255 (fd :int))
257 (defsyscall ("dup" %sys-dup) :int
258 (fildes :int))
260 (defsyscall* ("dup2" %sys-dup2) :int
261 (fildes1 :int)
262 (fildes2 :int))
264 (defsyscall* ("ioctl" %sys-ioctl/2) :int
265 (fd :int)
266 (request :int))
268 (defsyscall* ("ioctl" %sys-ioctl/3) :int
269 (fd :int)
270 (request :int)
271 (arg :pointer))
273 (defentrypoint %sys-fd-open-p (fd)
274 (not (minusp (%sys-fstat fd))))
277 ;;;-------------------------------------------------------------------------
278 ;;; File descriptor polling
279 ;;;-------------------------------------------------------------------------
281 ;;; FIXME: Until a way to autodetect platform features is implemented
282 #+(or darwin freebsd)
283 (defconstant pollrdhup 0)
285 (defsyscall ("poll" %sys-poll) :int
286 "Scan for I/O activity on multiple file descriptors."
287 (fds :pointer)
288 (nfds nfds-t)
289 (timeout :int))
292 ;;;-------------------------------------------------------------------------
293 ;;; Directory walking
294 ;;;-------------------------------------------------------------------------
296 (defsyscall "opendir" :pointer
297 "Opens a directory for listing of its contents"
298 (filename filename-designator))
300 (defsyscall "closedir" :int
301 "Closes a directory when done listing its contents"
302 (dir :pointer))
304 (defentrypoint %sys-readdir (dir)
305 "Reads an item from the listing of a directory (reentrant)"
306 (with-foreign-objects ((entry 'dirent) (result :pointer))
307 (%%sys-readdir-r dir entry result)
308 (if (null-pointer-p (mem-ref result :pointer))
310 (with-foreign-slots ((name type fileno) entry dirent)
311 (values (foreign-string-to-lisp name) type fileno)))))
313 (defsyscall "rewinddir" :void
314 "Rewinds a directory."
315 (dir :pointer))
317 (defsyscall "seekdir" :void
318 "Seeks a directory."
319 (dir :pointer)
320 (pos :long))
322 ;;; FIXME: According to POSIX docs "no errors are defined" for
323 ;;; telldir() but Linux manpages specify a possible EBADF.
324 (defsyscall "telldir" off-t
325 "Returns the current location in a directory"
326 (dir :pointer))
329 ;;;-------------------------------------------------------------------------
330 ;;; Memory mapping
331 ;;;-------------------------------------------------------------------------
333 (defsyscall ("munmap" %sys-munmap) :int
334 "Unmap pages of memory."
335 (addr :pointer)
336 (len size-t))
339 ;;;-------------------------------------------------------------------------
340 ;;; Process creation and info
341 ;;;-------------------------------------------------------------------------
343 (defsyscall ("fork" %sys-fork) pid-t
344 "Create a child process.")
346 (defsyscall ("getpid" %sys-getpid) pid-t
347 "Returns the process id of the current process")
349 (defsyscall ("getppid" %sys-getppid) pid-t
350 "Returns the process id of the current process's parent")
352 (defsyscall ("getuid" %sys-getuid) uid-t
353 "Get real user id of the current process.")
355 (defsyscall ("setuid" %sys-setuid) :int
356 "Set real user id of the current process."
357 (uid uid-t))
359 (defsyscall ("geteuid" %sys-geteuid) uid-t
360 "Get effective user id of the current process.")
362 (defsyscall ("seteuid" %sys-seteuid) :int
363 "Set effective user id of the current process."
364 (uid uid-t))
366 (defsyscall ("getgid" %sys-getgid) gid-t
367 "Get real group id of the current process.")
369 (defsyscall ("setgid" %sys-setgid) :int
370 "Set real group id of the current process."
371 (gid gid-t))
373 (defsyscall ("getegid" %sys-getegid) gid-t
374 "Get effective group id of the current process.")
376 (defsyscall ("setegid" %sys-setegid) :int
377 "Set effective group id of the current process."
