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[htmlpurifier-web.git] / index.xhtml
1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
2 <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
3 "">
4 <html
5 xmlns=""
6 xmlns:xi=""
7 xmlns:xc="urn:xhtml-compiler"
8 xml:lang="en">
9 <head>
10 <title>HTML Purifier - Filter your HTML the standards-compliant way!</title>
11 <xi:include href="common-meta.xml" xpointer="xpointer(/*/node())" />
12 <meta name="description"
13 content="HTML filter that guards against XSS and ensures standards-compliant output." />
14 <meta name="keywords"
15 content="HTMLPurifier, HTML Purifier, HTML, filter, filtering, standards, compliant, w3c, XSS, PHP, security, library, open source, LGPL, whitelist" />
16 <!-- See news.xhtml for definition -->
17 <link rel="alternate" type="application/rss+xml" title="News - HTML Purifier" href="news.rss" />
18 <script defer="defer" type="text/javascript" src="" xc:absolute="src"></script>
19 <!-- OpenID for Edward Z. Yang -->
20 <link rel="openid.server" href="" />
21 <link rel="openid.delegate" href="" />
22 <!-- Google OpenSearch -->
23 <link rel="search" href="opensearchdescription.xml"
24 type="application/opensearchdescription+xml"
25 title="HTML Purifier" />
26 </head>
27 <body>
29 <div id="branding">
30 <h1>
31 <span class="html">HTML</span>
32 <span class="purifier">Purifier</span>
33 </h1>
34 <blockquote>
35 <p>
36 Standards-Compliant HTML Filtering
37 </p>
38 </blockquote>
39 </div>
41 <xi:include href="common-navigation.xml" xpointer="xpointer(/*/node())" />
43 <div id="content">
45 <div id="summary">
46 <h2>Summary</h2>
47 <div id="summary-safe">
48 <h3>Safe</h3>
49 <p>
50 HTML Purifier defeats XSS with an audited whitelist
51 </p>
52 </div>
53 <div id="summary-clean">
54 <h3>Clean</h3>
55 <p>
56 HTML Purifier ensures standards-compliant output
57 </p>
58 </div>
59 <div id="summary-open">
60 <h3>Open</h3>
61 <p>
62 HTML Purifier is open-source and highly customizable
63 </p>
64 </div>
65 </div>
67 <div id="intro">
68 <div class="warning" style="margin-left:0; margin-right:0;">
69 <strong>Most recent release is a security update.</strong> Please upgrade
70 to HTML Purifier 3.1.1 or 2.1.5 as soon as possible.
71 </div>
73 <p><strong>HTML Purifier</strong> is a standards-compliant
74 <abbr>HTML</abbr> filter library written in
75 <abbr>PHP</abbr>. HTML Purifier will not only remove all malicious
76 code (better known as <abbr>XSS</abbr>) with a thoroughly audited,
77 secure <em>yet</em> permissive <strong><a
78 href="live/smoketests/printDefinition.php">whitelist</a></strong>,
79 it will also make sure your documents are
80 <strong>standards compliant</strong>, something only achievable with a
81 comprehensive knowledge of <abbr>W3C</abbr>'s specifications.
82 Tired of using BBCode due to the current landscape of deficient or
83 insecure <abbr>HTML</abbr> filters? Have a
84 <strong><acronym>WYSIWYG</acronym></strong> editor but never been able to use it? Looking
85 for high-quality, standards-compliant, open-source components for that
86 application you're building? HTML Purifier is for you!</p>
88 <blockquote class="fancy">
89 <div class="quote">
90 I'd just like to say we use HTML Purifier in <a href="">IRIS</a> for
91 filtering emails against XSS attacks and we've been more than impressed.
