[binoculars] added the [qx_qy|qx_qz|qy_qz]_timestamp custom projection
[hkl.git] / contrib / haskell / src / Hkl / Binoculars / Projections / QCustom.hs
1 {-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
2 {-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass #-}
3 {-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
4 {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
5 {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
6 {-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
7 {-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
8 {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
9 {-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
10 {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
11 {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
13 {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-}
14 {-# OPTIONS_GHC -ddump-simpl -ddump-to-file -ddump-splices #-}
16 Copyright : Copyright (C) 2014-2023 Synchrotron SOLEIL
17 L'Orme des Merisiers Saint-Aubin
18 BP 48 91192 GIF-sur-YVETTE CEDEX
19 License : GPL3+
21 Maintainer : Picca Frédéric-Emmanuel <picca@synchrotron-soleil.fr>
22 Stability : Experimental
23 Portability: GHC only (not tested)
26 module Hkl.Binoculars.Projections.QCustom
27 ( Args(..)
28 , Config(..)
29 , DataFrameQCustom(..)
30 , DataSourcePath(..)
31 , FramesP(..)
32 , default'DataSourcePath'DataFrameQCustom
33 , guess'DataSourcePath'DataFrameQCustom
34 , newQCustom
35 , overload'DataSourcePath'DataFrameQCustom
36 , processQCustom
37 , updateQCustom
38 ) where
40 import Control.Applicative ((<|>))
41 import Control.Concurrent.Async (mapConcurrently)
42 import Control.Monad.Catch (MonadThrow)
43 import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO (liftIO))
44 import Control.Monad.Logger (MonadLogger, logDebugN,
45 logInfoN)
46 import Control.Monad.Reader (MonadReader, ask, forM_,
47 forever)
48 import Data.Aeson (FromJSON, ToJSON,
49 eitherDecode', encode)
50 import Data.Array.Repa (Array)
51 import Data.Array.Repa.Index (DIM2, DIM3)
52 import Data.Array.Repa.Repr.ForeignPtr (F, toForeignPtr)
53 import Data.ByteString.Lazy (fromStrict, toStrict)
54 import Data.HashMap.Lazy (fromList)
55 import Data.Ini (Ini (..))
56 import Data.Ini.Config.Bidir (FieldValue (..))
57 import Data.Maybe (fromJust, fromMaybe)
58 import Data.Text (pack, unpack)
59 import Data.Text.Encoding (decodeUtf8, encodeUtf8)
60 import Data.Text.IO (putStr)
61 import Data.Vector.Storable.Mutable (unsafeWith)
62 import Foreign.C.Types (CDouble (..))
63 import Foreign.ForeignPtr (ForeignPtr, withForeignPtr)
64 import GHC.Generics (Generic)
65 import Generic.Random (genericArbitraryU)
66 import Numeric.Units.Dimensional.Prelude (Angle, degree, radian, (*~),
67 (/~))
68 import Path (Abs, Dir, Path)
69 import Pipes (await, each, runEffect,
70 yield, (>->))
71 import Pipes.Prelude (filter, map, tee, toListM)
72 import Pipes.Safe (runSafeT)
73 import Test.QuickCheck (Arbitrary (..))
74 import Text.Printf (printf)
76 import Hkl.Binoculars.Common
77 import Hkl.Binoculars.Config
78 import Hkl.Binoculars.Config.Common
79 import Hkl.Binoculars.Pipes
80 import Hkl.Binoculars.Projections
81 import Hkl.C.Binoculars
82 import Hkl.C.Hkl
83 import Hkl.DataSource
84 import Hkl.Detector
85 import Hkl.Geometry
86 import Hkl.H5
87 import Hkl.Image
88 import Hkl.Orphan ()
89 import Hkl.Pipes
90 import Hkl.Types
91 import Hkl.Utils
93 -----------------------
94 -- QCustom Projection --
95 -----------------------
97 -- Cursor
99 data DataFrameQCustom
100 = DataFrameQCustom
101 Attenuation -- attenuation
102 (ForeignPtr C'HklGeometry) -- geometry
103 Image -- image
104 Timestamp -- timestamp in double
105 deriving Show
107 instance DataSource DataFrameQCustom where
108 data DataSourcePath DataFrameQCustom
109 = DataSourcePath'DataFrameQCustom
110 (DataSourcePath Attenuation)
111 (DataSourcePath Geometry)
112 (DataSourcePath Image)
113 (DataSourcePath Timestamp)
114 deriving (Generic, Show, FromJSON, ToJSON)
116 data DataSourceAcq DataFrameQCustom
117 = DataSourceAcq'DataFrameQCustom
118 (DataSourceAcq Attenuation)
119 (DataSourceAcq Geometry)
120 (DataSourceAcq Image)
121 (DataSourceAcq Timestamp)
123 withDataSourceP f (DataSourcePath'DataFrameQCustom a g i idx) gg =
124 withDataSourceP f a $ \a' ->
125 withDataSourceP f g $ \g' ->
126 withDataSourceP f i $ \i' ->
127 withDataSourceP f idx $ \idx' -> gg (DataSourceAcq'DataFrameQCustom a' g' i' idx')
129 instance Is1DStreamable (DataSourceAcq DataFrameQCustom) DataFrameQCustom where
130 extract1DStreamValue (DataSourceAcq'DataFrameQCustom att geom img idx) i =
131 DataFrameQCustom
132 <$> extract1DStreamValue att i
133 <*> extract1DStreamValue geom i
134 <*> extract1DStreamValue img i
135 <*> extract1DStreamValue idx i
137 instance Arbitrary (DataSourcePath DataFrameQCustom) where
138 arbitrary = DataSourcePath'DataFrameQCustom <$> arbitrary <*> arbitrary <*> arbitrary <*> arbitrary
140 default'DataSourcePath'DataFrameQCustom :: DataSourcePath DataFrameQCustom
141 default'DataSourcePath'DataFrameQCustom
142 = DataSourcePath'DataFrameQCustom
143 (DataSourcePath'Attenuation
144 (DataSourcePath'Float (hdf5p $ grouppat 0 $ datasetp "scan_data/attenuation"))
145 2 0 Nothing)
146 (DataSourcePath'Geometry
147 (Geometry'Factory Uhv)
148 (DataSourcePath'Double (hdf5p $ grouppat 0 $ datasetp "SIXS/Monochromator/wavelength"))
149 [ DataSourcePath'Double(hdf5p $ grouppat 0 $ datasetp "scan_data/UHV_MU")
150 , DataSourcePath'Double(hdf5p $ grouppat 0 $ datasetp "scan_data/UHV_OMEGA")
151 , DataSourcePath'Double(hdf5p $ grouppat 0 $ datasetp "scan_data/UHV_DELTA")
152 , DataSourcePath'Double(hdf5p $ grouppat 0 $ datasetp "scan_data/UHV_GAMMA")
154 (DataSourcePath'Image
155 (hdf5p $ grouppat 0 $ datasetp "scan_data/xpad_image")
156 defaultDetector)
157 (DataSourcePath'Timestamp(hdf5p $ grouppat 0 $ datasetp "scan_data/epoch"))
159 instance HasFieldComment (DataSourcePath DataFrameQCustom) where
160 fieldComment _ = [ "`datapath` internal value used to find the data in the data file."
