one more
[hkl.git] / binoculars-ng / src / Hkl / Binoculars / Projections / Angles.hs
1 {-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
2 {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
3 {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
4 {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
5 {-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
6 {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
7 {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
9 {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-}
12 Copyright : Copyright (C) 2014-2024 Synchrotron SOLEIL
13 L'Orme des Merisiers Saint-Aubin
14 BP 48 91192 GIF-sur-YVETTE CEDEX
15 License : GPL3+
17 Maintainer : Picca Frédéric-Emmanuel <>
18 Stability : Experimental
19 Portability: GHC only (not tested)
22 module Hkl.Binoculars.Projections.Angles
23 ( newAngles
24 , processAngles
25 , updateAngles
26 ) where
28 import Control.Concurrent.Async (mapConcurrently)
29 import Control.Monad.Catch (MonadThrow)
30 import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO (liftIO), liftIO)
31 import Control.Monad.Logger (MonadLogger, logDebugN,
32 logInfoN)
33 import Control.Monad.Reader (MonadReader, ask)
34 import Data.HashMap.Lazy (fromList)
35 import Data.Ini (Ini (..))
36 import Data.Text (pack, unpack)
37 import Data.Text.IO (putStr)
38 import Data.Vector.Storable.Mutable (unsafeWith)
39 import Foreign.C.Types (CDouble (..))
40 import Foreign.ForeignPtr (withForeignPtr)
41 import Path (Abs, Dir, Path)
42 import Pipes (each, runEffect, (>->))
43 import Pipes.Prelude (filter, map, tee, toListM)
44 import Pipes.Safe (runSafeT)
45 import Text.Printf (printf)
47 import Hkl.Binoculars.Common
48 import Hkl.Binoculars.Config
49 import Hkl.Binoculars.Config.Common
50 import Hkl.Binoculars.Pipes
51 import Hkl.Binoculars.Projections
52 import Hkl.Binoculars.Projections.QCustom
53 import Hkl.C.Binoculars
54 import Hkl.Detector
55 import Hkl.Geometry
56 import Hkl.Image
57 import Hkl.Repa
58 import Hkl.Utils
60 ------------
61 -- Config --
62 ------------
64 default'BinocularsConfig'Angles :: Config 'AnglesProjection
65 default'BinocularsConfig'Angles
66 = BinocularsConfig'Angles
67 { binocularsConfig'Angles'Common = default'BinocularsConfig'Common
68 , binocularsConfig'Angles'ProjectionType = AnglesProjection
69 , binocularsConfig'Angles'ProjectionResolution = Resolutions3 1 1 1
70 , binocularsConfig'Angles'ProjectionLimits = Nothing
71 , binocularsConfig'Angles'DataPath = default'DataSourcePath'DataFrameQCustom
72 , binocularsConfig'Angles'SampleAxis = SampleAxis "omega"
75 instance HasIniConfig 'AnglesProjection where
76 data instance Config 'AnglesProjection
77 = BinocularsConfig'Angles
78 { binocularsConfig'Angles'Common :: BinocularsConfig'Common
79 , binocularsConfig'Angles'ProjectionType :: ProjectionType
80 , binocularsConfig'Angles'ProjectionResolution :: Resolutions DIM3
81 , binocularsConfig'Angles'ProjectionLimits :: Maybe (RLimits DIM3)
82 , binocularsConfig'Angles'SampleAxis :: SampleAxis
83 , binocularsConfig'Angles'DataPath :: DataSourcePath DataFrameQCustom
84 } deriving (Show)
86 newtype Args 'AnglesProjection
87 = Args'AnglesProjection (Maybe ConfigRange)
89 getConfig content@(ConfigContent cfg) (Args'AnglesProjection mr) capabilities
90 = do binocularsConfig'Angles'Common <- parse'BinocularsConfig'Common cfg mr capabilities
91 binocularsConfig'Angles'ProjectionType <- parseFDef cfg "projection" "type" (binocularsConfig'Angles'ProjectionType default'BinocularsConfig'Angles)
92 binocularsConfig'Angles'ProjectionResolution <- parseFDef cfg "projection" "resolution" (binocularsConfig'Angles'ProjectionResolution default'BinocularsConfig'Angles)
93 binocularsConfig'Angles'ProjectionLimits <- parseMb cfg "projection" "limits"
