[htalkat.git] / Certificate.hs
1 -- This file is part of htalkat
2 -- Copyright (C) 2021 Martin Bays <mbays@sdf.org>
3 --
4 -- This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
5 -- it under the terms of version 3 of the GNU General Public License as
6 -- published by the Free Software Foundation, or any later version.
7 --
8 -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
9 -- along with this program. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/.
11 module Certificate where
13 import Crypto.Hash
14 import Data.ASN1.BinaryEncoding (DER (..))
15 import Data.ASN1.Encoding (encodeASN1')
16 import Data.ASN1.Types (ASN1Object (..))
17 import Data.ByteArray (convert)
19 import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
20 import qualified Data.Text as TS
21 import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as TS
22 import qualified Data.X509 as X
24 import Fingerprint
26 newtype Certificate = Certificate X.SignedCertificate
27 deriving (Eq, Show)
29 takeTailCert :: X.CertificateChain -> Maybe Certificate
30 takeTailCert (X.CertificateChain (c:_)) = Just $ Certificate c
31 takeTailCert _ = Nothing
33 -- |First 16 bytes of sha256 hash of DER encoding of SPKI field
34 -- (as suggested by RFC7469).
35 spkiFingerprint :: Certificate -> Fingerprint
36 spkiFingerprint (Certificate signed) = truncateFP 16 . Fingerprint . convert . hashWith SHA256 .
37 encodeDER . X.certPubKey . X.signedObject $ X.getSigned signed
38 where
39 truncateFP :: Int -> Fingerprint -> Fingerprint
40 truncateFP n (Fingerprint fp) = Fingerprint $ BS.take n fp
41 encodeDER :: ASN1Object o => o -> BS.ByteString
42 encodeDER = encodeASN1' DER . (`toASN1` [])
44 certCN :: Certificate -> String
45 certCN (Certificate signed) = maybe "" (TS.unpack . TS.decodeUtf8 . X.getCharacterStringRawData)
46 . X.getDnElement X.DnCommonName . X.certIssuerDN $ X.getCertificate signed