[contrib][haskell] compile with hmatrix >= 0.17
[hkl.git] / contrib / haskell / src / Hkl / XRD / Calibration.hs
1 {-# LANGUAGE CPP #-}
3 module Hkl.XRD.Calibration
4 ( NptExt(..)
5 , XRDCalibrationEntry(..)
6 , XRDCalibration(..)
7 , calibrate
8 ) where
10 import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO)
11 import Data.ByteString.Char8 (pack)
12 import Data.List (foldl')
13 import Data.Text (Text)
14 import Data.Vector.Storable
15 ( Vector
16 , head
17 , concat
18 , fromList
19 , slice
20 , toList
22 import Numeric.LinearAlgebra
23 ( Matrix
24 , (<>)
25 , (#>)
26 , atIndex
27 , ident
29 import Numeric.GSL.Minimization
30 ( MinimizeMethod(NMSimplex2)
31 , minimizeV
33 import Numeric.Units.Dimensional.Prelude (meter, radian, nano, (/~), (*~))
34 import Pipes.Safe (MonadSafe(..), runSafeT, bracket)
35 import Prelude hiding (head, concat, lookup, readFile, writeFile, unlines)
37 import Hkl.C
38 import Hkl.Detector
39 import Hkl.H5
40 import Hkl.PyFAI
41 import Hkl.MyMatrix
42 import Hkl.PyFAI.PoniExt
43 import Hkl.Types
44 import Hkl.XRD
46 -- | Calibration
48 data NptExt a = NptExt { nptExtNpt :: Npt
49 , nptExtMyMatrix :: MyMatrix Double
50 , nptExtDetector :: Detector a
52 deriving (Show)
54 data XRDCalibrationEntry = XRDCalibrationEntry { xrdCalibrationEntryNxs :: Nxs
55 , xrdCalibrationEntryIdx :: Int
56 , xrdCalibrationEntryNptPath :: FilePath
58 deriving (Show)
60 data XRDCalibration = XRDCalibration { xrdCalibrationName :: Text
61 , xrdCalibrationOutputDir :: FilePath
62 , xrdCalibrationEntries :: [XRDCalibrationEntry]
64 deriving (Show)
66 withDataItem :: MonadSafe m => File -> DataItem -> (Dataset -> m r) -> m r
67 withDataItem hid (DataItem name _) = bracket (liftIO acquire') (liftIO . release')
68 where
69 acquire' :: IO Dataset
70 acquire' = openDataset hid (pack name) Nothing
72 release' :: Dataset -> IO ()
73 release' = closeDataset
75 getM :: File -> DataFrameH5Path -> Int -> IO (MyMatrix Double)
76 getM f p i' = runSafeT $
77 withDataItem f (h5pGamma p) $ \g' ->
78 withDataItem f (h5pDelta p) $ \d' ->
79 withDataItem f (h5pWavelength p) $ \w' -> liftIO $ do
80 let mu = 0.0
81 let komega = 0.0
82 let kappa = 0.0
83 let kphi = 0.0
84 gamma <- get_position g' 0
85 delta <- get_position d' i'
86 wavelength <- get_position w' 0
87 let source = Source (head wavelength *~ nano meter)
88 let positions = concat [mu, komega, kappa, kphi, gamma, delta]
89 let geometry = Geometry K6c source positions Nothing
90 let detector = ZeroD
91 m <- geometryDetectorRotationGet geometry detector
92 return (MyMatrix HklB m)
94 readXRDCalibrationEntry :: Detector a -> XRDCalibrationEntry -> IO (NptExt a)
95 readXRDCalibrationEntry d e =
96 withH5File f $ \h5file -> do
97 m <- getM h5file p idx
98 npt <- nptFromFile (xrdCalibrationEntryNptPath e)
99 return (NptExt npt m d)
100 where
101 idx = xrdCalibrationEntryIdx e
102 (Nxs f _ p) = xrdCalibrationEntryNxs e
104 -- | Poni Calibration
106 -- The minimized function is the quadratic difference of the
107 -- theoretical tth angle and for each pixel, the computed tth angle.
