[binoculars] Added a q_sampleaxis_timestamp
[hkl.git] / contrib / haskell / src / Hkl / Binoculars / Config.hs
1 {-# LANGUAGE CPP #-}
2 {-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
3 {-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
4 {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
5 {-# LANGUAGE GADTs #-}
6 {-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
7 {-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
8 {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
9 {-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}
10 {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
11 {-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
12 {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
13 {-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
16 Copyright : Copyright (C) 2014-2023 Synchrotron SOLEIL
17 L'Orme des Merisiers Saint-Aubin
18 BP 48 91192 GIF-sur-YVETTE CEDEX
19 License : GPL3+
21 Maintainer : Picca Frédéric-Emmanuel <picca@synchrotron-soleil.fr>
22 Stability : Experimental
23 Portability: GHC only (not tested)
26 module Hkl.Binoculars.Config
27 ( Angstrom(..)
28 , Args
29 , Attenuation(..)
30 , BinocularsPreConfig(..)
31 , Capabilities(..)
32 , Config
33 , ConfigContent(..)
34 , ConfigRange(..)
35 , DataPath
36 , Degree(..)
37 , DestinationTmpl(..)
38 , FieldEmitter(..)
39 , FieldParsable(..)
40 , HasFieldComment(..)
41 , HasFieldValue(..)
42 , HasIniConfig(..)
43 , InputRange(..)
44 , InputTmpl(..)
45 , InputType(..)
46 , InputTypeDeprecated(..)
47 , Limits(..)
48 , MaskLocation(..)
49 , Meter(..)
50 , NCores(..)
51 , ProjectionType(..)
52 , Resolutions(..)
53 , RLimits(..)
54 , SampleAxis(..)
55 , ToIni(..)
56 , auto
57 , auto'
58 , destination'
59 , files
60 , getCapabilities
61 , getMask
62 , getPreConfig
63 , mergeIni
64 , readConfig
65 , serializeConfig
66 ) where
69 import Control.Applicative (many, (<|>))
70 import Control.Lens (makeLenses)
71 import Control.Monad.Catch (MonadThrow, throwM)
72 import Control.Monad.Catch.Pure (runCatch)
73 import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO)
74 import Data.Aeson (FromJSON (..), ToJSON (..))
75 import Data.Array.Repa.Index (DIM2, DIM3)
76 import Data.Attoparsec.Text (Parser, char, decimal,
77 double, parseOnly, satisfy,
78 sepBy, signed, takeText)
79 import Data.Either.Combinators (maybeToRight)
80 import Data.Either.Extra (mapLeft, mapRight)
81 import Data.Foldable (foldl')
82 import Data.HashMap.Strict (HashMap, unionWith)
83 import Data.Hashable (Hashable)
84 import Data.Ini (Ini (..), printIni)
85 import Data.Ini.Config.Bidir (FieldValue (..), IniSpec,
86 bool, field, getIniValue,
87 ini, listWithSeparator,
88 number, parseIni, section,
89 text, (.=))
90 import Data.List (find, isInfixOf, length)
91 import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty (..), map)
92 import Data.String (IsString)
93 import Data.Text (Text, breakOn, cons, drop,
94 empty, findIndex,
95 intercalate, length, lines,
96 pack, replace, singleton,
97 strip, take, takeWhile,
98 toLower, unlines, unpack,
99 unwords)
100 import Data.Text.IO (readFile)
101 import Data.Typeable (Proxy (..), Typeable,
102 typeRep)
103 import GHC.Conc (getNumCapabilities,
104 getNumProcessors)
105 import GHC.Exts (IsList (..))
106 import Numeric.Interval (Interval, empty, hull, inf,
107 singleton, singular, sup,
108 (...))
109 import Numeric.Units.Dimensional.NonSI (angstrom)
110 import Numeric.Units.Dimensional.Prelude (Length, degree, meter, (*~),
111 (/~))
112 import Path (Abs, Dir, File, Path, Rel,
113 fileExtension, filename,
114 fromAbsDir, parseAbsDir,
115 toFilePath)
116 import Path.IO (getCurrentDir, walkDirAccum)
117 import System.Directory (doesPathExist)
118 import System.FilePath (splitExtensions)
119 import Test.QuickCheck (Arbitrary (..), elements,
120 oneof)
121 import Text.Printf (printf)
123 import Prelude hiding (drop, length, lines,
124 putStr, readFile, take,
125 takeWhile, unlines, unwords)
127 import Hkl.C.Binoculars
128 import Hkl.Detector
129 import Hkl.Exception
130 import Hkl.Lattice
131 import Hkl.Types
132 import Paths_hkl
134 -- TODO
135 -- rendre le parametre surface_orientation obligatoire pour les q
136 -- revoir le message d'erreur lorsque un des moteur est manquant, c'est incomprehensible... exemple:
137 -- "CanNotOpenDataSource'Double'Or (CanNotOpenDataSource'Double'Ini \"geometry.values\" \"beta\") (CanNotOpenDataSource'Double'Or (CanNotOpenDataSource'Double'Ini \"geometry.values\" \"mu\") (CanNotOpenDataSource'Double'Or (CanNotOpenDataSource'Double'Ini \"geometry.values\" \"eix\") (HklDataSourceException'HklH5Exception (CanNotOpenH5Or (CanNotOpenDataset \"scan_data/eix\") (CanNotOpenDataset \"SIXS/i14-c-cx1-dt-det_tx.1/position_pre\")))))"
138 -- ici le probleme c'est eix...
