Cosmetic changes.
[iolib.git] / io.streams / zeta / buffer.lisp
1 ;;;; -*- Mode: Lisp; Syntax: ANSI-Common-Lisp; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
2 ;;;
3 ;;; --- Device buffers.
4 ;;;
6 (in-package :io.zeta-streams)
8 ;;;-------------------------------------------------------------------------
9 ;;; Buffer Classes and Types
10 ;;;-------------------------------------------------------------------------
12 (defclass buffer ()
13 ((synchronized :initarg :synchronized :reader synchronizedp)
14 (device :initarg :device :accessor device-of)
15 (input-iobuf :initarg :input-buffer :accessor input-iobuf-of)
16 (output-iobuf :initarg :output-buffer :accessor output-iobuf-of))
17 (:default-initargs :synchronized nil))
19 (defclass single-channel-buffer (buffer)
20 ((last-io-op :initform nil :accessor last-io-op-of)))
22 (defclass dual-channel-buffer (buffer) ())
25 ;;;-------------------------------------------------------------------------
26 ;;; Buffer Generic Functions
27 ;;;-------------------------------------------------------------------------
29 (defgeneric buffer-clear-input (buffer))
31 (defgeneric buffer-clear-output (buffer))
33 (defgeneric buffer-fill-input (buffer &key timeout))
35 (defgeneric buffer-flush-output (buffer &key timeout))
37 (defgeneric buffer-wait-until-flushable (buffer &key timeout))
39 ;;; Internal functions
41 (defgeneric %buffer-read-vector (buffer vector start end timeout))
43 (defgeneric %buffer-write-vector (buffer vector start end timeout))
45 (defgeneric %buffer-clear-input (buffer))
47 (defgeneric %buffer-clear-output (buffer))
49 (defgeneric %buffer-fill-input (buffer timeout))
51 (defgeneric %buffer-flush-output (buffer timeout))
54 ;;;-------------------------------------------------------------------------
55 ;;; Helper macros
56 ;;;-------------------------------------------------------------------------
58 (defmacro with-synchronized-buffer ((buffer &optional direction) &body body)
59 (with-gensyms (body-fun)
60 (labels ((make-locks (body direction)
61 (ecase direction
62 (:input
63 `(bt:with-lock-held
64 ((iobuf-lock (input-iobuf-of ,buffer)))
65 ,body))
66 (:output
67 `(bt:with-lock-held
68 ((iobuf-lock (output-iobuf-of ,buffer)))
69 ,body))
70 (:io
71 (make-locks (make-locks body :output) :input)))))
72 `(flet ((,body-fun () ,@body))
73 (if (synchronizedp ,buffer)
74 ,(make-locks `(,body-fun) direction)
75 (,body-fun))))))
78 ;;;-------------------------------------------------------------------------
79 ;;; Buffer Constructors
80 ;;;-------------------------------------------------------------------------
82 (defmethod initialize-instance :after
83 ((buffer single-channel-buffer) &key data size)
84 (with-accessors ((input-iobuf input-iobuf-of)
85 (output-iobuf output-iobuf-of))
86 buffer
87 (check-type data (or null iobuf))
88 (setf input-iobuf (or data (make-iobuf size))
89 output-iobuf input-iobuf)))
91 (defmethod initialize-instance :after
92 ((buffer dual-channel-buffer)
93 &key input-data output-data input-size output-size)
94 (with-accessors ((input-iobuf input-iobuf-of)
95 (output-iobuf output-iobuf-of))
96 buffer
97 (check-type input-data (or null iobuf))
98 (check-type output-data (or null iobuf))
99 (setf input-iobuf (or input-data (make-iobuf input-size)))
100 (setf output-iobuf (or output-data (make-iobuf output-size)))))
103 ;;;-------------------------------------------------------------------------
104 ;;; Buffer DEVICE-CLOSE
105 ;;;-------------------------------------------------------------------------
107 (defmethod relinquish ((buffer single-channel-buffer) &key abort)
108 (with-accessors ((device device-of))
109 buffer
110 (with-synchronized-buffer (buffer :input)
111 (unless (or abort (eql :read (last-io-op-of buffer)))
112 (%buffer-flush-output buffer 0))
113 (relinquish device)))
114 (values buffer))
