upgrading copyright year from 2015 to 2016
[hkl.git] / contrib / haskell / src / Hkl / Transformation.hs
1 module Hkl.Transformation
2 ( Transformation (..)
3 , apply
4 , unapply
5 )where
6 {-
7 Copyright : Copyright (C) 2014-2016 Synchrotron Soleil
8 License : GPL3+
10 Maintainer : picca@synchrotron-soleil.fr
11 Stability : Experimental
12 Portability: GHC only?
15 import Prelude hiding (sqrt, sin, cos, (+), (-), (*), (**), (/))
16 import qualified Prelude
18 import Numeric.LinearAlgebra (fromLists, Vector, Matrix,
19 ident, scalar, fromList,
20 (@>), (<>), inv)
22 import Numeric.Units.Dimensional.Prelude (_0, (-), (/~),
23 Angle, sin, cos, one)
24 import Hkl.Lattice
26 -- A Transformation which can be apply to a Vector of Double
27 data Transformation = NoTransformation -- Doesn't transform the vector at all
28 | Rotation [Double] (Angle Double)
29 | UB Lattice
30 | Holder [Transformation]
32 crossprod :: Vector Double -> Matrix Double
33 crossprod axis = fromLists [[ 0, -z, y],
34 [ z, 0, -x],
35 [-y, x, 0]]
36 where
37 x = axis @> 0
38 y = axis @> 1
39 z = axis @> 2
41 -- apply a transformation
42 apply :: Transformation -> Vector Double -> Vector Double
43 apply NoTransformation v = v
44 apply (Rotation axis angle) v = (ident 3 Prelude.+ s Prelude.* q Prelude.+ c Prelude.* (q <> q)) <> v
45 where
46 ax = fromList axis
47 c = scalar (1 Prelude.- cos angle /~ one)
48 s = scalar (sin angle /~ one)
49 q = crossprod ax
50 apply (UB lattice) v = busing lattice <> v
51 apply (Holder t) v = foldr apply v t
53 -- unapply a transformation
54 unapply :: Vector Double -> Transformation -> Vector Double
55 unapply v NoTransformation = v
56 unapply v (Rotation axis angle) = apply (Rotation axis (_0 - angle)) v
57 unapply v (UB lattice) = inv (busing lattice) <> v
58 unapply v (Holder t) = foldl unapply v t