161 , ""
162 , "This value is for expert only."
163 , ""
164 , "default value: <not set>"
167 instance HasFieldValue (DataSourcePath DataFrameQCustom) where
168 fieldvalue = FieldValue
169 { fvParse = eitherDecode' . fromStrict . encodeUtf8
170 , fvEmit = decodeUtf8 . toStrict . encode
173 ------------
174 -- Config --
175 ------------
177 data instance Config 'QCustomProjection
178 = BinocularsConfig'QCustom
179 { binocularsConfig'QCustom'Common :: BinocularsConfig'Common
180 , binocularsConfig'QCustom'HklBinocularsSurfaceOrientationEnum :: HklBinocularsSurfaceOrientationEnum
181 , binocularsConfig'QCustom'ProjectionType :: ProjectionType
182 , binocularsConfig'QCustom'ProjectionResolution :: Resolutions DIM3
183 , binocularsConfig'QCustom'ProjectionLimits :: Maybe (RLimits DIM3)
184 , binocularsConfig'QCustom'DataPath :: DataSourcePath DataFrameQCustom
185 , binocularsConfig'QCustom'SubProjection :: Maybe HklBinocularsQCustomSubProjectionEnum
186 , binocularsConfig'QCustom'Uqx :: Degree
187 , binocularsConfig'QCustom'Uqy :: Degree
188 , binocularsConfig'QCustom'Uqz :: Degree
189 , binocularsConfig'QCustom'SampleAxis :: Maybe SampleAxis
190 } deriving (Show, Generic)
192 instance Arbitrary (Config 'QCustomProjection) where
193 arbitrary = genericArbitraryU
195 newtype instance Args 'QCustomProjection = Args'QCustomProjection (Maybe ConfigRange)
197 default'BinocularsConfig'QCustom :: Config 'QCustomProjection
198 default'BinocularsConfig'QCustom
199 = BinocularsConfig'QCustom
200 { binocularsConfig'QCustom'Common = default'BinocularsConfig'Common
201 , binocularsConfig'QCustom'HklBinocularsSurfaceOrientationEnum = HklBinocularsSurfaceOrientationEnum'Vertical
202 , binocularsConfig'QCustom'ProjectionType = QCustomProjection
203 , binocularsConfig'QCustom'ProjectionResolution = Resolutions3 0.01 0.01 0.01
204 , binocularsConfig'QCustom'ProjectionLimits = Nothing
205 , binocularsConfig'QCustom'DataPath = default'DataSourcePath'DataFrameQCustom
206 , binocularsConfig'QCustom'SubProjection = Just HklBinocularsQCustomSubProjectionEnum'QxQyQz
207 , binocularsConfig'QCustom'Uqx = Degree (0.0 *~ degree)
208 , binocularsConfig'QCustom'Uqy = Degree (0.0 *~ degree)
209 , binocularsConfig'QCustom'Uqz = Degree (0.0 *~ degree)
210 , binocularsConfig'QCustom'SampleAxis = Nothing
214 instance HasIniConfig 'QCustomProjection where
216 getConfig content@(ConfigContent cfg) (Args'QCustomProjection mr) capabilities = do
217 common <- parse'BinocularsConfig'Common cfg mr capabilities
218 projectiontype <- parseFDef cfg "projection" "type" (binocularsConfig'QCustom'ProjectionType default'BinocularsConfig'QCustom)
220 let msubprojection' = parseMbDef cfg "projection" "subprojection" (binocularsConfig'QCustom'SubProjection default'BinocularsConfig'QCustom)
221 let msubprojection = case projectiontype of
222 QIndexProjection -> Just HklBinocularsQCustomSubProjectionEnum'QTimestamp
223 QparQperProjection -> Just HklBinocularsQCustomSubProjectionEnum'QparQper
224 QxQyQzProjection -> Just HklBinocularsQCustomSubProjectionEnum'QxQyQz
225 AnglesProjection -> msubprojection'
226 Angles2Projection -> msubprojection'
227 HklProjection -> msubprojection'
228 QCustomProjection -> msubprojection'
229 RealSpaceProjection -> Just HklBinocularsQCustomSubProjectionEnum'XYZ
230 PixelsProjection -> Just HklBinocularsQCustomSubProjectionEnum'YZTimestamp
231 TestProjection -> msubprojection'
233 let errorMissingSampleAxis = case msubprojection of
234 Nothing -> Nothing
235 Just sub -> case sub of
236 HklBinocularsQCustomSubProjectionEnum'QxQyQz -> Nothing
237 HklBinocularsQCustomSubProjectionEnum'QTthTimestamp -> Nothing
238 HklBinocularsQCustomSubProjectionEnum'QTimestamp -> Nothing
239 HklBinocularsQCustomSubProjectionEnum'QparQperTimestamp -> Nothing
240 HklBinocularsQCustomSubProjectionEnum'QparQper -> Nothing
241 HklBinocularsQCustomSubProjectionEnum'QPhiQx -> Nothing
242 HklBinocularsQCustomSubProjectionEnum'QPhiQy -> Nothing
243 HklBinocularsQCustomSubProjectionEnum'QPhiQz -> Nothing
244 HklBinocularsQCustomSubProjectionEnum'QStereo -> Nothing
245 HklBinocularsQCustomSubProjectionEnum'DeltalabGammalabSampleaxis -> error "expect a valid [projection] 'sampleaxis' key"
246 HklBinocularsQCustomSubProjectionEnum'XYZ -> Nothing
247 HklBinocularsQCustomSubProjectionEnum'YZTimestamp -> Nothing
248 HklBinocularsQCustomSubProjectionEnum'QQparQper -> Nothing
249 HklBinocularsQCustomSubProjectionEnum'QparsQperTimestamp -> Nothing
250 HklBinocularsQCustomSubProjectionEnum'QparQperSampleaxis -> error "expect a valid [projection] 'sampleaxis' key"
251 HklBinocularsQCustomSubProjectionEnum'QSampleaxisTth -> error "expect a valid [projection] 'sampleaxis' key"
252 HklBinocularsQCustomSubProjectionEnum'QSampleaxisTimestamp -> error "expect a valid [projection] 'sampleaxis' key"
253 HklBinocularsQCustomSubProjectionEnum'QxQyTimestamp -> Nothing
254 HklBinocularsQCustomSubProjectionEnum'QxQzTimestamp -> Nothing
255 HklBinocularsQCustomSubProjectionEnum'QyQzTimestamp -> Nothing
258 BinocularsConfig'QCustom
259 common
260 <$> parseFDef cfg "input" "surface_orientation" (binocularsConfig'QCustom'HklBinocularsSurfaceOrientationEnum default'BinocularsConfig'QCustom)
261 <*> pure projectiontype
262 <*> parseFDef cfg "projection" "resolution" (binocularsConfig'QCustom'ProjectionResolution default'BinocularsConfig'QCustom)
263 <*> parseMb cfg "projection" "limits"
264 <*> pure (eitherF (const $ guess'DataSourcePath'DataFrameQCustom common msubprojection content) (parse' cfg "input" "datapath")
265 (\case
266 Nothing -> guess'DataSourcePath'DataFrameQCustom common msubprojection content
267 Just d -> overload'DataSourcePath'DataFrameQCustom common msubprojection d))
268 <*> pure msubprojection
269 <*> parseFDef cfg "projection" "uqx" (binocularsConfig'QCustom'Uqx default'BinocularsConfig'QCustom)
270 <*> parseFDef cfg "projection" "uqy" (binocularsConfig'QCustom'Uqy default'BinocularsConfig'QCustom)
271 <*> parseFDef cfg "projection" "uqz" (binocularsConfig'QCustom'Uqz default'BinocularsConfig'QCustom)
272 <*> pure (eitherF (const $ errorMissingSampleAxis) (parse' cfg "projection" "sampleaxis")
273 (\case
274 Nothing -> errorMissingSampleAxis
275 Just d -> Just d
278 instance ToIni (Config 'QCustomProjection) where
280 toIni c = toIni (binocularsConfig'QCustom'Common c)
281 `mergeIni`
282 Ini { iniSections = fromList [ ("input", elemFDef' "surface_orientation" binocularsConfig'QCustom'HklBinocularsSurfaceOrientationEnum c default'BinocularsConfig'QCustom
283 <> elemFDef' "datapath" binocularsConfig'QCustom'DataPath c default'BinocularsConfig'QCustom
285 , ("projection", elemFDef' "type" binocularsConfig'QCustom'ProjectionType c default'BinocularsConfig'QCustom
286 <> elemFDef' "resolution" binocularsConfig'QCustom'ProjectionResolution c default'BinocularsConfig'QCustom
287 <> elemFMbDef' "limits" binocularsConfig'QCustom'ProjectionLimits c default'BinocularsConfig'QCustom
288 <> elemFMbDef' "subprojection" binocularsConfig'QCustom'SubProjection c default'BinocularsConfig'QCustom
289 <> elemFDef "uqx" binocularsConfig'QCustom'Uqx c default'BinocularsConfig'QCustom
290 [ "rotation around the x-axis of the sample in the surface basis system -- degree"
291 , ""
292 , "in this basis, the x-axis is colinear to the surface of the sample along the x-rays."
