Further improvements to sequence output by Francois-Rene Rideau.
[iolib.git] / io.encodings / external-format.lisp
1 ;; -*- Mode: Lisp; Syntax: ANSI-Common-Lisp -*-
3 ;; This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
4 ;; modify it under the terms of the version 2.1 of
5 ;; the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
6 ;; the Free Software Foundation, as clarified by the
7 ;; preamble found here:
8 ;; http://opensource.franz.com/preamble.html
9 ;;
10 ;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
11 ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
13 ;; GNU General Public License for more details.
15 ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General
16 ;; Public License along with this library; if not, write to the
17 ;; Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor,
18 ;; Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
20 (in-package :io.encodings)
22 (declaim (optimize (speed 0) (space 0) (safety 3) (debug 3)))
24 ;; Mostly taken from SBCL's sb-simple-streams contrib
25 ;;; **********************************************************************
26 ;;; This code was written by Paul Foley
27 ;;;
29 ;;; Sbcl port by Rudi Schlatte.
31 (define-condition octet-encoding-error (error)
32 ((string :initarg :string :reader octets-encoding-error-string)
33 (start :initarg :start :accessor octet-encoding-error-start)
34 (end :initarg :end :accessor octet-encoding-error-end)
35 (position :initarg :position :reader octets-encoding-error-position)
36 (external-format :initarg :external-format
37 :reader octets-encoding-error-external-format))
38 (:report (lambda (c s)
39 (format s "Unable to encode character ~A as ~S."
40 (char-code (char (octets-encoding-error-string c)
41 (octets-encoding-error-position c)))
42 (octets-encoding-error-external-format c)))))
44 (define-condition illegal-character (octet-encoding-error) ())
47 (define-condition octet-decoding-error (error)
48 ((array :initarg :array :accessor octet-decoding-error-array)
49 (start :initarg :start :accessor octet-decoding-error-start)
50 (end :initarg :end :accessor octet-decoding-error-end)
51 (position :initarg :position :accessor octet-decoding-bad-byte-position)
52 (external-format :initarg :external-format
53 :accessor octet-decoding-error-external-format))
54 (:report
55 (lambda (c s)
56 (format s "Illegal ~A character starting at byte position ~D: ~A."
57 (octet-decoding-error-external-format c)
58 (octet-decoding-bad-byte-position c)
59 (cffi:mem-aref (octet-decoding-error-array c) :uint8
60 (octet-decoding-bad-byte-position c))))))
62 (define-condition end-of-input-in-character (octet-decoding-error) ())
63 (define-condition malformed-multibyte-sequence (octet-decoding-error) ())
64 (define-condition invalid-starter-octet (malformed-multibyte-sequence) ())
65 (define-condition invalid-continuation-octet (malformed-multibyte-sequence) ())
66 (define-condition overlong-octet-sequence (malformed-multibyte-sequence) ())
67 (define-condition illegal-code-point (octet-decoding-error) ())
69 ;;;
70 ;;;
72 ;;;
73 ;;;
75 (deftype line-terminator ()
76 '(member :unix :mac :dos))
78 (defvar *default-external-format* #+ucs-chars :utf-8
79 #-ucs-chars :iso-8859-1)
80 (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
81 (defvar *default-line-terminator* :unix))
83 (defvar *external-formats* (make-hash-table))
84 (defvar *external-format-aliases* (make-hash-table))
85 (defvar *external-format-list* nil)
87 (defstruct (external-format
88 (:conc-name ef-)
89 (:print-function %print-external-format)