378 (gid gid-t))
380 (defsyscall ("setreuid" %sys-setreuid) :int
381 "Set real and effective user id of the current process."
382 (ruid uid-t)
383 (euid uid-t))
385 (defsyscall ("setregid" %sys-setregid) :int
386 "Set real and effective group id of the current process."
387 (rgid gid-t)
388 (egid gid-t))
390 (defsyscall ("getpgid" %sys-getpgid) pid-t
391 "Get process group id of a process."
392 (pid pid-t))
394 (defsyscall ("setpgid" %sys-setpgid) :int
395 "Set process group id of a process."
396 (pid pid-t)
397 (pgid pid-t))
399 (defsyscall ("getpgrp" %sys-getpgrp) pid-t
400 "Get process group id of the current process.")
402 (defsyscall ("setpgrp" %sys-setpgrp) pid-t
403 "Set process group id of the current process.")
405 (defsyscall ("setsid" %sys-setsid) pid-t
406 "Create session and set process group id of the current process.")
408 (defentrypoint %sys-getrlimit (resource)
409 (with-foreign-object (rl 'rlimit)
410 (with-foreign-slots ((cur max) rl rlimit)
411 (%%sys-getrlimit resource rl)
412 (values cur max))))
414 (defentrypoint %sys-setrlimit (resource soft-limit hard-limit)
415 (with-foreign-object (rl 'rlimit)
416 (with-foreign-slots ((cur max) rl rlimit)
417 (setf cur soft-limit
418 max hard-limit)
419 (%%sys-setrlimit resource rl))))
421 (defsyscall ("getrusage" %%sys-getrusage) :int
422 (who :int)
423 (usage :pointer))
425 ;;; TODO: it might be more convenient to return a wrapper object here
426 ;;; instead like we do in STAT.
427 (defentrypoint %sys-getrusage (who)
428 (with-foreign-object (ru 'rusage)
429 (%%sys-getrusage who ru)
430 (with-foreign-slots ((maxrss ixrss idrss isrss minflt majflt nswap inblock
431 oublock msgsnd msgrcv nsignals nvcsw nivcsw)
432 ru rusage)
433 (values (foreign-slot-value (foreign-slot-pointer ru 'rusage 'utime)
434 'timeval 'sec)
435 (foreign-slot-value (foreign-slot-pointer ru 'rusage 'utime)
436 'timeval 'usec)
437 (foreign-slot-value (foreign-slot-pointer ru 'rusage 'stime)
438 'timeval 'sec)
439 (foreign-slot-value (foreign-slot-pointer ru 'rusage 'stime)
440 'timeval 'usec)
441 maxrss ixrss idrss isrss minflt majflt
442 nswap inblock oublock msgsnd
443 msgrcv nsignals nvcsw nivcsw))))
445 (defsyscall ("getpriority" %sys-getpriority) :int
446 (which :int)
447 (who :int))
449 (defsyscall ("setpriority" %sys-setpriority) :int
450 (which :int)
451 (who :int)
452 (value :int))
454 (defentrypoint %sys-nice (&optional (increment 0))
455 "Get or set process priority."
456 ;; FIXME: race condition. might need WITHOUT-INTERRUPTS on some impl.s
457 (setf (%sys-errno) 0)
458 (let ((r (foreign-funcall "nice" :int increment :int)))
459 (if (and (= r -1) (/= (%sys-errno) 0))
460 (signal-posix-error r)
461 r)))
464 ;;;-------------------------------------------------------------------------
465 ;;; Time
466 ;;;-------------------------------------------------------------------------
468 (defsyscall* ("usleep" %sys-usleep) :int
469 (useconds useconds-t))
471 (defsyscall ("time" %%sys-time) time-t
472 (tloc :pointer))
474 (defentrypoint %sys-time ()
475 (%%sys-time (null-pointer)))
477 (defsyscall ("gettimeofday" %%sys-gettimeofday) :int
478 (tp :pointer)
479 (tzp :pointer))
481 (defentrypoint %sys-gettimeofday ()
482 "Return the time in seconds and microseconds."