139 -- $(PROCESS) /nfs/ruche-sixs/sixs-soleil/com-sixs/2023/Run2/Mozhzhukhina_20220548/binoculars/config_sbs_eiger.txt 640
140 -- gerer les mask en int64 uint64 etc...
141 -- /nfs/ruche-sixs/sixs-soleil/com-sixs/2020/Run3/Lacaze/mask_eiger.npy
142 -- comment documenter la section geometry.values
143 -- migrer le code de config-ini vers ini afin de resoudre ce probleme.
144 -- gerer les data sources qui n'ont pas la meme dimensionnalite genre un scalar et un array.
145 -- implementer les q/tth_scantime et q/tth_scanindex
146 -- implementer les corrections de polarisation
147 -- gui merge de cube.
148 -- ajouter un XpadFlat -> ajouter 3.2 dans le nom
149 -- adapter angles -> cglm 0 -> subprojection
150 -- - delta_lab, gamma_lab, <sample-axis>
151 -- - gamma_lab, delta_lab, <sample_axis>
153 -- Class FieldEmitter
155 class FieldEmitter a where
156 fieldEmitter :: a -> Text
158 -- Class FieldParsable
160 class FieldEmitter a => FieldParsable a where
161 fieldParser :: Parser a
163 -- class HasFieldComment
165 class HasFieldValue a => HasFieldComment a where
166 fieldComment :: a -> [Text]
168 -- Class HasFieldValue
170 class HasFieldValue a where
171 fieldvalue :: FieldValue a
173 auto :: HasFieldValue a => FieldValue a
174 auto = fieldvalue
176 auto' :: HasFieldValue a => Text -> Either String a
177 auto' = fvParse fieldvalue
179 instance HasFieldValue Bool where
180 fieldvalue = bool
182 instance HasFieldValue Degree where
183 fieldvalue = FieldValue
184 { fvParse = mapRight (Degree . (*~ degree)) . fvParse auto
185 , fvEmit = \(Degree m) -> pack . show . (/~ degree) $ m
188 number' :: (Show a, Read a, Num a, Typeable a) => FieldValue a
189 number' = Data.Ini.Config.Bidir.number
190 { fvParse = \t -> case fvParse Data.Ini.Config.Bidir.number . uncomment $ t of
191 Left _ -> fvParse Data.Ini.Config.Bidir.number . uncomment $ nt
192 where
193 nt :: Text
194 nt = cons '0' t
195 Right v -> Right v
198 instance HasFieldValue Double where
199 fieldvalue = number'
201 instance HasFieldValue (Detector Hkl DIM2) where
202 fieldvalue = FieldValue
203 { fvParse = parseDetector2D . strip . uncomment
204 , fvEmit = \(Detector2D _ name _) -> pack name
207 instance HasFieldValue Float where
208 fieldvalue = number'
210 instance HasFieldValue Int where
211 fieldvalue = number'
213 instance HasFieldValue (Path Abs Dir) where
214 fieldvalue = FieldValue { fvParse = \t -> mapLeft show (runCatch . parseAbsDir . unpack $ t)
215 , fvEmit = pack . fromAbsDir
218 instance HasFieldValue Text where
219 fieldvalue = text
221 instance HasFieldValue [Double] where
222 fieldvalue = listWithSeparator "," auto
224 pairWithSeparator' :: FieldValue l -> Text -> FieldValue r -> FieldValue (l, r)
225 pairWithSeparator' left sep right = FieldValue
226 { fvParse = \ t ->
227 let (leftChunk, rightChunk) = breakOn sep t
228 in do
229 x <- fvParse left leftChunk
230 y <- fvParse right (drop (Data.Text.length sep) rightChunk)
231 return (x, y)
232 , fvEmit = \ (x, y) -> fvEmit left x <> sep <> fvEmit right y
235 instance HasFieldValue (Int, Int) where
236 fieldvalue = pairWithSeparator' number' "," number'
238 -- Class HasIniConfig
240 data family Config (a :: ProjectionType)
241 data family DataPath (a :: ProjectionType)
242 data family Args (a :: ProjectionType)
244 readConfig :: Maybe FilePath -> IO ConfigContent
245 readConfig mf = do
246 cfg <- readFile =<< case mf of
247 Nothing -> getDataFileName "data/test/config_manip1.cfg"
248 (Just f) -> pure f
249 -- return $ ConfigContent cfg
250 return $ ConfigContent $ unlines $ [fixHeader l | l <- lines cfg]
251 where
252 fixHeader :: Text -> Text
253 fixHeader l = case findIndex (== '#' ) l of
254 Nothing -> l
