Do not re-use --with_mini_state option when restarting server after crash
[hiphop-php.git] / hphp / hack / src / server /
1 (**
2 * Copyright (c) 2015, Facebook, Inc.
3 * All rights reserved.
5 * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
6 * LICENSE file in the "hack" directory of this source tree.
8 *)
10 open Core_kernel
11 include ServerArgs_sig.Types
13 (*****************************************************************************)
14 (* The options from the command line *)
15 (*****************************************************************************)
17 type options = {
18 ai_mode: Ai_options.t option;
19 check_mode: bool;
20 config: (string * string) list;
21 dynamic_view: bool;
22 file_info_on_disk: bool;
23 from: string;
24 gen_saved_ignore_type_errors: bool;
25 ignore_hh_version: bool;
26 json_mode: bool;
27 load_state_canary: bool;
28 log_inference_constraints: bool;
29 max_procs: int;
30 no_load: bool;
31 prechecked: bool option;
32 profile_log: bool;
33 replace_state_after_saving: bool;
34 root: Path.t;
35 save_filename: string option;
36 should_detach: bool;
37 waiting_client: Unix.file_descr option;
38 watchman_debug_logging: bool;
39 with_mini_state: mini_state_target option;
42 (*****************************************************************************)
43 (* Usage code *)
44 (*****************************************************************************)
45 let usage = Printf.sprintf "Usage: %s [WWW DIRECTORY]\n" Sys.argv.(0)
47 (*****************************************************************************)
48 (* Options *)
49 (*****************************************************************************)
51 module Messages = struct
52 let ai = " run ai with options"
53 let check = " check and exit"
54 let config = " override arbitrary value from hh.conf (format: <key>=<value>)"
55 let daemon = " detach process"
56 let dynamic_view = " start with dynamic view for IDE files on by default."
57 let file_info_on_disk = " [experimental] a saved state option to store file info" ^
58 " (the naming table) in SQLite. Only has meaning in --saved-state mode."
59 let from = " so we know who's invoking - e.g. nuclide, vim, emacs, vscode"
60 let from_vim = " DEPRECATED"
61 let from_emacs = " DEPRECATED"
62 let from_hhclient = " DEPRECATED"
63 let gen_saved_ignore_type_errors = " generate a saved state even if there are type errors."
64 let ignore_hh_version = " ignore hh_version check when loading saved states"
65 let json = " output errors in json format (arc lint mode)"
66 let load_state_canary = " Look up a saved state using the hg commit" ^
67 " hash instead of the SVN rev."
68 let log_inference_constraints = " (for hh debugging purpose only) log type" ^
69 " inference constraints into external logger (e.g. Scuba)"
70 let max_procs = " max numbers of workers"
71 let mini_state_json_descr =
72 "Either\n" ^
73 " { \"data_dump\" : <mini_state_target json> }\n" ^
74 "or\n" ^
75 " { \"from_file\" : <path to file containing mini_state_target json }\n" ^
76 "where mini_state_target json looks liks:\n" ^
77 " {\n" ^
78 " \"state\" : <saved state filename>\n" ^
79 " \"corresponding_base_revision\" : <SVN rev #>\n" ^
80 " \"deptable\" : <dependency table filename>\n" ^
81 " \"changes\" : [array of files changed since that saved state]\n" ^
82 " }"
83 let no_load = " don't load from a saved state"
84 let prechecked = " override value of \"prechecked_files\" flag from hh.conf"
85 let profile_log = " enable profile logging"
86 let replace_state_after_saving = " if combined with --save-mini, causes the saved state" ^
87 " to replace the program state; otherwise, the state files are not" ^
88 " used after being written to disk (default: false)"
89 let save_mini = " save mini server state to file"
90 let waiting_client= " send message to fd/handle when server has begun" ^
91 " starting and again when it's done starting"
92 let watchman_debug_logging =
93 " Enable debug logging on Watchman client. This is very noisy"
95 let with_mini_state = " init with the given saved state instead of getting" ^
96 " it by running load mini state script." ^
97 " Expects a JSON blob specified as" ^
98 mini_state_json_descr
99 end
101 let print_json_version () =
102 let open Hh_json in
103 let json = JSON_Object [
104 "commit", JSON_String Build_id.build_revision;
105 "commit_time", int_ Build_id.build_commit_time;
106 "api_version", int_ Build_id.build_api_version;
107 ] in
108 print_endline @@ json_to_string json
