Add back old defsystems, merely as aliases for the new ones
[iolib.git] / src / grovel / grovel.lisp
1 ;;;; -*- Mode: lisp; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
2 ;;;
3 ;;; grovel.lisp --- The CFFI Groveller.
4 ;;;
5 ;;; Copyright (C) 2005-2006, Dan Knap <>
6 ;;; Copyright (C) 2005-2006, Emily Backes <>
7 ;;; Copyright (C) 2007, Stelian Ionescu <>
8 ;;; Copyright (C) 2007, Luis Oliveira <>
9 ;;;
10 ;;; Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person
11 ;;; obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation
12 ;;; files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without
13 ;;; restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy,
14 ;;; modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies
15 ;;; of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
16 ;;; furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
17 ;;;
18 ;;; The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
19 ;;; included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
20 ;;;
29 ;;;
31 (in-package #:iolib-grovel)
33 ;;;# Utils
35 (defun trim-whitespace (strings)
36 (loop for s in strings
37 collect (string-trim '(#\Space #\Tab) s)))
39 (defun string* (s)
40 "Coerce S to a string, making sure that it returns an extended string"
41 (map 'string #'identity (string s)))
43 ;;;# Error Conditions
45 ;;; This warning is signalled when iolib-grovel can't find some macro.
46 ;;; Signalled by CONSTANT or CONSTANTENUM.
47 (define-condition missing-definition (warning)
48 ((%name :initarg :name :reader name-of))
49 (:report (lambda (condition stream)
50 (format stream "No definition for ~A"
51 (name-of condition)))))
53 ;;;# Grovelling
55 ;;; The header of the intermediate C file.
56 (defparameter *header*
57 "/*
58 * This file has been automatically generated by iolib-grovel.
59 * Do not edit it by hand.
64 ;;; C code generated by iolib-grovel is inserted between the contents
65 ;;; of *PROLOGUE* and *POSTSCRIPT*, inside the main function's body.
67 (defparameter *prologue*
69 #include <grovel-common.h>
71 int main(int argc, char**argv) {
72 int autotype_tmp;
73 FILE *output = argc > 1 ? fopen(argv[1], \"w\") : stdout;
74 fprintf(output, \";;;; This file has been automatically generated by \"
75 \"iolib-grovel.\\n;;;; Do not edit it by hand.\\n\\n\");
79 (defparameter *postscript*
81 if (output != stdout)
82 fclose(output);
83 return 0;
87 (defun unescape-for-c (text)
88 (with-output-to-string (result)
89 (loop for i below (length text)
90 for char = (char text i) do
91 (cond ((eql char #\") (princ "\\\"" result))
92 ((eql char #\newline) (princ "\\n" result))
93 (t (princ char result))))))
95 (defun c-format (out fmt &rest args)
96 (let ((text (unescape-for-c (format nil "~?" fmt args))))
97 (format out "~& fputs(\"~A\", output);~%" text)))
99 (defun c-printf (out fmt &rest args)
100 (flet ((item (item)
101 (format out "~A" (unescape-for-c (format nil item)))))
102 (format out "~& fprintf(output, \"")
103 (item fmt)
104 (format out "\"")
105 (loop for arg in args do
106 (format out ", ")
107 (item arg))
108 (format out ");~%")))
110 ;;; TODO: handle packages in a better way. One way is to process each
111 ;;; grovel form as it is read (like we already do for wrapper
112 ;;; forms). This way in can expect *PACKAGE* to have sane values.
113 ;;; This would require that "header forms" come before any other
114 ;;; forms.
115 (defun c-print-symbol (out symbol &optional no-package)
116 (c-format out
117 (let ((package (symbol-package symbol)))
118 (cond
119 ((eq (find-package '#:keyword) package) ":~(~A~)")
120 (no-package "~(~A~)")
121 ((eq (find-package '#:cl) package) "cl:~(~A~)")
122 (t "~(~A~)")))
123 symbol))
125 (defun c-write (out form &key recursive)
126 (cond
127 ((and (listp form)
128 (eq 'quote (car form)))
129 (c-format out "'")
130 (c-write out (cadr form) :recursive t))
131 ((listp form)
132 (c-format out "(")
133 (loop for subform in form
134 for first-p = t then nil
135 unless first-p do (c-format out " ")
136 do (c-write out subform :recursive t))
137 (c-format out ")"))
138 ((symbolp form)
139 (c-print-symbol out form)))
140 (unless recursive
141 (c-format out "~%")))
143 ;;; Always NIL for now, add {ENABLE,DISABLE}-AUTO-EXPORT grovel forms
144 ;;; later, if necessary.