255 (Just n) -> take n l
257 class HasIniConfig (a :: ProjectionType) where
259 getConfig :: ConfigContent
260 -> Args a
261 -> Capabilities
262 -> Either String (Config a)
264 -- Class ToIni
266 class ToIni a where
267 toIni :: a -> Ini
269 serializeConfig :: ToIni a => a -> Text
270 serializeConfig = printIni . toIni
272 mergeHash :: (Eq k, Hashable k, Semigroup v) => HashMap k v -> HashMap k v -> HashMap k v
273 mergeHash = unionWith f
274 where
275 f :: Semigroup v => v -> v -> v
276 f v1 v2 = v1 <> v2
278 mergeIni :: Ini -> Ini -> Ini
279 mergeIni x y = Ini {iniGlobals = mempty, iniSections = iniSections x `mergeHash` iniSections y}
281 -- Angstrom
283 newtype Angstrom = Angstrom { unAngstrom :: Length Double }
284 deriving (Eq, Show)
286 instance FromJSON Angstrom where
287 parseJSON = fmap (Angstrom . (*~ angstrom)) . parseJSON
289 instance ToJSON Angstrom where
290 toJSON = toJSON . (/~ angstrom) . unAngstrom
292 instance Arbitrary Angstrom where
293 arbitrary = Angstrom . (*~ angstrom) <$> arbitrary
295 instance HasFieldValue Angstrom where
296 fieldvalue = FieldValue
297 { fvParse = mapRight (Angstrom . (*~ angstrom)) . fvParse auto
298 , fvEmit = \(Angstrom m) -> pack . show . (/~ angstrom) $ m
301 -- Attenuation
303 newtype Attenuation = Attenuation { unAttenuation :: Double }
304 deriving (Eq, Show)
306 -- Capabilities
308 data Capabilities = Capabilities Int Int
309 deriving (Eq, Show)
311 getCapabilities :: IO Capabilities
312 getCapabilities = Capabilities
313 <$> getNumCapabilities
314 <*> getNumProcessors
316 -- ConfigRange
318 newtype ConfigRange = ConfigRange (NonEmpty InputRange)
319 deriving (Eq, Show, IsList)
321 instance Arbitrary ConfigRange where
322 arbitrary = ConfigRange <$> ((:|) <$> arbitrary <*> arbitrary)
324 instance FieldEmitter ConfigRange where
325 fieldEmitter (ConfigRange is) = unwords . toList $ Data.List.NonEmpty.map fieldEmitter is
327 instance FieldParsable ConfigRange where
328 fieldParser = ConfigRange <$> ((:|)
329 <$> fieldParser <* many (satisfy isSep)
330 <*> fieldParser `sepBy` many (satisfy isSep))
331 where
332 isSep :: Char -> Bool
333 isSep c = c == ' ' || c == ','
335 instance HasFieldValue ConfigRange where
336 fieldvalue = parsable
338 -- DestinationTmpl
340 newtype DestinationTmpl =
341 DestinationTmpl { unDestinationTmpl :: Text }
342 deriving (Eq, Show)
344 instance Arbitrary DestinationTmpl where
345 arbitrary = pure $ DestinationTmpl "{first}_{last}.h5"
347 instance HasFieldValue DestinationTmpl where
348 fieldvalue = FieldValue
349 { fvParse = Right . DestinationTmpl . uncomment
350 , fvEmit = \(DestinationTmpl t) -> t
353 -- HklBinocularsQCustomSubProjectionEnum
355 instance FieldEmitter HklBinocularsQCustomSubProjectionEnum where
356 fieldEmitter HklBinocularsQCustomSubProjectionEnum'QxQyQz = "qx_qy_qz"
357 fieldEmitter HklBinocularsQCustomSubProjectionEnum'QTthTimestamp = "q_tth_timestamp"
358 fieldEmitter HklBinocularsQCustomSubProjectionEnum'QTimestamp = "q_timestamp"
359 fieldEmitter HklBinocularsQCustomSubProjectionEnum'QparQperTimestamp = "qpar_qper_timestamp"
360 fieldEmitter HklBinocularsQCustomSubProjectionEnum'QparQper = "qpar_qper"
361 fieldEmitter HklBinocularsQCustomSubProjectionEnum'QPhiQx = "q_phi_qx"
362 fieldEmitter HklBinocularsQCustomSubProjectionEnum'QPhiQy = "q_phi_qy"
363 fieldEmitter HklBinocularsQCustomSubProjectionEnum'QPhiQz = "q_phi_qz"
364 fieldEmitter HklBinocularsQCustomSubProjectionEnum'QStereo = "q_stereo"
365 fieldEmitter HklBinocularsQCustomSubProjectionEnum'DeltalabGammalabSampleaxis = "deltalab_gammalab_sampleaxis"
366 fieldEmitter HklBinocularsQCustomSubProjectionEnum'XYZ = "x_y_z"