90 (:constructor %make-external-format (name
91 line-terminator
92 octet-size
93 octets-to-char
94 char-to-octets)))
95 (name (missing-arg) :type keyword :read-only t)
96 (line-terminator (missing-arg) :type keyword)
97 (octets-to-char (missing-arg) :type function :read-only t)
98 (char-to-octets (missing-arg) :type function :read-only t)
99 (octet-size (missing-arg) :type real))
101 (defun %print-external-format (ef stream depth)
102 (declare (ignore depth))
103 (print-unreadable-object (ef stream :type t :identity nil)
104 (format stream "~A ~S"
105 (ef-name ef) (ef-line-terminator ef))))
107 (defun make-external-format (name &key new-name
108 (line-terminator *default-line-terminator*)
109 (octet-size 1.5))
110 (check-type line-terminator line-terminator)
111 (let ((ef (find-external-format name)))
112 (%make-external-format
113 (or new-name (ef-name ef))
114 (or line-terminator (ef-line-terminator ef))
115 (if (and octet-size (<= 1 octet-size 4))
116 octet-size
117 (ef-octet-size ef))
118 (ef-octets-to-char ef)
119 (ef-char-to-octets ef))))
122 ;;; UTILS
124 (deftype octet ()
125 '(unsigned-byte 8))
127 (deftype buffer-index ()
128 '(unsigned-byte 24))
130 (defmacro add-external-format (name aliases ef)
131 (let (($alias$ (gensym "ALIAS")))
132 `(progn
133 (setf (gethash ,name *external-formats*) ,ef)
134 (setf *external-format-list* (append *external-format-list* (list ,name)))
135 (dolist (,$alias$ ',aliases)
136 (assert (keywordp ,$alias$))
137 (setf (gethash ,$alias$ *external-format-aliases*) ,name)))))
139 (defmacro define-external-format (name aliases octet-size octets-to-char char-to-octets
140 &key (line-terminator *default-line-terminator*))
141 (let (($ef$ (gensym "EF")))
142 `(macrolet ((to-char (&body body)
143 `(lambda (input output error-fn bytes-left)
144 (declare (type (function () octet) input)
145 (type (function (character) t) output)
146 (type (function (symbol) character) error-fn)
147 (type buffer-index bytes-left)
148 (ignorable input output error-fn bytes-left))
149 ,@body))
150 (to-octets (&body body)
151 `(lambda (input output error-fn chars-left)
152 (declare (type (function () character) input)
153 (type (function (octet) t) output)
154 (type (function (symbol) character) error-fn)
155 (type buffer-index chars-left)
156 (ignorable input output error-fn chars-left))
157 ,@body)))
158 (let ((,$ef$ (%make-external-format ,name ,line-terminator ,octet-size
159 ,octets-to-char ,char-to-octets)))
160 (add-external-format ,name ,aliases ,$ef$)))))
162 (defun find-external-format (name &optional (error-p t))
163 (when (external-format-p name)
164 (return-from find-external-format name))
166 (when (eq name :default)
167 (setq name *default-external-format*))
168 (when (stringp name)
169 (setf name (iolib-utils:ensure-keyword name)))
171 (or (gethash name *external-formats*)
172 (gethash (gethash name *external-format-aliases*)
173 *external-formats*)
174 (if error-p (error "External format ~S not found." name) nil)))
182 (define-condition void-external-format (error) ()
183 (:report
184 (lambda (condition stream)
185 (declare (ignore condition))
186 (format stream "Attempting I/O through void external-format."))))
188 (define-external-format :void () 0
189 (to-char
190 (error 'void-external-format))
191 (to-octets
192 (error 'void-external-format)))
194 (define-external-format :ascii (:us-ascii) 1
195 (to-char
196 (declare (optimize (speed 3) (space 0) (safety 0) (debug 0)))
197 (let ((code (funcall input)))
198 (if (< code 128)
