[imt.git] / path.ml
1 let debug = false
3 type unix_path =
4 | Bad_dir
5 | Bad_file
6 | Path of string
8 let convert_compress_slashes s =
9 let l = String.length s in
10 let t = String.create l in
11 let rec loop prev_slash i j =
12 if i = l
13 then
15 else
16 let c = s.[i] in
17 if c = '\\'
18 then
19 if prev_slash
20 then
21 loop true (succ i) j
22 else
23 begin
24 t.[j] <- '/';
25 loop true (succ i) (succ j)
26 end
27 else
28 begin
29 t.[j] <- c;
30 loop false (succ i) (succ j)
31 end
33 let rl = loop false 0 0 in
34 if rl = String.length t
35 then
37 else
38 String.sub t 0 rl
40 let convert_slashes = convert_compress_slashes
42 let find_unix_path path =
43 let dirname = Filename.dirname path in
44 if debug
45 then
46 Format.eprintf "find_unix_path: %S - %S %b@.@."
47 path dirname (Sys.file_exists dirname);
48 if not (Sys.file_exists dirname)
49 then
50 Bad_dir
51 else
52 if not (Sys.file_exists path)
53 then
54 let basename = Filename.basename path in
55 let names = Sys.readdir dirname in
56 if debug
57 then
58 Format.eprintf "readdir: %S@." dirname;
59 let lowercase_name = String.lowercase basename in
60 let find_string_lower target names =
61 let len = Array.length names in
62 let rec finder index =
63 if index = len
64 then
65 None
66 else
67 let name = names.(index) in
68 let lowercase_name = String.lowercase name in
69 if lowercase_name = target
70 then
71 Some name
72 else
73 finder (succ index)
75 finder 0
77 match (find_string_lower lowercase_name names) with
78 | None ->
79 Bad_file
80 | Some name ->
81 Path (Filename.concat dirname name)
82 else
83 Path path
85 let rec find path =
86 if debug
87 then
88 Format.eprintf "find(%S)@." path;
89 let res = find_unix_path path in
90 match res with
91 | Bad_dir ->
92 let dirname = Filename.dirname path in
93 let res = find dirname in
94 begin
95 match res with
96 | Path correct_dirname ->
97 let basename = Filename.basename path in
98 let path = Filename.concat correct_dirname basename in
99 find_unix_path path
100 | _ ->
101 Bad_dir
103 | other ->
104 other
106 let split s =
107 let len = String.length s in
108 let rec collect list pos =
109 if pos = len
110 then
111 list
112 else
113 match s.[pos] with
114 | ' ' | '\t' | '\n' | '\r' ->
115 collect list (succ pos)
116 | '"' ->
117 let endpos =
119 String.index_from s pos '"'
120 with Not_found->
121 prerr_string "Path.split: mismatched quote ";
122 prerr_string (String.escaped s);
123 prerr_string " pos:";
124 prerr_int pos;
125 prerr_newline ();
128 let s = String.sub s pos (endpos - pos) in
129 collect (s :: list) endpos
130 | _ ->
131 let endpos =
133 String.index_from s pos ' '
134 with Not_found->
137 let s = String.sub s pos (endpos - pos) in
138 collect (s :: list) endpos
140 collect [] 0
142 let find2 win_path =
143 let s1 =
144 if not Wine.native || !Wine.native_convert_slashes
145 then
146 convert_slashes win_path
147 else
148 win_path
150 if Wine.native
151 then
152 Some s1
153 else
154 let s2 = Drive.subst s1 in
155 let unix_path = find s2 in
156 begin
157 match unix_path with
158 | Bad_dir
159 | Bad_file ->
160 if debug
161 then
162 begin
163 prerr_string "Path.find2 Bad_file: ";
164 prerr_string (String.copy win_path);
165 prerr_char ' ';
166 prerr_string (String.copy s1);
167 prerr_char ' ';
168 prerr_string (String.copy s2);
169 prerr_char ' ';
170 prerr_newline ();
171 exit 103
172 end;
173 None
174 | Path unix_path ->
175 Some unix_path
178 let output oc dir_only win_path =
179 let s1 =
180 if not Wine.native || !Wine.native_convert_slashes
181 then
182 convert_slashes win_path
183 else
184 win_path
186 if Wine.native
187 then
188 output_string oc s1
189 else
190 let s2 = Drive.subst s1 in
191 let s3 =
192 if dir_only
193 then
194 Filename.dirname s2
195 else
198 let unix_path = find s3 in
199 begin
200 match unix_path with
201 | Bad_dir
202 | Bad_file ->
203 if debug
204 then
205 begin
206 prerr_string "Path.output Bad_file: ";
207 prerr_string ( win_path);
208 print_char ' ';
209 prerr_string ( s1);
210 prerr_char ' ';
211 prerr_string ( s2);
212 prerr_char ' ';
213 prerr_newline ();
214 exit 104
215 end;
216 output_string oc win_path
217 | Path unix_path ->
218 if dir_only
219 then
220 output_string oc (Filename.concat s3 (Filename.basename s2))
221 else
222 output_string oc unix_path
225 let prerr = output stderr
226 let print = output stdout
228 let abs_predicate s =
229 not (Filename.is_relative s) && Sys.file_exists s
231 let check_and_modify_absolute_no_root s =
232 if abs_predicate s
233 then
234 begin
235 prerr_string (String.escaped s);
236 prerr_endline
237 " is absolute and exists, but no wine drive mapping root is defined";
240 else
243 let check_and_modify_absolute_root root s =
244 if abs_predicate s
245 then
246 if false
247 then
248 let r = String.create (String.length s + 2) in
249 r.[0] <- root;
250 r.[1] <- ':';
251 StringLabels.blit
252 ~src:s
253 ~src_pos:0
254 ~dst:r
255 ~dst_pos:2
256 ~len:(String.length s);
258 else
259 let r = String.create (String.length s + 1) in
260 r.[0] <- '\\';
261 r.[1] <- '\\';
262 StringLabels.blit
263 ~src:s
264 ~src_pos:1
265 ~dst:r
266 ~dst_pos:2
267 ~len:(String.length s - 1);
269 else
272 let check_and_modify_absolute s =
273 if Wine.native
274 then
276 else
277 match Drive.get_root () with
278 | None ->
279 check_and_modify_absolute_no_root s
280 | Some root ->
281 check_and_modify_absolute_root root s