Clean up traces.
[hsdpll.git] / DPLL.lhs
1 \begin{code}
2 {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fglasgow-exts #-}
4 module Main where
6 import Control.Monad
7 import Control.Monad.State
8 import Control.Monad.Trans
9 import Control.Monad.Error
10 import Control.Arrow
12 import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec hiding (State)
14 import Data.Set (Set)
15 import qualified Data.Set as Set
16 import Data.Map (Map)
17 import qualified Data.Map as Map
18 import Data.List
19 import Data.Maybe
21 import Debug.Trace
22 \end{code}
24 \begin{code}
25 type StateWithFail s e a = ErrorT e (State s) a
27 evalSWF :: StateWithFail s e a -> s -> Either e a
28 evalSWF swf s = evalState (runErrorT swf) s
30 runSWF :: StateWithFail s e a -> s -> (Either e a, s)
31 runSWF swf s = runState (runErrorT swf) s
33 instance Error () where
34 noMsg = ()
35 strMsg _ = ()
37 instance Error Clause where
38 noMsg = undefined
39 strMsg = undefined
41 type Variable = Int
42 data CNF = And [Clause] deriving (Show, Eq)
43 data Clause = Or [Literal] deriving (Show, Eq)
44 type Literal = (Bool, Variable)
45 type Decision = (Bool, Variable)
46 type WatchList = Map Literal [Clause]
47 data Env = Env (Map Variable Bool) [Variable]
48 deriving (Show)
50 class WatchListC w where
51 initWL :: CNF -> w
52 appendWatches :: Literal -> [Clause] -> w -> w
53 appendWatch :: Literal -> Clause -> w -> w
54 clearWatch :: Literal -> w -> w
55 lookupWatch :: Decision -> w -> [Clause]
56 updateWatch :: Literal -> Clause -> Clause -> w -> w
58 class EnvC e where
59 empty :: [Variable] -> e
60 bindVar :: Variable -> Bool -> e -> e
61 lookupVar :: Variable -> e -> Maybe Bool
62 decide :: e -> Maybe Variable
63 \end{code}
65 \begin{code}
66 instance EnvC Env where
67 empty = Env (Map.empty)
68 bindVar v b (Env a ua) = Env (Map.insert v b a) (delete v ua)
69 lookupVar v (Env a _) = Map.lookup v a
70 decide (Env _ uas) = listToMaybe uas
72 litValue :: EnvC a => a -> Literal -> Maybe Bool
73 litValue e (bar, v) = (/= bar) `fmap` lookupVar v e
74 \end{code}
76 \begin{code}
77 instance WatchListC WatchList where
78 initWL (And cs) = foldl' addReps Map.empty cs
79 where
80 addReps :: WatchList -> Clause -> WatchList
81 addReps wl c@(Or (l1:l2:lits)) = appendWatch l1 c (appendWatch l2 c wl)
82 appendWatches lit cs wl = Map.insertWith (flip (++)) lit cs wl
83 appendWatch lit c wl = Map.insertWith ((:) . head) lit (return c) wl
84 clearWatch lit wl = Map.delete lit wl
85 lookupWatch d wl = maybe [] id $ Map.lookup d wl
86 updateWatch lit oldc c wl = wl'
87 where
88 oldcs = maybe [] id (Map.lookup lit wl)
89 cs = c : (delete oldc oldcs)
90 wl' = Map.insert lit cs (Map.delete lit wl)
91 \end{code}
93 \begin{code}
94 dpll :: CNF -> [Variable] -> Maybe Env
95 dpll cnf vars = either (const Nothing) Just $ evalSWF (dpll' (empty vars)) (initWL cnf)
96 where
97 dpll' :: Env -> StateWithFail WatchList () Env
98 dpll' e = do
99 wl <- get
100 maybe (return e) (\v -> msum [tryDecision e (True, v), tryDecision e (False, v)]) $ trace "decide" (decide e)
102 tryDecision :: Env -> Decision -> StateWithFail WatchList () Env
103 tryDecision e (b, v) = do
104 wl <- get
105 --let (ee, wl') = bcp wl e (b, v) in put wl' >> either (const $ throwError ()) dpll' ee
106 let (ee, wl') = runState (bcpM e v b) wl in put wl' >> either (const $ throwError ()) dpll' ee
107 \end{code}
109 \begin{code}
110 bcpM :: (EnvC e, WatchListC w) => e -> Variable -> Bool -> State w (Either Clause e)
111 bcpM e v b =
113 wl <- get
114 let cs = trace "prop" (lookupWatch (b, v) wl) in
115 case runSWF (mapM (checkClauseM e' (b, v)) cs) (clearWatch (b, v) wl) of
116 (Left c, wl') -> do put $ addOldWatches (b, v) c cs wl'
117 return $ Left c
118 (Right ws, wl') -> do put wl'
119 uncurry (flip (>>)) ((return *** put) (foldl' checkImpl (Right e', wl') ws))
