[htalkat.git] / TLSTalk.hs
1 -- This file is part of htalkat
2 -- Copyright (C) 2021 Martin Bays <mbays@sdf.org>
3 --
4 -- This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
5 -- it under the terms of version 3 of the GNU General Public License as
6 -- published by the Free Software Foundation, or any later version.
7 --
8 -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
9 -- along with this program. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/.
11 {-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
12 {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
14 module TLSTalk
15 ( SocksProxy(..)
16 , answerLast
17 , connect
18 , serve
19 , spawnDefaultInteractiveClient
20 ) where
22 import Control.Concurrent
23 import Control.Exception
24 import Control.Monad (void, (<=<))
25 import Data.Default.Class (def)
26 import Data.X509.Validation (FailedReason (..), defaultChecks,
27 defaultHooks, validate)
28 import Network.Simple.TCP (connectSock, connectSockSOCKS5)
29 import Network.TLS as TLS
30 import Network.TLS.Extra.Cipher
31 import System.Directory (createDirectoryIfMissing)
32 import System.Exit (exitFailure)
33 import System.FileLock (SharedExclusive (..), withFileLock,
34 withTryFileLock)
35 import System.FilePath
36 import System.IO (IOMode (..), openFile)
37 import System.IO.Temp (withSystemTempDirectory)
38 import System.Process (rawSystem)
39 import Time.System (timeCurrent)
40 import Time.Types (Elapsed (..), Seconds (..))
42 import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
44 import qualified Data.Text as TS
45 import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as TS
46 import qualified Data.X509 as X
47 import qualified Network.Simple.TCP as TCP
48 import qualified Network.Socket as S
50 import Certificate
51 import Config
52 import Fingerprint
53 import Host
54 import Incoming
55 import LookupPetname
56 import Notify
57 import Petname
58 import RelayStream
60 #ifdef CURSES
61 import CursesClient
62 #endif
63 import DumbClient
65 #if !(MIN_VERSION_base(4,11,0))
66 import Data.Semigroup
67 #endif
69 bindingNamedSocket :: FilePath -> (S.Socket -> IO a) -> IO a
70 bindingNamedSocket path =
71 (`bracket` S.close) $ do
72 sock <- S.socket S.AF_UNIX S.Stream 0
73 S.bind sock $ S.SockAddrUnix path
74 S.listen sock 1
75 pure sock
77 serve :: FilePath -> Config -> Credential -> IO ()
78 serve ddir conf cred = errorOnNoLock <=< withTryFileLock listenLockPath Exclusive $ \_ -> do
79 let params = def
80 { serverShared = def { sharedCredentials = Credentials [cred] }
81 , serverSupported = def
82 { supportedCiphers = talkatCiphersuite
83 , supportedVersions = [TLS13] }
84 , serverHooks = def
85 { onUnverifiedClientCert = pure True
86 , onClientCertificate = \_ -> pure CertificateUsageAccept
88 , serverWantClientCert = True
90 let port = show $ listen_port conf
91 hostPref = case listen_host conf of
92 [] -> TCP.HostAny
93 h -> TCP.Host h
94 Just fp = spkiFingerprint <$> takeTailCert (fst cred)
95 putStrLn $ "Listening on "
96 <> (case hostPref of
97 TCP.Host h -> "host " <> h
98 _ -> "all available hosts")
99 <> ", port " <> port <> "."
100 putStrLn $ "URI: talkat:"
101 <> showFingerprint fp <> "@"
102 <> (let portBit = if port /= show defaultTalkatPort
103 then ":" <> port else ""
104 in case hostPref of
105 TCP.Host h -> h <> portBit
106 _ -> "[host]" <> portBit <>
107 "\n (replace [host] with your hostname or IP address)")
108 cleanAllIncoming ddir
109 serialMVar <- newMVar 0
110 TCP.serve hostPref port $ \(sock,_) -> do
111 S.setSocketOption sock S.NoDelay 1
112 context <- contextNew sock params
113 handshake context
114 mCert <- (takeTailCert =<<) <$> getClientCertificateChain context
115 case mCert of
116 Nothing -> pure ()
117 Just cert -> (if accept_unnamed conf
118 then ((Just <$>) .) . lookupOrAddPetname else lookupPetname)
119 ddir (spkiFingerprint cert) >>= \case
120 Nothing -> pure ()
121 Just petname -> withSystemTempDirectory "htalkat" $ \tdir -> do
122 let sockPath = tdir </> "sock"
123 bindingNamedSocket sockPath $ \dSock -> do
124 -- Serial numbers ensure we don't delete the wrong dir
125 serial <- modifyMVar serialMVar $ \n -> pure (n+1,n)
126 incoming <- addIncoming ddir cert sockPath serial
127 notifyOfIncoming ddir cert petname
128 relayStream context WriteFirst dSock
129 withFileLock (incomingDir ddir </> ".lock") Exclusive $ \_ ->
130 cleanIncoming ddir (Just serial) incoming
131 where
132 listenLockPath = ddir </> ".listen_lock"
133 errorOnNoLock :: Maybe a -> IO ()
134 errorOnNoLock Nothing = do
135 putStrLn $ "Error: " <> listenLockPath <> " locked by another process."
