Try alternate trick for Dreamhost tomfoolery, I think this'll work.
[htmlpurifier-web.git] / main.php
1 <?php
3 // convenience error function
4 // todo: let user display a custom error page
5 function display_error_and_quit($code, $text = false) {
6 $code_descriptions = array(
7 403 => 'Forbidden',
8 404 => 'Not Found',
9 );
10 $code = (int) $code; // enforce integer nature
11 if (isset($code_descriptions[$code])) {
12 if (!$text) $text = $code_descriptions[$code];
13 $code .= ' ' . $code_descriptions[$code]; // casts to string
15 header($_SERVER['SERVER_PROTOCOL'] . ' ' . $code, true, $code);
16 header('Status: ' . $code);
17 echo "<h1>$code</h1>";
18 exit; // essential
21 // initialize array of allowed directories
22 $allowed_subdirs = array(
23 'comparison/' => true
26 // load up environment variables
27 $page = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
28 $this_file = basename(__FILE__);
30 if ($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] !== '/' . $this_file) {
31 // we're in a web subdirectory: normalize the name
32 $prefix_length = strlen($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']) - strlen($this_file) - 1;
33 $page = substr($page, $prefix_length);
36 // assuming that index.html is are document index handler, Apache
37 // better have caught it already if it was something else
38 if ($page == '/') $page = '/index.html';
40 // remove leading slash, so it's a relative path not web path
41 $page = substr($page, 1);
43 // let GET param override, this is good for manual cache invalidation
44 if (isset($_GET['f'])) $page = $_GET['f'];
46 // validate the path, perhaps syntax could be more permissive
47 $chars = 'a-zA-Z0-9\-_';
48 $regex = "#(((?:[$chars]+/)*)[$chars]+).html#";
49 $status = preg_match($regex, $page, $matches);
50 if (!$status) display_error_and_quit(403);
52 // validate directory
53 if ($matches[2] !== '' && !isset($allowed_subdirs[$matches[2]])) {
54 display_error_and_quit(403);
57 // load up the page source
58 $page_src = $matches[1] . '.xhtml';
59 if (!is_file($page_src) || !is_readable($page_src)) {
60 // Apache may have redirected to an ErrorDocument which got directed
61 // via mod_rewrite to us, in that case, output the corresponding
62 // status code. Otherwise, we can give the regular 404.
63 $code = (int) getenv("REDIRECT_STATUS");
64 if (!$code) $code = 404;
65 display_error_and_quit($code);
68 if (is_file($page) && !isset($_GET['purge'])) {
69 // cached version already exists
70 // if generated file is newer than old file, do not regenerate
71 $mtime_page = filemtime($page);
72 $mtime_page_src = filemtime($page_src);
73 if ($mtime_page_src < $mtime_page) {
74 // cached version is fresh, serve it
75 readfile($page);
76 exit;
80 // regenerate
81 $source = file_get_contents($page_src);
82 $contents = $source;
83 file_put_contents($page, $contents);
84 echo $contents;