367 fieldEmitter HklBinocularsQCustomSubProjectionEnum'YZTimestamp = "y_z_timestamp"
368 fieldEmitter HklBinocularsQCustomSubProjectionEnum'QQparQper = "q_qpar_qper"
369 fieldEmitter HklBinocularsQCustomSubProjectionEnum'QparsQperTimestamp = "qpars_qper_timestamp"
370 fieldEmitter HklBinocularsQCustomSubProjectionEnum'QparQperSampleaxis = "qpar_qper_sampleaxis"
371 fieldEmitter HklBinocularsQCustomSubProjectionEnum'QSampleaxisTth = "q_sampleaxis_tth"
372 fieldEmitter HklBinocularsQCustomSubProjectionEnum'QSampleaxisTimestamp = "q_sampleaxis_timestamp"
374 instance FieldParsable HklBinocularsQCustomSubProjectionEnum where
375 fieldParser = go . strip . uncomment . toLower =<< takeText
376 where
377 err t = "Unsupported "
378 ++ show (typeRep (Proxy :: Proxy HklBinocularsQCustomSubProjectionEnum))
379 ++ " :" ++ unpack t
380 ++ " Supported ones are: "
381 ++ unpack (unwords $ Prelude.map fieldEmitter [minBound..maxBound :: HklBinocularsQCustomSubProjectionEnum])
383 go :: Text -> Parser HklBinocularsQCustomSubProjectionEnum
384 go "q_index" = pure HklBinocularsQCustomSubProjectionEnum'QTimestamp
385 go "angle_zaxis_omega" = pure HklBinocularsQCustomSubProjectionEnum'DeltalabGammalabSampleaxis
386 go "angle_zaxis_mu" = pure HklBinocularsQCustomSubProjectionEnum'DeltalabGammalabSampleaxis
387 go t = case parseEnum (err t) t of
388 Right p -> pure p
389 Left err' -> fail err'
391 instance HasFieldValue HklBinocularsQCustomSubProjectionEnum where
392 fieldvalue = parsable
395 instance HasFieldComment HklBinocularsQCustomSubProjectionEnum where
396 fieldComment _ = [ "The sub-projection that can be computed with binoculars-ng"
397 , ""
398 , "the list of the available sub-projections are:"
399 , ""
401 <> [" - " <> fvEmit fieldvalue v | v <- [minBound..maxBound :: HklBinocularsQCustomSubProjectionEnum]]
403 -- HklBinocularsSurfaceOrientationEnum
405 instance HasFieldValue HklBinocularsSurfaceOrientationEnum where
406 fieldvalue = FieldValue { fvParse = parse . strip . uncomment, fvEmit = emit }
407 where
408 err t = "Unsupported "
409 ++ show (typeRep (Proxy :: Proxy HklBinocularsSurfaceOrientationEnum))
410 ++ " :" ++ unpack t
411 ++ " Supported ones are: "
412 ++ unpack (unwords $ Prelude.map emit [minBound..maxBound])
414 parse :: Text -> Either String HklBinocularsSurfaceOrientationEnum
415 parse t = parseEnum (err t) t
417 emit :: HklBinocularsSurfaceOrientationEnum -> Text
418 emit HklBinocularsSurfaceOrientationEnum'Vertical = "vertical"
419 emit HklBinocularsSurfaceOrientationEnum'Horizontal = "horizontal"
421 instance HasFieldComment HklBinocularsSurfaceOrientationEnum where
422 fieldComment _ = [ "The orientation of the surface."
423 , ""
424 , "the list of the available orientation are:"
425 , ""
427 <> [" - " <> fvEmit fieldvalue v | v <- [minBound..maxBound :: HklBinocularsSurfaceOrientationEnum]]
428 <> [ ""
429 , "this orientation if for all the Geometry axes set to zero and correspond to"
430 , "the orientation of a vector collinear to the surface."
433 -- InputRange
435 newtype InputRange = InputRange {unInputRange :: Interval Int }
436 deriving (Eq, Show)
438 instance Arbitrary InputRange where
439 arbitrary = InputRange <$> oneof [ Numeric.Interval.singleton <$> arbitrary
440 , do
441 f <- arbitrary
442 t <- arbitrary
443 pure $ if f < t then f...t else t...f
446 instance FieldEmitter InputRange where
447 fieldEmitter (InputRange i) = pack $ if singular i
448 then printf "%d" (sup i)
449 else printf "%d-%d" (inf i) (sup i)
451 instance FieldParsable InputRange where
452 fieldParser = inputRangeFromToP <|> inputRangeP'
453 where
454 inputRangeFromToP :: Parser InputRange
455 inputRangeFromToP = InputRange
456 <$> ((...)