293 , ""
294 , " `<not set>` - use the default value `0.0`"
295 , " `a value` - use this value"
297 <> elemFDef "uqy" binocularsConfig'QCustom'Uqy c default'BinocularsConfig'QCustom
298 [ "rotation around the y-axis of the sample in the surface basis system -- degree"
299 , ""
300 , "in this basis, the y-axis is colinear to the surface of the sample and"
301 , "forme a directe basis with x-axis and z-axis."
302 , ""
303 , "examples:"
304 , " - all motors set to zero and a vertical surface - y-axis along -z (labo basis)"
305 , " - all motors set to zero and an horizontal surcafe - y-axis along y (labo basis)"
306 , ""
307 , " `<not set>` - use the default value `0.0`"
308 , " `a value` - use this value"
310 <> elemFDef "uqz" binocularsConfig'QCustom'Uqz c default'BinocularsConfig'QCustom
311 [ "rotation around the z-axis of the sample in the surface basis system -- degree"
312 , ""
313 , "in this basis, the z-axis is perpendicular to the surface of the sample."
314 , ""
315 , "examples:"
316 , " - all motors set to zero and a vertical surface - z-axis along y (labo basis)"
317 , " - all motors set to zero and an horizontal surcafe - z-axis along z (labo basis)"
318 , ""
319 , ""
320 , " `<not set>` - use the default value `0.0`"
321 , " `a value` - use this value"
323 <> elemFMbDef "sampleaxis" binocularsConfig'QCustom'SampleAxis c default'BinocularsConfig'QCustom
324 [ "the name of the sample axis expected by some subprojections."
325 , ""
326 , " `<not set>` - for all subprojections which does not expect a value."
327 , " `a value` - use this value for the subprojection expecting this axis."
331 , iniGlobals = []
334 ------------------
335 -- Input Path's --
336 ------------------
338 mkAttenuation :: Maybe Double -> DataSourcePath Attenuation -> DataSourcePath Attenuation
339 mkAttenuation ma att =
340 case ma of
341 Nothing -> case att of
342 DataSourcePath'NoAttenuation -> DataSourcePath'NoAttenuation
343 DataSourcePath'Attenuation{} -> DataSourcePath'NoAttenuation
344 -- logWarnN "The current configuration extract the attenuation from the data files."
345 -- logWarnN "You forgot to provide the attenuation coefficient in the config file."
346 -- logWarnN "I continue without attenuation correction"
347 -- logWarnN "Add attenuation_coefficient=<something> under the [input] section, to fix this"
348 -- return DataSourcePath'NoAttenuation
349 applyed@DataSourcePath'ApplyedAttenuationFactor{} -> applyed
350 (Just coef) -> case att of
351 DataSourcePath'NoAttenuation -> DataSourcePath'NoAttenuation
352 (DataSourcePath'Attenuation p o _ m) -> DataSourcePath'Attenuation p o coef m
353 (DataSourcePath'ApplyedAttenuationFactor _) -> undefined
355 mkDetector'Sixs'Fly :: Detector Hkl DIM2 -> DataSourcePath Image
356 mkDetector'Sixs'Fly det@(Detector2D d _ _)
357 = case d of
358 HklBinocularsDetectorEnum'ImxpadS140 ->
359 DataSourcePath'Image
360 (hdf5p $ grouppat 0 (datasetp "scan_data/xpad_image"
361 `H5Or`
362 datasetp "scan_data/xpad_s140_image"))
364 HklBinocularsDetectorEnum'XpadFlatCorrected -> undefined
365 HklBinocularsDetectorEnum'ImxpadS70 ->
366 DataSourcePath'Image
367 (hdf5p $ grouppat 0 $ datasetp "scan_data/xpad_s70_image")
369 HklBinocularsDetectorEnum'DectrisEiger1M ->
370 DataSourcePath'Image
371 (hdf5p $ grouppat 0 $ datasetp "scan_data/eiger_image")
373 HklBinocularsDetectorEnum'Ufxc ->
374 DataSourcePath'Image
375 (hdf5p $ grouppat 0 $ datasetp "scan_data/ufxc_sixs_image")
377 HklBinocularsDetectorEnum'Merlin -> undefined
378 HklBinocularsDetectorEnum'MerlinMedipix3rxQuad -> undefined
380 mkDetector'Sixs'Sbs :: Detector Hkl DIM2 -> DataSourcePath Image
381 mkDetector'Sixs'Sbs det@(Detector2D d _ _)
382 = case d of
383 HklBinocularsDetectorEnum'ImxpadS140 ->
384 DataSourcePath'Image
385 (hdf5p (datasetpattr ("long_name", "i14-c-c00/dt/xpad.s140/image")
386 `H5Or`
387 datasetpattr ("long_name", "i14-c-c00/dt/xpad.1/image")))
389 HklBinocularsDetectorEnum'XpadFlatCorrected -> undefined
390 HklBinocularsDetectorEnum'ImxpadS70 ->
391 DataSourcePath'Image
392 (hdf5p $ datasetpattr ("long_name", "i14-c-c00/dt/xpad.s70/image"))
394 HklBinocularsDetectorEnum'DectrisEiger1M ->
395 DataSourcePath'Image
396 (hdf5p $ datasetpattr ("long_name", "i14-c-c00/dt/eiger.1/image"))
398 HklBinocularsDetectorEnum'Ufxc -> undefined
399 HklBinocularsDetectorEnum'Merlin -> undefined
400 HklBinocularsDetectorEnum'MerlinMedipix3rxQuad -> undefined
402 overloadAttenuationPath :: Maybe Double -> Maybe Float -> DataSourcePath Attenuation -> DataSourcePath Attenuation
403 overloadAttenuationPath ma m' (DataSourcePath'Attenuation p o a m)
404 = DataSourcePath'Attenuation p o (fromMaybe a ma) (m' <|> m)
405 overloadAttenuationPath _ _ ap@DataSourcePath'ApplyedAttenuationFactor{} = ap
406 overloadAttenuationPath _ _ ap@DataSourcePath'NoAttenuation = ap
408 overloadTimestampPath :: Maybe HklBinocularsQCustomSubProjectionEnum -> DataSourcePath Timestamp -> DataSourcePath Timestamp
409 overloadTimestampPath msub idx =
410 case msub of
411 Nothing -> DataSourcePath'Timestamp'NoTimestamp
412 (Just sub) -> case sub of
