[htalkat.git] / Identity.hs
1 -- This file is part of htalkat
2 -- Copyright (C) 2021 Martin Bays <mbays@sdf.org>
3 --
4 -- This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
5 -- it under the terms of version 3 of the GNU General Public License as
6 -- published by the Free Software Foundation, or any later version.
7 --
8 -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
9 -- along with this program. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/.
11 {-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
12 {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
14 module Identity where
16 import Network.TLS (Credential, credentialLoadX509)
17 import System.FilePath ((<.>), (</>))
19 import Data.ASN1.BinaryEncoding (DER (..))
20 import Data.ASN1.Encoding (encodeASN1')
21 import Data.ASN1.OID
22 import Data.ASN1.Types (ASN1Object (..))
23 import Data.ASN1.Types.String (ASN1StringEncoding (UTF8))
24 import Data.Hourglass
25 import Data.PEM
26 import Data.X509 as X
28 #ifndef WINDOWS
29 import System.Posix.Files (ownerReadMode, ownerWriteMode,
30 setFileMode, unionFileModes)
31 #endif
33 import qualified Crypto.PubKey.Ed25519 as Ed25519
34 import qualified Data.ByteArray as BA
35 import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
36 import qualified Data.Text as TS
37 import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as TS
39 import Certificate
40 import Fingerprint
41 import Host
42 import Mundanities
43 import Petname
44 import Prompt
45 import User
46 import Util
48 #if !(MIN_VERSION_base(4,11,0))
49 import Data.Semigroup
50 #endif
52 data IdentityType = IdConnect | IdListen deriving Eq
54 loadIdentity :: FilePath -> IdentityType -> IO (Maybe Credential)
55 loadIdentity ddir tp = do
56 let base = ddir </> "id"
57 certpath = base <> (if tp == IdConnect then "-connect" else "-listen") <.> "crt"
58 keypath = base <.> "key"
59 ignoreIOErrAlt $ eitherToMaybe <$> credentialLoadX509 certpath keypath
61 saveIdentity :: FilePath -> PrivKey -> CertificateChain -> CertificateChain -> IO ()
62 saveIdentity ddir secKey connectChain listenChain = do
63 let base = ddir </> "id"
64 connectCertpath = base <> "-connect" <.> "crt"
65 listenCertpath = base <> "-listen" <.> "crt"
66 keypath = base <.> "key"
67 ignoreIOErr $ do
68 writeChain connectCertpath connectChain
69 writeChain listenCertpath listenChain
70 BS.writeFile keypath . pemWriteBS . PEM "PRIVATE KEY" [] . encodeDER $ secKey
71 #ifndef WINDOWS
72 setFileMode keypath $ unionFileModes ownerReadMode ownerWriteMode -- chmod 600
73 #endif
74 where
75 writeChain certpath chain =
76 let CertificateChainRaw rawCerts = encodeCertificateChain chain
77 chainPEMs = map (pemWriteBS . PEM "CERTIFICATE" []) rawCerts
78 in BS.writeFile certpath $ BS.intercalate "\n" chainPEMs
79 encodeDER :: ASN1Object o => o -> BS.ByteString
80 encodeDER = encodeASN1' DER . (`toASN1` [])
82 createOrShowIdentity :: FilePath -> Maybe String -> IO ()
83 createOrShowIdentity ddir mCN =
84 mapM (loadIdentity ddir) [IdConnect,IdListen] >>= \case
85 [Just (connectChain,_), Just (_,_)]
86 | Just cert <- takeTailCert connectChain
87 , Nothing <- mCN -> do
88 mapM_ putStrLn
89 [ "Your fingerprint: talkat:" <> showFingerprint (spkiFingerprint cert)
90 , "Your public name: " <> certCN cert
92 [Just (_,key), Just (listenChain,_)]
93 | Just cn <- mCN ->
94 case key of
95 PrivKeyEd25519 secKey -> do
96 connectChain' <- generateSelfSigned secKey cn
97 saveIdentity ddir key connectChain' listenChain
98 _ -> putStrLn "Error: Can't regenerate non-ED25519 key!"
99 _ -> do
100 putStrLn "Generating new identity."
101 secKey <- Ed25519.generateSecretKey
102 let promptCN = do
103 putStrLn "Enter a public name for this identity (can be blank)."
104 putStrLn "This will be shown to anyone you connect to, but not to incoming callers."
105 putStrLn "(You can reset this name later with 'htalkat i NEW_NAME')"
106 promptLine "Public name: "
107 cn <- maybe promptCN pure mCN
108 connectChain <- generateSelfSigned secKey cn
109 listenChain <- generateSelfSigned secKey ""
110 saveIdentity ddir (PrivKeyEd25519 secKey) connectChain listenChain
111 let Just cert = takeTailCert connectChain
112 fp = spkiFingerprint cert
113 putStrLn $ "Your fingerprint: talkat:" <> showFingerprint fp
114 writeName ddir (User fp (parseHost "localhost")) $ Named "self"
116 generateSelfSigned :: Ed25519.SecretKey -> String -> IO CertificateChain
117 generateSelfSigned secKey cn =
118 let dn = DistinguishedName [(getObjectID DnCommonName,
119 ASN1CharacterString UTF8 . TS.encodeUtf8 $ TS.pack cn)]
120 sigAlg = SignatureALG_IntrinsicHash PubKeyALG_Ed25519
121 -- RFC5280: To indicate that a certificate has no well-defined expiration
122 -- date, the notAfter SHOULD be assigned the GeneralizedTime value of
123 -- 99991231235959Z.
124 notAfterMax :: DateTime
125 notAfterMax = DateTime (Date 9999 December 31) (TimeOfDay 23 59 59 0)
127 -- RFC5280 has no corresponding prescription for notBefore.
128 -- 19500101000000Z seems the canonical choice, but it seems to get
129 -- loaded as 2050 for some reason. So we use 1970.
130 notBeforeMin :: DateTime
131 notBeforeMin = DateTime (Date 1970 January 1) (TimeOfDay 0 0 0 0)
133 cert pubKey = X.Certificate
134 { certVersion = 2
135 , certSerial = 0
136 , certSignatureAlg = sigAlg
137 , certIssuerDN = dn
138 , certSubjectDN = dn
139 , certValidity = (timeConvert notBeforeMin, timeConvert notAfterMax)
140 , certPubKey = pubKey
141 , certExtensions = Extensions Nothing
143 in do
144 let pubKey = Ed25519.toPublic secKey
145 let signed = fst $ objectToSignedExact
146 (\b -> (BS.pack . BA.unpack $ Ed25519.sign secKey pubKey b, sigAlg, ()))
147 (cert $ PubKeyEd25519 pubKey)
148 pure $ CertificateChain [signed]