457 <$> signed decimal <* char '-'
458 <*> signed decimal)
460 inputRangeP' :: Parser InputRange
461 inputRangeP' = InputRange
462 <$> (Numeric.Interval.singleton <$> signed decimal)
464 -- InputTmpl
466 newtype InputTmpl = InputTmpl { unInputTmpl :: Text }
467 deriving (Eq, Show)
469 instance Arbitrary InputTmpl where
470 arbitrary = pure $ InputTmpl "inputfiles%04.nxs"
472 instance HasFieldValue InputTmpl where
473 fieldvalue = FieldValue
474 { fvParse = Right . InputTmpl . uncomment
475 , fvEmit = \(InputTmpl t) -> t
478 -- InputType
480 data InputTypeDeprecated
481 = SixsFlyMedVEiger
482 | SixsFlyMedVS70
483 | SixsFlyScanUhvGisaxsEiger
484 | SixsFlyScanUhvUfxc
485 deriving (Eq, Show, Enum, Bounded)
487 instance FieldEmitter InputTypeDeprecated where
488 fieldEmitter SixsFlyMedVEiger = "sixs:flymedveiger"
489 fieldEmitter SixsFlyMedVS70 = "sixs:flymedvs70"
490 fieldEmitter SixsFlyScanUhvGisaxsEiger = "sixs:gisaxuhveiger"
491 fieldEmitter SixsFlyScanUhvUfxc = "sixs:flyscanuhvufxc"
493 instance FieldParsable InputTypeDeprecated where
494 fieldParser = go . strip . uncomment . toLower =<< takeText
495 where
496 err t = "Unsupported "
497 ++ show (typeRep (Proxy :: Proxy InputTypeDeprecated))
498 ++ " :" ++ unpack t
499 ++ " Supported ones are: "
500 ++ unpack (unwords $ Prelude.map fieldEmitter [minBound..maxBound :: InputTypeDeprecated])
502 go :: Text -> Parser InputTypeDeprecated
503 go t = case parseEnum (err t) t of
504 Right p -> pure p
505 Left err' -> fail err'
507 instance HasFieldValue InputTypeDeprecated where
508 fieldvalue = parsable
510 data InputType = CristalK6C
511 | MarsFlyscan
512 | MarsSbs
513 | SixsFlyMedH
514 | SixsFlyMedHGisaxs
515 | SixsFlyMedV
516 | SixsFlyMedVGisaxs
517 | SixsFlyUhv
518 | SixsFlyUhvGisaxs
519 | SixsSbsMedH
520 | SixsSbsMedHGisaxs
521 | SixsSbsMedV
522 | SixsSbsMedVGisaxs
523 | SixsSbsUhv
524 | SixsSbsUhvGisaxs
525 deriving (Eq, Show, Enum, Bounded)
527 instance Arbitrary InputType where
528 arbitrary = elements ([minBound .. maxBound] :: [InputType])
530 instance FieldEmitter InputType where
531 fieldEmitter CristalK6C = "cristal:k6c"
532 fieldEmitter MarsFlyscan = "mars:flyscan"
533 fieldEmitter MarsSbs = "mars:sbs"
534 fieldEmitter SixsFlyMedH = "sixs:flymedh"
535 fieldEmitter SixsFlyMedHGisaxs = "sixs:flymedhgisaxs"
536 fieldEmitter SixsFlyMedV = "sixs:flymedv"
537 fieldEmitter SixsFlyMedVGisaxs = "sixs:flymedvgisaxs"
538 fieldEmitter SixsFlyUhv = "sixs:flyuhv"
539 fieldEmitter SixsFlyUhvGisaxs = "sixs:flyuhvgisaxs"
540 fieldEmitter SixsSbsMedH = "sixs:sbsmedh"
541 fieldEmitter SixsSbsMedHGisaxs = "sixs:sbsmedhgisaxs"
542 fieldEmitter SixsSbsMedV = "sixs:sbsmedv"
543 fieldEmitter SixsSbsMedVGisaxs = "sixs:sbsmedvgisaxs"
544 fieldEmitter SixsSbsUhv = "sixs:sbsuhv"
545 fieldEmitter SixsSbsUhvGisaxs = "sixs:sbsuhvgisaxs"
547 instance FieldParsable InputType where
548 fieldParser = go . strip . uncomment . toLower =<< takeText
549 where
550 err t = "Unsupported "
551 ++ show (typeRep (Proxy :: Proxy InputType))
552 ++ " :" ++ unpack t
553 ++ " Supported ones are: "
554 ++ unpack (unwords $ Prelude.map fieldEmitter [minBound..maxBound :: InputType])
556 go :: Text -> Parser InputType
557 go "sixs:flyscanuhv" = pure SixsFlyUhv
558 go "sixs:flyscanuhv2" = pure SixsFlyUhv
559 go "sixs:flyscanuhvtest" = pure SixsFlyUhv
560 go "sixs:sbsmedhfixdetector" = pure SixsSbsMedHGisaxs
561 go "sixs:sbsmedvfixdetector" = pure SixsSbsMedVGisaxs
562 go t = case parseEnum (err t) t of
563 Right p -> pure p
564 Left err' -> fail err'
566 instance HasFieldValue InputType where
567 fieldvalue = parsable
569 -- Limits
571 data Limits = Limits (Maybe Double) (Maybe Double)
572 deriving (Eq, Show)
574 instance Arbitrary Limits where
575 arbitrary = Limits <$> arbitrary <*> arbitrary
577 -- MaskLocation
579 newtype MaskLocation = MaskLocation { unMaskLocation :: Text }
580 deriving (Eq, Show, IsString)
582 instance Arbitrary MaskLocation where
583 arbitrary = pure $ MaskLocation "mask location"
585 instance HasFieldValue MaskLocation where
586 fieldvalue = FieldValue
587 { fvParse = mapRight MaskLocation . fvParse text
588 , fvEmit = \(MaskLocation m) -> fvEmit text m
591 -- Meter
593 newtype Meter = Meter { unMeter :: Length Double }
594 deriving (Eq, Show)
596 instance Arbitrary Meter where
597 arbitrary = Meter . (*~ meter) <$> arbitrary
599 instance HasFieldValue Meter where
600 fieldvalue = FieldValue
601 { fvParse = mapRight (Meter . (*~ meter)) . fvParse auto
602 , fvEmit = \(Meter m) -> pack . show . (/~ meter) $ m
605 -- NCores
607 newtype NCores = NCores { unNCores :: Int }
608 deriving (Eq, Show)
610 instance Arbitrary NCores where
611 arbitrary = NCores <$> arbitrary
