Join & Part abilities now require you to be an admin
[infinity.git] / Infinity / Main.hs
1 {-# OPTIONS_HADDOCK ignore-exports, prune #-}
3 -- | The bot's brain.
4 -- NOTE: This is the static build of infinity,
5 -- documentation for imain and imain' has not
6 -- been generated
7 #else
8 -- | The bot's brain.
9 -- NOTE: This is the dynamic build of infinity,
10 -- documentation for staticmain has not been
11 -- generated.
12 #endif
13 module Infinity.Main (
14 #ifndef STATIC_BUILD
15 imain,imain',
16 #else
17 staticmain,
18 #endif
19 offlinemode
20 ) where
21 import qualified Network.IRC as IRC
22 import qualified Data.Map as M
23 import qualified Data.Set as S
24 import qualified Config as C
25 import System.Console.Readline
26 import Control.Concurrent.STM
27 import Control.Concurrent
28 import Network.Socket
29 #ifndef STATIC_BUILD
30 import System.Plugins
31 #endif
32 import Control.Monad
33 import Text.Printf
34 import System.Exit
35 import System.IO
36 import Data.List
37 import Network
38 -- infinity-related stuff
39 import Infinity.Plugins
40 import Infinity.State
41 import Infinity.Util
42 import Infinity.Core
43 import Infinity.IRC
44 import Infinity.Log
46 #ifndef STATIC_BUILD
47 -- | Reboot data type
48 type Reboot = (Module -> Bot -> IO ())
49 #endif
51 -- | Data that can go over the remote channel
52 data RemoteLine
53 = Str String -- ^ A regular string
54 | Quit (Server,Handle) -- ^ A quit message from a server
55 | Join (Server,Channel) -- ^ Joined a channel
56 | Part (Server,Channel) -- ^ Parted the channel
57 | Reboot -- ^ Reboot message sent
58 | Nil -- ^ Signifies thread death,
59 -- only happens after reboot
60 deriving (Eq,Show)
63 -- | The bot\'s static entry point; used
64 -- when not built with -fdynamic
65 staticmain :: IO ()
66 staticmain = do
67 -- connect to all servers
68 bot <- startup
69 rchan <- newChan
70 logs Normal "Initializing plugins..."
71 plugins <- initplugins (C.enabledplugins C.config)
73 -- setup static servers
74 let Bot x = bot
75 mapM_ setup (M.toList x)
76 mapM_ (forkIO . listener plugins rchan Nothing) (M.toList x)
77 let bot' = joinservs (M.toList x) bot
78 logs Normal "Joined channels and identified..."
79 monitor plugins rchan undefined bot'
80 return ()
82 #ifndef STATIC_BUILD
83 -- | Bot\'s FIRST dynamic entry point
84 imain :: Module -> Reboot -> IO ()
85 imain mod reboot = imain' mod reboot newbot
87 -- | The bot\'s dynamic entry point that we jump to from 'imain'
88 imain' :: Module -> Reboot -> Bot -> IO ()
89 imain' mod reboot bot = do
90 logs Normal "Initializing plugins..."
91 plugins <- initplugins (C.enabledplugins C.config)
92 rchan <- newChan :: IO (Chan RemoteLine)
93 rebootvar <- atomically $ newEmptyTMVar -- when a reboot is sent, this is set
95 -- we connect to any newly added servers
96 let newservs = filter (not . servexists bot) (C.servers C.config)
97 servs' <- mapM servcon newservs
98 mapM_ setup servs'
100 -- set up all new servers
101 let bot' = joinservs servs' bot
102 Bot x = bot'
103 mapM_ (forkIO . listener plugins rchan (Just rebootvar)) (M.toList x)
104 logs Normal "Joined channels & Identified..."
105 b' <- monitor plugins rchan rebootvar bot'
106 reboot mod b'
107 #endif
109 -- | If infinity is built and the '-offline' command is specified,
110 -- then it will jump here and it will be a console interface.
111 offlinemode :: IO ()
112 offlinemode = do
113 x <- initplugins (C.enabledplugins C.config)
114 shell x $ IContext Nothing x Nothing
115 where shell plugs ctx = do
116 s <- readline "> "
117 case s of
118 Nothing -> shell plugs ctx
119 Just "quit" -> exitWith ExitSuccess
120 Just s' -> do
121 addHistory s'
122 let (cmd,av) = span (/=' ') s'
123 av' = if null av then Nothing
124 else Just (drop 1 av)
125 (str,x') <- runplugin ctx plugs cmd av'
126 putStrLn str >> shell x' ctx
128 -- | This is the bot's main loop. After it gets rebooted or starts
129 -- for the first time, it initializes all plugins, spawns a thread
130 -- for each server, and then jumps here. This monitors when threads
131 -- quit, it waits for them to join, serializes plugin state, and
132 -- other tasks.
133 monitor :: [IModule] -> Chan RemoteLine -> TMVar Bool -> Bot -> IO Bot
134 monitor plugins rchan rebootvar bot = do
135 mlog Normal "Server's connected, threads forked..."
136 loop bot
137 where check b = when (servnum b == 0) $ do
138 mlog Normal "All servers disconnected, quitting..."