413 HklBinocularsQCustomSubProjectionEnum'QxQyQz -> DataSourcePath'Timestamp'NoTimestamp
414 HklBinocularsQCustomSubProjectionEnum'QTthTimestamp -> idx
415 HklBinocularsQCustomSubProjectionEnum'QTimestamp -> idx
416 HklBinocularsQCustomSubProjectionEnum'QparQperTimestamp -> idx
417 HklBinocularsQCustomSubProjectionEnum'QparQper -> DataSourcePath'Timestamp'NoTimestamp
418 HklBinocularsQCustomSubProjectionEnum'QPhiQx -> DataSourcePath'Timestamp'NoTimestamp
419 HklBinocularsQCustomSubProjectionEnum'QPhiQy -> DataSourcePath'Timestamp'NoTimestamp
420 HklBinocularsQCustomSubProjectionEnum'QPhiQz -> DataSourcePath'Timestamp'NoTimestamp
421 HklBinocularsQCustomSubProjectionEnum'QStereo -> DataSourcePath'Timestamp'NoTimestamp
422 HklBinocularsQCustomSubProjectionEnum'DeltalabGammalabSampleaxis -> DataSourcePath'Timestamp'NoTimestamp
423 HklBinocularsQCustomSubProjectionEnum'XYZ -> DataSourcePath'Timestamp'NoTimestamp
424 HklBinocularsQCustomSubProjectionEnum'YZTimestamp -> idx
425 HklBinocularsQCustomSubProjectionEnum'QQparQper -> DataSourcePath'Timestamp'NoTimestamp
426 HklBinocularsQCustomSubProjectionEnum'QparsQperTimestamp -> idx
427 HklBinocularsQCustomSubProjectionEnum'QparQperSampleaxis -> DataSourcePath'Timestamp'NoTimestamp
428 HklBinocularsQCustomSubProjectionEnum'QSampleaxisTth -> DataSourcePath'Timestamp'NoTimestamp
429 HklBinocularsQCustomSubProjectionEnum'QSampleaxisTimestamp -> idx
430 HklBinocularsQCustomSubProjectionEnum'QxQyTimestamp -> idx
431 HklBinocularsQCustomSubProjectionEnum'QxQzTimestamp -> idx
432 HklBinocularsQCustomSubProjectionEnum'QyQzTimestamp -> idx
434 overloadWaveLength :: Maybe Double -> DataSourcePath Double -> DataSourcePath Double
435 overloadWaveLength ma wp = maybe wp DataSourcePath'Double'Const ma
437 overloadGeometryPath :: Maybe Double -> DataSourcePath Geometry -> DataSourcePath Geometry
438 overloadGeometryPath mw (DataSourcePath'Geometry g wp as) = DataSourcePath'Geometry g (overloadWaveLength mw wp) as
439 overloadGeometryPath mw (DataSourcePath'Geometry'Fix wp) = DataSourcePath'Geometry'Fix (overloadWaveLength mw wp)
442 overloadImagePath :: Detector Hkl DIM2 -> DataSourcePath Image -> DataSourcePath Image
443 overloadImagePath det (DataSourcePath'Image p _) = DataSourcePath'Image p det
445 overload'DataSourcePath'DataFrameQCustom :: BinocularsConfig'Common
446 -> Maybe HklBinocularsQCustomSubProjectionEnum
447 -> DataSourcePath DataFrameQCustom
448 -> DataSourcePath DataFrameQCustom
449 overload'DataSourcePath'DataFrameQCustom common msub (DataSourcePath'DataFrameQCustom attenuationPath' geometryPath imagePath indexP)
450 = let mAttCoef = binocularsConfig'Common'AttenuationCoefficient common
451 mMaxAtt = binocularsConfig'Common'AttenuationMax common
452 mWavelength = binocularsConfig'Common'Wavelength common
453 detector = binocularsConfig'Common'Detector common
455 newAttenuationPath = overloadAttenuationPath mAttCoef mMaxAtt attenuationPath'
456 newGeometryPath = overloadGeometryPath mWavelength geometryPath
457 newImagePath = overloadImagePath detector imagePath
458 newTimestampPath = overloadTimestampPath msub indexP
460 DataSourcePath'DataFrameQCustom newAttenuationPath newGeometryPath newImagePath newTimestampPath
463 guess'DataSourcePath'DataFrameQCustom :: BinocularsConfig'Common
464 -> Maybe HklBinocularsQCustomSubProjectionEnum
465 -> ConfigContent
466 -> DataSourcePath DataFrameQCustom
467 guess'DataSourcePath'DataFrameQCustom common msub cfg =
469 let inputtype = binocularsConfig'Common'InputType common
470 let mAttenuationCoefficient = binocularsConfig'Common'AttenuationCoefficient common
471 let detector = binocularsConfig'Common'Detector common
472 let mAttenuationMax = binocularsConfig'Common'AttenuationMax common
473 let mAttenuationShift = binocularsConfig'Common'AttenuationShift common
474 let mWavelength = binocularsConfig'Common'Wavelength common
476 -- attenuation
477 let dataSourcePath'Attenuation'Sixs :: DataSourcePath Attenuation
478 dataSourcePath'Attenuation'Sixs =
479 DataSourcePath'Attenuation
480 (DataSourcePath'Float (hdf5p $ grouppat 0 $ groupp "scan_data" (datasetp "attenuation"
481 `H5Or`
482 datasetp "attenuation_old")))
483 (fromMaybe 2 mAttenuationShift) 0 mAttenuationMax
485 let dataSourcePath'Attenuation'SixsSBS :: DataSourcePath Attenuation
486 dataSourcePath'Attenuation'SixsSBS =
487 DataSourcePath'Attenuation
488 (DataSourcePath'Float (hdf5p (datasetpattr ("long_name", "i14-c-c00/ex/roic/att")
489 `H5Or`
490 datasetpattr ("long_name", "i14-c-c00/ex/roic-s140/att")
491 `H5Or`
492 datasetpattr ("long_name", "i14-c-c00/ex/roic-s140/att_old")
493 `H5Or`
494 datasetpattr ("long_name", "i14-c-c00/ex/roic-s70/att")
495 `H5Or`
496 datasetpattr ("long_name", "i14-c-c00/ex/roic-s70/att_old"))))
497 (fromMaybe 0 mAttenuationShift) 0 mAttenuationMax
499 -- timestamp
500 let mkTimeStamp'Sbs :: Maybe HklBinocularsQCustomSubProjectionEnum -> DataSourcePath Timestamp
501 mkTimeStamp'Sbs msub'
502 = overloadTimestampPath msub' (DataSourcePath'Timestamp(hdf5p $ grouppat 0 $ datasetp "scan_data/sensors_timestamps"))
