[contrib][haskell] Hkl.Flat
[hkl.git] / contrib / haskell / src / Hkl / Flat.hs
1 {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
2 {-# LANGUAGE GADTs #-}
3 {-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}
4 {-# LANGUAGE UnicodeSyntax #-}
6 module Hkl.Flat
7 ( Flat(..)
8 , Npy
9 , computeFlat
11 where
13 import Data.Text ( unlines, pack )
14 import System.Exit ( ExitCode( ExitSuccess ) )
15 import System.FilePath.Posix ( replaceExtension )
17 import Hkl.DataSource ( DataItem ( DataItemH5 ) )
18 import Hkl.Nxs ( Nxs ( Nxs )
19 , XrdFlat
20 , DataFrameH5Path ( XrdFlatH5Path )
22 import Hkl.Python ( PyVal
23 , toPyVal
25 import Hkl.Script ( Py2
26 , Script ( Py2Script )
27 , run
30 data Npy
32 data Flat a where
33 FlatNpy ∷ FilePath → Flat Npy
34 deriving instance (Show) (Flat a)
36 scriptPy2Flat ∷ [Nxs XrdFlat]FilePath → Script Py2
37 scriptPy2Flat ns output = Py2Script (script, scriptName)
38 where
39 script = Data.Text.unlines $
40 map pack ["#!/bin/env python"
41 , ""
42 , "import numpy"
43 , "from h5py import File"
44 , ""
45 , "NEXUSFILES = " ++ toPyVal nxs'
46 , "IMAGEPATHS = " ++ toPyVal hpaths
47 , "OUTPUT = " ++ toPyVal output
48 , ""
49 , "flat = None"
50 , "n = None"
51 , "with File(NEXUSFILES[0], mode='r') as f:"
52 , " imgs = f[IMAGEPATHS[0]]"
53 , " flat = numpy.sum(imgs[:], axis=0)"
54 , " n = imgs.shape[0]"
55 , "for idx, (nxs, h5path) in enumerate(zip(NEXUSFILES[1:], IMAGEPATHS[1:])):"
56 , " with File(nxs, mode='r') as f:"
57 , " imgs = f[h5path]"
58 , " flat += numpy.sum(imgs[:], axis=0)"
59 , " n += imgs.shape[0]"
60 , "numpy.save(OUTPUT, flat.astype('f') / n)"
62 nxs'[String]
63 nxs' = [f | (Nxs f _) ← ns]
65 hpaths ∷ [String]
66 hpaths = [h | (Nxs _ (XrdFlatH5Path (DataItemH5 h _))) ← ns]
68 scriptName ∷ FilePath
69 scriptName = output `replaceExtension` "py"
71 computeFlat ∷ [Nxs XrdFlat]FilePathIO (Flat Npy)
72 computeFlat ns o = do
73 -- create the python script.
74 let script = scriptPy2Flat ns o
75 -- execute this script.
76 ExitSuccess ← run script False
77 -- return the filepath of the generated file.
78 return (FlatNpy o)
80 instance PyVal (Flat a) where
81 toPyVal (FlatNpy v) = "numpy.load(" ++ show v ++ ")"