199 (funcall output (aref +iso-8859-1-table+ code))
200 (funcall output (funcall error-fn 'illegal-code-point)))))
201 (to-octets
202 (declare (optimize (speed 3) (space 0) (safety 0) (debug 0)))
203 (let ((code (char-code (funcall input))))
204 (if (< code 128)
205 (funcall output code)
206 (funcall output (char-code (funcall error-fn 'illegal-character)))))))
208 (define-external-format :iso-8859-1 (:iso8859-1 :ISO_8859-1 :latin1 :l1
209 :csISOLatin1 :iso-ir-100 :CP819) 1
210 (to-char
211 (declare (optimize (speed 3) (space 0) (safety 0) (debug 0)))
212 (let ((code (funcall input)))
213 (funcall output (aref +iso-8859-1-table+ code))))
214 (to-octets
215 (declare (optimize (speed 3) (space 0) (safety 0) (debug 0)))
216 (let ((code (char-code (funcall input))))
217 (if (< code 256)
218 (funcall output code)
219 (funcall output (char-code (funcall error-fn 'illegal-character)))))))
221 #+ucs-chars
222 (defmacro define-iso-8859-external-formats (indexes)
223 (flet ((get-name-and-aliases (index)
224 (if (endp index)
225 (values index nil)
226 (values (car index)
227 (cdr index)))))
228 `(progn
229 ,@(loop :for i :in indexes
230 :collect
231 (multiple-value-bind (index aliases) (get-name-and-aliases i)
232 (let ((table (iolib-utils:concat-symbol "+iso-8859-" index "-table+"))
233 (name (iolib-utils:ensure-keyword
234 (concatenate 'string "ISO-8859-" index))))
235 (push (iolib-utils:ensure-keyword
236 (concatenate 'string "ISO8859-" index))
237 aliases)
238 `(define-external-format ,name ,aliases 1
239 (to-char
240 (declare (optimize (speed 3) (space 0) (safety 0) (debug 0)))
241 (let ((code (funcall input)))
242 (funcall output (aref ,table code))))
243 (to-octets
244 (declare (optimize (speed 3) (space 0) (safety 0) (debug 0)))
245 (let ((code (position (funcall input) ,table)))
246 (if code
247 (funcall output code)
248 (funcall output
249 (position (funcall error-fn 'illegal-character)
250 ,table))))))))))))
252 #+ucs-chars
253 (define-iso-8859-external-formats
254 (("2" :ISO_8859-2 :latin2 :l2 :csISOLatin2 :iso-ir-101)
255 ("3" :ISO_8859-3 :latin3 :l3 :csISOLatin3 :iso-ir-109)
256 ("4" :ISO_8859-4 :latin4 :l4 :csISOLatin4 :iso-ir-110)
257 ("5" :ISO_8859-5 :cyrillic :csISOLatinCyrillic :iso-ir-144)
258 ("6" :ISO_8859-6 :arabic :csISOLatinArabic :iso-ir-127)
259 ("7" :ISO_8859-7 :greek :greek8 :csISOLatinGreek :iso-ir-126)
260 ("8" :ISO_8859-8 :hebrew :csISOLatinHebrew :iso-ir-138)
261 ("9" :ISO_8859-9 :latin5 :l5 :csISOLatin5 :iso-ir-148)
262 ("10" :ISO_8859-10 :latin6 :l6 :csISOLatin6 :iso-ir-157)
263 ("11" :ISO_8859-11 :thai :csISOLatinThai :iso-ir-166)
264 ("13" :ISO_8859-13 :baltic :csISOLatinBaltic :iso-ir-179)
265 ("14" :ISO_8859-14 :iso-celtic :latin8 :l8 :csISOLatinCeltic :iso-ir-199)
266 ("15" :ISO_8859-15 :latin9 :l9 :csISOLatin9 :iso-ir-203)
267 ("16" :ISO_8859-16 :latin10 :l10 :csISOLatin10 :iso-ir-226)))
269 (iolib-utils:define-constant +max-unicode-code-point+ #x10FFFF)
271 #+ucs-chars (declaim (inline illegal-unicode-code-point))
272 #+ucs-chars
273 (defun illegal-unicode-code-point (code)
274 (declare (type (unsigned-byte 32) code))
275 (or (<= #xD800 code #xDFFF)
276 (= code #xFFFE)
277 (= code #xFFFF)
278 (> code +max-unicode-code-point+)))
280 #+ucs-chars
281 (define-external-format :utf-8 (:utf8) 2
282 (to-char
283 (declare (optimize (speed 3) (space 0) (safety 0) (debug 0)))
284 (block utf-8-decode
285 (let ((code 0) (bytes-needed nil)
286 (byte0 0) (byte1 0)
287 (byte2 0) (byte3 0))
288 (declare (type octet byte0 byte1 byte2 byte3))
289 (labels ((decode-err (sym)
290 (return-from utf-8-decode