504 let mkTimeStamp'Fly :: Maybe HklBinocularsQCustomSubProjectionEnum -> DataSourcePath Timestamp
505 mkTimeStamp'Fly msub'
506 = overloadTimestampPath msub' (DataSourcePath'Timestamp(hdf5p $ grouppat 0 $ datasetp "scan_data/epoch"))
508 -- wavelength
509 let dataSourcePath'WaveLength'Sixs :: DataSourcePath Double
510 dataSourcePath'WaveLength'Sixs
511 = DataSourcePath'Double (hdf5p $ grouppat 0 (datasetp "SIXS/Monochromator/wavelength"
512 `H5Or`
513 datasetp "SIXS/i14-c-c02-op-mono/lambda"))
515 -- geometry
516 let sixs'eix
517 = DataSourcePath'Double'Ini cfg "geometry.values" "eix"
518 `DataSourcePath'Double'Or`
519 DataSourcePath'Double(hdf5p (grouppat 0 $ datasetp "scan_data/eix")
520 `H5Or`
521 hdf5p (grouppat 0 $ groupp "scan_data" $ datasetpattr ("long_name", "i14-c-cx1/dt/tab-mt_tx.1/position"))
522 `H5Or`
523 hdf5p (grouppat 0 $ groupp "scan_data" $ datasetpattr ("long_name", "i14-c-cx2/dt/tab-mt_tx.1/position"))
524 `H5Or`
525 hdf5p (grouppat 0 $ datasetp "SIXS/i14-c-cx1-dt-det_tx.1/position_pre"))
526 let sixs'eiz
527 = DataSourcePath'Double'Ini cfg "geometry.values" "eiz"
528 `DataSourcePath'Double'Or`
529 DataSourcePath'Double(hdf5p (grouppat 0 $ datasetp "scan_data/eiz")
530 `H5Or`
531 hdf5p (grouppat 0 $ groupp "scan_data" $ datasetpattr ("long_name", "i14-c-cx1/dt/tab-mt_tz.1/position"))
532 `H5Or`
533 hdf5p (grouppat 0 $ groupp "scan_data" $ datasetpattr ("long_name", "i14-c-cx2/dt/tab-mt_tz.1/position"))
534 `H5Or`
535 hdf5p (grouppat 0 $ datasetp "SIXS/i14-c-cx1-dt-det_tz.1/position_pre"))
537 let sixs'Uhv'Mu
538 = DataSourcePath'Double'Ini cfg "geometry.values" "mu"
539 `DataSourcePath'Double'Or`
540 DataSourcePath'Double(hdf5p $ grouppat 0 $ groupp "scan_data" (datasetp "mu"
541 `H5Or`
542 datasetpattr ("long_name", "i14-c-cx2/ex/uhv-dif-group/mu")
543 `H5Or`
544 datasetp "UHV_MU"
545 `H5Or`
546 datasetp "mu_xps"))
547 let sixs'Uhv'Omega
548 = DataSourcePath'Double'Ini cfg "geometry.values" "omega"
549 `DataSourcePath'Double'Or`
550 DataSourcePath'Double(hdf5p $ grouppat 0 $ groupp "scan_data" (datasetp "omega"
551 `H5Or`
552 datasetp "UHV_OMEGA"
553 `H5Or`
554 datasetpattr ("long_name", "i14-c-cx2/ex/uhv-dif-group/omega")
555 `H5Or`
556 datasetp "omega_xps"))
557 let sixs'Uhv'Delta
558 = DataSourcePath'Double'Ini cfg "geometry.values" "delta"
559 `DataSourcePath'Double'Or`
560 DataSourcePath'Double(hdf5p $ grouppat 0 $ groupp "scan_data" (datasetp "delta"
561 `H5Or`
562 datasetp "UHV_DELTA"
563 `H5Or`
564 datasetpattr ("long_name", "i14-c-cx2/ex/uhv-dif-group/delta")
565 `H5Or`
566 datasetp "delta_xps"))
568 let sixs'Uhv'Gamma
569 = DataSourcePath'Double'Ini cfg "geometry.values" "gamma"
570 `DataSourcePath'Double'Or`
571 DataSourcePath'Double(hdf5p $ grouppat 0 $ groupp "scan_data" (datasetp "gamma"
572 `H5Or`
573 datasetp "UHV_GAMMA"
574 `H5Or`
575 datasetpattr ("long_name", "i14-c-cx2/ex/uhv-dif-group/gamma")
576 `H5Or`
577 datasetp "gamma_xps"))
579 let dataSourcePath'Geometry'Sixs'Uhv :: DataSourcePath Geometry
580 dataSourcePath'Geometry'Sixs'Uhv
581 = DataSourcePath'Geometry
582 (Geometry'Factory Uhv)
583 (overloadWaveLength mWavelength dataSourcePath'WaveLength'Sixs)
584 [sixs'Uhv'Mu, sixs'Uhv'Omega, sixs'Uhv'Delta, sixs'Uhv'Gamma]
586 let dataSourcePath'Geometry'Sixs'UhvGisaxs :: DataSourcePath Geometry
587 dataSourcePath'Geometry'Sixs'UhvGisaxs
588 = DataSourcePath'Geometry
589 sixsUhvGisaxs
590 (overloadWaveLength mWavelength dataSourcePath'WaveLength'Sixs)
591 [ sixs'Uhv'Mu, sixs'Uhv'Omega, sixs'eix, sixs'eiz ]
593 let sixs'Med'Beta
594 = DataSourcePath'Double'Ini cfg "geometry.values" "beta"
595 `DataSourcePath'Double'Or`
596 DataSourcePath'Double(hdf5p $ grouppat 0 (groupp "scan_data" (datasetp "beta"
597 `H5Or`
598 datasetpattr ("long_name", "i14-c-cx1/ex/diff-med-tpp/pitch"))
599 `H5Or`
600 datasetp "SIXS/i14-c-cx1-ex-diff-med-tpp/TPP/Orientation/pitch"))
601 let sixs'MedH'Mu
602 = DataSourcePath'Double'Ini cfg "geometry.values" "mu"
603 `DataSourcePath'Double'Or`
604 DataSourcePath'Double(hdf5p $ grouppat 0 $ groupp "scan_data" (datasetp "mu"
605 `H5Or`
606 datasetpattr ("long_name", "i14-c-cx1/ex/med-h-dif-group.1/mu")))
607 let sixs'MedV'Mu
608 = DataSourcePath'Double'Ini cfg "geometry.values" "mu"
609 `DataSourcePath'Double'Or`
610 DataSourcePath'Double(hdf5p $ grouppat 0 $ groupp "scan_data" (datasetp "mu"
611 `H5Or`
612 datasetpattr ("long_name", "i14-c-cx1/ex/med-v-dif-group.1/mu")))
613 let sixs'MedV'Omega
614 = DataSourcePath'Double'Ini cfg "geometry.values" "omega"
615 `DataSourcePath'Double'Or`
616 DataSourcePath'Double(hdf5p $ grouppat 0 $ groupp "scan_data" (datasetp "omega"
617 `H5Or`
618 datasetpattr ("long_name", "i14-c-cx1/ex/med-v-dif-group.1/omega")))
619 let sixs'MedH'Gamma
620 = DataSourcePath'Double'Ini cfg "geometry.values" "gamma"
621 `DataSourcePath'Double'Or`
622 DataSourcePath'Double(hdf5p $ grouppat 0 $ groupp "scan_data" (datasetp "gamma"
623 `H5Or`
624 datasetpattr ("long_name", "i14-c-cx1/ex/med-h-dif-group.1/gamma")))
625 let sixs'MedV'Gamma
626 = DataSourcePath'Double'Ini cfg "geometry.values" "gamma"
627 `DataSourcePath'Double'Or`
