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9 <head>
10 <title>3.1.0 Release Candidate - News - HTML Purifier</title>
11 <xi:include href="common-meta.xml" xpointer="xpointer(/*/node())" />
12 <meta name="description" content="Release candidate notice for HTML Purifier 3.1.0rc1." />
13 <meta name="keywords" content="HTMLPurifier, HTML Purifier, HTML, filter, filtering, standards, compliant, 3.1.0, 3.1.0rc1, candidate, release, version, news" />
14 </head>
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19 <div id="main">
20 <h1 id="title">3.1.0 Release Candidate</h1>
22 <div id="content">
24 <p>
25 It's never happened before; HTML Purifier is now having its first ever
26 release candidate! Not since the beta-days has such a momentous event
27 occurred!
28 </p>
30 <p>
31 All joking aside, there have been some serious changes in the way HTML
32 Purifier is loaded on the developer-side; needless to say, I will not
33 be surprised if you see a fat <strong>Fatal</strong> error when you drop
34 in this release candidate. Some of them are intentional, some of them are
35 not (well, I hope not!) I need your help to iron out bugs stemming from
36 different system configurations before I do the official release.
37 </p>
39 <blockquote class="digression">
40 <p>
41 If you are a <em>new</em> user, you can treat this version as stable and
42 use it normally. The main uncertainty is with regards to upgrade
43 paths.
44 </p>
45 </blockquote>
47 <p>
48 So, if you are willing and ready, grab a copy, and then read on...
49 </p>
51 <xi:include href="download-box.xml" xpointer="xpointer(/*/node())" />
53 <h2>Autoloading</h2>
55 <p>
56 Autoloading is singularly the largest architectural change in HTML
57 Purifier, and under certain circumstances, can give you a hefty performance
58 boost too (not using the autoloader, but hold onto that thought for a moment).
59 Previously, HTML Purifier loaded everything it needed from <em>HTMLPurifier.php</em>.
60 Things have changed a little. I've investigated this thoroughly, and the
61 following cases will require some
62 user intervention:
63 </p>
65 <h3>You're a <acronym>PEAR</acronym> user</h3>
67 <p>
68 Previously, I told you to use this code:
69 </p>
71 <pre>require_once 'HTMLPurifier.php';</pre>
73 <p>
74 This will no longer be sufficient, because it doesn't register HTML Purifier's
75 autoloader. Replace the line with:
76 </p>
78 <pre>require_once 'HTMLPurifier.auto.php';</pre>
80 <h3>You included HTMLPurifier.php directly</h3>
82 <p>
83 Follow the same instructions as a <acronym>PEAR</acronym> user.
84 </p>
86 <h3>You are already using autoloading, and are on a version of PHP earlier than 5.1.2</h3>
88 <p>
89 In early versions of PHP 5, there was no way to register multiple autoload
90 handlers (with <code>spl_autoload_register</code>). You will need to
91 manually modify your autoloader to get HTML Purifier to play nice with it.
92 </p>
94 <p>Suppose your autoload function looks like this:</p>
96 <pre>function __autoload($class) {
97 require str_replace('_', '/', $class) . '.php';
98 return true;
99 }</pre>
101 <p>A modified version with HTML Purifier would look like this:</p>
103 <pre>function __autoload($class) {
104 if (HTMLPurifier_Bootstrap::autoload($class)) return true;
105 require str_replace('_', '/', $class) . '.php';
106 return true;
107 }</pre>
110 Make sure you call <code>HTMLPurifier_Bootstrap::autoload()</code> first,
111 because it will ignore class names that aren't prefixed with HTMLPurifier.
112 </p>
114 <h3>You are already using autoloading, and are on PHP 5.1.2+</h3>
117 Congratulations; you probably won't need to make any modifications.
118 However, it's worth taking a look whether or not you are using
119 <code>__autoload</code> or <code>spl_autoload_register</code>. If it's the
120 former, you may want to consider adding this line of code to your
121 application:
122 </p>
124 <pre>spl_autoload_register('__autoload');</pre>
127 This is a good idea because <code>spl_autoload_register</code> overrides
128 any <code>__autoload</code> function, so if a misbehaving library (not HTML Purifier,
129 of course!) registers its
130 own autoloader function, yours will mysteriously stop working. You are
131 <em>required</em> to do this if your autoloader is defined <em>after</em>
132 HTML Purifier's autoloader is called.
133 </p>
135 <h3>Some extra notes</h3>
138 With those modifications, your HTML Purifier installation should not be
139 fatally error'ing out. If it is, please <a href="http://htmlpurifier.org/phorum/list.php?3">post
140 in the Support forums</a> and I'll try to help and figure it out.
