Release 0.8.2
[iolib.git] / tests / sockets.lisp
1 ;;;; -*- Mode: Lisp; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
2 ;;;
3 ;;; --- iolib.sockets test suite.
4 ;;;
6 (in-package :iolib-tests)
8 (in-suite :iolib.sockets)
10 (iolib.base:enable-literal-reader)
12 (defparameter *echo-address* (lookup-hostname ""))
13 (defparameter *echo-port* 7)
14 (defparameter *echo-timeout* 2)
16 ;;;; Addresses
18 ;;; a real address
19 (test (address-to-vector.ipv4.string.1 :compile-at :definition-time)
20 (is (equalp (address-to-vector "")
21 (values #(127 0 0 1) :ipv4))))
23 ;;; and an address with bit 8 set on some octets
24 (test (address-to-vector.ipv4.string.2 :compile-at :definition-time)
25 (is (equalp (address-to-vector "")
26 (values #(242 1 211 3) :ipv4))))
28 ;;; a real address
29 (test (address-to-vector.ipv4.vector.1 :compile-at :definition-time)
30 (is (equalp (address-to-vector #(127 0 0 1))
31 (values #(127 0 0 1) :ipv4))))
33 (test (address-to-vector.ipv6.string.1 :compile-at :definition-time)
34 (is (equalp (address-to-vector "::")
35 (values #(0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0) :ipv6))))
37 (test (address-to-vector.ipv6.vector.1 :compile-at :definition-time)
38 (is (equalp (address-to-vector #(0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0))
39 (values #(0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0) :ipv6))))
41 ;;; RT: used to return the PARSE-ERROR as a secondary value.
42 (test (string-address-to-vector.1 :compile-at :definition-time)
43 (is-false (string-address-to-vector "")))
45 ;;; RT: should only ignore PARSE-ERRORs.
46 (test (string-address-to-vector.2 :compile-at :definition-time)
47 (signals type-error
48 (string-address-to-vector 'not-a-string)))
50 ;;; RT: should signal a PARSE-ERROR when given an invalid string.
51 (test (ensure-address.1 :compile-at :definition-time)
52 (signals parse-error
53 (ensure-address "ff0x::114")))
55 ;;; ditto
56 (test (ensure-address.2 :compile-at :definition-time)
57 (signals parse-error
58 (ensure-address "")))
60 (test (ensure-address.3 :compile-at :definition-time)
61 (is-false
62 (or (ensure-address "ff0x::114" :errorp nil)
63 (ensure-address "" :errorp nil))))
65 (test (integer-to-dotted-and-back :compile-at :definition-time)
66 (is-true
67 (every (lambda (s) (string= s (integer-to-dotted (dotted-to-integer s))))
68 '("" "" ""))))
70 (test (integer-to-dotted.1 :compile-at :definition-time)
71 (is (string= (integer-to-dotted 0)
72 "")))
74 (test (integer-to-dotted.2 :compile-at :definition-time)
75 (is (string= (integer-to-dotted +max-ipv4-value+)
76 "")))
78 (test (integer-to-dotted.3 :compile-at :definition-time)
79 (signals type-error
80 (integer-to-dotted (1+ +max-ipv4-value+))))
82 (test (integer-to-dotted.4 :compile-at :definition-time)
83 (signals type-error
84 (integer-to-dotted -1)))
86 (test (dotted-to-vector.1 :compile-at :definition-time)
87 (is (equalp (mapcar #'dotted-to-vector '("" "" ""))
88 '(#(255 255 255 255) #(0 0 0 0) #(127 0 0 1)))))
90 (test (dotted-to-vector.2 :compile-at :definition-time)
91 (signals parse-error
92 (dotted-to-vector "")))
94 (test (dotted-to-vector.3 :compile-at :definition-time)
95 (signals type-error
96 (dotted-to-vector 'not-a-string)))
98 (test (vector-to-dotted.1 :compile-at :definition-time)
99 (is (equalp (mapcar #'vector-to-dotted '(#(255 255 255 255) #(0 0 0 0) (127 0 0 1)))
100 '("" "" ""))))
102 (test (vector-to-dotted.2 :compile-at :definition-time)
103 (signals type-error
104 (vector-to-dotted #(127 0 0 256))))
106 (test (address-to-string.1 :compile-at :definition-time)
