Remove useless check in MAYBE-REWIND-IOBUF.
[iolib.git] / src / pathnames / file-path.lisp
1 ;;;; -*- Mode: Lisp; Syntax: ANSI-Common-Lisp; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
2 ;;;
3 ;;; --- New pathnames.
4 ;;;
6 (in-package :iolib.pathnames)
8 ;;;-------------------------------------------------------------------------
9 ;;; Classes and Types
10 ;;;-------------------------------------------------------------------------
12 (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
13 (defconstant +file-path-host-type+
14 #+unix 'unix-path
15 #+windows 'unc-path))
17 (defclass file-path ()
18 ((host :initarg :host)
19 (device :initarg :device)
20 (components :initarg :components
21 :initform nil)))
23 (deftype file-path-designator ()
24 `(or ,+file-path-host-type+ string))
26 (define-condition invalid-file-path (isys:iolib-error type-error)
27 ((path :initarg :path :reader invalid-file-path-path)
28 (reason :initform nil :initarg :reason :reader invalid-file-path-reason))
29 (:report (lambda (condition stream)
30 (format stream "Invalid file path: ~S."
31 (invalid-file-path-path condition))
32 (when-let (reason (invalid-file-path-reason condition))
33 (format stream "~%~A." reason)))))
36 ;;;-------------------------------------------------------------------------
37 ;;; Constants
38 ;;;-------------------------------------------------------------------------
40 (defconstant +directory-delimiter+
41 #+unix #\/
42 #+windows #\\)
44 (defconstant +alternative-delimiter+
45 #+unix nil
46 #+windows #\/)
48 (defconstant (+directory-delimiters+ :test #'equal)
49 (list* +directory-delimiter+ +alternative-delimiter+))
51 (defconstant +execution-path-delimiter+
52 #+unix #\:
53 #+windows #\;)
55 (declaim (special *default-file-path-defaults*))
58 ;;;-------------------------------------------------------------------------
59 ;;; Generic Functions
60 ;;;-------------------------------------------------------------------------
62 (defgeneric file-path (pathspec))
64 (defgeneric file-path-namestring (path))
67 ;;;-------------------------------------------------------------------------
68 ;;; Accessors
69 ;;;-------------------------------------------------------------------------
71 (defun file-path-host (pathspec &key namestring)
72 (let ((path (file-path pathspec)))
73 (if namestring
74 (%file-path-host-namestring path)
75 (slot-value path 'host))))
77 (defun file-path-device (pathspec &key namestring)
78 (let ((path (file-path pathspec)))
79 (if namestring
80 (%file-path-device-namestring path)
81 (slot-value path 'device))))
83 (defun file-path-components (pathspec &key namestring)
84 (let ((path (file-path pathspec)))
85 (if namestring
86 (%file-path-components-namestring path)
87 (slot-value path 'components))))
89 (defun split-root/nodes (dir)
90 (if (eql :root (car dir))
91 (values :root (cdr dir))
92 (values nil dir)))
94 (defun %file-path-directory (path)
95 (let ((components (slot-value path 'components)))
96 (multiple-value-bind (root nodes)
97 (split-root/nodes components)
98 (if root
99 (cons root (butlast nodes))
100 (or (butlast nodes)
101 (list "."))))))
103 (defun file-path-directory (pathspec &key namestring)
104 (let ((path (file-path pathspec)))
105 (if namestring
106 (%file-path-directory-namestring path)
107 (%file-path-directory path))))
109 (defun file-path-file (pathspec &key namestring)
110 (declare (ignore namestring))
111 (let* ((path (file-path pathspec))
112 (components (slot-value path 'components)))
113 (or (lastcar (nth-value 1 (split-root/nodes components)))
114 ".")))
116 (defun split-name/type (file)
117 (let* ((dotpos (position #\. file :start 1 :from-end t)))
118 (cond
119 ((null dotpos)
120 (values file nil))
121 ((= (1+ dotpos) (length file))
122 (values (subseq file 0 dotpos) nil))
123 (t (values (subseq file 0 dotpos)
124 (subseq file (1+ dotpos)))))))
126 (defun file-path-file-name (pathspec)
127 (let* ((file (file-path-file pathspec)))
128 (switch (file :test #'string=)
129 ("." ".." file)
130 (t (nth-value 0 (split-name/type file))))))
132 (defun file-path-file-type (pathspec)
133 (let* ((file (file-path-file pathspec)))
134 (switch (file :test #'string=)
135 ("." ".." nil)
136 (t (nth-value 1 (split-name/type file))))))
139 ;;;-------------------------------------------------------------------------
140 ;;; Constructors
141 ;;;-------------------------------------------------------------------------
143 (defun valid-component-types-p (components)
144 (multiple-value-bind (root nodes)
145 (split-root/nodes components)
146 (and (member root '(nil :root))
147 (every #'stringp nodes))))
149 (defmethod initialize-instance :after ((path file-path) &key components)
150 (check-type components (and (not null) (satisfies valid-component-types-p)))
151 (setf (slot-value path 'components) components)
152 (dolist (node (cdr (slot-value path 'components)))
153 (when (zerop (length node))
154 (error 'invalid-file-path :path ""
155 :reason "Null filenames are not valid"))
156 (when (find-if (lambda (c) (member c +directory-delimiters+)) node)
157 (error 'invalid-file-path :path node
158 :reason "Path components cannot contain directory delimiters(#\\ and #\/)"))))
161 ;;;-------------------------------------------------------------------------
162 ;;; Predicates
163 ;;;-------------------------------------------------------------------------
165 (defun file-path-p (thing)
166 (typep thing 'file-path))
168 (defun absolute-p (dir)
169 (eql :root (car dir)))
171 (defun absolute-file-path-p (path)
172 (check-type path file-path)
173 (absolute-p (slot-value path 'components)))
175 (defun relative-file-path-p (path)
176 (check-type path file-path)
177 (not (absolute-p (slot-value path 'components))))
180 ;;;-------------------------------------------------------------------------
181 ;;; Operations
182 ;;;-------------------------------------------------------------------------
184 (defmethod file-path ((path file-path))
185 path)
187 (defmethod file-path (pathspec)
188 (parse-file-path pathspec))
190 (defmethod file-path ((pathspec pathname))
191 (parse-file-path (namestring pathspec)))
194 ;;;-------------------------------------------------------------------------
196 ;;;-------------------------------------------------------------------------
198 (defmethod print-object ((path file-path) stream)
199 (let ((ns (file-path-namestring path)))
200 (if *print-escape*
201 (format stream "#/p/~S" ns)
202 (write-string ns stream))))
204 (define-literal-reader p (stream)
205 (let ((token (read stream)))
206 (check-type token string)
207 (file-path token)))