116 (defmethod relinquish ((buffer buffer) &key abort)
117 (with-accessors ((device device-of))
118 buffer
119 (with-synchronized-buffer (buffer :io)
120 (unless abort
121 (%buffer-flush-output buffer 0))
122 (relinquish device)))
123 (values buffer))
126 ;;;-------------------------------------------------------------------------
127 ;;; Buffer DEVICE-READ
128 ;;;-------------------------------------------------------------------------
130 (defmethod device-read :around ((buffer buffer) vector &key
131 (start 0) end timeout)
132 (check-bounds vector start end)
133 (if (= start end)
135 (call-next-method buffer vector :start start
136 :end end :timeout timeout)))
138 (defmethod device-read ((buffer single-channel-buffer) vector
139 &key start end timeout)
140 (with-synchronized-buffer (buffer :input)
141 (%buffer-read-vector buffer vector start end timeout)))
143 (defmethod device-read ((buffer dual-channel-buffer) vector
144 &key start end timeout)
145 (with-synchronized-buffer (buffer :input)
146 (%buffer-read-vector buffer vector start end timeout)))
148 (defmethod %buffer-read-vector ((buffer buffer) vector start end timeout)
149 (with-accessors ((input-iobuf input-iobuf-of)
150 (output-iobuf output-iobuf-of))
151 buffer
152 (cond
153 ((iobuf-empty-p input-iobuf)
154 (let ((nbytes (%buffer-fill-input buffer timeout)))
155 (if (iobuf-empty-p input-iobuf)
156 (if (eql :eof nbytes) :eof 0)
157 (iobuf->vector input-iobuf vector start end))))
159 (iobuf->vector input-iobuf vector start end)))))
162 ;;;-------------------------------------------------------------------------
163 ;;; Buffer DEVICE-WRITE
164 ;;;-------------------------------------------------------------------------
166 (defmethod device-write :around ((buffer buffer) vector
167 &key (start 0) end timeout)
168 (check-bounds vector start end)
169 (if (= start end)
171 (call-next-method buffer vector :start start
172 :end end :timeout timeout)))
174 (defmethod device-write ((buffer single-channel-buffer) vector
175 &key start end timeout)
176 (with-synchronized-buffer (buffer :output)
177 ;; If the previous operation was a read, flush the read buffer
178 ;; and reposition the file offset accordingly
179 (%buffer-clear-input buffer)
180 (%buffer-write-vector buffer vector start end timeout)))
182 (defmethod device-write ((buffer dual-channel-buffer) vector
183 &key start end timeout)
184 (with-synchronized-buffer (buffer :output)
185 (%buffer-write-vector buffer vector start end timeout)))
187 (defmethod %buffer-write-vector ((buffer buffer) vector start end timeout)
188 (with-accessors ((output-iobuf output-iobuf-of))
189 buffer
190 (multiple-value-prog1
191 (vector->iobuf output-iobuf vector start end)
192 (setf (last-io-op-of buffer) :write)
193 (when (iobuf-full-p output-iobuf)
194 (%buffer-flush-output buffer timeout)))))
197 ;;;-------------------------------------------------------------------------
198 ;;; Buffer DEVICE-POSITION
199 ;;;-------------------------------------------------------------------------
201 (defmethod device-position ((buffer single-channel-buffer))
202 (with-synchronized-buffer (buffer :input)
203 (%buffer-position buffer)))
205 (defun %buffer-position (buffer)
206 (let ((position (device-position (device-of buffer))))
207 (ecase (last-io-op-of buffer)
208 (:read
209 (- position (iobuf-available-octets (input-iobuf-of buffer))))
210 (:write
211 (+ position (iobuf-available-octets (output-iobuf-of buffer)))))))
213 (defmethod (setf device-position)
214 (position (buffer single-channel-buffer) &optional (from :start))
215 (setf (%buffer-position buffer from) position))
217 (defun (setf %buffer-position) (position buffer from)
218 (setf (device-position (device-of buffer) from) position))
221 ;;;-------------------------------------------------------------------------
222 ;;; Buffer CLEAR-INPUT