613 instance HasFieldValue NCores where
614 fieldvalue = FieldValue
615 { fvParse = mapRight NCores . fvParse auto
616 , fvEmit = \(NCores m) -> pack . show $ m
619 -- ProjectionType
621 data ProjectionType = AnglesProjection
622 | Angles2Projection
623 | HklProjection
624 | QCustomProjection
625 | QIndexProjection
626 | QparQperProjection
627 | QxQyQzProjection
628 | RealSpaceProjection
629 | PixelsProjection
630 | TestProjection
632 deriving (Eq, Show, Enum, Bounded)
634 instance Arbitrary ProjectionType where
635 arbitrary = elements ([minBound .. maxBound] :: [ProjectionType])
637 instance FieldEmitter ProjectionType where
638 fieldEmitter AnglesProjection = "angles"
639 fieldEmitter Angles2Projection = "angles2"
640 fieldEmitter HklProjection = "hkl"
641 fieldEmitter QCustomProjection = "qcustom"
642 fieldEmitter QIndexProjection = "qindex"
643 fieldEmitter QparQperProjection = "qparqper"
644 fieldEmitter QxQyQzProjection = "qxqyqz"
645 fieldEmitter RealSpaceProjection = "realspace"
646 fieldEmitter PixelsProjection = "pixels"
647 fieldEmitter TestProjection = "test"
649 instance FieldParsable ProjectionType where
650 fieldParser = go . strip . uncomment . toLower =<< takeText
651 where
652 err t = "Unsupported "
653 ++ show (typeRep (Proxy :: Proxy ProjectionType))
654 ++ " :" ++ unpack t
655 ++ " Supported ones are: "
656 ++ unpack (unwords $ Prelude.map fieldEmitter [minBound..maxBound :: ProjectionType])
658 go :: Text -> Parser ProjectionType
659 go "sixs:anglesprojection" = pure AnglesProjection
660 go "sixs:angles2projection" = pure Angles2Projection
661 go "sixs:qindex" = pure QIndexProjection
662 go "sixs:qxqyqzprojection" = pure QxQyQzProjection
663 go "sixs:qparqperprojection" = pure QparQperProjection
664 go "sixs:hklprojection" = pure HklProjection
665 go "sixs:realspace" = pure RealSpaceProjection
666 go "sixs:pixels" = pure PixelsProjection
667 go "qcustom2" = pure QCustomProjection
668 go t = case parseEnum (err t) t of
669 Right p -> pure p
670 Left err' -> fail err'
672 instance HasFieldValue ProjectionType where
673 fieldvalue = parsable
675 instance HasFieldComment ProjectionType where
676 fieldComment _ = [ "The type of projection that can be computed with binoculars-ng"
677 , ""
678 , "the list of the available projections are:"
679 , ""
681 <> [" - " <> fvEmit fieldvalue v | v <- [minBound..maxBound :: ProjectionType]]
682 <> [ ""
683 , "Some projections can be customize using the `subprojection` parameter."
686 ms :: String
687 ms = "#;"
689 uncomment :: Text -> Text
690 uncomment = takeWhile (`notElem` ms)
692 parsable :: FieldParsable a => FieldValue a
693 parsable = FieldValue { fvParse = parse . strip . uncomment, fvEmit = emit }
694 where
695 parse :: FieldParsable a => Text -> Either String a
696 parse = parseOnly fieldParser
698 emit :: FieldParsable a => a -> Text
699 emit = fieldEmitter
701 parseEnum :: (Bounded a, Enum a, HasFieldValue a, Typeable a)
702 => String -> Text -> Either String a
703 parseEnum err t = maybeToRight err (find match [minBound..maxBound])
704 where
705 match :: HasFieldValue a => a -> Bool
706 match i = toLower t == fvEmit fieldvalue i
708 -- Resolutions
710 data Resolutions sh where
711 Resolutions2 :: Double -> Double -> Resolutions DIM2
712 Resolutions3 :: Double -> Double -> Double -> Resolutions DIM3
714 deriving instance Eq (Resolutions sh)
715 deriving instance Show (Resolutions sh)
717 instance Arbitrary (Resolutions DIM2) where
718 arbitrary = Resolutions2 <$> arbitrary <*> arbitrary
720 instance Arbitrary (Resolutions DIM3) where
721 arbitrary = Resolutions3 <$> arbitrary <*> arbitrary <*> arbitrary
723 instance IsList (Resolutions sh) where
724 type Item (Resolutions sh) = Double
726 toList (Resolutions2 r1 r2) = [r1, r2]
727 toList (Resolutions3 r1 r2 r3) = [r1, r2, r3]
729 fromList = undefined
731 instance HasFieldValue (Resolutions DIM2) where
732 fieldvalue = FieldValue { fvParse = parse, fvEmit = emit }
733 where
734 parse :: Text -> Either String (Resolutions DIM2)
735 parse t = do
736 rs <- (fvParse $ listWithSeparator "," auto) t
737 case Data.List.length rs of
738 1 -> Right (Resolutions2 (head rs) (head rs))
739 2 -> Right (Resolutions2 (head rs) (rs !! 1))
740 _ -> Left "Need one or two resolutions values for this projection"
742 emit :: Resolutions DIM2 -> Text
743 emit (Resolutions2 r1 r2) = intercalate "," (Prelude.map (pack . show) [r1, r2])
745 instance HasFieldComment (Resolutions DIM2) where
746 fieldComment _ = [ "The resolution of the bins expected for the projection's axes"
747 , ""
748 , "The expected value are:"
749 , " - one double - same resolution for all axes."