628 DataSourcePath'Double(hdf5p $ grouppat 0 $ groupp "scan_data" (datasetp "gamma"
629 `H5Or`
630 datasetpattr ("long_name", "i14-c-cx1/ex/med-v-dif-group.1/gamma")))
631 let sixs'MedH'Delta
632 = DataSourcePath'Double'Ini cfg "geometry.values" "delta"
633 `DataSourcePath'Double'Or`
634 DataSourcePath'Double(hdf5p $ grouppat 0 $ groupp "scan_data" (datasetp "delta"
635 `H5Or`
636 datasetpattr ("long_name", "i14-c-cx1/ex/med-h-dif-group.1/delta")))
638 let sixs'MedV'Delta
639 = DataSourcePath'Double'Ini cfg "geometry.values" "delta"
640 `DataSourcePath'Double'Or`
641 DataSourcePath'Double(hdf5p $ grouppat 0 $ groupp "scan_data" (datasetp "delta"
642 `H5Or`
643 datasetpattr ("long_name", "i14-c-cx1/ex/med-v-dif-group.1/delta")))
645 let sixs'MedV'Etaa
646 = DataSourcePath'Double'Ini cfg "geometry.values" "etaa"
647 `DataSourcePath'Double'Or`
648 DataSourcePath'Double(hdf5p $ grouppat 0 $ groupp "scan_data" (datasetp "etaa"
649 `H5Or`
650 datasetpattr ("long_name", "i14-c-cx1/ex/med-v-dif-group.1/etaa")))
653 let dataSourcePath'Geometry'Sixs'MedH :: DataSourcePath Geometry
654 dataSourcePath'Geometry'Sixs'MedH
655 = DataSourcePath'Geometry
656 (Geometry'Factory MedH)
657 (overloadWaveLength mWavelength dataSourcePath'WaveLength'Sixs)
658 [ sixs'Med'Beta, sixs'MedH'Mu, sixs'MedH'Gamma, sixs'MedH'Delta ]
660 let dataSourcePath'Geometry'Sixs'MedHGisaxs :: DataSourcePath Geometry
661 dataSourcePath'Geometry'Sixs'MedHGisaxs
662 = DataSourcePath'Geometry
663 sixsMedHGisaxs
664 (overloadWaveLength mWavelength dataSourcePath'WaveLength'Sixs)
665 [ sixs'Med'Beta, sixs'MedH'Mu, sixs'eix, sixs'eiz ]
667 let dataSourcePath'Geometry'Sixs'MedV :: DataSourcePath Geometry
668 dataSourcePath'Geometry'Sixs'MedV
669 = DataSourcePath'Geometry
670 (Geometry'Factory MedV)
671 (overloadWaveLength mWavelength dataSourcePath'WaveLength'Sixs)
672 [ sixs'Med'Beta, sixs'MedV'Mu, sixs'MedV'Omega, sixs'MedV'Gamma, sixs'MedV'Delta, sixs'MedV'Etaa ]
674 let dataSourcePath'Geometry'Sixs'MedVGisaxs :: DataSourcePath Geometry
675 dataSourcePath'Geometry'Sixs'MedVGisaxs
676 = DataSourcePath'Geometry
677 sixsMedVGisaxs
678 (overloadWaveLength mWavelength dataSourcePath'WaveLength'Sixs)
679 [ sixs'Med'Beta, sixs'MedV'Mu, sixs'MedV'Omega, sixs'eix, sixs'eiz ]
681 let dataSourcePath'DataFrameQCustom'Sixs'Fly :: DataSourcePath Geometry -> DataSourcePath DataFrameQCustom
682 dataSourcePath'DataFrameQCustom'Sixs'Fly g
683 = DataSourcePath'DataFrameQCustom
684 (mkAttenuation mAttenuationCoefficient dataSourcePath'Attenuation'Sixs)
686 (mkDetector'Sixs'Fly detector)
687 (mkTimeStamp'Fly msub)
689 let dataSourcePath'DataFrameQCustom'Sixs'Sbs :: DataSourcePath Geometry -> DataSourcePath DataFrameQCustom
690 dataSourcePath'DataFrameQCustom'Sixs'Sbs g
691 = DataSourcePath'DataFrameQCustom
692 (mkAttenuation mAttenuationCoefficient dataSourcePath'Attenuation'SixsSBS)
694 (mkDetector'Sixs'Sbs detector)
695 (mkTimeStamp'Sbs msub)
697 case inputtype of
698 CristalK6C -> DataSourcePath'DataFrameQCustom
699 (mkAttenuation mAttenuationCoefficient DataSourcePath'NoAttenuation)
700 (DataSourcePath'Geometry
701 (Geometry'Factory K6c)
702 (overloadWaveLength mWavelength (DataSourcePath'Double (hdf5p $ grouppat 0 $ datasetp "CRISTAL/Monochromator/lambda")))
703 [ DataSourcePath'Double (hdf5p $ grouppat 0 $ datasetp "CRISTAL/Diffractometer/i06-c-c07-ex-dif-mu/position")
704 , DataSourcePath'Double (hdf5p $ grouppat 0 $ datasetp "CRISTAL/Diffractometer/i06-c-c07-ex-dif-komega/position")
705 , DataSourcePath'Double (hdf5p $ grouppat 0 $ datasetp "CRISTAL/Diffractometer/i06-c-c07-ex-dif-kappa/position")
706 , DataSourcePath'Double (hdf5p $ grouppat 0 $ datasetp "scan_data/actuator_1_1")
707 , DataSourcePath'Double (hdf5p $ grouppat 0 $ datasetp "CRISTAL/Diffractometer/i06-c-c07-ex-dif-gamma/position")
708 , DataSourcePath'Double (hdf5p $ grouppat 0 $ datasetp "CRISTAL/Diffractometer/i06-c-c07-ex-dif-delta/position")
711 (DataSourcePath'Image
712 (hdf5p $ grouppat 0 $ datasetp "scan_data/data_05")
713 detector)
714 (mkTimeStamp'Sbs msub)
715 MarsFlyscan -> DataSourcePath'DataFrameQCustom
716 (mkAttenuation mAttenuationCoefficient (DataSourcePath'ApplyedAttenuationFactor
717 (DataSourcePath'Float (hdf5p $ grouppat 0 $ datasetp "scan_data/applied_att"))))
718 (DataSourcePath'Geometry
719 (Geometry'Factory Mars)
720 (overloadWaveLength mWavelength (DataSourcePath'Double'Const 1.537591))
721 [ DataSourcePath'Double(hdf5p $ grouppat 0 $ datasetp "scan_data/omega")
722 , DataSourcePath'Double(hdf5p $ grouppat 0 $ datasetp "scan_data/chi")
723 , DataSourcePath'Double(hdf5p $ grouppat 0 $ datasetp "scan_data/phi")
724 , DataSourcePath'Double(hdf5p $ grouppat 0 $ datasetp "scan_data/tth")
726 (DataSourcePath'Image
727 (hdf5p $ grouppat 0 (datasetp "scan_data/merlin_image"
728 `H5Or`
729 datasetp "scan_data/merlin_quad_image"))
730 detector)
731 (mkTimeStamp'Fly msub)
732 MarsSbs -> DataSourcePath'DataFrameQCustom
733 (mkAttenuation mAttenuationCoefficient DataSourcePath'NoAttenuation)
734 (DataSourcePath'Geometry
735 (Geometry'Factory Mars)