291 (funcall output (funcall error-fn sym))))
292 (utf-8-byte-len (code)
293 (declare (type octet code))
294 (cond
295 ((not (logbitp 7 code)) 1)
296 ((= (logand code #b11100000) #b11000000) 2)
297 ((= (logand code #b11110000) #b11100000) 3)
298 ((= (logand code #b11111000) #b11110000) 4)
299 (t (decode-err 'invalid-starter-octet))))
300 (valid-secondary-check (byte)
301 (or (= (logand byte #b11000000) #b10000000)
302 (decode-err 'invalid-continuation-octet)))
303 (overlong-check (starter mask)
304 (or (/= starter byte0)
305 (/= (logior byte1 mask) mask)
306 (decode-err 'overlong-octet-sequence))))
307 (macrolet ((put-and-check-valid-secondary-bytes (&rest places)
308 `(progn ,@(reduce #'append places
309 :key #'(lambda (x) `((setf ,x (funcall input))
310 (valid-secondary-check ,x)))))))
311 (setf byte0 (funcall input)
312 bytes-needed (utf-8-byte-len byte0))
313 (when (< bytes-left bytes-needed)
314 (decode-err 'end-of-input-in-character))
315 (case bytes-needed
316 (1 (setf code byte0))
317 (2 (put-and-check-valid-secondary-bytes byte1)
318 (overlong-check #b11000000 #b10111111)
319 (overlong-check #b11000001 #b10111111)
320 (setf code (logior (ash (ldb (byte 5 0) byte0) 6)
321 (ldb (byte 6 0) byte1))))
322 (3 (put-and-check-valid-secondary-bytes byte1 byte2)
323 (overlong-check #b11100000 #b10011111)
324 (setf code (logior (ash (ldb (byte 4 0) byte0) 12)
325 (ash (ldb (byte 6 0) byte1) 6)
326 (ldb (byte 6 0) byte2)))
327 (when (illegal-unicode-code-point code)
328 (decode-err 'illegal-code-point)))
329 (4 (put-and-check-valid-secondary-bytes byte1 byte2 byte3)
330 (overlong-check #b11110000 #b10001111)
331 (setf code (logior (ash (ldb (byte 3 0) byte0) 18)
332 (ash (ldb (byte 6 0) byte1) 12)
333 (ash (ldb (byte 6 0) byte2) 6)
334 (ldb (byte 6 0) byte3)))))
335 (funcall output (code-char code)))))))
336 (to-octets
337 (declare (optimize (speed 3) (space 0) (safety 0) (debug 0)))
338 (let ((code (char-code (funcall input))))
339 (when (illegal-unicode-code-point code)
340 (setf code (char-code (funcall error-fn 'illegal-character))))
341 (cond
342 ((< code #x80)
343 (funcall output code))
344 ((< code #x800)
345 (funcall output (logior #xC0 (ldb (byte 5 6) code)))
346 (funcall output (logior #x80 (ldb (byte 6 0) code))))
347 ((< code #x10000)
348 (funcall output (logior #xE0 (ldb (byte 4 12) code)))
349 (funcall output (logior #x80 (ldb (byte 6 6) code)))
350 (funcall output (logior #x80 (ldb (byte 6 0) code))))
351 ((< code #x200000)
352 (funcall output (logior #xF0 (ldb (byte 3 18) code)))
353 (funcall output (logior #x80 (ldb (byte 6 12) code)))
354 (funcall output (logior #x80 (ldb (byte 6 6) code)))
355 (funcall output (logior #x80 (ldb (byte 6 0) code))))))))
357 #+ucs-chars
358 (define-external-format :utf-16 (:utf16 :utf-16be :utf16be) 2
359 (to-char
360 (declare (optimize (speed 3) (space 0) (safety 0) (debug 0)))
361 (block utf-16-decode
362 (flet ((read-word ()
363 (+ (ash (funcall input) 8) (funcall input)))
364 (decode-err (sym)
365 (return-from utf-16-decode
366 (funcall output (funcall error-fn sym)))))
367 (macrolet ((put-word (word bytes-needed)
368 `(progn (when (> ,bytes-needed bytes-left)
369 (decode-err 'end-of-input-in-character))
370 (setf ,word (read-word)))))
371 (let ((code 0) (w0 0) (w1 0))
372 (declare (type (unsigned-byte 32) code)
373 (type (unsigned-byte 16) w0 w1))
374 (put-word w0 2)
375 (cond ((not (<= #xD800 w0 #xDFFF))
376 (setf code w0))
377 ((> w0 #xDBFF)
378 (decode-err 'invalid-starter-octet))
379 (t (put-word w1 4)
380 (if (<= #xDC00 w1 #xDFFF)
