Join & Part abilities now require you to be an admin
[infinity.git] / Tests / Properties.hs
1 module Tests.Properties where
2 import Test.QuickCheck
3 import Control.Monad
4 import Text.Printf
5 import System.Exit
6 import System.IO
7 import qualified Data.Set as S
8 import qualified Data.Map as M
9 import Infinity.Core
11 instance Arbitrary Server where
12 arbitrary = do
13 n <- choose (1,20) -- length of strings
14 k <- choose (1,30) -- random amount of chans/admins
15 nick <- vector n :: Gen [Char]
16 real <- vector n :: Gen [Char]
17 pass <- vector n :: Gen [Char]
18 chans <- mapM (vector :: Int -> Gen [Char]) $ replicate k n
19 addr <- vector n :: Gen [Char]
20 port <- choose (1,9000)
21 admins <- mapM (vector :: Int -> Gen [Char]) $ replicate k n
22 return $ Server addr port (S.fromList chans) nick pass real (S.fromList admins)
24 instance Arbitrary Bot where
25 arbitrary = do
26 n <- choose (1,20) -- random number of servers
27 servs <- vector n :: Gen [Server]
28 return $ Bot (M.fromList $ zip servs (repeat stdout)) -- we use stdout so we don't get errs since it always exists
30 -- | Properties
31 prop_partc_idempotent s c = (joinchan c (joinchan c s)) == joinchan c s
32 where types = (s::Server,c::String)
34 prop_joinc_idempotent s c = (partchan c (partchan c s)) == partchan c s
35 where types = (s::Server,c::String)
37 -- the below test slightly violates procedure, but we have to do it this way
38 -- so we can get a more proper test. if we use ==> to check that the random
39 -- channel name is already a member of the server's randomly generated channels,
40 -- before running partchan, then joinchan, the input space is too large so chances are it
41 -- will fail because quickcheck will give up on generation, resulting in failure.
42 -- on the other hand, without that constraint, we will part a channel, returning
43 -- the same server (since the generated string probably isn't a part of the generated
44 -- channels,) then join that channel, which will result in a false negative.
45 -- therefore, we run this over a server we can make sure that has that channel apart of
46 -- it, since the above tests prove joinchan is idempotent anyway.
47 prop_joinpart_inverse s c = (joinchan c (partchan c s')) == s'
48 where types = (s::Server,c::String)
49 s' = joinchan c s
51 prop_partjoin_inverse s c = (partchan c (joinchan c s)) == s
52 where types = (s::Server,c::String)
54 prop_newadmin_idempotent s n = (newadmin n (newadmin n s)) == newadmin n s
55 where types = (s::Server,n::String)
57 prop_deladmin_idempotent s n = (deladmin n (deladmin n s)) == deladmin n s
58 where types = (s::Server,n::String)
60 -- see above (prop_joinpart_inverse) for an explanation of this test
61 prop_newdel_inverse s n = (newadmin n (deladmin n s')) == s'
62 where types = (s::Server,n::String)
63 s' = newadmin n s
65 prop_delnew_inverse s n = (deladmin n (newadmin n s)) == s
66 where types = (s::Server,n::String)
68 prop_servexists b s = (servexists b' s) == True
69 where types = (b::Bot,s::Server)
70 b' = joinserv stdout s b
72 prop_partserv_idempotent s b = (partserv s (partserv s b)) == partserv s b
73 where types = (s::Server,b::Bot)
75 prop_joinserv_idempotent s b = (joinserv stdout s (joinserv stdout s b)) == joinserv stdout s b
76 where types = (s::Server,b::Bot)
78 prop_partjoinserv_inverse s b = (partserv s (joinserv stdout s b)) == b
79 where types = (s::Server,b::Bot)
81 prop_joinpartserv_inverse s b = (joinserv stdout s (partserv s b')) == b'
82 where types = (s::Server,b::Bot)
83 b' = joinserv stdout s b
85 -- | Invariants table
86 invariants = [ ("joinchan c (joinchan c s) == joinchan c s",
87 quickCheck' prop_joinc_idempotent)
88 , ("partchan c (partchan c s) == partchan c s",
89 quickCheck' prop_partc_idempotent)
90 , ("partchan c (joinchan c s) == s",
91 quickCheck' prop_partjoin_inverse)
92 , ("joinchan c (partchan c s) == s",
93 quickCheck' prop_joinpart_inverse)
94 , ("newadmin n (newadmin n s) == newadmin n s",
95 quickCheck' prop_newadmin_idempotent)
96 , ("deladmin n (deladmin n s) == deladmin n s",
97 quickCheck' prop_deladmin_idempotent)
98 , ("newadmin n (deladmin n s) == s",
99 quickCheck' prop_newdel_inverse)
100 , ("deladmin n (newadmin n s) == s",
101 quickCheck' prop_delnew_inverse)
102 , ("servexists b s == True",
103 quickCheck' prop_servexists)
104 , ("partserv s (partserv s b) == b",
105 quickCheck' prop_partserv_idempotent)
106 , ("joinserv undef s (joinserv undef s b) == b",
107 quickCheck' prop_joinserv_idempotent)
108 , ("partserv s (joinserv undef s b) == b",
109 quickCheck' prop_partjoinserv_inverse)
110 , ("joinserv undef s (partserv s b) == b",
111 quickCheck' prop_joinpartserv_inverse)
114 main = do
115 b <- mapM (\(s,t) -> printf "%s:\t\t" s >> t) invariants
116 printf "%d tests passed.\n" $ (length . filter id) b
117 if (not . and $ b) then
118 printf "Err: Not all tests passed.\n" >> exitWith (ExitFailure (-1))
119 else printf "Success, all tests passed.\n"