[binoculars-ng] start to work on the cirpad
[hkl.git] / binoculars-ng / src / Hkl / Binoculars / Config / Sample.hs
1 {-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
2 {-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass #-}
3 {-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
4 {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
5 {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
6 {-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
7 {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
8 {-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
9 {-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
10 {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
11 {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
13 {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-}
16 Copyright : Copyright (C) 2014-2024 Synchrotron SOLEIL
17 L'Orme des Merisiers Saint-Aubin
18 BP 48 91192 GIF-sur-YVETTE CEDEX
19 License : GPL3+
21 Maintainer : Picca Frédéric-Emmanuel <picca@synchrotron-soleil.fr>
22 Stability : Experimental
23 Portability: GHC only (not tested)
26 module Hkl.Binoculars.Config.Sample
27 ( Args(..)
28 , Config(..)
29 , default'DataSourcePath'Sample
30 , guess'DataSourcePath'Sample
31 , overload'DataSourcePath'Sample
32 ) where
34 import Data.Aeson (FromJSON, ToJSON)
35 import Data.HashMap.Lazy (fromList)
36 import Data.Ini (Ini (..))
37 import GHC.Generics (Generic)
39 import Hkl.Binoculars.Config
40 import Hkl.Binoculars.Config.Common
41 import Hkl.DataSource
42 import Hkl.H5
43 import Hkl.Lattice
44 import Hkl.Parameter
45 import Hkl.Sample
47 ----------------
48 -- DataSource --
49 ----------------
51 instance DataSource Sample where
52 data DataSourcePath Sample
53 = DataSourcePath'Sample
54 (DataSourcePath Double) -- a
55 (DataSourcePath Double) -- b
56 (DataSourcePath Double) -- c
57 (DataSourcePath Degree) -- alpha
58 (DataSourcePath Degree) -- beta
59 (DataSourcePath Degree) -- gamma
60 (DataSourcePath Degree) -- ux
61 (DataSourcePath Degree) -- uy
62 (DataSourcePath Degree) -- uz
63 | DataSourcePath'Sample'Or (DataSourcePath Sample) (DataSourcePath Sample)
64 deriving (FromJSON, Generic, Show, ToJSON)
66 data DataSourceAcq Sample
67 = DataSourceAcq'Sample
68 (DataSourceAcq Double)
69 (DataSourceAcq Double)
70 (DataSourceAcq Double)
71 (DataSourceAcq Degree)
72 (DataSourceAcq Degree)
73 (DataSourceAcq Degree)
74 (DataSourceAcq Degree)
75 (DataSourceAcq Degree)
76 (DataSourceAcq Degree)
78 withDataSourceP f (DataSourcePath'Sample a b c alpha beta gamma ux uy uz) g =
79 withDataSourceP f a $ \a' ->
80 withDataSourceP f b $ \b' ->
81 withDataSourceP f c $ \c' ->
82 withDataSourceP f alpha $ \alpha' ->
83 withDataSourceP f beta $ \beta' ->
84 withDataSourceP f gamma $ \gamma' ->
85 withDataSourceP f ux $ \ux' ->
86 withDataSourceP f uy $ \uy' ->
87 withDataSourceP f uz $ \uz' -> g (DataSourceAcq'Sample a' b' c' alpha' beta' gamma' ux' uy' uz')
88 withDataSourceP f (DataSourcePath'Sample'Or l r) g = withDataSourcePOr f l r g
90 instance Is0DStreamable (DataSourceAcq Sample) Sample where
91 extract0DStreamValue (DataSourceAcq'Sample a b c alpha beta gamma ux uy uz) =
92 Sample "test"
93 <$> (Triclinic
94 <$> extract0DStreamValue a
95 <*> extract0DStreamValue b
96 <*> extract0DStreamValue c
97 <*> extract0DStreamValue alpha
98 <*> extract0DStreamValue beta
99 <*> extract0DStreamValue gamma)
100 <*> (Parameter "ux"
101 <$> extract0DStreamValue ux
102 <*> pure (Range 0 0))
103 <*> (Parameter "uy"