110 (*****************************************************************************)
111 (* The main entry point *)
112 (*****************************************************************************)
114 let parse_mini_state_json (json, _keytrace) =
115 let prechecked_changes = Option.value ~default:[]
116 (Hh_json.(get_field_opt (Access.get_array "prechecked_changes")) json) in
117 let json = Hh_json.Access.return json in
118 let open Hh_json.Access in
119 json >>= get_string "state" >>= fun (state, _state_keytrace) ->
120 json >>= get_string "corresponding_base_revision"
121 >>= fun (for_base_rev, _for_base_rev_keytrace) ->
122 json >>= get_string "deptable" >>= fun (deptable, _deptable_keytrace) ->
123 json >>= get_array "changes" >>= fun (changes, _) ->
124 let array_to_path_list =
125 ~f:(fun file -> Hh_json.get_string_exn file |> Relative_path.from_root)
127 let prechecked_changes = array_to_path_list prechecked_changes in
128 let changes = array_to_path_list changes in
129 return (Mini_state_target_info {
130 saved_state_fn = state;
131 corresponding_base_revision = for_base_rev;
132 deptable_fn = deptable;
133 prechecked_changes;
134 changes;
137 let verify_with_mini_state v = match !v with
138 | None -> None
139 | Some blob ->
140 let json = Hh_json.json_of_string blob in
141 let json = Hh_json.Access.return json in
142 let open Hh_json.Access in
143 let data_dump_parse_result =
144 json
145 >>= get_obj "data_dump"
146 >>= parse_mini_state_json
148 let from_file_parse_result =
149 json
150 >>= get_string "from_file"
151 >>= fun (filename, _filename_keytrace) ->
152 let contents = filename in
153 let json = Hh_json.json_of_string contents in
154 (Hh_json.Access.return json)
155 >>= parse_mini_state_json
157 match
158 (Result.ok_fst data_dump_parse_result),
159 (Result.ok_fst from_file_parse_result) with
160 | (`Fst (parsed_data_dump, _)), (`Fst (_parsed_from_file, _)) ->
161 Hh_logger.log "Warning - %s"
162 ("Parsed mini state target from both JSON blob data dump" ^
163 " and from contents of file.");
164 Hh_logger.log "Preferring data dump result";
165 Some parsed_data_dump
166 | (`Fst (parsed_data_dump, _)), (`Snd _) ->
167 Some parsed_data_dump
168 | (`Snd _), (`Fst (parsed_from_file, _)) ->
169 Some parsed_from_file
170 | (`Snd data_dump_failure), (`Snd from_file_failure) ->
171 Hh_logger.log "parsing optional arg with_mini_state failed:\n%s\n%s"
172 (Printf.sprintf " data_dump failure:%s"
173 (access_failure_to_string data_dump_failure))
174 (Printf.sprintf " from_file failure:%s"
175 (access_failure_to_string from_file_failure));
176 Hh_logger.log "See input: %s" blob;
177 raise (Arg.Bad "--with-mini-state")
179 let parse_options () =
180 let ai_mode = ref None in
181 let check_mode = ref false in
182 let config = ref [] in
183 let dynamic_view = ref false in
184 let file_info_on_disk = ref false in
185 let from = ref "" in
186 let from_emacs = ref false in
187 let from_hhclient = ref false in
188 let from_vim = ref false in
189 let gen_saved_ignore_type_errors = ref false in
190 let ignore_hh = ref false in
191 let json_mode = ref false in
192 let load_state_canary = ref false in
193 let log_inference_constraints = ref false in
194 let max_procs = ref GlobalConfig.nbr_procs in
195 let no_load = ref false in
196 let prechecked = ref None in
197 let profile_log = ref false in
198 let root = ref "" in
199 let replace_state_after_saving = ref false in
200 let save = ref None in
201 let should_detach = ref false in
202 let version = ref false in
203 let waiting_client= ref None in
204 let watchman_debug_logging = ref false in
205 let with_mini_state = ref None in
207 let set_ai = fun s -> ai_mode := Some (Ai_options.prepare ~server:true s) in
208 let set_max_procs = fun s -> max_procs := min !max_procs s in
209 let set_save_mini = fun s -> save := Some s in
210 let set_wait = fun fd -> waiting_client := Some (Handle.wrap_handle fd) in
211 let set_with_mini_state = fun s -> with_mini_state := Some s in
212 let set_from = fun s -> from := s in
214 let options = [
215 "--ai", Arg.String set_ai,;
216 "--check", Arg.Set check_mode, Messages.check;
217 "--config",
218 Arg.String (fun s -> config := (String_utils.split2_exn '=' s) :: !config),
219 Messages.config;
220 "--daemon", Arg.Set should_detach, Messages.daemon;
221 "--dynamic-view", Arg.Set dynamic_view, Messages.dynamic_view;
222 "--file-info-on-disk", Arg.Set file_info_on_disk, Messages.file_info_on_disk;