736 (overloadWaveLength mWavelength (DataSourcePath'Double'Const 1.537591))
737 [ DataSourcePath'Double(hdf5p $ grouppat 0 $ datasetp "scan_data/omega")
738 , DataSourcePath'Double(hdf5p $ grouppat 0 $ datasetp "scan_data/chi")
739 , DataSourcePath'Double(hdf5p $ grouppat 0 $ datasetp "scan_data/phi")
740 , DataSourcePath'Double(hdf5p $ grouppat 0 $ datasetp "scan_data/tth")
742 (DataSourcePath'Image
743 (hdf5p $ datasetpattr ("long_name", "d03-1-c00/dt/merlin-quad/image"))
744 detector)
745 (mkTimeStamp'Sbs msub)
746 SixsFlyMedH -> dataSourcePath'DataFrameQCustom'Sixs'Fly dataSourcePath'Geometry'Sixs'MedH
747 SixsFlyMedHGisaxs -> dataSourcePath'DataFrameQCustom'Sixs'Fly dataSourcePath'Geometry'Sixs'MedHGisaxs
748 SixsFlyMedV -> dataSourcePath'DataFrameQCustom'Sixs'Fly dataSourcePath'Geometry'Sixs'MedV
749 SixsFlyMedVGisaxs -> dataSourcePath'DataFrameQCustom'Sixs'Fly dataSourcePath'Geometry'Sixs'MedVGisaxs
750 SixsFlyUhv -> dataSourcePath'DataFrameQCustom'Sixs'Fly dataSourcePath'Geometry'Sixs'Uhv
751 SixsFlyUhvGisaxs -> dataSourcePath'DataFrameQCustom'Sixs'Fly dataSourcePath'Geometry'Sixs'UhvGisaxs
752 SixsSbsMedH -> dataSourcePath'DataFrameQCustom'Sixs'Sbs dataSourcePath'Geometry'Sixs'MedH
753 SixsSbsMedHGisaxs -> dataSourcePath'DataFrameQCustom'Sixs'Sbs dataSourcePath'Geometry'Sixs'MedHGisaxs
754 SixsSbsMedV -> dataSourcePath'DataFrameQCustom'Sixs'Sbs dataSourcePath'Geometry'Sixs'MedV
755 SixsSbsMedVGisaxs -> dataSourcePath'DataFrameQCustom'Sixs'Sbs dataSourcePath'Geometry'Sixs'MedVGisaxs
756 SixsSbsUhv -> dataSourcePath'DataFrameQCustom'Sixs'Sbs dataSourcePath'Geometry'Sixs'Uhv
757 SixsSbsUhvGisaxs -> dataSourcePath'DataFrameQCustom'Sixs'Sbs dataSourcePath'Geometry'Sixs'UhvGisaxs
760 {-# INLINE spaceQCustom #-}
761 spaceQCustom :: Detector a DIM2
762 -> Array F DIM3 Double
763 -> Resolutions DIM3
764 -> Maybe Mask
765 -> HklBinocularsSurfaceOrientationEnum
766 -> Maybe (RLimits DIM3)
767 -> HklBinocularsQCustomSubProjectionEnum
768 -> Angle Double -> Angle Double -> Angle Double
769 -> Maybe SampleAxis
770 -> Bool
771 -> Space DIM3
772 -> DataFrameQCustom
773 -> IO (DataFrameSpace DIM3)
774 spaceQCustom det pixels rs mmask' surf mlimits subprojection uqx uqy uqz mSampleAxis doPolarizationCorrection space@(Space fSpace) (DataFrameQCustom att g img index) =
775 withNPixels det $ \nPixels ->
776 withForeignPtr g $ \geometry ->
777 withForeignPtr (toForeignPtr pixels) $ \pix ->
778 withResolutions rs $ \nr r ->
779 withPixelsDims pixels $ \ndim dims ->
780 withMaybeMask mmask' $ \ mask'' ->
781 withMaybeLimits mlimits rs $ \nlimits limits ->
782 withMaybeSampleAxis mSampleAxis $ \sampleAxis ->
783 withForeignPtr fSpace $ \pSpace -> do
784 case img of
785 (ImageInt32 arr) -> unsafeWith arr $ \i -> do
786 {-# SCC "hkl_binoculars_space_qcustom_int32_t" #-} c'hkl_binoculars_space_qcustom_int32_t pSpace geometry i nPixels (CDouble . unAttenuation $ att) pix (toEnum ndim) dims r (toEnum nr) mask'' (toEnum $ fromEnum surf) limits (toEnum nlimits) (CDouble . unTimestamp $ index) (toEnum . fromEnum $ subprojection) (CDouble (uqx /~ radian)) (CDouble (uqy /~ radian)) (CDouble (uqz /~ radian)) sampleAxis (toEnum . fromEnum $ doPolarizationCorrection)
787 (ImageWord16 arr) -> unsafeWith arr $ \i -> do
788 {-# SCC "hkl_binoculars_space_qcustom_uint16_t" #-} c'hkl_binoculars_space_qcustom_uint16_t pSpace geometry i nPixels (CDouble . unAttenuation $ att) pix (toEnum ndim) dims r (toEnum nr) mask'' (toEnum $ fromEnum surf) limits (toEnum nlimits) (CDouble . unTimestamp $ index) (toEnum . fromEnum $ subprojection) (CDouble (uqx /~ radian)) (CDouble (uqy /~ radian)) (CDouble (uqz /~ radian)) sampleAxis (toEnum . fromEnum $ doPolarizationCorrection)
789 (ImageWord32 arr) -> unsafeWith arr $ \i -> do
790 {-# SCC "hkl_binoculars_space_qcustom_uint32_t" #-} c'hkl_binoculars_space_qcustom_uint32_t pSpace geometry i nPixels (CDouble . unAttenuation $ att) pix (toEnum ndim) dims r (toEnum nr) mask'' (toEnum $ fromEnum surf) limits (toEnum nlimits) (CDouble . unTimestamp $ index) (toEnum . fromEnum $ subprojection) (CDouble (uqx /~ radian)) (CDouble (uqy /~ radian)) (CDouble (uqz /~ radian)) sampleAxis (toEnum . fromEnum $ doPolarizationCorrection)
792 return (DataFrameSpace img space att)
794 ----------
795 -- Pipe --
796 ----------
798 processQCustomP :: (MonadIO m, MonadLogger m, MonadReader (Config 'QCustomProjection) m, MonadThrow m)
799 => m ()
800 processQCustomP = do
801 (conf :: Config 'QCustomProjection) <- ask
803 -- directly from the common config
804 let common = binocularsConfig'QCustom'Common conf
805 let overwrite = binocularsConfig'Common'Overwrite common
806 let det = binocularsConfig'Common'Detector common
807 let (NCores cap) = binocularsConfig'Common'NCores common
808 let destination = binocularsConfig'Common'Destination common
809 let centralPixel' = binocularsConfig'Common'Centralpixel common
810 let (Meter sampleDetectorDistance) = binocularsConfig'Common'Sdd common
811 let (Degree detrot) = binocularsConfig'Common'Detrot common
812 let mImageSumMax = binocularsConfig'Common'ImageSumMax common