104 <$> extract0DStreamValue uy
105 <*> pure (Range 0 0))
106 <*> (Parameter "uz"
107 <$> extract0DStreamValue uz
108 <*> pure (Range 0 0))
110 default'DataSourcePath'Sample :: DataSourcePath Sample
111 default'DataSourcePath'Sample = DataSourcePath'Sample
112 (DataSourcePath'Double(hdf5p $ grouppat 0 $ datasetp "SIXS/I14-C-CX2__EX__DIFF-UHV__#1/A"))
113 (DataSourcePath'Double(hdf5p $ grouppat 0 $ datasetp "SIXS/I14-C-CX2__EX__DIFF-UHV__#1/B"))
114 (DataSourcePath'Double(hdf5p $ grouppat 0 $ datasetp "SIXS/I14-C-CX2__EX__DIFF-UHV__#1/C"))
115 (DataSourcePath'Degree(hdf5p $ grouppat 0 $ datasetp "SIXS/I14-C-CX2__EX__DIFF-UHV__#1/Alpha"))
116 (DataSourcePath'Degree(hdf5p $ grouppat 0 $ datasetp "SIXS/I14-C-CX2__EX__DIFF-UHV__#1/Beta"))
117 (DataSourcePath'Degree(hdf5p $ grouppat 0 $ datasetp "SIXS/I14-C-CX2__EX__DIFF-UHV__#1/Gamma"))
118 (DataSourcePath'Degree(hdf5p $ grouppat 0 $ datasetp "SIXS/I14-C-CX2__EX__DIFF-UHV__#1/Ux"))
119 (DataSourcePath'Degree(hdf5p $ grouppat 0 $ datasetp "SIXS/I14-C-CX2__EX__DIFF-UHV__#1/Uy"))
120 (DataSourcePath'Degree(hdf5p $ grouppat 0 $ datasetp "SIXS/I14-C-CX2__EX__DIFF-UHV__#1/Uz"))
123 overload'DataSourcePath'Sample :: Config Sample
124 -> DataSourcePath Sample
125 -> DataSourcePath Sample
126 overload'DataSourcePath'Sample (BinocularsConfig'Sample ma mb mc malpha mbeta mgamma mux muy muz) (DataSourcePath'Sample pa pb pc palpha pbeta pgamma pux puy puz)
127 = DataSourcePath'Sample
128 (maybe pa DataSourcePath'Double'Const ma)
129 (maybe pb DataSourcePath'Double'Const mb)
130 (maybe pc DataSourcePath'Double'Const mc)
131 (maybe palpha DataSourcePath'Degree'Const malpha)
132 (maybe pbeta DataSourcePath'Degree'Const mbeta)
133 (maybe pgamma DataSourcePath'Degree'Const mgamma)
134 (maybe pux DataSourcePath'Degree'Const mux)
135 (maybe puy DataSourcePath'Degree'Const muy)
136 (maybe puz DataSourcePath'Degree'Const muz)
137 overload'DataSourcePath'Sample c (DataSourcePath'Sample'Or l r)
138 = DataSourcePath'Sample'Or
139 (overload'DataSourcePath'Sample c l)
140 (overload'DataSourcePath'Sample c r)
142 guess'DataSourcePath'Sample :: Config Common
143 -> Config Sample
144 -> DataSourcePath Sample
145 guess'DataSourcePath'Sample common sample =
146 do let inputType = binocularsConfig'Common'InputType common
147 let samplePath' beamline device =
148 DataSourcePath'Sample
149 (DataSourcePath'Double(hdf5p $ grouppat 0 $ groupp beamline $ groupp device $ datasetp "A"))
150 (DataSourcePath'Double(hdf5p $ grouppat 0 $ groupp beamline $ groupp device $ datasetp "B"))
151 (DataSourcePath'Double(hdf5p $ grouppat 0 $ groupp beamline $ groupp device $ datasetp "C"))
152 (DataSourcePath'Degree(hdf5p $ grouppat 0 $ groupp beamline $ groupp device $ datasetp "alpha"))
153 (DataSourcePath'Degree(hdf5p $ grouppat 0 $ groupp beamline $ groupp device $ datasetp "beta"))
154 (DataSourcePath'Degree(hdf5p $ grouppat 0 $ groupp beamline $ groupp device $ datasetp "gamma"))
155 (DataSourcePath'Degree(hdf5p $ grouppat 0 $ groupp beamline $ groupp device $ datasetp "Ux"))
156 (DataSourcePath'Degree(hdf5p $ grouppat 0 $ groupp beamline $ groupp device $ datasetp "Uy"))
157 (DataSourcePath'Degree(hdf5p $ grouppat 0 $ groupp beamline $ groupp device $ datasetp "Uz"))
158 let sampleMarsPath beamline device =
159 DataSourcePath'Sample
160 (DataSourcePath'Double(hdf5p $ grouppat 0 $ groupp beamline $ groupp device $ datasetp "a"))
161 (DataSourcePath'Double(hdf5p $ grouppat 0 $ groupp beamline $ groupp device $ datasetp "b"))