139 exitWith ExitSuccess
140 wait n s i = when (i < n) $
141 case s of
142 Nil:xs -> wait n xs $! i+1
143 _:xs -> wait n xs i
144 loop b = do
145 check b
146 l <- readChan rchan
147 case l of
148 Str s -> putStrLn s >> loop b
149 Quit (s,h) -> do
150 hClose h
151 loop $! (partserv s b)
152 Join (s,c) -> let x = updateserv (joinchan c s) b in loop $! x
153 Part (s,c) -> let x = updateserv (joinchan c s) b in loop $! x
154 #ifdef STATIC_BUILD
155 Reboot -> loop b
156 #else
157 Reboot -> do
158 mlog Normal "Got Reboot message"
159 atomically $ putTMVar rebootvar True
160 s <- getChanContents rchan
161 wait (servnum b) s 0
162 return b
163 #endif
165 -- | This is the entry point for threads that listen on sockets for
166 -- messages
167 listener :: [IModule] -> Chan RemoteLine -> Maybe (TMVar Bool) -> (Server,Handle) -> IO ()
168 listener plugins rchan rebootvar x@(serv,handle) = infinity $ do
169 str <- hGetLine handle
170 writeChan rchan (Str str)
171 if ping str then pong handle str
172 else eval (ircParser str)
173 where eval s | (Err e) <- s = logs Error ("eval err: "++e)
174 | (Line u c x) <- s = irclog (address serv) (u,c,x)
175 | (Cmd u c (cmd,av)) <- s = do
176 let cmd' = tail cmd
177 case av of
178 Nothing -> irclog (address serv) (u,c,cmd)
179 Just args -> irclog (address serv) (u,c,unwords [cmd,args])
180 unless (null cmd') (parseCmds u cmd' av c $ IContext (Just serv) plugins (Just handle))
181 parseCmds u c av chan ctx
182 | "join" == c = when (isadmin u serv) $ case av of
183 Just av' -> joinC handle av' >> writeChan rchan (Join (serv,av'))
184 Nothing -> privmsg handle chan "Need a channel to join..."
185 | "part" == c = when (isadmin u serv) $ case av of
186 Just av' -> partC handle av' >> writeChan rchan (Part (serv,av'))
187 Nothing -> partC handle chan >> writeChan rchan (Part (serv,chan))
188 -- | "quit" == c = writeChan rchan (Quit (serv,handle))
189 -- | "reboot" == c = writeChan rchan Reboot
190 | otherwise = do
191 (str,plugins') <- runplugin ctx plugins c av
192 #ifdef DEBUG
193 logs Normal $ "Output of \'"++cmd'++"\', with args \'"++(show av)++"\': "++str
194 #endif
195 mapM_ (\s -> privmsg handle chan s >>
196 irclog (address serv) ((nickname serv),chan,s)) (lines str)
199 --------------------------------
200 -- Utilities
201 --------------------------------
202 -- | Loops a function unless 'b' is False
203 infinity :: IO () -> IO ()
204 infinity a = a >> infinity a
206 -- | Sends a message over a Handle
207 sendH :: Handle -> String -> IO ()
208 sendH h = hPrintf h "%s\r\n"
210 -- | Sends a private message over a handle
211 privmsg :: Handle -> String -> String -> IO ()
212 privmsg h c s = sendH h $ IRC.encode (IRC.privmsg c s)
214 -- | Joins a channel by sending the message over the handle
215 joinC :: Handle -> String -> IO ()
216 joinC h = sendH h . IRC.encode . IRC.joinChan
218 -- | Parts a channel by sending the message over the handle
219 partC :: Handle -> String -> IO ()
220 partC h = sendH h . IRC.encode . IRC.part
222 -- | Check if a message is a PING
223 ping :: String -> Bool
224 ping = isPrefixOf "PING :"
226 -- | Send a pong message given a ping message
227 -- previously
228 pong :: Handle -> String -> IO ()
229 pong h s = sendH h $ "PONG " ++ (drop 5 s)
231 -- | our parser for irc msgs.
232 ircParser = parseIRCmsg (C.commandPrefixes C.config)
234 -- | Starts up the bot with initial configuration and
235 -- | whatnot, used by staticmain
236 startup = do
237 hSetBuffering stdout NoBuffering
238 logs Normal "Connecting to servers..."
239 servs <- mapM servcon (C.servers C.config)
240 -- add these new servers to bot state
241 let bot = joinservs servs newbot
242 logs Normal "Connected to servers..."
243 return bot
245 -- | Connects to a server
246 servcon s = do
247 let name = address s
248 portn = port s
249 h <- connectTo name (PortNumber $ fromIntegral portn)
250 hSetBuffering h NoBuffering
251 return (s,h)
254 -- | Sets up a newly created server connection,
255 -- by sending the User, nick, and password messages
256 -- as well as joining channels.
257 setup x@(serv,handle) = do
258 -- setup authentication and stuff
259 sendstr handle (IRC.encode $ IRC.nick (nickname serv)) -- nick
260 sendstr handle (IRC.encode $ IRC.user (nickname serv) "0" "*" (realname serv)) -- realname
261 when (not . null $ (password serv)) $ do
262 sendstr handle (IRC.encode $ IRC.privmsg "nickserv" ("identify "++(password serv))) -- password
263 mapM_ (sendstr handle . IRC.encode . IRC.joinChan) (S.toList $ channels serv) -- channels
264 return ()
266 -- | Send a string over handle
267 sendstr h str = hPrintf h "%s\r\n" str