813 let inputRange = binocularsConfig'Common'InputRange common
814 let nexusDir = binocularsConfig'Common'Nexusdir common
815 let tmpl = binocularsConfig'Common'Tmpl common
816 let maskMatrix = binocularsConfig'Common'Maskmatrix common
817 let mSkipFirstPoints = binocularsConfig'Common'SkipFirstPoints common
818 let mSkipLastPoints = binocularsConfig'Common'SkipLastPoints common
819 let doPolarizationCorrection = binocularsConfig'Common'PolarizationCorrection common
821 -- directly from the specific config
822 let mlimits = binocularsConfig'QCustom'ProjectionLimits conf
823 let res = binocularsConfig'QCustom'ProjectionResolution conf
824 let surfaceOrientation = binocularsConfig'QCustom'HklBinocularsSurfaceOrientationEnum conf
825 let datapaths = binocularsConfig'QCustom'DataPath conf
826 let subprojection = fromJust (binocularsConfig'QCustom'SubProjection conf) -- should not be Maybe
827 let projectionType = binocularsConfig'QCustom'ProjectionType conf
828 let (Degree uqx) = binocularsConfig'QCustom'Uqx conf
829 let (Degree uqy) = binocularsConfig'QCustom'Uqy conf
830 let (Degree uqz) = binocularsConfig'QCustom'Uqz conf
831 let mSampleAxis = binocularsConfig'QCustom'SampleAxis conf
833 -- built from the config
834 output' <- liftIO $ destination' projectionType (Just subprojection) inputRange mlimits destination overwrite
835 filenames <- InputFn'List <$> files nexusDir (Just inputRange) tmpl
836 mask' <- getMask maskMatrix det
837 pixels <- liftIO $ getPixelsCoordinates det centralPixel' sampleDetectorDistance detrot NoNormalisation
839 -- compute the jobs
841 let fns = concatMap (replicate 1) (toList filenames)
842 chunks <- liftIO $ runSafeT $ toListM $ each fns >-> chunkP mSkipFirstPoints mSkipLastPoints datapaths
843 let ntot = sum (Prelude.map clength chunks)
844 let jobs = chunk (quot ntot cap) chunks
846 -- log parameters
848 logDebugNSH filenames
849 logDebugNSH datapaths
850 logDebugNSH chunks
851 logDebugNSH ntot
852 logDebugNSH jobs
853 logDebugN "start gessing final cube size"
855 -- guess the final cube dimensions (To optimize, do not create the cube, just extract the shape)
857 guessed <- liftIO $ withCubeAccumulator EmptyCube $ \c ->
858 runSafeT $ runEffect $
859 each chunks
860 >-> Pipes.Prelude.map (\(Chunk fn f t) -> (fn, [f, quot (f + t) 4, quot (f + t) 4 * 2, quot (f + t) 4 * 3, t]))
861 >-> framesP datapaths
862 >-> project det 3 (spaceQCustom det pixels res mask' surfaceOrientation mlimits subprojection uqx uqy uqz mSampleAxis doPolarizationCorrection)
863 >-> accumulateP c
865 logDebugN "stop gessing final cube size"
867 -- do the final projection
869 logInfoN $ pack $ printf "let's do a QCustom projection of %d %s image(s) on %d core(s)" ntot (show det) cap
871 liftIO $ withProgressBar ntot $ \pb -> do
872 r' <- mapConcurrently (\job -> withCubeAccumulator guessed $ \c ->
873 runSafeT $ runEffect $
874 each job
875 >-> Pipes.Prelude.map (\(Chunk fn f t) -> (fn, [f..t]))
876 >-> framesP datapaths
877 >-> Pipes.Prelude.filter (\(DataFrameQCustom _ _ img _) -> filterSumImage mImageSumMax img)
878 >-> project det 3 (spaceQCustom det pixels res mask' surfaceOrientation mlimits subprojection uqx uqy uqz mSampleAxis doPolarizationCorrection)
879 >-> tee (accumulateP c)
880 >-> progress pb
881 ) jobs
882 saveCube output' (unpack . serializeConfig $ conf) r'
885 instance ChunkP (DataSourcePath DataFrameQCustom) where
886 chunkP mSkipFirst mSkipLast (DataSourcePath'DataFrameQCustom ma _ (DataSourcePath'Image i _) _) =
887 skipMalformed $ forever $ do
888 fp <- await
889 withFileP (openFile' fp) $ \f ->
890 withHdf5PathP f i $ \i' -> do
891 (_, ss) <- liftIO $ datasetShape i'
892 case head ss of
893 (Just n) -> yield $ let (Chunk _ from to) = cclip (fromMaybe 0 mSkipFirst) (fromMaybe 0 mSkipLast) (Chunk fp 0 (fromIntegral n - 1))
894 in case ma of
895 DataSourcePath'NoAttenuation -> Chunk fp from to
896 (DataSourcePath'Attenuation _ off _ _) -> Chunk fp from (to - off)
897 (DataSourcePath'ApplyedAttenuationFactor _) -> Chunk fp from to
898 Nothing -> error "can not extract length"
900 instance FramesP (DataSourcePath DataFrameQCustom) DataFrameQCustom where
901 framesP p =
902 skipMalformed $ forever $ do
903 (fn, js) <- await
904 withFileP (openFile' fn) $ \f ->
905 withDataSourceP f p $ \ g ->
906 forM_ js (tryYield . extract1DStreamValue g)
908 ---------
909 -- Cmd --
910 ---------
912 processQCustom :: (MonadLogger m, MonadThrow m, MonadIO m) => Maybe FilePath -> Maybe ConfigRange -> m ()
913 processQCustom mf mr = cmd processQCustomP mf (Args'QCustomProjection mr)
915 newQCustom :: (MonadIO m, MonadLogger m, MonadThrow m)
916 => Path Abs Dir -> m ()
917 newQCustom cwd = do
918 let conf = default'BinocularsConfig'QCustom
919 { binocularsConfig'QCustom'Common = default'BinocularsConfig'Common
920 { binocularsConfig'Common'Nexusdir = Just cwd }
922 liftIO $ Data.Text.IO.putStr $ serializeConfig conf
924 updateQCustom :: (MonadIO m, MonadLogger m, MonadThrow m)
925 => Maybe FilePath -> Maybe ConfigRange -> m ()
926 updateQCustom mf mr = cmd (pure ()) mf (Args'QCustomProjection mr)