120 where
121 e' = bindVar v b e
122 checkImpl (Left c, wl'') _ = (Left c, wl'')
123 checkImpl ee Nothing = ee
124 checkImpl (Right e'', wl'') (Just (b'', v'')) = runState (bcpM e'' v'' (not b'')) wl''
126 addOldWatches lit c cs wl' = appendWatches lit (drop 1 $ dropWhile (/= c) cs) wl'
128 -- Left clause ==> Conflict
129 -- Right Nothing ==> Continue -- not unit
130 -- Right (Just lit) ==> Continue -- unit
131 checkClauseM :: (EnvC e, WatchListC w)
132 => e -> Decision -> Clause -> StateWithFail w Clause (Maybe Literal)
133 checkClauseM e d c = do
134 wl <- get
135 let (w1, w2, lits) = case c of
136 Or (lit1:lit2:lits) | d == lit1 -> (d, lit2, lits)
137 | otherwise -> (d, lit1, lits)
138 isSat = fromMaybe False $ litValue e w2
139 findLit = find (\lit -> litValue e lit /= Just False) lits
140 computeUnit w = maybe (return (Just w))
141 (\b -> if b then return Nothing else (trace "conflict" (throwError c))) $ litValue e w
142 swapWatches lit awl = awl''
143 where
144 c' = (Or (lit:w2:w1:delete lit lits))
145 awl' = updateWatch w2 c c' awl
146 awl'' = appendWatch lit c' awl'
148 if isSat
149 then put (appendWatch d c wl) >> return Nothing
150 else case findLit of
151 Just wi -> put (swapWatches wi wl) >> return Nothing
152 Nothing -> put (appendWatch d c wl) >> computeUnit w2
154 \end{code}
156 \begin{code}
157 bcp :: (EnvC e, WatchListC w) => w -> e -> Decision -> (Either e e, w)
158 bcp wl e d =
159 case conflict of
160 True -> (Left e', wl')
161 False -> foldl' checkImpls (Right e', wl') impls
162 where
163 (db, dv) = d
164 e' = bindVar dv db e
165 cs = lookupWatch d wl
166 (wl', cs') = mapAccumL checkClause (clearWatch d wl) cs
168 conflict = Left False `elem` cs'
169 impls = [(not bar, v) | Right (bar, v) <- cs']
170 checkImpls ((Left e''), wl'') _ = ((Left e''), wl'')
171 checkImpls ((Right e''), wl'') ri = bcp wl'' e'' ri
173 checkClause :: WatchListC w => w -> Clause -> (w, Either Bool Literal)
174 checkClause wl c =
175 if isSat
176 then (appendWatch d c wl, Left True)
177 else case newLit of
178 Just wi -> (adjWatches wi wl, Left True)
179 Nothing -> (appendWatch d c wl, newUnit w2)
180 where
181 (Or (lit1:lit2:lits)) = c
182 (w1, w2) = if lit1 == d then (lit1, lit2) else (lit2, lit1)
184 isSat = (maybe False id $ litValue e' w2)
185 newLit = find (\lit -> litValue e' lit /= Just False) lits
186 newUnit w = maybe (Right w) Left $ litValue e' w
187 newClause w oldw = (Or ((w:w2:delete w lits) ++ [oldw]))
188 adjWatches newLit awl = bothFixed
189 where
190 c' = newClause newLit w1
191 w2Fixed = updateWatch w2 c c' awl
192 bothFixed = appendWatch newLit c' w2Fixed
193 \end{code}
195 \begin{code}
196 main = interact checkSat
197 where
198 checkSat :: String -> String
199 checkSat s =
200 case parse parseDIMACS "" s of
201 Left err -> "parse error at " ++ show err
202 Right (cnf, v) -> maybe "UNSAT\n" (const "SAT\n") $ dpll cnf [1..v]
203 \end{code}
205 \begin{code}
207 --- Parser
210 parseDIMACS :: Parser (CNF, Int)
211 parseDIMACS = do parseComments
212 (v, c) <- parseHeader
213 cnf <- liftM And parseClauses
214 return (cnf, v)
216 parseComments :: Parser [String]
217 parseComments = many $ char 'c' >> manyTill anyChar newline
219 parseHeader :: Parser (Int, Int)
220 parseHeader = do string "p cnf"
221 many1 space
222 vars <- many1 digit
223 many1 space
224 clauses <- many1 digit
225 many (char ' ')
226 newline
227 return (read vars, read clauses)
229 parseClauses :: Parser [Clause]
230 parseClauses = sepEndBy1 parseLiteral space >>= return . map Or . split
231 where
232 split [] = []
233 split xs = let (c, (z:xs')) = break (== (False, 0)) xs in c : split xs'
235 parseLiteral :: Parser Literal
236 parseLiteral = many space >> choice [char '-' >> parseInt True, parseInt False]
237 where
238 parseInt polar = many1 digit >>= return . (,) polar . read
239 \end{code}