107 (is (equalp (mapcar (lambda (x) (address-to-string (make-address x)))
108 '(#(127 0 0 1) #(255 255 255 255) #(0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0)
109 #(0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1) #(1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0)))
110 '("" "" "::" "::1" "1::"))))
112 (test (vector-to-colon-separated.1 :compile-at :definition-time)
113 (is (equalp (let ((ip #(0 0 0 255 255 255 0 0)))
114 (values (vector-to-colon-separated ip)
115 (vector-to-colon-separated ip :downcase)
116 (vector-to-colon-separated ip :upcase)))
117 (values "::ff:ff:ff:0:" "::ff:ff:ff:0:" "::FF:FF:FF:0:"))))
119 (test (vector-to-colon-separated.2 :compile-at :definition-time)
120 (is (string= (vector-to-colon-separated #(1 2 3 4 5 0 6 7))
121 "1:2:3:4:5::6:7")))
123 (test (vector-to-colon-separated.3 :compile-at :definition-time)
124 (is (string= (vector-to-colon-separated #(0 2 3 4 5 0 6 7))
125 ":2:3:4:5::6:7")))
127 (test (vector-to-colon-separated.4 :compile-at :definition-time)
128 (is (string= (vector-to-colon-separated #(1 2 3 4 5 0 6 0))
129 "1:2:3:4:5::6:")))
131 (test (colon-separated-to-vector.1 :compile-at :definition-time)
132 (is (equalp (mapcar #'colon-separated-to-vector
133 '(":ff::ff:" "::" "::1" "1::" ":2:3:4:5:6:7:8" "1:2:3:4:5:6:7:"
134 ":1::2:" "::" ":1::"))
135 '(#(0 #xff 0 0 0 0 #xff 0)
136 #(0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0)
137 #(0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1)
138 #(1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0)
139 #(0 2 3 4 5 6 7 8)
140 #(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0)
141 #(0 1 0 0 0 0 2 0)
142 #(0 0 0 0 0 0 #x7f00 1)
143 #(0 1 0 0 0 0 #x7f00 1)))))
145 (test (address=.1 :compile-at :definition-time)
146 (is-true (address= +ipv4-loopback+ (make-address #(127 0 0 1)))))
148 (test (address=.2 :compile-at :definition-time)
149 (is-true (address= +ipv6-loopback+ (ensure-address "::1"))))
151 (test (copy-address.1 :compile-at :definition-time)
152 (is-true (loop for designator in (list "" +max-ipv4-value+ "::" "::1")
153 for addr1 = (ensure-address designator)
154 for addr2 = (ensure-address designator)
155 for addr3 = (copy-address addr1)
156 always (and (address= addr1 addr2)
157 (address= addr1 addr3)
158 (address= addr2 addr3)))))
160 (test (make-address.1 :compile-at :definition-time)
161 (signals type-error
162 (make-address 'not-a-valid-designator)))
164 (test (address.unspecified.1 :compile-at :definition-time)
165 (is-true (every #'inet-address-unspecified-p
166 (mapcar #'ensure-address '("" "::" "0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0")))))
168 (test (address.loopback.1 :compile-at :definition-time)
169 (is-true (every #'inet-address-loopback-p
170 (mapcar #'ensure-address '("" "::1" "0:0::1")))))
172 (test (address.multicast.1 :compile-at :definition-time)
173 (is-true (every #'inet-address-multicast-p
174 (mapcar #'ensure-address
175 '("" "" "" ""
176 "ff02::2" "ff0a::114" "ff05::1:3")))))
178 (test (address.ipv6-ipv4-mapped.1 :compile-at :definition-time)
179 (is-true (ipv6-ipv4-mapped-p (ensure-address "::ffff:"))))
181 (test (address.ipv6.1 :compile-at :definition-time)
182 (is (equalp (address-to-vector "::")
183 (values #(0 0 0 0 0 0 #x0102 #x0304) :ipv6))))
185 ;;;; Host Lookup
187 (defparameter *google-ns*
188 (list #/ip/ #/ip/
190 #-no-internet-available
191 (test (lookup-hostname.1 :compile-at :definition-time)
192 (is (equalp (multiple-value-bind (address addresses truename)
193 (lookup-hostname "" :ipv6 nil :ns *google-ns*)