381 (setf code (+ (ash (ldb (byte 10 0) w0) 10)
382 (ldb (byte 10 0) w1)
383 #x10000))
384 (decode-err 'invalid-continuation-octet))))
385 (funcall output (code-char code)))))))
386 (to-octets
387 (declare (optimize (speed 3) (space 0) (safety 0) (debug 0)))
388 (flet ((write-word (word)
389 (funcall output (ldb (byte 8 8) word))
390 (funcall output (ldb (byte 8 0) word))))
391 (let ((code (char-code (funcall input))))
392 (when (illegal-unicode-code-point code)
393 (setf code (char-code (funcall error-fn 'illegal-character))))
394 (cond ((< code #x10000)
395 (write-word code))
396 (t (decf code #x10000)
397 (write-word (logior #xD800 (ldb (byte 10 10) code)))
398 (write-word (logior #xDC00 (ldb (byte 10 0) code)))))))))
400 #+ucs-chars
401 (define-external-format :utf-16le (:utf16le) 2
402 (to-char
403 (declare (optimize (speed 3) (space 0) (safety 0) (debug 0)))
404 (block utf-16-decode
405 (flet ((read-word ()
406 (+ (funcall input) (ash (funcall input) 8)))
407 (decode-err (sym)
408 (return-from utf-16-decode
409 (funcall output (funcall error-fn sym)))))
410 (macrolet ((put-word (word bytes-needed)
411 `(progn (when (> ,bytes-needed bytes-left)
412 (decode-err 'end-of-input-in-character))
413 (setf ,word (read-word)))))
414 (let ((code 0) (w0 0) (w1 0))
415 (declare (type (unsigned-byte 32) code)
416 (type (unsigned-byte 16) w0 w1))
417 (put-word w0 2)
418 (cond ((not (<= #xD800 w0 #xDFFF))
419 (setf code w0))
420 ((> w0 #xDBFF)
421 (decode-err 'invalid-starter-octet))
422 (t (put-word w1 4)
423 (if (<= #xDC00 w1 #xDFFF)
424 (setf code (+ (ash (ldb (byte 10 0) w0) 10)
425 (ldb (byte 10 0) w1)
426 #x10000))
427 (decode-err 'invalid-continuation-octet))))
428 (funcall output (code-char code)))))))
429 (to-octets
430 (declare (optimize (speed 3) (space 0) (safety 0) (debug 0)))
431 (flet ((write-word (word)
432 (funcall output (ldb (byte 8 0) word))
433 (funcall output (ldb (byte 8 8) word))))
434 (let ((code (char-code (funcall input))))
435 (when (illegal-unicode-code-point code)
436 (setf code (char-code (funcall error-fn 'illegal-character))))
437 (cond ((< code #x10000)
438 (write-word code))
439 (t (decf code #x10000)
440 (write-word (logior #xD800 (ldb (byte 10 10) code)))
441 (write-word (logior #xDC00 (ldb (byte 10 0) code)))))))))
449 (iolib-utils:define-constant +replacement-char+
450 #+ucs-chars #xFFFD
451 #-ucs-chars (char-code #\?))
457 (defmacro octets-to-char (external-format input output error-fn bytes-left)
458 `(funcall (ef-octets-to-char ,external-format) ,input ,output ,error-fn
459 ,bytes-left))
461 (defun read-replacement-char ()
462 (format *query-io* "Enter a replacement character(evaluated): ")
463 (finish-output *query-io*)
464 (list (eval (read *query-io*))))
466 (defun %octets-to-string (buffer string start end ef &optional max-char-num (prevptr start))
467 (declare (type et:foreign-pointer buffer)
468 (type buffer-index start end)
469 (type external-format ef)
470 (type (or null signed-byte) max-char-num)
471 (optimize (speed 3) (space 0) (safety 0) (debug 0)))
472 (unless max-char-num (setf max-char-num -1))
473 (let ((ptr start)
474 (pos -1)
475 (char-count -1)
476 oldpos oldptr)
477 (labels
478 ((input ()
479 (prog1 (cffi:mem-aref buffer :uint8 ptr) (incf ptr)))
480 (output (char)
481 (setf (char string (incf pos)) char))
482 (error-fn (symbol)
483 (restart-case
484 (error symbol :array buffer
485 :start start :end end
486 :position oldptr
487 :external-format (ef-name ef))
488 (use-value (s)
489 :report "Supply a replacement character."