483 (with-foreign-object (tv 'timeval)
484 (with-foreign-slots ((sec usec) tv timeval)
485 (%%sys-gettimeofday tv (null-pointer))
486 (values sec usec))))
488 ;;; FIXME: or we can implement this through the MACH functions.
489 #+darwin
490 (progn
491 (defctype kern-return-t :int)
492 (defctype clock-res-t :int)
493 (defctype clock-id-t :int)
494 (defctype port-t :unsigned-int) ; not sure
495 (defctype clock-serv-t port)
497 (defconstant kern-success 0)
499 (defconstant system-clock 0)
500 (defconstant calendar-clock 1)
501 (defconstant realtime-clock 0)
503 (defsyscall ("mach_host_self" %sys-mach-host-self) port-t)
505 (defsyscall ("host_get_clock_service" %%sys-host-get-clock-service) kern-return-t
506 (host port-t)
507 (id clock-id-t)
508 (clock-name (:pointer clock-serv-t)))
510 (defentrypoint %sys-host-get-clock-service (id &optional (host (%sys-mach-host-self)))
511 (with-foreign-object (clock 'clock-serv-t)
512 (%%sys-host-get-clock-service host id clock)
513 (mem-ref clock :int)))
515 (defsyscall ("clock_get_time" %clock-get-time) kern-return-t
516 (clock-serv clock-serv-t)
517 (cur-time timespec))
519 (defentrypoint clock-get-time (clock-service)
520 (with-foreign-object (time 'timespec)
521 (%clock-get-time clock-service time)
522 (with-foreign-slots ((tv-sec tv-nsec) time timespec)
523 (values tv-sec tv-nsec)))))
525 #-darwin
526 (progn
527 (defsyscall ("clock_getres" %%sys-clock-getres) :int
528 "Returns the resolution of the clock CLOCKID."
529 (clockid clockid-t)
530 (res :pointer))
532 (defentrypoint %sys-clock-getres (clock-id)
533 (with-foreign-object (ts 'timespec)
534 (with-foreign-slots ((sec nsec) ts timespec)
535 (%%sys-clock-getres clock-id ts)
536 (values sec nsec))))
538 (defsyscall ("clock_gettime" %%sys-clock-gettime) :int
539 (clockid clockid-t)
540 (tp :pointer))
542 (defentrypoint %sys-clock-gettime (clock-id)
543 "Returns the time of the clock CLOCKID."
544 (with-foreign-object (ts 'timespec)
545 (with-foreign-slots ((sec nsec) ts timespec)
546 (%%sys-clock-gettime clock-id ts)
547 (values sec nsec))))
549 (defsyscall ("clock_settime" %%sys-clock-settime) :int
550 (clockid clockid-t)
551 (tp :pointer))
553 (defentrypoint %sys-clock-settime (clock-id)
554 "Sets the time of the clock CLOCKID."
555 (with-foreign-object (ts 'timespec)
556 (with-foreign-slots ((sec nsec) ts timespec)
557 (%%sys-clock-settime clock-id ts)
558 (values sec nsec)))))
560 (defentrypoint %sys-get-monotonic-time ()
561 "Gets current time in seconds from a system's monotonic clock."