145 (defvar *auto-export* nil)
147 (defun c-export (out symbol)
148 (when (and *auto-export* (not (keywordp symbol)))
149 (c-format out "(cl:export '")
150 (c-print-symbol out symbol t)
151 (c-format out ")~%")))
153 (defun c-section-header (out section-type section-symbol)
154 (format out "~% /* ~A section for ~S */~%"
155 section-type
156 section-symbol))
158 (defun remove-suffix (string suffix)
159 (let ((suffix-start (- (length string) (length suffix))))
160 (if (and (> suffix-start 0)
161 (string= string suffix :start1 suffix-start))
162 (subseq string 0 suffix-start)
163 string)))
165 (defun strcat (&rest strings)
166 (apply #'concatenate 'string strings))
168 (defgeneric %process-grovel-form (name out arguments)
169 (:method (name out arguments)
170 (declare (ignore out arguments))
171 (error "Unknown Grovel syntax: ~S" name)))
173 (defun process-grovel-form (out form)
174 (%process-grovel-form (form-kind form) out (cdr form)))
176 (defun form-kind (form)
177 ;; Using INTERN here instead of FIND-SYMBOL will result in less
178 ;; cryptic error messages when an undefined grovel/wrapper form is
179 ;; found.
180 (intern (symbol-name (car form)) '#:iolib-grovel))
182 (defvar *header-forms* '(c include define flag typedef))
184 (defun header-form-p (form)
185 (member (form-kind form) *header-forms*))
187 (defun generate-c-file (input-file output-defaults)
188 (let ((c-file (make-pathname :type "c" :defaults output-defaults)))
189 (with-open-file (out c-file :direction :output :if-exists :supersede)
190 (with-open-file (in input-file :direction :input)
191 (flet ((read-forms (s)
192 (do ((forms ())
193 (form (read s nil nil) (read s nil nil)))
194 ((null form) (nreverse forms))
195 (labels
196 ((process-form (f)
197 (case (form-kind f)
198 (flag (warn "Groveler clause FLAG is deprecated, use CC-FLAGS instead.")))
199 (case (form-kind f)
200 (in-package
201 (setf *package* (find-package (second f)))
202 (push f forms))
203 (progn
204 ;; flatten progn forms
205 (mapc #'process-form (rest f)))
206 (t (push f forms)))))
207 (process-form form)))))
208 (let* ((forms (read-forms in))
209 (header-forms (remove-if-not #'header-form-p forms))
210 (body-forms (remove-if #'header-form-p forms)))
211 (write-string *header* out)
212 (dolist (form header-forms)
213 (process-grovel-form out form))
214 (write-string *prologue* out)
215 (dolist (form body-forms)
216 (process-grovel-form out form))
217 (write-string *postscript* out)))))
218 c-file))
220 (defparameter *exe-extension* #-windows nil #+windows "exe")
222 (defun exe-filename (defaults)
223 (let ((path (make-pathname :type *exe-extension*
224 :defaults defaults)))
225 ;; It's necessary to prepend "./" to relative paths because some
226 ;; implementations of INVOKE use a shell.
227 (when (or (not (pathname-directory path))
228 (eq :relative (car (pathname-directory path))))
229 (setf path (make-pathname
230 :directory (list* :relative "."