223 "--from-emacs", Arg.Set from_emacs, Messages.from_emacs;
224 "--from-hhclient", Arg.Set from_hhclient, Messages.from_hhclient;
225 "--from-vim", Arg.Set from_vim, Messages.from_vim;
226 "--from", Arg.String set_from, Messages.from;
227 "--gen-saved-ignore-type-errors",
228 Arg.Set gen_saved_ignore_type_errors,
229 Messages.gen_saved_ignore_type_errors;
230 "--ignore-hh-version", Arg.Set ignore_hh, Messages.ignore_hh_version;
231 "--json", Arg.Set json_mode, Messages.json;
232 "--load-state-canary", Arg.Set load_state_canary, Messages.load_state_canary;
233 "--log-inference-constraints", Arg.Set log_inference_constraints, Messages.log_inference_constraints;
234 "--max-procs", Arg.Int set_max_procs, Messages.max_procs;
235 "--no-load", Arg.Set no_load, Messages.no_load;
236 "--no-prechecked", Arg.Unit (fun () -> prechecked := Some false), Messages.prechecked;
237 "--prechecked", Arg.Unit (fun () -> prechecked := Some true), Messages.prechecked;
238 "--profile-log", Arg.Set profile_log, Messages.profile_log;
239 "--replace-state-after-saving",
240 Arg.Set replace_state_after_saving,
241 Messages.replace_state_after_saving;
242 "--save-mini", Arg.String set_save_mini, Messages.save_mini;
243 "--version", Arg.Set version, "";
244 "--waiting-client", Arg.Int set_wait, Messages.waiting_client;
245 "--watchman-debug-logging", Arg.Set watchman_debug_logging, Messages.watchman_debug_logging;
246 "--with-mini-state", Arg.String set_with_mini_state, Messages.with_mini_state;
247 "-d", Arg.Set should_detach, Messages.daemon;
248 "-s", Arg.String set_save_mini, Messages.save_mini;
249 ] in
250 let options = Arg.align options in
251 Arg.parse options (fun s -> root := s) usage;
252 if !version then begin
253 if !json_mode then print_json_version ()
254 else print_endline Build_id.build_id_ohai;
255 exit 0
256 end;
257 (* --json and --save both imply check *)
258 let check_mode = !check_mode || !json_mode || !save <> None; in
259 if check_mode && !waiting_client <> None then begin
260 Printf.eprintf "--check is incompatible with wait modes!\n";
261 Exit_status.(exit Input_error)
262 end;
263 let with_mini_state = verify_with_mini_state with_mini_state in
264 (match !root with
265 | "" ->
266 Printf.eprintf "You must specify a root directory!\n";
267 Exit_status.(exit Input_error)
268 | _ -> ());
269 let root_path = Path.make !root in
270 ai_mode := (match !ai_mode with
271 | Some (ai) ->
272 (* ai may have json mode enabled internally, in which case,
273 * it should not be disabled by hack if --json was not used *)
274 if !json_mode then Some (Ai_options.set_json_mode ai true)
275 else Some (ai)
276 | None -> None);
277 Wwwroot.assert_www_directory root_path;
278 if (!gen_saved_ignore_type_errors) && not (Option.is_some (!save)) then begin
279 Printf.eprintf "--ignore-type-errors is only valid when producing saved states\n%!";
280 exit 1
281 end;
283 ai_mode = !ai_mode;
284 check_mode = check_mode;
285 config = !config;
286 dynamic_view = !dynamic_view;
287 file_info_on_disk = !file_info_on_disk;
288 from = !from;
289 gen_saved_ignore_type_errors = !gen_saved_ignore_type_errors;
290 ignore_hh_version = !ignore_hh;
291 json_mode = !json_mode;
292 load_state_canary = !load_state_canary;
293 log_inference_constraints = !log_inference_constraints;
294 max_procs = !max_procs;
295 no_load = !no_load;
296 prechecked = !prechecked;
297 profile_log = !profile_log;
298 replace_state_after_saving = !replace_state_after_saving;
299 root = root_path;
300 save_filename = !save;
301 should_detach = !should_detach;
302 waiting_client = !waiting_client;
303 watchman_debug_logging = !watchman_debug_logging;
304 with_mini_state = with_mini_state;
307 (* useful in testing code *)
308 let default_options ~root = {
309 ai_mode = None;
310 check_mode = false;
311 config = [];
312 dynamic_view = false;
313 file_info_on_disk = false;
314 from = "";
315 gen_saved_ignore_type_errors = false;
316 ignore_hh_version = false;
317 json_mode = false;
318 load_state_canary = false;
319 log_inference_constraints = false;
320 max_procs = GlobalConfig.nbr_procs;
321 no_load = true;
322 prechecked = None;
323 profile_log = false;
324 replace_state_after_saving = false;
325 root = Path.make root;
326 save_filename = None;
327 should_detach = false;
328 waiting_client = None;
329 watchman_debug_logging = false;
330 with_mini_state = None;
333 (*****************************************************************************)
334 (* Accessors *)