136 exitFailure
137 errorOnNoLock _ = pure ()
139 data SocksProxy
140 = NoSocksProxy
141 | Socks5Proxy String String
143 connect :: FilePath -> Config -> Credential -> String -> SocksProxy -> Host -> Fingerprint -> IO ()
144 connect ddir conf cred name socksProxy (Host hostname port) fp = do
145 let serverId = if port == defaultTalkatPort
146 then BS.empty
147 else TS.encodeUtf8 . TS.pack . (':':) $ show port
148 params = (TLS.defaultParamsClient hostname serverId)
149 { clientSupported = def
150 { supportedCiphers = talkatCiphersuite
151 , supportedVersions = [TLS13] }
152 , clientHooks = def
153 { onServerCertificate = checkServerCert
154 , onCertificateRequest = \(_,_,_) ->
155 pure $ Just cred
158 context <- do
159 sock <- openSocket
160 S.setSocketOption sock S.NoDelay 1
161 c <- TLS.contextNew sock params
162 handshake c >> pure c
163 withSystemTempDirectory "htalkat" $ \tdir -> do
164 let path = tdir </> "sock"
165 bindingNamedSocket path $ \dSock -> do
166 _ <- forkIO $ relayStream context WriteSecond dSock
167 spawnInteractiveClient ddir conf name path
168 where
169 openSocket :: IO S.Socket
170 openSocket = case socksProxy of
171 NoSocksProxy -> fst <$> connectSock hostname (show port)
172 Socks5Proxy socksHostname socksPort -> do
173 sock <- fst <$> connectSock socksHostname socksPort
174 _ <- connectSockSOCKS5 sock hostname (show port)
175 pure sock
177 checkServerCert store cache service chain | Just cert <- takeTailCert chain = do
178 errors <- filter (not . ignoreError) <$> validate X.HashSHA256 defaultHooks
179 (defaultChecks { checkExhaustive = True , checkLeafV3 = False }) store cache service chain
180 if fp == spkiFingerprint cert then pure errors
181 else do
182 putStrLn "Server provides an unexpected certificate!"
183 putStrLn $ "Expected: " <> showFingerprint fp
184 putStrLn $ "Received: " <> showFingerprint (spkiFingerprint cert)
185 pure $ UnknownCA : errors
186 where
187 ignoreError UnknownCA = True
188 ignoreError SelfSigned = True
189 ignoreError NotAnAuthority = True
190 ignoreError (NameMismatch _) = True
191 ignoreError _ = False
192 checkServerCert _ _ _ _ = pure [ EmptyChain ]
194 talkatCiphersuite :: [Cipher]
195 talkatCiphersuite =
196 [ cipher_TLS13_AES128GCM_SHA256
197 , cipher_TLS13_AES256GCM_SHA384
198 , cipher_TLS13_CHACHA20POLY1305_SHA256
199 , cipher_TLS13_AES128CCM_SHA256
202 answerLast :: FilePath -> Config -> Maybe Fingerprint -> IO ()
203 answerLast ddir conf mFp = do
204 mInfo <- withFileLock (incomingDir ddir </> ".lock") Exclusive $ \_ -> do
205 lastIncoming ddir mFp >>= \case
206 Just incoming -> do
207 petname <- incomingPetname ddir incoming
208 sockPath <- readFile (incomingPath ddir incoming </> "sock")
209 cleanIncoming ddir Nothing incoming
210 pure $ Just (petname, sockPath)
211 Nothing -> pure Nothing
212 case mInfo of
213 Just (petname, sockPath) -> do
214 spawnInteractiveClient ddir conf (showPetname petname) sockPath
215 Nothing -> putStrLn "Nothing to answer."
217 spawnInteractiveClient :: FilePath -> Config -> String -> FilePath -> IO ()
218 spawnInteractiveClient ddir conf name sockPath
219 | command:args <- interactive_client conf =
220 void . rawSystem command $ args ++ [name, sockPath]
221 | otherwise =
222 #ifdef CURSES
223 if not $ use_dumb_client conf then do
224 mLog <- if curses_log conf
225 then do
226 createDirectoryIfMissing True $ ddir </> "logs"
227 Elapsed (Seconds epochSecs) <- timeCurrent
228 Just <$> openFile (ddir </> "logs" </> name <>
229 "-" <> show epochSecs <.> "log") AppendMode
230 else pure Nothing
231 cursesClient (curses_local_top conf) mLog name sockPath
232 else
233 #endif
234 dumbClient sockPath
236 spawnDefaultInteractiveClient :: FilePath -> Config -> String -> FilePath -> IO ()
237 spawnDefaultInteractiveClient ddir conf name sockPath = do
238 spawnInteractiveClient ddir (conf { interactive_client = [] })
239 name sockPath