231 (cdr (pathname-directory path)))
232 :defaults path)))
233 path))
235 (defun tmp-lisp-filename (defaults)
236 (make-pathname :name (strcat (pathname-name defaults) ".grovel-tmp")
237 :type "lisp" :defaults defaults))
239 (cffi:defcfun "getenv" :string
240 (name :string))
243 (defparameter *cxx*
244 #+(or cygwin (not windows)) "g++"
245 #+(and windows (not cygwin)) "c:/msys/1.0/bin/g++.exe")
247 (defparameter *cc-flags*
248 (append
249 (list "-Wno-write-strings")
250 ;; For MacPorts
251 #+darwin (list "-I" "/opt/local/include/")
252 #-darwin nil
253 ;; ECL internal flags
254 #+ecl (list c::*cc-flags*)
255 ;; FreeBSD non-base header files
256 #+freebsd (list "-I" "/usr/local/include/")))
258 ;;; FIXME: is there a better way to detect whether these flags
259 ;;; are necessary?
260 (defparameter *cpu-word-size-flags*
261 #-(or arm x86 x86-64 sparc sparc64)
263 #+arm
264 (list "-marm")
265 #+(or x86 x86-64 sparc sparc64)
266 (ecase (cffi:foreign-type-size :pointer)
267 (4 (list "-m32"))
268 (8 (list "-m64"))))
270 (defparameter *platform-library-flags*
271 (list #+darwin "-bundle"
272 #-darwin "-shared"
273 #-windows "-fPIC"))
275 (defun cc-compile-and-link (input-file output-file &key library)
276 (let ((arglist
277 `(,(or (getenv "CXX") *cxx*)
278 ,@*cpu-word-size-flags*
279 ,@*cc-flags*
280 ;; add the cffi directory to the include path to make common.h visible
281 ,(format nil "-I~A"
282 (directory-namestring
283 (asdf:component-pathname
284 (asdf:find-system :iolib/grovel))))
285 ,@(when library *platform-library-flags*)
286 "-o" ,(native-namestring output-file)
287 ,(native-namestring input-file))))
288 (when library
289 ;; if it's a library that may be used, remove it
290 ;; so we won't possibly be overwriting the code of any existing process
291 (ignore-some-conditions (file-error)
292 (delete-file output-file)))
293 (apply #'invoke arglist)))
295 ;;; *PACKAGE* is rebound so that the IN-PACKAGE form can set it during
296 ;;; *the extent of a given grovel file.
297 (defun process-grovel-file (input-file &optional (output-defaults input-file))
298 (with-standard-io-syntax
299 (let* ((c-file (generate-c-file input-file output-defaults))
300 (exe-file (exe-filename c-file))
301 (lisp-file (tmp-lisp-filename c-file)))
302 (cc-compile-and-link c-file exe-file)
303 (invoke exe-file (native-namestring lisp-file))
304 lisp-file)))
306 ;;; OUT is lexically bound to the output stream within BODY.
307 (defmacro define-grovel-syntax (name lambda-list &body body)
308 (with-unique-names (name-var args)
309 `(defmethod %process-grovel-form ((,name-var (eql ',name)) out ,args)
310 (declare (ignorable out))
311 (destructuring-bind ,lambda-list ,args
312 ,@body))))
314 (define-grovel-syntax c (body)
315 (format out "~%~A~%" body))
317 (define-grovel-syntax include (&rest includes)
318 (format out "~{#include <~A>~%~}" includes))
320 (define-grovel-syntax define (name &optional value)
321 (format out "#define ~A~@[ ~A~]~%" name value))
323 (define-grovel-syntax typedef (base-type new-type)
324 (format out "typedef ~A ~A;~%" base-type new-type))
326 ;;; Is this really needed?
327 (define-grovel-syntax ffi-typedef (new-type base-type)
328 (c-format out "(cffi:defctype ~S ~S)~%" new-type base-type))
330 (define-grovel-syntax flag (&rest flags)
331 (appendf *cc-flags* (trim-whitespace flags)))
333 (define-grovel-syntax cc-flags (&rest flags)
334 (appendf *cc-flags* (trim-whitespace flags)))
336 ;;; This form also has some "read time" effects. See GENERATE-C-FILE.