141 </p>
144 If you've got things working, and would like to try some of the newest features
145 out, check out the following files:
146 </p>
148 <dl>
149 <dt><strong>HTMLPurifier.includes.php</strong></dt>
150 <dd>This is the performance-friendly file I was talking about earlier. If you
151 use this, you don't need the autoloader at all&mdash;just swap 'auto' with
152 'includes'. The downside is that if you are using any non-standard classes,
153 you'll need to include them manually.</dd>
155 <dt><strong>HTMLPurifier.kses.php</strong></dt>
156 <dd>On the prompting of Lukasz Pilorz, I wrote a little wrapper for
157 HTML Purifier using the kses interface. It's pretty neat and works with
158 kses's configuration parameters, so check it out if you've got some
159 legacy code you want to migrate.</dd>
161 <dt><strong>HTMLPurifier.safe-includes.php</strong></dt>
162 <dd>This is the not-so-performance-friendly counterpart of
163 HTMLPurifier.includes.php. On the plus side, however, it doesn't need
164 autoload, and it can be included from anywhere with impunity.</dd>
165 </dl>
167 <h2>Filters</h2>
170 The interface for registering filters changed slightly. You may have noticed
171 some <code>E_USER_WARNING</code>s emitting from code that looks like:
172 </p>
174 <pre><![CDATA[$purifier = new HTMLPurifier();
175 require_once 'HTMLPurifier/Filter/YouTube.php';
176 $purifier->addFilter(new HTMLPurifier_Filter_YouTube());]]></pre>
179 We've replaced <code>addFilter()</code> with some new configuration directives.
180 Combined with autoloading, the above code turns into:
181 </p>
183 <pre><![CDATA[$config = HTMLPurifier_Config::createDefault();
184 $config->set('Filter', 'YouTube', true);
185 $purifier = new HTMLPurifier($config);]]></pre>
188 If you're using a custom filter, you'll need some slightly different code:
189 </p>
191 <pre><![CDATA[$config = HTMLPurifier_Config::createDefault();
192 $config->set('Filter', 'Custom', array(
193 new YourCustomFilter()
195 $purifier = new HTMLPurifier($config);]]></pre>
197 <h2>Everything else...</h2>
200 There may be a few miscellaneous warnings left. If your error-reporting
201 level includes notices, you might see HTML Purifier complaining about
202 the usage of deprecated aliases. Don't worry: I'm not going to remove
203 those aliases, but from a performance standpoint it's a good idea to
204 convert the old directive to the new directive.
205 </p>
208 From there, it gets highly internal. If you've been making custom modules
209 for yourself, please note that the signature of
210 <code>HTMLPurifier_HTMLModule->addElement()</code> has changed; there is
211 no more <code>$safe</code> parameter. <em>However</em>, there was no
212 <code>$safe</code> parameter to begin with in
213 <code>HTMLPurifier_HTMLDefinition->addElement()</code>, so users of that
214 method don't have to worry about this change. For the curious, this change
215 is indicative of the shift from element-based safety to module-based
216 safety. Once I implement more elements and attributes for trusted mode,
217 there will be more documentation for this.
218 </p>
221 Finally, the static methods in <code>HTMLPurifier_ConfigSchema</code>
222 were deprecated. They probably still work, although they're not being
223 actively tested now. If you need to add custom configuration to HTML
224 Purifier, retrieve a copy of the schema using
225 <code>HTMLPurifier_ConfigSchema::instance()</code> and then operating
226 on it using the <code>add*()</code> methods. Some of the method
227 signatures have changed, most notably there's an extra
228 <code>$allowsNull</code> parameter after <code>$type</code> in
229 <code>add()</code>. Extensible configuration
230 is somewhat an unknown, so if you have definitive use-cases you'd like to
231 share with me and influence the architecture of this, please say so.
232 Please <em>do not</em> add your own files to the <code>schema/</code>
233 directory unless you plan on submitting your changes for incorporation
234 with the core. For information on how this subsystem works, check out
235 <a href="http://htmlpurifier.org/docs/dev-config-schema.html">the documentation
236 on Config Schema</a>.
237 </p>
239 <h2>New features!</h2>
242 Thanks for putting up with all that backwards-compatibility documentation!
243 Now we get to the fun stuff: new features. The new features are mostly
244 all configuration directives:
245 </p>
247 <ul>
248 <li><a href="http://htmlpurifier.org/live/configdoc/plain.html#HTML.Proprietary">%HTML.Proprietary</a>
249 - Enables some proprietary <abbr>HTML</abbr> elements like <code>marquee</code>.</li>
250 <li><a href="http://htmlpurifier.org/live/configdoc/plain.html#CSS.AllowImportant">%CSS.AllowImportant</a>
251 - Enables the !important selector in <abbr>CSS</abbr> code, most useful
252 in conjunction with the ExtractStyleBlocks filter.</li>
253 <li><a href="http://htmlpurifier.org/live/configdoc/plain.html#CSS.AllowTricky">%CSS.AllowTricky</a>
254 - Enables some possibly mischevious <abbr>CSS</abbr> properties, namely <code>display</code> and <code>visibility</code></li>
255 <li><a href="http://htmlpurifier.org/live/configdoc/plain.html#CSS.AllowedProperties">%CSS.AllowedProperties</a>
256 - Allows you to control which CSS properties you would like to allow</li>
257 <li><a href="http://htmlpurifier.org/live/configdoc/plain.html#HTML.ForbiddenAttributes">%HTML.ForbiddenAttributes</a>
258 - Allows you to blacklist certain HTML attributes</li>
259 <li><a href="http://htmlpurifier.org/live/configdoc/plain.html#HTML.ForbiddenElements">%HTML.ForbiddenElements</a>
260 - Allows you to blacklist certain HTML elements</li>
261 </ul>
264 As usual, see <a href="http://htmlpurifier.org/svnroot/htmlpurifier/tags/3.1.0rc1/NEWS">the NEWS</a> for a full list of enhancements
265 and bugfixes.
266 </p>
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