750 , " - one double per axis - each axis has it's own resolution."
751 , ""
752 , "the latter form use a comma to separate the values and no space is allowed."
755 instance HasFieldValue (Resolutions DIM3) where
756 fieldvalue = FieldValue { fvParse = parse, fvEmit = emit }
757 where
758 parse :: Text -> Either String (Resolutions DIM3)
759 parse t = do
760 rs <- (fvParse $ listWithSeparator "," auto) t
761 case Data.List.length rs of
762 1 -> Right (Resolutions3 (head rs) (head rs) (head rs))
763 3 -> Right (Resolutions3 (head rs) (rs !! 1) (rs !! 2))
764 _ -> Left "Need one or three resolutions values for this projection"
766 emit :: Resolutions DIM3 -> Text
767 emit (Resolutions3 r1 r2 r3) = intercalate "," (Prelude.map (pack . show) [r1, r2, r3])
769 instance HasFieldComment (Resolutions DIM3) where
770 fieldComment _ = [ "The resolution of the bins expected for the projection's axes"
771 , ""
772 , "The expected value are:"
773 , " - one double - same resolution for all axes."
774 , " - one double per axis - each axis has it's own resolution."
775 , ""
776 , "the latter form use a comma to separate the values and no space is allowed."
779 -- RLimits
781 data RLimits sh where
782 Limits2 :: Limits -> Limits -> RLimits DIM2
783 Limits3 :: Limits -> Limits -> Limits -> RLimits DIM3
785 deriving instance Eq (RLimits sh)
786 deriving instance Show (RLimits sh)
788 instance Arbitrary (RLimits DIM2) where
789 arbitrary = Limits2 <$> arbitrary <*> arbitrary
792 instance Arbitrary (RLimits DIM3) where
793 arbitrary = Limits3 <$> arbitrary <*> arbitrary <*> arbitrary
796 limitsP' :: Parser Limits
797 limitsP' = Limits
798 <$> lim <* char ':'
799 <*> lim
800 where
801 lim :: Parser (Maybe Double)
802 lim = (Just <$> double) <|> return Nothing
804 showLimit :: Maybe Double -> Text
805 showLimit (Just l) = pack $ printf "%f" l
806 showLimit Nothing = Data.Text.empty
808 showLimits :: Limits -> Text
809 showLimits (Limits f t) = showLimit f <> Data.Text.singleton ':' <> showLimit t
811 instance (FieldEmitter (RLimits sh)) where
812 fieldEmitter ls = Data.Text.singleton '['
813 <> intercalate "," (Prelude.map showLimits (toList ls))
814 <> Data.Text.singleton ']'
816 instance (FieldParsable (RLimits DIM2)) where
817 fieldParser = Limits2
818 <$> (char '[' *> limitsP')
819 <*> (char ',' *> limitsP' <* char ']')
821 instance (FieldParsable (RLimits DIM3)) where
822 fieldParser = Limits3
823 <$> (char '[' *> limitsP')
824 <*> (char ',' *> limitsP')
825 <*> (char ',' *> limitsP' <* char ']')
827 instance HasFieldValue (RLimits DIM2) where
828 fieldvalue = parsable
830 instance HasFieldComment (RLimits DIM2) where
831 fieldComment _ = [ "The limits of the bins expected for the projection's axes"
832 , ""
833 , "Sometime it is interesting to focus on a specific region of a map."
834 , "this allows to increase the resolution and keep a memory footprint acceptable."
835 , ""
836 , "The expected value is a list of <limits>. One per axis."
837 , ""
838 , " `[<limits>,<limits>]`"
839 , ""
840 , "<limits> has this form `<double or nothing>:<double or nothing>`"
841 , "nothing means realy nothing and in this case their is no limits."
842 , ""
843 , "example:"
844 , " - [:1,2:3]"
845 , " - [:,2:3]"
848 instance HasFieldValue (RLimits DIM3) where
849 fieldvalue = parsable
851 instance HasFieldComment (RLimits DIM3) where
852 fieldComment _ = [ "The limits of the bins expected for the projection's axes"
853 , ""
854 , "Sometime it is interesting to focus on a specific region of a map."
855 , "this allows to increase the resolution and keep a memory footprint acceptable."
856 , ""
857 , "The expected value is a list of <limits>. One per axis."
858 , ""
859 , " `[<limits>,<limits>,<limits>]`"
860 , ""
861 , "<limits> has this form `<double or nothing>:<double or nothing>`."
862 , "nothing means realy nothing and in this case their is no limits."
