Don't restart ioctl(2) calls automatically
[iolib.git] / examples / ex5-server.lisp
1 (in-package :iolib.examples)
3 ;;;; This file was originally written by Peter Keller (
4 ;;;; and this code is released under the same license as IOLib.
6 ;;;; Building on ex4-server.lisp, this follows a similar design except
7 ;;;; it is a threaded line echo server. Each thread handles one client and
8 ;;;; simply echos the lines the client send back. Each thread performs
9 ;;;; blocking i/o, but multiple threads can function at the same time.
11 ;; ex-0b
12 ;; The special variable used to hold the client socket for the thread
13 ;; managing it.
14 (defvar *ex5-tls-client* nil)
15 ;; ex-0e
17 ;; Set up a server and handle the connections.
18 ;; ex-1b
19 (defun run-ex5-server-helper (port)
20 (with-open-socket
21 (server :connect :passive
22 :address-family :internet
23 :type :stream
24 :ipv6 nil
25 :external-format '(:utf-8 :eol-style :crlf))
27 (format t "Created socket: ~A[fd=~A]~%" server (socket-os-fd server))
29 ;; Bind the socket to all interfaces with specified port.
30 (bind-address server +ipv4-unspecified+ :port port :reuse-addr t)
31 (format t "Bound socket: ~A~%" server)
33 ;; start listening on the server socket
34 (listen-on server :backlog 5)
35 (format t "Listening on socket bound to: ~A:~A~%"
36 (local-host server)
37 (local-port server))
38 ;; ex-1e
40 ;; ex-2b
41 ;; keep accepting connections forever, but if this exits for whatever
42 ;; reason ensure to destroy any remaining running threads.
43 (unwind-protect
44 (loop
45 (format t "Waiting to accept a connection...~%")
46 (finish-output)
47 (let* ((client (accept-connection server :wait t))
48 ;; set up the special variable to store the client
49 ;; we accepted...
50 (*default-special-bindings*
51 (acons '*ex5-tls-client* client
52 *default-special-bindings*)))
54 ;; ...and handle the connection!
55 (when client
56 (make-thread #'process-ex5-client-thread
57 :name 'process-ex5-client-thread))))
58 ;; ex-2e
60 ;; ex-3b
61 ;; Clean up form for uw-p.
62 ;; Clean up all of the client threads when done.
63 ;; This code is here for the benefit of the REPL because it is
64 ;; intended that this tutorial be worked interactively. In a real
65 ;; threaded server, the server would just exit--destroying the
66 ;; server process, and causing all threads to exit which then notifies
67 ;; the clients.
68 (format t "Destroying any active client threads....~%")
69 (mapc #'(lambda (thr)
70 (when (and (thread-alive-p thr)
71 (string-equal "process-ex5-client-thread"
72 (thread-name thr)))
73 (format t "Destroying: ~A~%" thr)
74 ;; Ignore any conditions which might arise if a
75 ;; thread happened to finish in the race between
76 ;; liveness testing and destroying.
77 (ignore-errors
78 (destroy-thread thr))))
79 (all-threads)))))
80 ;; ex-3e
82 ;; ex-4b
83 ;; The thread which handles the client connection.
84 (defun process-ex5-client-thread ()
85 ;; declared ignorable because this dynamic variable is bound outside
86 ;; of the context of this function.
87 (declare (ignorable *ex5-tls-client*))
88 ;; no matter how we get out of the client processing loop, we always
89 ;; close the connection.
90 (unwind-protect
91 (multiple-value-bind (who port)
92 (remote-name *ex5-tls-client*)
93 (format t "A thread is handling the connection from ~A:~A!~%"
94 who port)
96 (handler-case
97 ;; perform the actual echoing algorithm
98 (str-ex5-echo *ex5-tls-client* who port)
100 (socket-connection-reset-error ()
101 (format t "Client ~A:~A: connection reset by peer.~%"
102 who port))
104 (end-of-file ()
105 (format t "Client ~A:~A closed connection for a read.~%"
106 who port)
109 (hangup ()
110 (format t "Client ~A:~A closed connection for a write.~%"
111 who port)
112 t)))
114 ;; cleanup form of the unwind-protect
115 ;; We always close the connection to the client, even if this
116 ;; thread gets destroyed (at least in SBCL this cleanup form gets
117 ;; run when this thread is destroyed).
118 (format t "Closing connection to ~A:~A!~%"
119 (remote-host *ex5-tls-client*) (remote-port *ex5-tls-client*))
120 (close *ex5-tls-client*)
122 ;; ex-4e
124 ;; ex-5b
125 ;; The actual function which speaks to the client.
126 (defun str-ex5-echo (client who port)
127 ;; here we let signaled conditions on the boundary conditions of the
128 ;; client (meaning it closes its connection to us on either a read or
129 ;; a write) bail us out of the infinite loop
130 (let ((done nil))
131 (loop until done
133 (let ((line (read-line client)))
134 (format t "Read line from ~A:~A: ~A~%" who port line)
135 (format client "~A~%" line)
136 (finish-output client)
137 (format t "Wrote line to ~A:~A: ~A~%" who port line)
139 ;; Exit the thread when the user requests it with 'quit'.
140 ;; This forces a close to the client socket.
141 (when (string= line "quit")
142 (setf done t))
143 t))))
144 ;; ex-5e
146 ;; ex-6b
147 ;; This just checks for some error conditions so we can print out a nice
148 ;; message about it.
149 (defun run-ex5-server (&key (port *port*))
150 (handler-case
152 (run-ex5-server-helper port)
154 ;; handle some common conditions
155 (socket-address-in-use-error ()
156 (format t "Bind: Address already in use, forget :reuse-addr t?")))
158 (finish-output))
159 ;; ex-6e