223 ;;;-------------------------------------------------------------------------
225 (defmethod buffer-clear-input ((buffer single-channel-buffer))
226 (with-synchronized-buffer (buffer :input)
227 (%buffer-clear-input buffer)))
229 (defmethod %buffer-clear-input ((buffer single-channel-buffer))
230 (when (eql :read (last-io-op-of buffer))
231 (let ((nbytes (iobuf-available-octets (input-iobuf-of buffer))))
232 (unless (zerop nbytes)
233 (setf (%buffer-position buffer :current) (- nbytes)))
234 (iobuf-reset (input-iobuf-of buffer)))))
236 (defmethod buffer-clear-input ((buffer buffer))
237 (with-synchronized-buffer (buffer :input)
238 (%buffer-clear-input buffer)))
240 (defmethod %buffer-clear-input ((buffer dual-channel-buffer))
241 (iobuf-reset (input-iobuf-of buffer)))
244 ;;;-------------------------------------------------------------------------
245 ;;; Buffer CLEAR-OUTPUT
246 ;;;-------------------------------------------------------------------------
248 (defmethod buffer-clear-output ((buffer single-channel-buffer))
249 (with-synchronized-buffer (buffer :output)
250 (when (eql :write (last-io-op-of buffer))
251 (iobuf-reset (output-iobuf-of buffer)))))
253 (defmethod %buffer-clear-output ((buffer single-channel-buffer))
254 (when (eql :write (last-io-op-of buffer))
255 (iobuf-reset (output-iobuf-of buffer))))
257 (defmethod buffer-clear-output ((buffer dual-channel-buffer))
258 (with-synchronized-buffer (buffer :output)
259 (iobuf-reset (output-iobuf-of buffer))))
262 ;;;-------------------------------------------------------------------------
263 ;;; Buffer FILL-INPUT
264 ;;;-------------------------------------------------------------------------
266 (defmethod buffer-fill-input ((buffer single-channel-buffer) &key timeout)
267 (with-synchronized-buffer (buffer :input)
268 (%buffer-clear-output buffer)
269 (%buffer-fill-input buffer timeout)))
271 (defmethod buffer-fill-input ((buffer dual-channel-buffer) &key timeout)
272 (with-synchronized-buffer (buffer :input)
273 (%buffer-fill-input buffer timeout)))
275 (defmethod %buffer-fill-input ((buffer buffer) timeout)
276 (with-accessors ((device device-of)
277 (input-iobuf input-iobuf-of))
278 buffer
279 (multiple-value-bind (data start end)
280 (iobuf-next-empty-zone input-iobuf)
281 (let ((nbytes
282 (device-read device data :start start
283 :end end :timeout timeout)))
284 (setf (iobuf-end input-iobuf) (+ start nbytes))
285 (setf (last-io-op-of buffer) :read)
286 (values nbytes)))))
289 ;;;-------------------------------------------------------------------------
290 ;;; Buffer FLUSH-OUTPUT
291 ;;;-------------------------------------------------------------------------
293 (defmethod buffer-flush-output ((buffer single-channel-buffer) &key timeout)
294 (with-synchronized-buffer (buffer :output)
295 (when (eql :write (last-io-op-of buffer))
296 (%buffer-flush-output buffer timeout))))
298 (defmethod buffer-flush-output ((buffer dual-channel-buffer) &key timeout)
299 (with-synchronized-buffer (buffer :output)
300 (%buffer-flush-output buffer timeout)))
302 (defmethod %buffer-flush-output ((buffer dual-channel-buffer) timeout)
303 (with-accessors ((device device-of)
304 (output-iobuf output-iobuf-of))
305 buffer
306 (multiple-value-bind (data start end)
307 (iobuf-next-data-zone output-iobuf)
308 (let ((nbytes
309 (device-write device data :start start
310 :end end :timeout timeout)))
311 (setf (iobuf-start output-iobuf) (+ start nbytes))
312 (setf (last-io-op-of buffer) :write)
313 (iobuf-available-octets output-iobuf)))))
316 ;;;-------------------------------------------------------------------------
317 ;;; I/O WAIT
318 ;;;-------------------------------------------------------------------------
320 (defmethod buffer-wait-until-flushable ((buffer buffer) &key timeout)
321 (device-poll-output (device-of buffer) :timeout timeout))