[binoculars-ng] support the MerlinMedipix3rxQuad512 on sixs
[hkl.git] / binoculars-ng / src / Hkl / Binoculars / Common.hs
1 {-# LANGUAGE GADTs #-}
2 {-# LANGUAGE MultiWayIf #-}
3 {-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}
5 {-
6 Copyright : Copyright (C) 2014-2024 Synchrotron SOLEIL
7 L'Orme des Merisiers Saint-Aubin
8 BP 48 91192 GIF-sur-YVETTE CEDEX
9 License : GPL3+
11 Maintainer : Picca Frédéric-Emmanuel <picca@synchrotron-soleil.fr>
12 Stability : Experimental
13 Portability: GHC only (not tested)
15 module Hkl.Binoculars.Common
16 ( Chunk(..)
17 , DataFrameSpace(..)
18 , InputFn(..)
19 , addSpace
20 , chunk
21 , cclip
22 , clength
23 , mkCube'
24 , toList
25 , withCubeAccumulator
26 ) where
28 import Control.Exception (bracket)
29 import Data.IORef (IORef, newIORef, readIORef)
30 import Foreign.ForeignPtr (withForeignPtr)
31 import Foreign.Marshal.Array (withArrayLen)
32 import Path (Abs, File, Path, fromAbsFile)
33 import Text.Printf (printf)
35 import Hkl.Binoculars.Config
36 import Hkl.Binoculars.Projections
37 import Hkl.C.Binoculars
38 import Hkl.Image
39 import Hkl.Orphan ()
40 import Hkl.Repa
42 data Chunk n a = Chunk !a !n !n
43 deriving instance (Show n, Show a) => Show (Chunk n a)
45 cclip :: (Num n, Ord n) => n -> n -> Chunk n a -> Chunk n a
46 cclip skipL skipH (Chunk a l h) = let nl = if l + skipL > h then l else l + skipL
47 nh = if h - skipH < l then h else h - skipH
48 in Chunk a nl nh
49 {-# SPECIALIZE cclip :: Int -> Int -> Chunk Int FilePath -> Chunk Int FilePath #-}
51 clength :: Num n => Chunk n a -> n
52 clength (Chunk _ l h) = h - l + 1
53 {-# SPECIALIZE clength :: Chunk Int FilePath -> Int #-}
55 cweight :: Num n => Chunk n a -> n
56 cweight (Chunk _ l h) = h - l
58 csplit :: Num n => Chunk n a -> n -> (Chunk n a, Chunk n a)
59 csplit (Chunk a l h) n = (Chunk a l (l + n), Chunk a (l+n) h)
61 chunk :: (Num n, Ord n) => n -> [Chunk n a] -> [[Chunk n a]]
62 chunk target = go target target
63 where
64 go :: (Num n, Ord n) => n -> n -> [Chunk n a] -> [[Chunk n a]]
65 go _ _ [] = []
66 go tgt gap [x] = golast tgt gap x
67 go tgt gap ~(x:xs) =
68 let gap' = gap - cweight x
69 in if | gap' > 0 -> cons1 x $ go tgt gap' xs
70 | gap' == 0 -> [x] : go tgt tgt xs
71 | (x1, x2) <- csplit x gap -> [x1] : go tgt tgt (x2 : xs)
73 cons1 x cs = (x : Prelude.head cs) : tail cs
75 golast tgt gap x =
76 if | 0 == gap -> [[x]]
77 | cweight x <= gap -> [[x]]
78 | (x1, x2) <- csplit x gap -> [x1] : golast tgt tgt x2
80 {-# SPECIALIZE chunk :: Int -> [Chunk Int FilePath] -> [[Chunk Int FilePath]] #-}
82 toList :: InputFn -> [FilePath]
83 toList (InputFn f) = [f]
84 toList (InputFn'Range tmpl f t) = [printf tmpl i | i <- [f..t]]
85 toList (InputFn'List fs) = map fromAbsFile fs
87 -- DataFrameSpace
89 data DataFrameSpace sh = DataFrameSpace Image (Space sh) Attenuation
90 deriving Show
92 -- Create the Cube
94 {-# INLINE mkCube' #-}
95 mkCube' :: Shape sh => [DataFrameSpace sh] -> IO (Cube sh)
96 mkCube' dfs = do
97 let spaces = [fp | (DataFrameSpace _ (Space fp) _) <- dfs]
98 withForeignPtrs spaces $ \pspaces ->
99 withArrayLen pspaces $ \nSpaces' spaces' ->
100 newCube =<< {-# SCC "hkl_binoculars_cube_new'" #-} c'hkl_binoculars_cube_new (toEnum nSpaces') spaces'
102 {-# INLINE addSpace #-}
103 addSpace :: Shape sh => DataFrameSpace sh -> Cube sh -> IO (Cube sh)
104 addSpace df EmptyCube = mkCube' [df]
105 addSpace (DataFrameSpace _ (Space fs) _) (Cube fp) =
106 withForeignPtr fs $ \spacePtr ->
107 withForeignPtr fp $ \cPtr -> do
108 {-# SCC "hkl_binoculars_cube_add_space" #-} c'hkl_binoculars_cube_add_space cPtr spacePtr
109 return $ Cube fp
111 type Template = String
113 data InputFn = InputFn FilePath
114 | InputFn'Range Template Int Int
115 | InputFn'List [Path Abs File]
116 deriving Show
118 withCubeAccumulator :: Shape sh => Cube sh -> (IORef (Cube sh) -> IO ()) -> IO (Cube sh)
119 withCubeAccumulator c f = bracket
120 (newIORef =<< newCube =<< (case c of
121 EmptyCube -> c'hkl_binoculars_cube_new_empty
122 (Cube fp) -> withForeignPtr fp $ \p ->
123 c'hkl_binoculars_cube_new_empty_from_cube p
126 pure
127 (\r -> f r >> readIORef r)
129 -- Projections