337 (define-grovel-syntax in-package (name)
338 (c-format out "(cl:in-package ~S)~%~%" (string* name)))
340 (define-grovel-syntax ctype (lisp-name c-name)
341 (c-section-header out "ctype" lisp-name)
342 (format out " CFFI_DEFCTYPE(~S, ~A);~%"
343 (string* lisp-name) c-name))
345 (defun docstring-to-c (docstring)
346 (if docstring (format nil "~S" docstring) "NULL"))
348 (define-grovel-syntax constant ((lisp-name &rest c-names) &key documentation optional)
349 (c-section-header out "constant" lisp-name)
350 (loop :for i :from 0
351 :for c-name :in c-names :do
352 (format out "~A defined(~A)~%" (if (zerop i) "#if" "#elif") c-name)
353 (format out " CFFI_DEFCONSTANT(~S, ~A, ~A);~%"
354 (string* lisp-name) c-name
355 (docstring-to-c documentation)))
356 (unless optional
357 (format out "#else~% cffi_signal_missing_definition(output, ~S);~%"
358 (string* lisp-name)))
359 (format out "#endif~%"))
361 (define-grovel-syntax cunion (union-lisp-name union-c-name &rest slots)
362 (let ((documentation (when (stringp (car slots)) (pop slots))))
363 (c-section-header out "cunion" union-lisp-name)
364 (format out " CFFI_DEFCUNION_START(~S, ~A, ~A);~%"
365 (string* union-lisp-name) union-c-name
366 (docstring-to-c documentation))
367 (dolist (slot slots)
368 (destructuring-bind (slot-lisp-name slot-c-name &key type (count 1))
369 slot
370 (etypecase count
371 ((eql :auto)
372 (format out " CFFI_DEFCUNION_SLOT_AUTO(~A, ~A, ~S, ~S);~%"
373 union-c-name slot-c-name
374 (prin1-to-string slot-lisp-name) (prin1-to-string type)))
375 ((or integer symbol string)
376 (format out " CFFI_DEFCUNION_SLOT(~A, ~A, ~S, ~S, ~A);~%"
377 union-c-name slot-c-name
378 (prin1-to-string slot-lisp-name) (prin1-to-string type) count)))))
379 (format out " CFFI_DEFCUNION_END;~%")
380 (format out " CFFI_DEFTYPEDEF(~S, ~S);~%"
381 (string* union-lisp-name) (string* :union))
382 (format out " CFFI_DEFTYPESIZE(~S, ~A);~%"
383 (string* union-lisp-name) union-c-name)))
385 (defun make-from-pointer-function-name (type-name)
386 (symbolicate '#:make- type-name '#:-from-pointer))
388 ;;; DEFINE-C-STRUCT-WRAPPER (in ../src/types.lisp) seems like a much
389 ;;; cleaner way to do this. Unless I can find any advantage in doing
390 ;;; it this way I'll delete this soon. --luis
391 (define-grovel-syntax cstruct-and-class-item (&rest arguments)
392 (process-grovel-form out (cons 'cstruct arguments))
393 (destructuring-bind (struct-lisp-name struct-c-name &rest slots)
394 arguments
395 (declare (ignore struct-c-name))
396 (let* ((slot-names (mapcar #'car slots))
397 (reader-names (mapcar
398 (lambda (slot-name)
399 (intern
400 (strcat (symbol-name struct-lisp-name) "-"
401 (symbol-name slot-name))))
402 slot-names))
403 (initarg-names (mapcar
404 (lambda (slot-name)
405 (intern (symbol-name slot-name) "KEYWORD"))
406 slot-names))
407 (slot-decoders (mapcar (lambda (slot)
408 (destructuring-bind
409 (lisp-name c-name
410 &key type count
411 &allow-other-keys)
412 slot
413 (declare (ignore lisp-name c-name))
414 (cond ((and (eq type :char) count)
415 'cffi:foreign-string-to-lisp)
416 (t nil))))
417 slots))
418 (defclass-form
419 `(defclass ,struct-lisp-name ()
420 ,(mapcar (lambda (slot-name initarg-name reader-name)
421 `(,slot-name :initarg ,initarg-name
422 :reader ,reader-name))
423 slot-names
424 initarg-names
425 reader-names)))
426 (make-function-name
427 (make-from-pointer-function-name struct-lisp-name))
428 (make-defun-form
429 ;; this function is then used as a constructor for this class.