162 (DataSourcePath'Double(hdf5p $ grouppat 0 $ groupp beamline $ groupp device $ datasetp "c"))
163 (DataSourcePath'Degree(hdf5p $ grouppat 0 $ groupp beamline $ groupp device $ datasetp "alpha"))
164 (DataSourcePath'Degree(hdf5p $ grouppat 0 $ groupp beamline $ groupp device $ datasetp "beta"))
165 (DataSourcePath'Degree(hdf5p $ grouppat 0 $ groupp beamline $ groupp device $ datasetp "gamma"))
166 (DataSourcePath'Degree(hdf5p $ grouppat 0 $ groupp beamline $ groupp device $ datasetp "u_x"))
167 (DataSourcePath'Degree(hdf5p $ grouppat 0 $ groupp beamline $ groupp device $ datasetp "u_y"))
168 (DataSourcePath'Degree(hdf5p $ grouppat 0 $ groupp beamline $ groupp device $ datasetp "u_z"))
169 let cristalSamplePath = samplePath' "NOBEAMLINE" "NOBEAMLINE"
170 let diffabsSamplePath = samplePath' "DIFFABS" undefined
171 let marsSamplePath = sampleMarsPath "MARS" "d03-1-cx2__ex__dif-cm_#1"
172 let medHSamplePath = samplePath' "SIXS" "i14-c-cx1-ex-cm-med.h"
173 let medVSamplePath = samplePath' "SIXS" "i14-c-cx1-ex-cm-med.v"
174 let uhvSamplePath = samplePath' "SIXS" "I14-C-CX2__EX__DIFF-UHV__#1"
175 `DataSourcePath'Sample'Or`
176 samplePath' "SIXS" "i14-c-cx2-ex-cm-uhv"
178 let samplePath = case inputType of
179 CristalK6C -> cristalSamplePath
180 DiffabsCirpad -> diffabsSamplePath
181 MarsFlyscan -> marsSamplePath
182 MarsSbs -> marsSamplePath
183 SixsFlyMedH -> medHSamplePath
184 SixsFlyMedHGisaxs -> medHSamplePath
185 SixsFlyMedV -> medVSamplePath
186 SixsFlyMedVGisaxs -> medVSamplePath
187 SixsFlyUhv -> uhvSamplePath
188 SixsFlyUhvGisaxs -> uhvSamplePath
189 SixsSbsMedH -> medHSamplePath
190 SixsSbsMedHGisaxs -> medHSamplePath
191 SixsSbsMedV -> medVSamplePath
192 SixsSbsMedVGisaxs -> medVSamplePath
193 SixsSbsUhv -> uhvSamplePath
194 SixsSbsUhvGisaxs -> uhvSamplePath
196 overload'DataSourcePath'Sample sample samplePath
198 ------------
199 -- Config --
200 ------------
202 instance HasIniConfig Sample where
204 data Config Sample
205 = BinocularsConfig'Sample
206 { binocularsConfig'Sample'A :: Maybe Double
207 , binocularsConfig'Sample'B :: Maybe Double
208 , binocularsConfig'Sample'C :: Maybe Double
209 , binocularsConfig'Sample'Alpha :: Maybe Degree
210 , binocularsConfig'Sample'Beta :: Maybe Degree
211 , binocularsConfig'Sample'Gamma :: Maybe Degree
212 , binocularsConfig'Sample'Ux :: Maybe Degree
213 , binocularsConfig'Sample'Uy :: Maybe Degree
214 , binocularsConfig'Sample'Uz :: Maybe Degree
215 } deriving (Eq, Show, Generic)
217 data Args Sample
218 = Args'Sample
220 defaultConfig
221 = BinocularsConfig'Sample
222 { binocularsConfig'Sample'A = Nothing
223 , binocularsConfig'Sample'B = Nothing
224 , binocularsConfig'Sample'C = Nothing
225 , binocularsConfig'Sample'Alpha = Nothing
226 , binocularsConfig'Sample'Beta = Nothing
227 , binocularsConfig'Sample'Gamma = Nothing
228 , binocularsConfig'Sample'Ux = Nothing
229 , binocularsConfig'Sample'Uy = Nothing
230 , binocularsConfig'Sample'Uz = Nothing
233 toIni c = Ini { iniSections = fromList [ ("input", elemFMbDef "a" binocularsConfig'Sample'A c defaultConfig
234 [ "`a` parameter of the sample lattice (same unit than the wavelength)."
235 , ""
236 , "This parameter with the 5 others, `b`, `c`, `alpha`, `beta` and `gamma`"
237 , "can be set in order to overwrite the values from the data file."
238 , ""
239 , " `<not set>` - read `a` from the data file."
240 , " `a` - override `a` with this value."
242 <> elemFMbDef "b" binocularsConfig'Sample'B c defaultConfig
243 [ "`b` parameter of the sample lattice (same unit than the wavelength)."