94 binocularsConfig'Angles'SampleAxis <- parseFDef cfg "input" "sample_axis" $ case binocularsConfig'Angles'ProjectionType of
95 AnglesProjection -> SampleAxis "omega"
96 Angles2Projection -> SampleAxis "mu"
97 HklProjection -> undefined
98 QCustomProjection -> undefined
99 QIndexProjection -> undefined
100 QparQperProjection -> undefined
101 QxQyQzProjection -> undefined
102 RealSpaceProjection -> undefined
103 PixelsProjection -> undefined
104 TestProjection -> undefined
105 binocularsConfig'Angles'DataPath <- pure $ eitherF (const $ guess'DataSourcePath'DataFrameQCustom binocularsConfig'Angles'Common Nothing content) (parse' cfg "input" "datapath")
106 (\md -> case md of
107 Nothing -> guess'DataSourcePath'DataFrameQCustom binocularsConfig'Angles'Common Nothing content
108 Just d -> overload'DataSourcePath'DataFrameQCustom binocularsConfig'Angles'Common Nothing d)
109 pure BinocularsConfig'Angles{..}
111 instance ToIni (Config 'AnglesProjection) where
112 toIni c = toIni (binocularsConfig'Angles'Common c)
113 `mergeIni`
114 Ini { iniSections = fromList [ ("input", elemFDef' "datapath" binocularsConfig'Angles'DataPath c default'BinocularsConfig'Angles
115 <> elemFDef "sample_axis" binocularsConfig'Angles'SampleAxis c default'BinocularsConfig'Angles
116 [ "the name of the sample axis"
117 , ""
118 , "default value: `omega`"
121 , ("projection", elemFDef' "type" binocularsConfig'Angles'ProjectionType c default'BinocularsConfig'Angles
122 <> elemFDef' "resolution" binocularsConfig'Angles'ProjectionResolution c default'BinocularsConfig'Angles
123 <> elemFMbDef' "limits" binocularsConfig'Angles'ProjectionLimits c default'BinocularsConfig'Angles
125 , iniGlobals = []
128 -------------------------
129 -- Angles Projection --
130 -------------------------
132 {-# INLINE spaceAngles #-}
133 spaceAngles :: Detector a DIM2 -> Array F DIM3 Double -> Resolutions DIM3 -> Maybe Mask -> Maybe (RLimits DIM3) -> SampleAxis -> Space DIM2 -> DataFrameQCustom -> IO (DataFrameSpace DIM2)
134 spaceAngles det pixels rs mmask' mlimits sAxis space@(Space fSpace) (DataFrameQCustom att g img _ _) =
135 withNPixels det $ \nPixels ->
136 withGeometry g $ \geometry ->
137 withForeignPtr (toForeignPtr pixels) $ \pix ->
138 withResolutions rs $ \nr r ->
139 withPixelsDims pixels $ \ndim dims ->
140 withMaybeMask mmask' $ \ mask'' ->
141 withMaybeLimits mlimits rs $ \nlimits limits ->
142 withSampleAxis sAxis $ \sampleAxis ->
143 withForeignPtr fSpace $ \pSpace -> do
144 case img of
145 (ImageInt32 arr) -> unsafeWith arr $ \i -> do
146 {-# SCC "hkl_binoculars_space_angles_int32_t" #-} c'hkl_binoculars_space_angles_int32_t pSpace geometry i nPixels (CDouble . unAttenuation $ att) pix (toEnum ndim) dims r (toEnum nr) mask'' limits (toEnum nlimits) sampleAxis
147 (ImageWord16 arr) -> unsafeWith arr $ \i -> do
148 {-# SCC "hkl_binoculars_space_angles_uint16_t" #-} c'hkl_binoculars_space_angles_uint16_t pSpace geometry i nPixels (CDouble . unAttenuation $ att) pix (toEnum ndim) dims r (toEnum nr) mask'' limits (toEnum nlimits) sampleAxis
149 (ImageWord32 arr) -> unsafeWith arr $ \i -> do
150 {-# SCC "hkl_binoculars_space_angles_uint32_t" #-} c'hkl_binoculars_space_angles_uint32_t pSpace geometry i nPixels (CDouble . unAttenuation $ att) pix (toEnum ndim) dims r (toEnum nr) mask'' limits (toEnum nlimits) sampleAxis
152 return (DataFrameSpace img space att)
154 ----------
155 -- Pipe --
156 ----------
158 processAnglesP :: (MonadIO m, MonadLogger m, MonadReader (Config 'AnglesProjection) m, MonadThrow m)
159 => m ()
160 processAnglesP = do
161 conf :: Config 'AnglesProjection <- ask
163 -- directly from the common config
164 let common = binocularsConfig'Angles'Common conf
166 let overwrite = binocularsConfig'Common'Overwrite common