490 :interactive read-replacement-char
492 (use-standard-unicode-replacement ()
493 :report "Use standard UCS replacement character"
494 (code-char +replacement-char+))
495 (stop-decoding ()
496 :report "Stop decoding and return to last good offset."
497 (setf pos oldpos)
498 (exit))))
499 (exit ()
500 (return-from %octets-to-string (values (1+ pos) (- ptr start) prevptr))))
501 (loop :while (and (< ptr end)
502 (/= (incf char-count) max-char-num))
503 :do (setf oldpos pos
504 oldptr ptr)
505 (octets-to-char ef #'input #'output #'error-fn (- end ptr))
506 (setf prevptr oldptr))
507 (exit))))
510 (defun octets-to-string (octets
511 &key (start 0) end
512 (external-format :default)
513 (auto-correct nil))
514 (setf octets (coerce octets '(simple-array octet (*))))
515 (check-type start buffer-index)
516 (check-type end (or null buffer-index))
517 (let ((ef (find-external-format external-format))
518 (end (or end (length octets)))
519 (string nil))
520 (assert (<= start end))
521 (setf string (make-string (- end start)))
522 (cffi:with-pointer-to-vector-data (octets-ptr octets)
523 (let ((pos (if auto-correct
524 (handler-bind ((octet-decoding-error
525 #'(lambda (error)
526 (declare (ignore error))
527 (invoke-restart 'use-value #\?))))
528 (%octets-to-string octets-ptr string start end ef))
529 (%octets-to-string octets-ptr string start end ef))))
530 (shrink-vector string pos)))))
536 (defmacro char-to-octets (ef input output error-fn chars-left)
537 `(funcall (ef-char-to-octets ,ef) ,input ,output ,error-fn
538 ,chars-left))
540 (defun string-to-octets (string &key start end
541 (external-format :default)
542 adjust-factor)
543 (declare (type string string)
544 (type (or null buffer-index) start)
545 (type (or null buffer-index) end)
546 (type (or null real) adjust-factor)
547 (optimize (speed 3) (space 0) (safety 0) (debug 0)))
549 (setf start (or start 0)
550 end (or end (length string)))
551 (let* ((ef (find-external-format external-format))
552 (buffer (make-array (1+ (length string))
553 :element-type 'octet
554 :adjustable t))
555 (adjust-threshold (length string))
556 (ptr start) oldptr
557 (pos -1) oldpos)
558 (setf adjust-factor (if (and adjust-factor (<= 1 adjust-factor 4))
559 adjust-factor
560 (ef-octet-size ef)))
561 (tagbody
562 (flet ((input ()
563 (prog1 (char string ptr) (incf ptr)))
564 (output (octet)
565 (setf (aref buffer (incf pos)) octet)
566 (when (= pos adjust-threshold)
567 (setf adjust-threshold (truncate (* adjust-factor (1+ pos))))
568 (setf buffer (adjust-array buffer adjust-threshold))))
569 (error-fn (symbol)
570 (restart-case
571 (error symbol :string buffer
572 :start start :end end
573 :position oldptr
574 :external-format (ef-name ef))
575 (use-value (s)
576 :report "Supply a replacement character."
577 :interactive read-replacement-char
579 (use-standard-unicode-replacement ()
580 :report "Use standard UCS replacement character"
581 (code-char +replacement-char+))
582 (stop-decoding ()
583 :report "Stop decoding and return to last good offset."
584 (setf pos oldpos)
585 (go :exit)))))
586 (loop :while (< ptr end)
587 :do (setf oldpos pos oldptr ptr)
588 (char-to-octets ef #'input #'output #'error-fn (- end ptr))))
589 :exit (return-from string-to-octets (shrink-vector buffer (1+ pos))))))