194 (declare (ignore addresses))
195 (values (address-equal-p address #(198 41 0 4))
196 truename))
197 (values t ""))))
199 #-no-internet-available
200 (test (lookup-hostname.2 :compile-at :definition-time)
201 (is-true (string= (nth-value 2 (lookup-hostname #(198 41 0 4) :ns *google-ns*))
202 "")))
204 (test (lookup-hostname.3 :compile-at :definition-time)
205 (signals resolver-no-name-error
206 (lookup-hostname "" :ns *google-ns*)))
208 (test (lookup-hostname.4 :compile-at :definition-time)
209 (is-true (address-equal-p (lookup-hostname #(127 0 0 1) :ipv6 nil :ns *google-ns*)
210 #(127 0 0 1))))
212 (test (lookup-hostname.5 :compile-at :definition-time)
213 (signals parse-error
214 (lookup-hostname #(127 0 0) :ns *google-ns*)))
216 (test (lookup-hostname.6 :compile-at :definition-time)
217 (signals resolver-no-name-error
218 (lookup-hostname #(127 0 0 1) :ipv6 :ipv6 :ns *google-ns*)))
220 ;;;; Service Lookup
222 (test (lookup-service.1 :compile-at :definition-time)
223 (is (equalp (lookup-service "ssh")
224 (values 22 "ssh" :tcp))))
226 (test (lookup-service.2 :compile-at :definition-time)
227 (is (equalp (lookup-service 53 :udp)
228 (values 53 "domain" :udp))))
230 ;;; looks up a reserved service port
231 (test (lookup-service.3 :compile-at :definition-time)
232 ;; TODO: check for a more specific error.
233 (signals unknown-service
234 (lookup-service 1024)))
236 ;;;; Protocol Lookup
238 (test (lookup-protocol.1 :compile-at :definition-time)
239 (is (equalp (multiple-value-bind (number name)
240 (lookup-protocol "tcp")
241 (values number name))
242 (values 6 "tcp"))))
244 (test (lookup-protocol.2 :compile-at :definition-time)
245 (is (equalp (multiple-value-bind (number name)
246 (lookup-protocol "udp")
247 (values number name))
248 (values 17 "udp"))))
250 (test (lookup-protocol.3 :compile-at :definition-time)
251 (signals unknown-protocol
252 (lookup-protocol "nonexistent-protocol")))
254 (test (lookup-protocol.4 :compile-at :definition-time)
255 (is-true (string= (nth-value 1 (lookup-protocol 6))
256 "tcp")))
258 ;;;; Network Interfaces
260 (test (list-network-interfaces.1 :compile-at :definition-time)
261 (is-true (<= 1 (length (list-network-interfaces)))))
263 (test (network-interfaces.1 :compile-at :definition-time)
264 (is-true
265 (flet ((nif-equal (if1 if2)
266 (check-type if1 cons)
267 (check-type if2 cons)
268 (and (string= (interface-name if1) (interface-name if2))
269 (eql (interface-index if1) (interface-index if2)))))
270 (loop for nif in (list-network-interfaces)
271 always (and (nif-equal nif (lookup-interface (interface-name nif)))
272 (nif-equal nif (lookup-interface (interface-index nif))))))))
274 ;;;; Sockets
276 ;;; RT: don't accept unknown keyword arguments, such as typos.
277 (test (make-socket.unknown-keyword.error.function :compile-at :definition-time)
278 (signals error
279 (locally
280 (declare (notinline make-socket))
281 (make-socket :this-kw-arg-doesnt-exist t))))
283 ;;; RT: don't accept unknown keyword arguments, such as typos.
284 (test (make-socket.unknown-keyword.error.compiler-macro :compile-at :definition-time)
285 (signals error
286 (funcall
287 (alexandria:ignore-some-conditions (warning)
288 (compile nil '(lambda () (make-socket :this-kw-arg-doesnt-exist t)))))))
290 (test (make-socket.2 :compile-at :definition-time)
291 (is (equalp (with-open-socket (s :address-family :ipv4)
292 (values (socket-connected-p s)
293 (socket-open-p s)
294 (> (socket-os-fd s) 1)
295 (socket-address-family s)
296 (socket-protocol s)))
297 (values nil t t :ipv4 :default)))) ; why isn't it :TCP?