863 , ""
864 , "example:"
865 , " - [:1,2:3,4:5]"
866 , " - [:,2:3,4:]"
869 instance IsList (RLimits sh) where
870 type Item (RLimits sh) = Limits
872 toList (Limits2 l1 l2) = [l1, l2]
873 toList (Limits3 l1 l2 l3) = [l1, l2, l3]
875 fromList = undefined
877 -- SampleAxis
879 newtype SampleAxis = SampleAxis { unSampleAxis :: Text }
880 deriving (Eq, Show)
882 instance HasFieldValue SampleAxis where
883 fieldvalue = FieldValue { fvParse = Right . SampleAxis . uncomment
884 , fvEmit = \(SampleAxis t) -> t
887 instance Arbitrary SampleAxis where
888 arbitrary = pure $ SampleAxis "omega"
890 -- BinocularsPreConfig
892 newtype BinocularsPreConfig =
893 BinocularsPreConfig { _binocularsPreConfigProjectionType :: ProjectionType }
894 deriving (Eq, Show)
896 makeLenses ''BinocularsPreConfig
898 binocularsPreConfigDefault :: BinocularsPreConfig
899 binocularsPreConfigDefault = BinocularsPreConfig
900 { _binocularsPreConfigProjectionType = QxQyQzProjection }
902 binocularsPreConfigSpec :: IniSpec BinocularsPreConfig ()
903 binocularsPreConfigSpec = do
904 section "projection" $ do
905 binocularsPreConfigProjectionType .= field "type" parsable
908 ---------------
909 -- functions --
910 ---------------
912 destination' :: ProjectionType -> Maybe HklBinocularsQCustomSubProjectionEnum -> ConfigRange -> Maybe (RLimits a) -> DestinationTmpl -> Bool -> IO FilePath
913 destination' proj msub (ConfigRange rs) ml dtmpl overwrite =
914 if overwrite
915 then pure $ replace' proj msub interval limits dtmpl Nothing
916 else do
917 let guess = replace' proj msub interval limits dtmpl Nothing : Prelude.map (replace' proj msub interval limits dtmpl . Just) [2..]
918 findFirst guess
919 where
920 findFirst :: [FilePath] -> IO FilePath
921 findFirst [] = undefined -- can not append non empty list
922 findFirst (x : xs) = do
923 exists <- doesPathExist x
924 if exists
925 then findFirst xs
926 else return x
928 interval = foldl' hull Numeric.Interval.empty intervals
930 limits = case ml of
931 Nothing -> "nolimits"
932 (Just ls) -> fieldEmitter ls
934 intervals = Data.List.NonEmpty.map unInputRange rs
936 isHdf5 :: Path Abs File -> Bool
937 isHdf5 p = case (fileExtension p :: Maybe [Char]) of
938 Nothing -> False
939 (Just ext) -> ext `elem` [".h5", ".nxs"]
941 isInConfigRange :: Maybe InputTmpl -> Maybe ConfigRange -> Path Abs File -> Bool
942 isInConfigRange mtmpl mr f
943 = case mr of
944 (Just (ConfigRange rs)) -> do
945 let tmpl = maybe "%05d" (unpack . unInputTmpl) mtmpl
946 any (isInInputRange (filename f) tmpl) rs
947 Nothing -> True
948 where
949 matchIndex :: Path Rel File -> String -> Int -> Bool
950 matchIndex p tmpl n = printf tmpl n `isInfixOf` toFilePath p
952 isInInputRange :: Path Rel File -> String -> InputRange -> Bool
953 isInInputRange p tmpl (InputRange i) = any (matchIndex p tmpl) [inf i .. sup i]
955 files :: (MonadThrow m, MonadIO m)
956 => Maybe (Path Abs Dir)
957 -> Maybe ConfigRange
958 -> Maybe InputTmpl
959 -> m [Path Abs File]
960 files md mr mt
961 = do
962 let filters = [ isHdf5
963 , isInConfigRange mt mr
966 dir <- case md of
967 Nothing -> getCurrentDir
968 (Just d) -> pure d
970 fs <- walkDirAccum Nothing
971 (\_root _dirs fs -> return $ filter (\f -> all ($ f) filters) fs)
974 if null fs
975 then throwM (NoDataFilesUnderTheGivenDirectory dir)
976 else return fs
978 getMask :: (MonadThrow m, MonadIO m) => Maybe MaskLocation -> Detector Hkl DIM2 -> m (Maybe Mask)
979 getMask ml d = case ml of
980 Nothing -> return Nothing
981 (Just "default") -> Just <$> getDetectorDefaultMask d
982 (Just fname) -> Just <$> getDetectorMask d (unMaskLocation fname)
984 getPreConfig' :: ConfigContent -> Either String BinocularsPreConfig
985 getPreConfig' (ConfigContent cfg) = do
986 let r = parseIni cfg (ini binocularsPreConfigDefault binocularsPreConfigSpec)
987 mapRight getIniValue r
989 getPreConfig :: Maybe FilePath -> IO (Either String BinocularsPreConfig)
990 getPreConfig mf = getPreConfig' <$> readConfig mf
992 addOverwrite :: Maybe Int -> DestinationTmpl -> DestinationTmpl
993 addOverwrite midx tmpl = case midx of
994 Nothing -> tmpl
995 Just idx -> let (f, ext) = splitExtensions . unpack . unDestinationTmpl $ tmpl
996 in DestinationTmpl (pack $ f <> printf "_%02d" idx <> ext)
998 replace' :: ProjectionType -> Maybe HklBinocularsQCustomSubProjectionEnum -> Interval Int -> Text -> DestinationTmpl -> Maybe Int -> FilePath
999 replace' proj msub i l dtmpl midx = unpack
1000 . replace "{last}" (pack . show . sup $ i)
1001 . replace "{first}" (pack . show . inf $ i)
1002 . replace "{limits}" l
1003 . replace "{projection}" (case msub of
1004 Just sub -> fieldEmitter sub
1005 Nothing -> fieldEmitter proj)
1006 . unDestinationTmpl . addOverwrite midx $ dtmpl