430 `(defun ,make-function-name (pointer)
431 (cffi:with-foreign-slots
432 (,slot-names pointer ,struct-lisp-name)
433 (make-instance ',struct-lisp-name
434 ,@(loop for slot-name in slot-names
435 for initarg-name in initarg-names
436 for slot-decoder in slot-decoders
437 collect initarg-name
438 if slot-decoder
439 collect `(,slot-decoder ,slot-name)
440 else collect slot-name))))))
441 (c-write out defclass-form)
442 (c-write out make-defun-form))))
444 (define-grovel-syntax cstruct (struct-lisp-name struct-c-name &rest slots)
445 (let ((documentation (when (stringp (car slots)) (pop slots))))
446 (c-section-header out "cstruct" struct-lisp-name)
447 (format out " CFFI_DEFCSTRUCT_START(~S, ~A, ~A);~%"
448 (string* struct-lisp-name) struct-c-name
449 (docstring-to-c documentation))
450 (dolist (slot slots)
451 (destructuring-bind (slot-lisp-name slot-c-name &key type (count 1))
452 slot
453 (etypecase count
454 ((eql :auto)
455 (format out " CFFI_DEFCSTRUCT_SLOT_AUTO(~A, ~A, ~S, ~S);~%"
456 struct-c-name slot-c-name
457 (prin1-to-string slot-lisp-name) (prin1-to-string type)))
458 ((or integer symbol string)
459 (format out " CFFI_DEFCSTRUCT_SLOT(~A, ~A, ~S, ~S, ~A);~%"
460 struct-c-name slot-c-name
461 (prin1-to-string slot-lisp-name) (prin1-to-string type) count)))))
462 (format out " CFFI_DEFCSTRUCT_END;~%")
463 (format out " CFFI_DEFTYPEDEF(~S, ~S);~%"
464 (string* struct-lisp-name) (string* :struct))
465 (format out " CFFI_DEFTYPESIZE(~S, ~A);~%"
466 (string* struct-lisp-name) struct-c-name)))
468 (defun foreign-name-to-symbol (s)
469 (intern (substitute #\- #\_ (string-upcase s))))
471 (defun choose-lisp-and-foreign-names (string-or-list)
472 (etypecase string-or-list
473 (string (values string-or-list (foreign-name-to-symbol string-or-list)))
474 (list (destructuring-bind (fname lname &rest args) string-or-list
475 (declare (ignore args))
476 (assert (and (stringp fname) (symbolp lname)))
477 (values fname lname)))))
479 (define-grovel-syntax cenum (name &rest enum-list)
480 (let ((documentation (when (stringp (car enum-list)) (pop enum-list))))
481 (destructuring-bind (name &key (base-type :int) define-constants)
482 (ensure-list name)
483 (c-section-header out "cenum" name)
484 (format out " CFFI_DEFCENUM_START(~S, ~S, ~A);~%"
485 (string* name) (prin1-to-string base-type)
486 (docstring-to-c documentation))
487 (dolist (enum enum-list)
488 (destructuring-bind (lisp-name c-name &key documentation)
489 enum
490 (check-type lisp-name keyword)
491 (format out " CFFI_DEFCENUM_MEMBER(~S, ~A, ~A);~%"
492 (prin1-to-string lisp-name) c-name
493 (docstring-to-c documentation))))
494 (format out " CFFI_DEFCENUM_END;~%")
495 (when define-constants
496 (define-constants-from-enum out enum-list)))))
498 (define-grovel-syntax constantenum (name &rest enum-list)
499 (let ((documentation (when (stringp (car enum-list)) (pop enum-list))))
500 (destructuring-bind (name &key (base-type :int) define-constants)
501 (ensure-list name)
502 (c-section-header out "constantenum" name)
503 (format out " CFFI_DEFCENUM_START(~S, ~S, ~A);~%"
504 (string* name) (prin1-to-string base-type)
505 (docstring-to-c documentation))
506 (dolist (enum enum-list)
507 (destructuring-bind (lisp-name c-name &key documentation optional)
508 enum
509 (check-type lisp-name keyword)
510 (when optional
511 (format out "#if defined(~A)~%" c-name))
512 (format out " CFFI_DEFCENUM_MEMBER(~S, ~A, ~A);~%"
513 (prin1-to-string lisp-name) c-name
514 (docstring-to-c documentation))
515 (when optional
516 (format out "#endif~%"))))
517 (format out " CFFI_DEFCENUM_END;~%")
518 (when define-constants
519 (define-constants-from-enum out enum-list)))))
521 (defun define-constants-from-enum (out enum-list)
522 (dolist (enum enum-list)
523 (destructuring-bind (lisp-name c-name &key documentation optional)
524 enum
525 (process-grovel-form
526 out `(constant (,lisp-name ,c-name)
527 ,@(if documentation (list :documentation t))
528 ,@(if optional (list :optional t)))))))
531 ;;;# Wrapper Generation
533 ;;; Here we generate a C file from a s-exp specification but instead
534 ;;; of compiling and running it, we compile it as a shared library
535 ;;; that can be subsequently loaded with LOAD-FOREIGN-LIBRARY.