562 (multiple-value-bind (seconds nanoseconds)
563 #-darwin (%sys-clock-gettime clock-monotonic)
564 #+darwin (%sys-clock-get-time (%sys-host-get-clock-service system-clock))
565 (+ seconds (/ nanoseconds 1d9))))
568 ;;;-------------------------------------------------------------------------
569 ;;; Environement
570 ;;;-------------------------------------------------------------------------
572 (defcvar ("environ" :read-only t) (:pointer :string))
574 (defsyscall ("getenv" %sys-getenv) :string
575 "Returns the value of an environment variable"
576 (name :string))
578 (defsyscall ("setenv" %sys-setenv) :int
579 "Changes the value of an environment variable"
580 (name :string)
581 (value :string)
582 (overwrite bool-designator))
584 (defsyscall ("unsetenv" %sys-unsetenv) :int
585 "Removes the binding of an environment variable"
586 (name :string))
589 ;;;-------------------------------------------------------------------------
590 ;;; Hostname info
591 ;;;-------------------------------------------------------------------------
593 (defsyscall ("gethostname" %%sys-gethostname) :int
594 (name :pointer)
595 (namelen size-t))
597 (defentrypoint %sys-gethostname ()
598 (with-foreign-pointer-as-string ((cstr size) 256)
599 (%%sys-gethostname cstr size)))
601 (defsyscall ("getdomainname" %%sys-getdomainname) :int
602 (name :pointer)
603 (namelen size-t))
605 (defentrypoint %sys-getdomainname ()
606 (with-foreign-pointer-as-string ((cstr size) 256)
607 (%%sys-getdomainname cstr size)))
610 ;;;-------------------------------------------------------------------------
611 ;;; User info
612 ;;;-------------------------------------------------------------------------
614 (defcfun ("getpwuid_r" %%sys-getpwuid-r)
615 (return-wrapper :int :error-predicate (lambda (x) (not (zerop x)))
616 :error-generator signal-posix-error-from-return-value)
617 (uid uid-t)
618 (pwd :pointer)
619 (buffer :pointer)
620 (bufsize size-t)
621 (result :pointer))
623 (defcfun ("getpwnam_r" %%sys-getpwnam-r)
624 (return-wrapper :int :error-predicate (lambda (x) (not (zerop x)))
625 :error-generator signal-posix-error-from-return-value)
626 (name :string)
627 (pwd :pointer)
628 (buffer :pointer)
629 (bufsize size-t)
630 (result :pointer))
632 (defun funcall-getpw (fn arg)
633 (with-foreign-objects ((pw 'passwd-entry) (pwp :pointer))
634 (with-foreign-pointer (buf 4096 bufsize)
635 (with-foreign-slots ((name passwd uid gid gecos dir shell) pw passwd-entry)
636 (funcall fn arg pw buf bufsize pwp)
637 (if (null-pointer-p (mem-ref pwp :pointer))
639 (values name passwd uid gid gecos dir shell))))))
641 (defentrypoint %sys-getpwuid (uid)
642 "Gets the password-entry of a user, by user id."
643 (funcall-getpw #'%%sys-getpwuid-r uid))
645 (defentrypoint %sys-getpwnam (name)
646 "Gets the password-entry of a user, by username."
647 (funcall-getpw #'%%sys-getpwnam-r name))
650 ;;;-------------------------------------------------------------------------
651 ;;; Group info
652 ;;;-------------------------------------------------------------------------
654 (defsyscall ("getgrgid_r" %%sys-getgrgid-r)
655 (return-wrapper :int :error-predicate (lambda (x) (not (zerop x)))
656 :error-generator signal-posix-error-from-return-value)
657 (uid uid-t)
658 (grp :pointer)
659 (buffer :pointer)
660 (bufsize size-t)
661 (result :pointer))
663 (defsyscall ("getgrnam_r" %%sys-getgrnam-r)
664 (return-wrapper :int :error-predicate (lambda (x) (not (zerop x)))
665 :error-generator signal-posix-error-from-return-value)
666 (name :string)
667 (grp :pointer)
668 (buffer :pointer)
669 (bufsize size-t)
670 (result :pointer))
672 (defun funcall-getgr (fn arg)
673 (with-foreign-objects ((gr 'group-entry) (grp :pointer))
674 (with-foreign-pointer (buf 4096 bufsize)
675 (with-foreign-slots ((name passwd gid) gr group-entry)
676 (funcall fn arg gr buf bufsize grp)
677 (if (null-pointer-p (mem-ref grp :pointer))
679 (values name passwd gid))))))
681 (defentrypoint %sys-getgrgid (gid)
682 "Gets a group-entry, by group id. (reentrant)"
683 (funcall-getgr #'%%sys-getgrgid-r gid))
685 (defentrypoint %sys-getgrnam (name)
686 "Gets a group-entry, by group name. (reentrant)"
687 (funcall-getgr #'%%sys-getgrnam-r name))