92 </div>
93 <div class="origin">&mdash; Chris Corbyn, <em>Senior IRIS Developer</em></div>
94 </blockquote>
96 <xi:include href="download-box.xml" xpointer="xpointer(/*/node())" />
98 </div>
100 <h2 id="Background" class="clear">Background</h2>
102 <p>There are a number of open-source <abbr>HTML</abbr> filtering solutions out
103 there on the web already
104 (i.e. <acronym>PEAR</acronym>'s
105 <a href="">HTML_Safe</a>,
106 <a href="">kses</a>
108 <a href="">
109 SafeHtmlChecker.class.php</a>). What sets HTML Purifier apart from them?
110 Aren't all of these choices <q>secure</q>?</p>
112 <p>When it comes to <abbr>HTML</abbr>, <strong>attention to
113 detail</strong> is key. Does the library demonstrate an in-depth
114 knowledge of the <abbr>DTD</abbr> that defines
115 <abbr>HTML</abbr>? Does it perform its filtering off a robust
116 whitelist rather than a usually out-dated blacklist? Does it go through
117 the care to check every single attribute in the document for validity?
118 Does it actually understand tag markup, or pay lip-service with a series
119 of deficient regexes and str_replace's?</p>
121 <p>Somewhere along the way, all of HTML Purifier's predecessors fall
122 flat. HTML_Safe dooms itself to attacks of the future by using a
123 blacklist. Configurable filters like kses and PHP Input Filter still
124 cannot validate the contents inside attributes. With all these gaps in
125 coverage, none of the usual libraries come close to achieving
126 <strong>standards-compliance</strong>. There is a user-unfriendly,
127 draconic <abbr>XML</abbr>-based filter called Safe HTML Checker,
128 but even it forgets that <code>&lt;a&gt;</code> tags cannot be nested
129 within each other!</p>
131 <p><strong>Know thy enemy.</strong> Wily hackers have a huge arsenal of
132 <abbr>XSS</abbr> hidden within the depths of the
133 <abbr>HTML</abbr> specification. HTML Purifier takes its
134 effectiveness from the fact that it will decompose the whole document
135 into tokens, and rigorously process the tokens by removing
136 non-whitelisted elements, transforming bad practice tags like font into
137 span, properly checking the nesting of tags and their children and
138 validating all attributes according to their <abbr>RFC</abbr>s.
139 HTML Purifier's comprehensive algorithms are complemented by a
140 <strong>breadth of knowledge</strong>, ensuring that richly formatted
141 documents pass through unstripped.</p>
143 <p>To my knowledge, there is nothing else in the wild that offers
144 protection from <abbr>XSS</abbr>, standards-compliance, and the
145 corrective processing of poorly formed <abbr>HTML</abbr>
146 simultaneously. Don't take my word for it though:
147 do your research. Investigate the other libraries, and decide for
148 yourself who you would prefer to be the <strong>gatekeeper</strong> to
149 your system.</p>
151 <p>To find out more, you can read the
152 <a href="comparison.html"><strong>Comparison</strong></a>
153 for a play-by-play analysis of the major filter libraries currently
154 out there.</p>
156 <blockquote class="fancy">
157 <div class="quote">
158 [Y]ou save my day by allowing me not to write another damned HTML parser.
159 </div>
160 <div class="origin">
161 &mdash; Joseph Halter, <em>Technical Director at Akira Web</em>
162 </div>
163 </blockquote>
165 <h2 id="Plugins">Plugins</h2>
167 <p>HTML Purifier is a great library to integrate with existing
168 <abbr>CMS</abbr>es and other applications or <acronym>WYSIWYG</acronym>
169 editors. Currently, we have plugins for these applications:</p>
171 <ul>
172 <li><a href=",127035">Phorum</a> (in use at our very own forums!)</li>
173 <li><a href="">MODx</a></li>
174 <li><a href="">Drupal</a> by Bart Jansens</li>
175 <li><a href="">Wordpress</a> by John Godley</li>
176 <li><a href=",com_mtree/task,viewlink/link_id,4094/Itemid,35/">Joomla</a> by Double D</li>
177 <li><a href="">CodeIgniter</a> by Andy Mathijs</li>
178 </ul>
181 <strong>Notice:</strong>
182 Any plugin provided by a third party has not been vetted by us: use
183 them at your own risk. If you are having a problem with the plugin,
184 please consult the plugin author before asking for help here (we'll
185 be more than happy to help, but it might be a problem with the
186 plugin rather than HTML Purifier.)
187 </p>
189 <blockquote class="fancy">
190 <div class="quote">
191 This plugin is on top of my favorite list[.] I am going to heavily
192 depend on it since my clients insist on having <acronym>WYSIWYG</acronym> and I insist on
193 having pages that validate and are semantically sound.