299 (test (make-socket.3 :compile-at :definition-time)
300 (is-true (with-open-socket (s :address-family :ipv4)
301 (typep s 'socket))))
303 ;;; Given the functions we've got so far, if you can think of a better
304 ;;; way to make sure the bind succeeded than trying it twice, let me
305 ;;; know. 1974 has no special significance, unless you're the same age
306 ;;; as me.
307 (test (inet.socket-bind.1 :compile-at :definition-time)
308 (signals socket-address-in-use-error
309 (with-open-socket (s1 :address-family :ipv4 :connect :passive
310 :local-host #(127 0 0 1) :local-port 1974)
311 (with-open-socket (s2 :address-family :ipv4 :connect :passive
312 :local-host #(127 0 0 1) :local-port 1974)
313 (values s1 s2)))))
315 (test (sockopt.1 :compile-at :definition-time)
316 (is-true (with-open-socket (s :address-family :ipv4)
317 (setf (socket-option s :reuse-address) t)
318 (socket-option s :reuse-address))))
320 ;;; Like READ-SEQUENCE, but returns early if the full quantity of data
321 ;;; isn't there to be read. Blocks if no input at all.
322 (defun read-buf-nonblock (buffer stream)
323 (let ((eof (gensym)))
324 (do ((i 0 (1+ i))
325 (c (read-char stream nil eof)
326 (read-char-no-hang stream nil eof)))
327 ((or (>= i (length buffer)) (not c) (eq c eof)) i)
328 (setf (elt buffer i) c))))
330 (test (simple-tcp-client :compile-at :definition-time)
331 (is-true
332 (with-open-socket (s :remote-host *echo-address* :remote-port *echo-port*
333 :address-family :ipv4)
334 (setf (socket-option s :receive-timeout) *echo-timeout*)
335 (let ((data (make-string 200)))
336 (format s "here is some text")
337 (finish-output s)
338 (let ((data (subseq data 0 (read-buf-nonblock data s))))
339 ;; (format t "~&Got ~S back from TCP echo server~%" data)
340 (> (length data) 0))))))
342 (test (sockaddr-return-type :compile-at :definition-time)
343 (is-true
344 (with-open-socket (s :remote-host *echo-address* :remote-port *echo-port*
345 :address-family :ipv4)
346 (setf (socket-option s :receive-timeout) *echo-timeout*)
347 (and (ipv4-address-p (remote-host s))
348 (numberp (remote-port s))))))
350 ;;; We don't support streams with UDP sockets ATM. But when we do,
351 ;;; let's add a similar test using stream functions.
353 ;;; FIXME: figure out why this test blocks with the inetd services on
354 ;;; my machines, on both Darwin and Linux/x86-64. Works with
355 ;;; echo-server.c though --luis
356 (test (simple-udp-client.1 :compile-at :definition-time)
357 (is-true
358 (with-open-socket (s :remote-host *echo-address* :remote-port *echo-port*
359 :type :datagram :address-family :ipv4)
360 (send-to s #(1 2 3 4 5))
361 (let ((nbytes (nth-value 1 (handler-bind ((isys:ewouldblock
362 (lambda (e)
363 (invoke-restart (find-restart 'retry-syscall e)
364 *echo-timeout*))))
365 (receive-from s :size 200)))))
366 (plusp nbytes)))))
368 (test (simple-udp-client.2 :compile-at :definition-time)
369 (is-true
370 (with-open-socket (s :type :datagram :address-family :ipv4)
371 (send-to s #(1 2 3 4 5)
372 :remote-host *echo-address*
373 :remote-port *echo-port*)
374 (let ((nbytes (nth-value 1 (handler-bind ((isys:ewouldblock
375 (lambda (e)
376 (invoke-restart (find-restart 'retry-syscall e)
377 *echo-timeout*))))
378 (receive-from s :size 200)))))
379 (plusp nbytes)))))
381 (test (simple-local-sockets :compile-at :definition-time)
382 (is (string= (let ((file (namestring
383 (make-pathname :name "local-socket" :type nil
384 :defaults (asdf:component-pathname
385 (asdf:find-system :iolib.tests))))))
386 (ignore-errors (delete-file file))
387 (with-open-socket (p :address-family :local :connect :passive :local-filename file)