537 ;;; Useful to get at macro functionality, errno, system calls,
538 ;;; functions that handle structures by value, etc...
540 ;;; Matching CFFI bindings are generated along with said C file.
542 (defun process-wrapper-form (out form)
543 (%process-wrapper-form (form-kind form) out (cdr form)))
545 ;;; The various operators push Lisp forms onto this list which will be
546 ;;; written out by PROCESS-WRAPPER-FILE once everything is processed.
547 (defvar *lisp-forms*)
549 (defun generate-c-lib-file (input-file output-defaults)
550 (let ((*lisp-forms* nil)
551 (c-file (make-pathname :type "c" :defaults output-defaults)))
552 (with-open-file (out c-file :direction :output :if-exists :supersede)
553 (with-open-file (in input-file :direction :input)
554 (write-string *header* out)
555 (loop for form = (read in nil nil) while form
556 do (process-wrapper-form out form))))
557 (values c-file (nreverse *lisp-forms*))))
559 (defun lib-filename (defaults)
560 (make-pathname :type (subseq (cffi::default-library-suffix) 1)
561 :defaults defaults))
563 (defun generate-bindings-file (lib-file lib-soname lisp-forms output-defaults)
564 (let ((lisp-file (tmp-lisp-filename output-defaults)))
565 (with-open-file (out lisp-file :direction :output :if-exists :supersede)
566 (format out ";;;; This file was automatically generated by iolib-grovel.~%~
567 ;;;; Do not edit by hand.~%")
568 (let ((*package* (find-package '#:cl))
569 (named-library-name
570 (let ((*package* (find-package :keyword))
571 (*read-eval* nil))
572 (read-from-string lib-soname))))
573 (pprint `(progn
574 (cffi:define-foreign-library
575 (,named-library-name
576 :type :grovel-wrapper
577 :search-path ,(directory-namestring lib-file))
578 (t ,(namestring (lib-filename lib-soname))))
579 (cffi:use-foreign-library ,named-library-name))
580 out)
581 (fresh-line out))
582 (dolist (form lisp-forms)
583 (print form out))
584 (terpri out))
585 lisp-file))
587 ;;; *PACKAGE* is rebound so that the IN-PACKAGE form can set it during
588 ;;; *the extent of a given wrapper file.
589 (defun process-wrapper-file (input-file output-defaults lib-soname)
590 (with-standard-io-syntax
591 (let ((lib-file
592 (lib-filename (make-pathname :name lib-soname
593 :defaults output-defaults))))
594 (multiple-value-bind (c-file lisp-forms)
595 (generate-c-lib-file input-file output-defaults)
596 (cc-compile-and-link c-file lib-file :library t)
597 ;; FIXME: hardcoded library path.
598 (values (generate-bindings-file lib-file lib-soname lisp-forms output-defaults)
599 lib-file)))))
601 (defgeneric %process-wrapper-form (name out arguments)
602 (:method (name out arguments)
603 (declare (ignore out arguments))
604 (error "Unknown Grovel syntax: ~S" name)))
606 ;;; OUT is lexically bound to the output stream within BODY.