194 </div>
195 <div class="origin">
196 &mdash; David Molliere, <em>MODx Marketing &amp; Design Team</em>
197 </div>
198 </blockquote>
200 <p>Plugins for other major applications gladly accepted!</p>
203 <h2 id="Users">Users</h2>
205 <p>Here are some open-source applications that use HTML Purifier:</p>
207 <table>
208 <tr><td><a href="">Aliro</a></td><td><a href="">3.1.0</a></td></tr>
209 <tr><td><a href="">Jibberbook</a></td><td><a href="">3.1.0</a></td></tr>
210 <tr><td><a href="">Mia</a></td><td><a href="">3.1.0</a></td></tr>
211 <tr><td><a href="">Kohana</a></td><td><a href="">3.1.0</a></td></tr>
212 <tr><td><a href="">Midgard</a></td><td>via PEAR</td></tr>
213 <tr><td><a href="">BitWeaver</a></td><td><a href="">via PEAR</a>, see <a href="">install_checks.php</a></td></tr>
214 <tr><td><a href="">Project Babel</a></td><td>via PEAR and Midgard</td></tr>
215 <tr><td><a href="">PHP Atompub Server</a></td><td><a href="">via download</a></td></tr>
216 </table>
218 <p>If I've forgotten anyone, drop me a line with a link to both
219 your application and the use of HTML Purifier in your code repository,
220 and I'll add your application to this list.</p>
222 <h3>Hall of Limbo: PHP4</h3>
224 <p>The following applications are using HTML Purifier 2.1, for PHP4 compatibility.
225 While this is fine, I would much rather they go PHP5!</p>
227 <table>
228 <tr><td>There are currently no applications using an up-to-date version of HTML Purifier 2.1.</td></tr>
229 </table>
232 <h3>Hall of the Past</h3>
234 <p>The following projects package HTML Purifier with their software, but are
235 not up-to-date. They are putting their userbase at risk of security attacks
236 by not keeping HTML Purifier updated. If you're a user or developer for these projects, please
237 raise your voice and help to get them fixed!</p>
239 <table>
240 <tr><td><!--<a href="">-->WPIDS<!--</a>--></td><td><a href="">3.0.0</a></td></tr>
241 <tr><td><!--<a href="">-->NoseRub<!--</a>--></td><td><a href="">3.0.0</a></td></tr>
242 <tr><td><!--<a href="">-->Lilina News Aggregator<!--</a>--></td><td><a href="">2.1.3</a></td></tr>
243 <tr><td><!--<a href="">-->TikiWiki<!--</a>--></td><td><a href="">2.1.3</a></td></tr>
244 <tr><td><!--<a href="">-->XOOPS Cube BRASIL<!--</a>--></td><td><a href="">2.1.3</a></td></tr>
245 <tr><td>Lichen Webmail</td><td><a href="">2.0.1</a>, see <a href="">ticket #79</a></td></tr>
246 <tr><td>PHProjekt</td><td><a href=";content-type=text%2Fplain;cvsroot=phprojekt5">1.6.0</a></td></tr>
247 <tr><td>XDForum</td><td><a href="">1.3.2</a></td></tr>
248 </table>
250 <h2 id="Propaganda">Spread the Word!</h2>
252 <p>Help spread awareness about HTML Purifier by:</p>
254 <ul>
255 <li><a
256 href=";noui&amp;url=;title=HTML%20Purifier%20-%20Filter%20your%20HTML%20the%20standards-compliant%20way!"
257 id="delicious">Bookmarking this website</a> on your <strong></strong> account, and/or</li>
258 <li>
259 <div>Including this little <strong>label</strong> on your website:
260 <a href=""><img
261 src="live/art/powered.png"
262 alt="Powered by HTML Purifier" border="0" /></a>, with this code:
263 </div>
264 <pre class="long">&lt;a href=&quot;;&gt;&lt;img
265 src=&quot;;
266 alt=&quot;Powered by HTML Purifier&quot; border=&quot;0&quot; /&gt;&lt;/a&gt;</pre>
267 </li>
268 </ul>
270 </div>
272 </body>
273 </html>