109 -- synonyme types use in order to improve the calibration performance
111 type NptEntry' = (Double, [Vector Double]) -- tth, detector pixels coordinates
112 type Npt' = (Double, [NptEntry']) -- wavelength, [NptEntry']
113 type NptExt' a = (Npt', Matrix Double, Detector a)
115 poniEntryFromList :: PoniEntry -> [Double] -> PoniEntry
116 poniEntryFromList p [rot1, rot2, rot3, poni1, poni2, d] =
117 p { poniEntryDistance = d *~ meter
118 , poniEntryPoni1 = poni1 *~ meter
119 , poniEntryPoni2 = poni2 *~ meter
120 , poniEntryRot1 = rot1 *~ radian
121 , poniEntryRot2 = rot2 *~ radian
122 , poniEntryRot3 = rot3 *~ radian
124 poniEntryFromList _ _ = error "Can not convert to a PoniEntry"
126 poniEntryToList :: PoniEntry -> [Double]
127 poniEntryToList p = [ poniEntryRot1 p /~ radian
128 , poniEntryRot2 p /~ radian
129 , poniEntryRot3 p /~ radian
130 , poniEntryPoni1 p /~ meter
131 , poniEntryPoni2 p /~ meter
132 , poniEntryDistance p /~ meter
135 calibrate :: XRDCalibration -> PoniExt -> Detector a -> IO PoniExt
136 calibrate c (PoniExt p _) d = do
137 let entry = last p
138 let guess = fromList $ poniEntryToList entry
139 -- read all the NptExt
140 npts <- mapM (readXRDCalibrationEntry d) (xrdCalibrationEntries c)
141 -- in order to improve computation speed, pre-compute the pixel coodinates.
143 let (solution, _p) = minimizeV NMSimplex2 1E-16 3000 box (f (preCalibrate npts)) guess
144 -- mplot $ drop 3 (toColumns p)
145 print _p
146 return $ PoniExt [poniEntryFromList entry (toList solution)] (MyMatrix HklB (ident 3))
147 where
148 preCalibrate''' :: Detector a -> NptEntry -> NptEntry'
149 preCalibrate''' detector (NptEntry _ tth _ points) = (tth /~ radian, map (coordinates detector) points)
151 preCalibrate'' :: Npt -> Detector a -> Npt'
152 preCalibrate'' n detector = (nptWavelength n /~ meter, map (preCalibrate''' detector) (nptEntries n))
154 preCalibrate' :: NptExt a -> NptExt' a
155 preCalibrate' (NptExt n m detector) = (preCalibrate'' n detector, m', detector)
156 where
157 (MyMatrix _ m') = changeBase m PyFAIB
159 preCalibrate :: [NptExt a] -> [NptExt' a]
160 preCalibrate = map preCalibrate'
162 box :: Vector Double
163 box = fromList [0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.01, 0.01, 0.01]
165 f :: [NptExt' a] -> Vector Double -> Double
166 f ns params = foldl' (f' rotation translation) 0 ns
167 where
168 rot1 = params `atIndex` 0
169 rot2 = params `atIndex` 1
170 rot3 = params `atIndex` 2
172 rotations = map (uncurry fromAxisAndAngle)
173 [ (fromList [0, 0, 1], rot3 *~ radian)
174 , (fromList [0, 1, 0], rot2 *~ radian)
175 , (fromList [1, 0, 0], rot1 *~ radian)]
177 rotation = foldl' (<>) (ident 3) rotations
179 translation :: Vector Double
180 translation = slice 3 3 params
182 f' :: Matrix Double -> Vector Double -> Double -> NptExt' a -> Double
183 f' rotation translation x ((_wavelength, entries), m, _detector) =
184 foldl' (f'' translation r) x entries
185 where
186 r :: Matrix Double
187 r = m <> rotation
189 f'' :: Vector Double -> Matrix Double -> Double -> NptEntry'-> Double
190 {-# INLINE f'' #-}
191 f'' translation r x (tth, pixels) = foldl' (f''' translation r tth) x pixels
193 f''' :: Vector Double -> Matrix Double -> Double -> Double -> Vector Double -> Double
194 {-# INLINE f''' #-}
195 f''' translation r tth x pixel = x + dtth * dtth
196 where
197 kf = r #> (pixel - translation)
198 x' = kf `atIndex` 0
199 y' = kf `atIndex` 1
200 z' = kf `atIndex` 2
202 dtth = tth - atan2 (sqrt (x'*x' + y'*y')) (-z')