388 (with-open-socket (a :address-family :local :remote-filename file)
389 (format a "local socket test")
390 (finish-output a))
391 (let ((s (accept-connection p)))
392 (prog1 (read-line s)
393 (close s)
394 (delete-file file)))))
395 "local socket test")))
397 (defmacro with-http-stream ((var host port request) &body body)
398 `(with-open-socket (,var :address-family :ipv4 :remote-host ,host :remote-port ,port)
399 (format ,var ,(concatenate 'string request " HTTP/1.0~%~%"))
400 (finish-output ,var)
401 ,@body))
403 #-no-internet-available
404 (test (simple-http-client :compile-at :definition-time)
405 (is-true
406 (with-http-stream (s "" 80 "HEAD /")
407 (let ((data (make-string 200)))
408 (setf data (subseq data 0 (read-buf-nonblock data s)))
409 ;; (princ data)
410 (> (length data) 0)))))
412 #-no-internet-available
413 (test (sockopt-receive-buffer :compile-at :definition-time)
414 ;; on Linux x86, the receive buffer size appears to be doubled in the
415 ;; kernel: we set a size of x and then getsockopt() returns 2x.
416 ;; This is why we compare with >= instead of =
417 (is-true
418 (with-http-stream (s "" 80 "HEAD/")
419 (setf (socket-option s :receive-buffer) 1975)
420 (let ((data (make-string 200)))
421 (setf data (subseq data 0 (read-buf-nonblock data s)))
422 (and (> (length data) 0)
423 (>= (socket-option s :receive-buffer) 1975))))))
425 (test (socket-open-p.1 :compile-at :definition-time)
426 (is-true (with-open-socket (s)
427 (socket-open-p s))))
429 (test (socket-open-p.2 :compile-at :definition-time)
430 (is-true (with-open-socket (s :remote-host *echo-address* :remote-port *echo-port*
431 :address-family :ipv4)
432 (socket-open-p s))))
434 (test (socket-open-p.3 :compile-at :definition-time)
435 (is-false (with-open-socket (s)
436 (close s)
437 (socket-open-p s))))
439 (test (socket-open-p.4 :compile-at :definition-time)
440 (is-false (with-open-socket (s :remote-host *echo-address* :remote-port *echo-port*
441 :address-family :ipv4)
442 (close s)
443 (socket-open-p s))))
445 (test (open-stream-p.1 :compile-at :definition-time)
446 (is-true (with-open-socket (s)
447 (open-stream-p s))))
449 (test (open-stream-p.2 :compile-at :definition-time)
450 (is-true (with-open-socket (s :remote-host *echo-address* :remote-port *echo-port*
451 :address-family :ipv4)
452 (open-stream-p s))))
454 (test (open-stream-p.3 :compile-at :definition-time)
455 (is-false (with-open-socket (s)
456 (close s)
457 (open-stream-p s))))
459 (test (open-stream-p.4 :compile-at :definition-time)
460 (is-false (with-open-socket (s :remote-host *echo-address* :remote-port *echo-port*
461 :address-family :ipv4)
462 (close s)
463 (open-stream-p s))))
465 ;;; we don't have an automatic test for some of this yet. There's no
466 ;;; simple way to run servers and have something automatically connect
467 ;;; to them as client, unless we spawn external programs. Then we
468 ;;; have to start telling people what external programs they should
469 ;;; have installed. Which, eventually, we will, but not just yet
471 ;;; to check with this: can display packets from multiple peers
472 ;;; peer address is shown correctly for each packet
473 ;;; packet length is correct
474 ;;; long (>500 byte) packets have the full length shown (doesn't work)
475 #-(and)
476 (defun udp-server (port)
477 (with-open-socket (s :type :datagram :local-port port)
478 (loop
479 (multiple-value-bind (buf len address port)
480 (receive-from s :size 500)
481 (format t "Received ~A bytes from ~A:~A - ~A ~%"
482 len address port (subseq buf 0 (min 10 len)))))))