Add preliminary draft of "Contribute". Document is not complete.
[htmlpurifier-web.git] / contribute.xhtml
1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
2 <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
3 "">
4 <html
5 xmlns=""
6 xmlns:xi=""
7 xml:lang="en">
8 <head>
9 <title>Contribute - HTML Purifier</title>
10 <xi:include href="common-meta.xml" xpointer="xpointer(/*/node())" />
11 <meta name="description" content="How to help HTML Purifier grow through code and attention." />
12 <meta name="keywords" content="HTMLPurifier, HTML Purifier, HTML, filter, filtering, standards, compliant, contribute, contribution, open source, community, help, code, needed" />
13 </head>
14 <body>
16 <xi:include href="common-header.xml" xpointer="xpointer(/*/node())" />
17 <h1 id="title">Contribute</h1>
19 <div id="content">
21 <h2>Why contribute?</h2>
23 <p>
24 As open-source software, you are not legally obligated to give anything
25 back to the community. In such a sense, HTML Purifier is our gift to
26 you, and you very well can run away and never be heard from again.
27 </p>
29 <p>
30 We hope, however, that this lack of a legal obligation doesn't prevent
31 you from contributing back to our project. Many hours were poured into
32 this project by its developers, and doubtless, this project has saved
33 many hours on your behalf. If HTML Purifier saved you 200 hours of work
34 (the actual figure might be more, might be less), even if you contribute
35 ten hours back to the project, that still come out ahead 190 hours.
36 </p>
38 <p>
39 Additionally, your use of this library also requires substantial investment
40 on your part as well. You were required to learn the APIs, read the
41 documentation, tweak things so that they worked with your application,
42 et cetera. Contributing back means making good use of this investment:
43 it means not only will your expertise and knowledge be fed back into
44 HTML Purifier, but you might learn a thing or to from the internals that
45 you didn't know before.
46 </p>
48 <p>
49 If I've convinced you, read on! It's quite easy to get started...
50 </p>
52 <h2>What can you do?</h2>
54 <p>
55 New contributors in other projects often get shoehorned into mundane stuff
56 like updating documentation or writing tutorials. Unless that's your
57 calling, we don't want you to do that. We want you to scratch an itch,
58 to think up of something that would be helpful to you, and write code for it.
59 </p>
61 <p>
62 What might that itch be? Over the years, we've accumulated many feature
63 requests in our <a href="dev/TODO">TODO</a> file. You might have an
64 idea for a new AutoFormatter, or maybe would like to implement an HTMLModule
65 for a set of elements that HTML Purifier doesn't support yet. Maybe you
66 want a demo page built-in with the library so that you can easily test
67 things out without using HTML Purifier's demo page. Code something that
68 interests you.
69 </p>
71 <h2>Coding standards</h2>
73 <p>
74 As a general rule of thumb, make sure your code looks like the code around
75 it. Probably the biggest thing is to remember four spaces, no tabs (if you
76 perpetually forget, get your text-editor to make whitespace visible).
77 </p>
79 <p>
80 The code you write must be PHP 5.0.5 compatible, so avoid later features
81 like magic methods. The code you write also must have unit tests, which
82 reside in the <em>tests/</em> directory. The workflow for your feature
83 should be along the lines of:
84 </p>
86 <ol>
87 <li>Write unit tests</li>
88 <li>Hack hack hack</li>
89 <li>Run <em>php tests/index.php</em></li>
90 <li>If failures, go back to 1 or 2</li>
91 </ol>
93 <p>
94 HTML Purifier prides itself in having an evergreen test suite, so if your
95 change breaks other tests, it probably won't be accepted.
96 </p>
98 <h2>Getting setup</h2>
101 You already know how to <em>use</em> HTML Purifier. But do you know how
102 to develop it?
103 </p>
105 <h3>Git</h3>
108 HTML Purifier's repository is hosted via Git. If you've used Git before,
109 you can skip this section: you already know what the workflow is for
110 working on Git, so just clone from git:// and
111 get going. Otherwise, read-on.
112 </p>
115 In order to hack on HTML Purifier's source tree, you will first need to
116 make sure Git is installed on your system. Type the following command
117 in your prompt:
118 </p>
120 <pre class="command">git --version</pre>
123 And you should get something along the lines of <q>git version 1.5.6</q>.
124 Otherwise:
125 </p>
127 <dl>
128 <dt>You use Linux:</dt>
129 <dd>
130 Grab Git from your friendly neighborhood package manager. Or compile
131 from source with package provided at <a href=""></a>.
132 Either should be relatively simple.
133 </dd>
134 <dt>You use Windows:</dt>
135 <dd>
136 Download and install <a href="">msysgit</a>.
137 Then, for all of the following commands
138 we discuss, enter them in the console provided by Git Bash. If you have
139 Cygwin, you can also use setup.exe to install Git.
140 </dd>
141 <dt>You use a Mac:</dt>
142 <dd>
143 There are binaries available from <a href="">various</a>
144 <a href="">sources</a>; I haven't
145 tried them so your mileage may vary. Since Mac is a BSD-like system, you
146 can also <a href=";id=2539">compile
147 from source.</a>
148 </dd>
149 </dl>
152 Run the earlier command again to make sure the installation went
153 smoothly. Now run this command:
154 </p>
156 <pre class="command">git clone git://</pre>
159 This will copy the HTML Purifier codebase into the htmlpurifier folder.
160 </p>
163 You will want to configure the Git installation with your name and
164 email address. You can do this with these two commands.
165 </p>
167 <pre class="command">git config --global "Bob Doe"
168 git config --global</pre>
171 Let us fast forward for a moment and imagine that we already made our changes
172 and would now like to send the changes to HTML Purifier for review. You
173 will to execute these commands:
174 </p>
176 <pre class="command">git status</pre>
179 This command will give you a quick rundown about all the files Git knows
180 about. If you have any <q>Untracked files</q>, you will need to add
181 them with:
182 </p>
184 <pre class="command">git add <em>$filename</em></pre>
186 <blockquote class="aside"><p>
187 (You can also add <q>Changed but not updated</q> files, but because we will
188 be using the <code>-a</code> option this is strictly unnecessary.)
189 </p></blockquote>
192 Now, you will want to commit your changes. Users of centralized version
193 control systems, beware: this does not push it to a remote repository,
194 or anything like that. It simply records the change in your local repository.
195 Doing so is as simple as:
196 </p>
198 <pre class="command">git commit -as</pre>
200 <blockquote class="aside"><p>
201 The <q>a</q> flag tells Git to commit all modified files, even if you didn't
202 git add them. The <q>s</q> flag tells Git to sign off your commit message
203 with your name and email.
204 </p></blockquote>
207 You will then have a screen brought up to enter a commit message. If this
208 screen is vim, type i, your commit message, ESC, and then :wq ENTER (write and
209 quit).
210 </p>
213 A quick note about commit messages: there is a very specific format for them.
214 They should look something like this:
215 </p>
217 <pre>Concise one-line statement describing change
219 Full explanation for the change. If you fixed a bug, make
220 sure you describe what was wrong, how you fixed it, and
221 what the behavior is now. If it was a feature, describe
222 why the feature is useful, how you use it, and any tricky
223 implementation details.
225 In short, the body of the commit message (which can span multiple
226 paragraphs) should, along with the code diff, be self
227 explanatory and not require any email introduction. At the
228 same time, your commit message will be immortalized and
229 should be in third-person and formal.
231 Signed-off-by: Edward Z. Yang &lt;;</pre>
235 </p>
237 </div>
238 </body>
239 </html>