607 (defmacro define-wrapper-syntax (name lambda-list &body body)
608 (with-unique-names (name-var args)
609 `(defmethod %process-wrapper-form ((,name-var (eql ',name)) out ,args)
610 (declare (ignorable out))
611 (destructuring-bind ,lambda-list ,args
612 ,@body))))
614 (define-wrapper-syntax progn (&rest forms)
615 (dolist (form forms)
616 (process-wrapper-form out form)))
618 (define-wrapper-syntax in-package (name)
619 (setq *package* (find-package name))
620 (push `(in-package ,name) *lisp-forms*))
622 (define-wrapper-syntax c (&rest strings)
623 (dolist (string strings)
624 (write-line string out)))
626 (define-wrapper-syntax flag (&rest flags)
627 (appendf *cc-flags* (trim-whitespace flags)))
629 (define-wrapper-syntax proclaim (&rest proclamations)
630 (push `(proclaim ,@proclamations) *lisp-forms*))
632 (define-wrapper-syntax declaim (&rest declamations)
633 (push `(declaim ,@declamations) *lisp-forms*))
635 (define-wrapper-syntax define (name &optional value)
636 (format out "#define ~A~@[ ~A~]~%" name value))
638 (define-wrapper-syntax include (&rest includes)
639 (format out "~{#include <~A>~%~}" includes))
641 ;;; FIXME: this function is not complete. Should probably follow
642 ;;; typedefs? Should definitely understand pointer types.
643 (defun c-type-name (typespec)
644 (let ((spec (ensure-list typespec)))
645 (if (stringp (car spec))
646 (car spec)
647 (case (car spec)
648 ((:uchar :unsigned-char) "unsigned char")
649 ((:unsigned-short :ushort) "unsigned short")
650 ((:unsigned-int :uint) "unsigned int")
651 ((:unsigned-long :ulong) "unsigned long")
652 ((:long-long :llong) "long long")
653 ((:unsigned-long-long :ullong) "unsigned long long")
654 (:pointer "void*")
655 (:string "char*")
656 (t (cffi::foreign-name (car spec) nil))))))
658 (defun cffi-type (typespec)
659 (if (and (listp typespec) (stringp (car typespec)))
660 (second typespec)
661 typespec))
663 (define-wrapper-syntax defwrapper (name-and-options rettype &rest args)
664 (multiple-value-bind (lisp-name foreign-name options)
665 (cffi::parse-name-and-options name-and-options)
666 (let* ((foreign-name-wrap (strcat foreign-name "_cffi_wrap"))
667 (fargs (mapcar (lambda (arg)
668 (list (c-type-name (second arg))
669 (cffi::foreign-name (first arg) nil)))
670 args))
671 (fargnames (mapcar #'second fargs)))
672 ;; output C code
673 (format out "~A ~A" (c-type-name rettype) foreign-name-wrap)
674 (format out "(~{~{~A ~A~}~^, ~})~%" fargs)
675 (format out "{~% return ~A(~{~A~^, ~});~%}~%~%" foreign-name fargnames)
676 ;; matching bindings
677 (push `(cffi:defcfun (,foreign-name-wrap ,lisp-name ,@options)
678 ,(cffi-type rettype)
679 ,@(mapcar (lambda (arg)
680 (list (cffi::lisp-name (first arg) nil)
681 (cffi-type (second arg))))
682 args))
683 *lisp-forms*))))
685 (define-wrapper-syntax defwrapper* (name-and-options rettype args &rest c-lines)
686 ;; output C code
687 (multiple-value-bind (lisp-name foreign-name options)
688 (cffi::parse-name-and-options name-and-options)
689 (let ((foreign-name-wrap (strcat foreign-name "_cffi_wrap"))
690 (fargs (mapcar (lambda (arg)
691 (list (c-type-name (second arg))
692 (cffi::foreign-name (first arg) nil)))
693 args)))
694 (format out "~A ~A" (c-type-name rettype)
695 foreign-name-wrap)
696 (format out "(~{~{~A ~A~}~^, ~})~%" fargs)
697 (format out "{~%~{ ~A~%~}}~%~%" c-lines)
698 ;; matching bindings
699 (push `(cffi:defcfun (,foreign-name-wrap ,lisp-name ,@options)
700 ,(cffi-type rettype)
701 ,@(mapcar (lambda (arg)
702 (list (cffi::lisp-name (first arg) nil)
703 (cffi-type (second arg))))
704 args))
705 *lisp-forms*))))