bump memory upper bound
[htalkat.git] / htalkat.cabal
1 cabal-version:      1.18
2 name:               htalkat
3 version:  
4 license:            GPL-3
5 license-file:       COPYING
6 maintainer:         mbays@sdf.org
7 author:             Martin Bays
8 homepage:           https://mbays.sdf.org/htalkat
9 synopsis:           Talk across TLS
10 description:
11     Server and curses client for the "talkat" (Talk Across TLS) real-time text communication protocol.
13 category:           Network
14 build-type:         Simple
15 extra-doc-files:
16     CHANGELOG.md
17     README.md
18     htalkat.1
19     spec.html
21 source-repository head
22     type:     git
23     location: https://repo.or.cz/htalkat.git
25 flag curses
26     description: Enable Curses UI
27     manual: True
29 executable htalkat
30     main-is:          Talkat.hs
31     other-modules:
32         Certificate
33         Command
34         Config
35         DumbClient
36         Fingerprint
37         HexString
38         Host
39         Identity
40         Incoming
41         Mundanities
42         LookupPetname
43         Notify
44         Opts
45         Petname
46         Prompt
47         RelayStream
48         TimedText
49         TLSTalk
50         User
51         Util
52         Version
53         WCWidth
55     default-language: Haskell2010
56     default-extensions: CPP
57     ghc-options:      -threaded -Wall -Wcompat
58     build-depends:
59         base >=4.9 && <5,
60         array >=0.3 && <0.6,
61         asn1-encoding <0.10,
62         asn1-types >=0.3.4 && <0.4,
63         bytestring >= && <0.12,
64         containers >= && <0.7,
65         cryptonite >=0.26 && <0.31,
66         data-default-class >= && <0.2,
67         data-hash >= && <0.3,
68         directory >= && <1.4,
69         exceptions >=0.10.4 && <0.11,
70         filelock <0.2,
71         filepath >= && <1.5,
72         hourglass >=0.2.12 && <0.3,
73         memory >=0.14 && <0.19,
74         mtl >=2.0 && <2.4,
75         network >= && <3.2,
76         network-simple >=0.4.3 && <0.5,
77         pem >=0.2.4 && <0.3,
78         process >= && <1.7,
79         rset <1.1,
80         safe >=0.3.19 && <0.4,
81         temporary >= 1.2 && <1.4,
82         text >= && <2.1,
83         time <1.14,
84         tls >=1.5.4 && <1.7,
85         transformers >= && <0.7,
86         x509 >=1.7.5 && <1.8,
87         x509-validation >=1.6.11 && <1.7
89     if os(windows)
90         cpp-options: -DWINDOWS
91     else
92         build-depends: unix >= && <2.8
94     if flag(curses)
95         cpp-options: -DCURSES
96         other-modules: CursesClient
97         build-depends: hscurses <1.5
98         pkgconfig-depends: ncursesw