167 let det = binocularsConfig'Common'Detector common
168 let (NCores cap) = binocularsConfig'Common'NCores common
169 let destination = binocularsConfig'Common'Destination common
170 let centralPixel' = binocularsConfig'Common'Centralpixel common
171 let (Meter sampleDetectorDistance) = binocularsConfig'Common'Sdd common
172 let (Degree detrot) = binocularsConfig'Common'Detrot common
173 let mImageSumMax = binocularsConfig'Common'ImageSumMax common
174 let inputRange = binocularsConfig'Common'InputRange common
175 let nexusDir = binocularsConfig'Common'Nexusdir common
176 let tmpl = binocularsConfig'Common'Tmpl common
177 let maskMatrix = binocularsConfig'Common'Maskmatrix common
178 let mSkipFirstPoints = binocularsConfig'Common'SkipFirstPoints common
179 let mSkipLastPoints = binocularsConfig'Common'SkipLastPoints common
181 -- directly from the specific config
182 let mlimits = binocularsConfig'Angles'ProjectionLimits conf
183 let res = binocularsConfig'Angles'ProjectionResolution conf
184 let datapaths = binocularsConfig'Angles'DataPath conf
185 let projectionType = binocularsConfig'Angles'ProjectionType conf
186 let sampleAxis = binocularsConfig'Angles'SampleAxis conf
188 -- built from the config
189 output' <- liftIO $ destination' projectionType Nothing inputRange mlimits destination overwrite
190 filenames <- InputFn'List <$> files nexusDir (Just inputRange) tmpl
191 mask' <- getMask maskMatrix det
192 pixels <- liftIO $ getPixelsCoordinates det centralPixel' sampleDetectorDistance detrot Normalisation
193 let fns = concatMap (replicate 1) (toList filenames)
194 chunks <- liftIO $ runSafeT $ toListM $ each fns >-> chunkP mSkipFirstPoints mSkipLastPoints datapaths
195 let ntot = sum ( clength chunks)
196 let jobs = chunk (quot ntot cap) chunks
198 -- log parameters
200 logDebugNSH filenames
201 logDebugNSH datapaths
202 logDebugNSH chunks
203 logDebugN "start gessing final cube size"
205 -- guess the final cube dimensions (To optimize, do not create the cube, just extract the shape)
207 guessed <- liftIO $ withCubeAccumulator EmptyCube $ \c ->
208 runSafeT $ runEffect $
209 each chunks
210 >-> (\(Chunk fn f t) -> (fn, [f, quot (f + t) 4, quot (f + t) 4 * 2, quot (f + t) 4 * 3, t]))
211 >-> framesP datapaths
212 >-> project det 3 (spaceAngles det pixels res mask' mlimits sampleAxis)
213 >-> accumulateP c
215 logDebugN "stop gessing final cube size"
217 -- do the final projection
219 logInfoN (pack $ printf "let's do a Angles projection of %d %s image(s) on %d core(s)" ntot (show det) cap)
221 liftIO $ withProgressBar ntot $ \pb -> do
222 r' <- mapConcurrently (\job -> withCubeAccumulator guessed $ \c ->
223 runSafeT $ runEffect $
224 each job
225 >-> (\(Chunk fn f t) -> (fn, [f..t]))
226 >-> framesP datapaths
227 >-> Pipes.Prelude.filter (\(DataFrameQCustom _ _ img _ _) -> filterSumImage mImageSumMax img)
228 >-> project det 3 (spaceAngles det pixels res mask' mlimits sampleAxis)
229 >-> tee (accumulateP c)
230 >-> progress pb
231 ) jobs
232 saveCube output' (unpack . serializeConfig $ conf) r'
234 ---------
235 -- Cmd --
236 ---------
238 processAngles :: (MonadLogger m, MonadThrow m, MonadIO m) => Maybe FilePath -> Maybe ConfigRange -> m ()
239 processAngles mf mr = cmd processAnglesP mf (Args'AnglesProjection mr)
241 newAngles :: (MonadIO m, MonadLogger m, MonadThrow m)
242 => Path Abs Dir -> m ()
243 newAngles cwd = do
244 let conf = default'BinocularsConfig'Angles
245 { binocularsConfig'Angles'Common = default'BinocularsConfig'Common
246 { binocularsConfig'Common'Nexusdir = Just cwd }
248 liftIO $ Data.Text.IO.putStr $ serializeConfig conf
250 updateAngles :: (MonadIO m, MonadLogger m, MonadThrow m)
251 => Maybe FilePath -> Maybe ConfigRange -> m ()
252 updateAngles mf mr = cmd (pure ()) mf (Args'AnglesProjection mr)