335 (*****************************************************************************)
337 let ai_mode options = options.ai_mode
338 let check_mode options = options.check_mode
339 let config options = options.config
340 let dynamic_view options = options.dynamic_view
341 let file_info_on_disk options = options.file_info_on_disk
342 let from options = options.from
343 let gen_saved_ignore_type_errors options = options.gen_saved_ignore_type_errors
344 let ignore_hh_version options = options.ignore_hh_version
345 let json_mode options = options.json_mode
346 let load_state_canary options = options.load_state_canary
347 let log_inference_constraints options = options.log_inference_constraints
348 let max_procs options = options.max_procs
349 let no_load options = options.no_load
350 let prechecked options = options.prechecked
351 let profile_log options = options.profile_log
352 let replace_state_after_saving options = options.replace_state_after_saving
353 let root options = options.root
354 let save_filename options = options.save_filename
355 let should_detach options = options.should_detach
356 let waiting_client options = options.waiting_client
357 let watchman_debug_logging options = options.watchman_debug_logging
358 let with_mini_state options = options.with_mini_state
360 (*****************************************************************************)
361 (* Setters *)
362 (*****************************************************************************)
364 let set_gen_saved_ignore_type_errors options ignore_type_errors = { options with
365 gen_saved_ignore_type_errors = ignore_type_errors}
366 let set_no_load options is_no_load = {options with no_load = is_no_load}
367 let set_mini_state_target options target = match target with
368 | None ->
369 { options with with_mini_state = None }
370 | Some target ->
371 { options with
372 with_mini_state = Some (Informant_induced_mini_state_target target)
375 (****************************************************************************)
376 (* Misc *)
377 (****************************************************************************)
378 let to_string
380 ai_mode;
381 check_mode;
382 config;
383 dynamic_view;
384 file_info_on_disk;
385 from;
386 gen_saved_ignore_type_errors;
387 ignore_hh_version;
388 json_mode;
389 load_state_canary;
390 log_inference_constraints;
391 max_procs;
392 no_load;
393 prechecked;
394 profile_log;
395 replace_state_after_saving;
396 root;
397 save_filename;
398 should_detach;
399 waiting_client;
400 watchman_debug_logging;
401 with_mini_state;
403 let ai_mode_str = match ai_mode with
404 | None -> "<>"
405 | Some _ -> "Some(...)" in
406 let mini_state_str = match with_mini_state with
407 | None -> "<>"
408 | Some _ -> "MiniStateTarget(...)" in
409 let waiting_client_str = match waiting_client with
410 | None -> "<>"
411 | Some _ -> "WaitingClient(...)" in
412 let save_filename_str = match save_filename with
413 | None -> "<>"
414 | Some path -> path in
415 let prechecked_str = match prechecked with
416 | None -> "<>"
417 | Some b -> string_of_bool b in
418 let config_str = Printf.sprintf "[%s]"
419 (String.concat ~sep:", " @@ ~f:(fun (key, value) -> Printf.sprintf "%s=%s" key value) config)
422 "ServerArgs.options({";
423 "ai_mode: "; ai_mode_str; ", ";
424 "check_mode: "; string_of_bool check_mode; ", ";
425 "config: "; config_str;
426 "dynamic_view: "; string_of_bool dynamic_view; ", ";
427 "file_info_on_disk: "; string_of_bool file_info_on_disk; ", ";
428 "from: "; from; ", ";
429 "gen_saved_ignore_type_errors: "; string_of_bool gen_saved_ignore_type_errors; ", ";
430 "ignore_hh_version: "; string_of_bool ignore_hh_version; ", ";
431 "json_mode: "; string_of_bool json_mode; ", ";
432 "load_state_canary: "; string_of_bool load_state_canary; ", ";
433 "log_inference_constraints: "; string_of_bool log_inference_constraints; ", ";
434 "maxprocs: "; string_of_int max_procs; ", ";
435 "no_load: "; string_of_bool no_load; ", ";
436 "prechecked: "; prechecked_str;
437 "profile_log: "; string_of_bool profile_log; ", ";
438 "replace_state_after_saving: "; string_of_bool replace_state_after_saving; ", ";
439 "root: "; Path.to_string root; ", ";
440 "save_filename: "; save_filename_str; ", ";
441 "should_detach: "; string_of_bool should_detach; ", ";
442 "waiting_client: "; waiting_client_str; ", ";
443 "watchman_debug_logging: "; string_of_bool watchman_debug_logging; ", ";
444 "with_mini_state: "; mini_state_str; ", ";
445 "})"
446 ] |> String.concat ~sep:"")