Use more syscalls from LibFixPOSIX
[iolib.git] / src / os / create-process-unix.lisp
1 ;;;; -*- Mode: Lisp; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
2 ;;;
3 ;;; --- Wrapper over posix_spawn(3)
4 ;;;
6 (in-package :iolib.os)
8 (defclass process ()
9 ((pid :initarg :pid :reader process-pid)
10 (stdin :initform nil :reader process-stdin)
11 (stdout :initform nil :reader process-stdout)
12 (stderr :initform nil :reader process-stderr)))
14 (defmethod initialize-instance :after ((process process) &key stdin stdout stderr)
15 (with-slots ((in stdin) (out stdout) (err stderr))
16 process
17 (setf in (make-instance 'iolib.streams:dual-channel-gray-stream :fd stdin)
18 out (make-instance 'iolib.streams:dual-channel-gray-stream :fd stdout)
19 err (make-instance 'iolib.streams:dual-channel-gray-stream :fd stderr))))
21 (defmethod close ((process process) &key abort)
22 (with-slots (pid stdin stdout stderr)
23 process
24 (close stdin :abort abort)
25 (close stdout :abort abort)
26 (close stderr :abort abort)
27 (setf pid nil stdin nil stdout nil stderr nil)))
29 (defmethod print-object ((o process) s)
30 (print-unreadable-object (o s :type t :identity t)
31 (format s ":pid ~S" (process-pid o))))
33 (defmacro with-posix-spawn-arguments ((attributes file-actions pid) &body body)
34 (with-gensyms (spawnattr-initialized-p file-actions-initialized-p)
35 `(with-foreign-objects ((,attributes 'posix-spawnattr-t)
36 (,file-actions 'posix-spawn-file-actions-t)
37 (,pid 'pid-t))
38 (let (,spawnattr-initialized-p
39 ,file-actions-initialized-p)
40 (unwind-protect
41 (progn
42 (posix-spawnattr-init ,attributes)
43 (setf ,spawnattr-initialized-p t)
44 (posix-spawn-file-actions-init ,file-actions)
45 (setf ,file-actions-initialized-p t)
46 ,@body)
47 (when ,spawnattr-initialized-p
48 (posix-spawnattr-destroy ,attributes))
49 (when ,file-actions-initialized-p
50 (posix-spawn-file-actions-destroy ,file-actions)))))))
52 (defun allocate-argv (argv argc program arglist)
53 ;; copy program name
54 (setf (mem-aref argv :pointer 0)
55 (foreign-string-alloc program))
56 ;; copy program arguments
57 (loop :for i :from 1
58 :for arg :in arglist :do
59 (setf (mem-aref argv :pointer i)
60 (foreign-string-alloc arg)))
61 ;; final null pointer
62 (setf (mem-aref argv :pointer (1- argc)) (null-pointer)))
64 (defmacro with-argv ((argv program arguments) &body body)
65 (with-gensyms (argc)
66 `(let ((,argc (+ 2 (length ,arguments))))
67 (with-foreign-object (,argv :pointer ,argc)
68 (unwind-protect
69 (progn
70 (allocate-argv ,argv ,argc ,program ,arguments)
71 ,@body)
72 (deallocate-null-ended-list ,argv))))))
74 (defmacro with-3-pipes ((stdin-r stdin-w stdout-r stdout-w stderr-r stderr-w)
75 &body body)
76 `(multiple-value-bind (,stdin-r ,stdin-w) (isys:pipe)
77 (multiple-value-bind (,stdout-r ,stdout-w) (isys:pipe)
78 (multiple-value-bind (,stderr-r ,stderr-w) (isys:pipe)
79 (unwind-protect-case ()
80 (progn ,@body)
81 ;; These are the FDs that we would use on the Lisp side
82 (:abort
83 (isys:close ,stdin-w)
84 (isys:close ,stdout-r)
85 (isys:close ,stderr-r))
86 ;; These FDs are shared with the subprocess, must be closed always
87 (:always
88 (isys:close ,stdin-r)
89 (isys:close ,stdout-w)
90 (isys:close ,stderr-w)))))))
92 (defun create-process (program &optional arguments &key (search t) environment
93 ;; path uid gid effective
95 (with-posix-spawn-arguments (attributes file-actions pid)
96 (with-argv (argv program arguments)
97 (with-c-environment (environment)
98 (with-3-pipes (stdin-r stdin-w stdout-r stdout-w stderr-r stderr-w)
99 (posix-spawn-file-actions-adddup2 file-actions stdin-r +stdin+)
100 (posix-spawn-file-actions-adddup2 file-actions stdout-w +stdout+)
101 (posix-spawn-file-actions-adddup2 file-actions stderr-w +stderr+)
102 (with-foreign-string (cfile program)
103 (if search
104 (posix-spawnp pid cfile file-actions attributes argv isys:*environ*)
105 (posix-spawn pid cfile file-actions attributes argv isys:*environ*)))
106 (make-instance 'process :pid (mem-ref pid 'pid-t)
107 :stdin stdin-w :stdout stdout-r :stderr stderr-r))))))
109 (defun run-program (program &optional arguments &key (search t) environment)
110 (flet ((slurp-stream-into-string (stream)
111 (with-output-to-string (s)
112 (loop :for c := (read-char stream nil nil)
113 :while c :do (write-char c s)))))
114 (let ((process (create-process program arguments
115 :search search
116 :environment environment)))
117 (values (process-wait process)
118 (slurp-stream-into-string (process-stdout process))
119 (slurp-stream-into-string (process-stderr process))))))
121 (defun process-wait (process)
122 (isys:waitpid (process-pid process) 0))
124 (defun process-kill (process signum)
125 (isys:kill (process-pid process) signum))