244 , ""
245 , "This parameter with the 5 others, `a`, `c`, `alpha`, `beta` and `gamma`"
246 , "can be set in order to overwrite the values from the data file."
247 , ""
248 , " `<not set>` - read `b` from the data file."
249 , " `b` - override `b` with this value."
251 <> elemFMbDef "c" binocularsConfig'Sample'C c defaultConfig
252 [ "`c` parameter of the sample lattice (same unit than the wavelength)."
253 , ""
254 , "This parameter with the 5 others, `a`, `b`, `alpha`, `beta` and `gamma`"
255 , "can be set in order to overwrite the values from the data file."
256 , ""
257 , " `<not set>` - read `c` from the data file."
258 , " `c` - override `c` with this value."
260 <> elemFMbDef "alpha" binocularsConfig'Sample'Alpha c defaultConfig
261 [ "`alpha` parameter of the sample lattice (Degree)."
262 , ""
263 , "This parameter with the 5 others, `a`, `b`, `c`, `beta` and `gamma`"
264 , "can be set in order to overwrite the values from the data file."
265 , ""
266 , " `<not set>` - read `alpha` from the data file."
267 , " `alpha` - override `alpha` with this value."
269 <> elemFMbDef "beta" binocularsConfig'Sample'Beta c defaultConfig
270 [ "`beta` parameter of the sample lattice (Degree)."
271 , ""
272 , "This parameter with the 5 others, `a`, `b`, `c`, `alpha`, and `gamma`"
273 , "can be set in order to overwrite the values from the data file."
274 , ""
275 , " `<not set>` - read `beta` from the data file."
276 , " `beta` - override `beta` with this value."
278 <> elemFMbDef "gamma" binocularsConfig'Sample'Gamma c defaultConfig
279 [ "`gamma` parameter of the sample lattice (Degree)."
280 , ""
281 , "This parameter with the 5 others, `a`, `b`, `c`, `alpha` and `beta`"
282 , "can be set in order to overwrite the values from the data file."
283 , ""
284 , " `<not set>` - read `gamma` from the data file."
285 , " `gamma` - override `gamma` with this value."
287 <> elemFMbDef "ux" binocularsConfig'Sample'Ux c defaultConfig
288 [ "`ux` rotation of the sample around the x axis"
289 , ""
290 , "`ux`, `uy`, `uz` are the eulerian angles, which define"
291 , "the orientation of the sample lattice, relatively to"
292 , "the sample holder."
293 , ""
294 , "the rotation is computed like this:"
295 , ""
296 , "Ux * Uy * Uz"
297 , ""
298 , " `<not set>` - read `ux` from the data file."
299 , " `ux` - override `ux` with this value."
301 <> elemFMbDef "uy" binocularsConfig'Sample'Uy c defaultConfig
302 [ "`uy` rotation of the sample around the y axis"
303 , ""
304 , "`ux`, `uy`, `uz` are the eulerian angles, which define"
305 , "the orientation of the sample lattice, relatively to"
306 , "the sample holder."
307 , ""
308 , "the rotation is computed like this:"
309 , ""
310 , "Ux * Uy * Uz"
311 , ""
312 , " `<not set>` - read `uy` from the data file."
313 , " `uy` - override `uy` with this value."
315 <> elemFMbDef "uz" binocularsConfig'Sample'Uz c defaultConfig
316 [ "`uz` rotation of the sample around the z axis"
317 , ""
318 , "`ux`, `uy`, `uz` are the eulerian angles, which define"
319 , "the orientation of the sample lattice, relatively to"
320 , "the sample holder."
321 , ""
322 , "the rotation is computed like this:"
323 , ""
324 , "Ux * Uy * Uz"
325 , ""
326 , " `<not set>` - read `uz` from the data file."
327 , " `uz` - override `uz` with this value."
331 , iniGlobals = []
334 getConfig (ConfigContent cfg) _ _
335 = do binocularsConfig'Sample'A <- parseMb cfg "input" "a"
336 binocularsConfig'Sample'B <- parseMb cfg "input" "b"
337 binocularsConfig'Sample'C <- parseMb cfg "input" "c"
338 binocularsConfig'Sample'Alpha <- parseMb cfg "input" "alpha"
339 binocularsConfig'Sample'Beta <- parseMb cfg "input" "beta"
340 binocularsConfig'Sample'Gamma <- parseMb cfg "input" "gamma"
341 binocularsConfig'Sample'Ux <- parseMb cfg "input" "ux"
342 binocularsConfig'Sample'Uy <- parseMb cfg "input" "uy"
343 binocularsConfig'Sample'Uz <- parseMb cfg "input" "uz"
344 pure BinocularsConfig'Sample{..}