Provider_context.add_entry_from_file_contents -> add_entry_from_contents
[hiphop-php.git] / hphp / hack / src / client /
1 (*
2 * Copyright (c) 2015, Facebook, Inc.
3 * All rights reserved.
5 * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
6 * LICENSE file in the "hack" directory of this source tree.
8 *)
10 open Core_kernel
11 module MC = MonitorConnection
12 module SMUtils = ServerMonitorUtils
14 exception FailedToKill
16 type env = {
17 root: Path.t;
18 from: string;
21 let wait_for_death root secs =
22 let i = ref 0 in
23 try
24 while MC.server_exists (ServerFiles.lock_file root) do
25 incr i;
26 if !i < secs then
27 ignore @@ Unix.sleep 1
28 else
29 raise Exit
30 done;
31 true
32 with Exit -> false
34 let nice_kill env =
35 let root_s = Path.to_string env.root in
36 Printf.eprintf "Attempting to nicely kill server for %s\n%!" root_s;
37 try
38 match ServerUtils.shut_down_server env.root with
39 | Ok shutdown_result ->
40 begin
41 match shutdown_result with
43 Printf.eprintf "Successfully killed server for %s\n%!" root_s
45 Printf.eprintf
46 "Failed to kill server nicely for %s (Shutdown not verified)\n%!"
47 root_s;
48 raise FailedToKill
49 end
50 | Error (SMUtils.Build_id_mismatched _) ->
51 Printf.eprintf "Successfully killed server for %s\n%!" root_s
52 | Error SMUtils.Server_missing ->
53 Printf.eprintf "No server to kill for %s\n%!" root_s
54 | Error _ ->
55 Printf.eprintf "Failed to kill server nicely for %s\n%!" root_s;
56 raise FailedToKill
57 with _ ->
58 Printf.eprintf "Failed to kill server nicely for %s\n%!" root_s;
59 raise FailedToKill
61 let mean_kill env =
62 let root_s = Path.to_string env.root in
63 Printf.eprintf "Attempting to meanly kill server for %s\n%!" root_s;
64 let pids =
65 try PidLog.get_pids (ServerFiles.pids_file env.root)
66 with PidLog.FailedToGetPids ->
67 Printf.eprintf
68 "Unable to figure out pids of running Hack server. Try manually killing it with `pkill hh_server`\n%!";
69 raise FailedToKill
71 let success =
72 try
73 List.iter pids ~f:(fun (pid, _reason) ->
74 try Sys_utils.terminate_process pid
75 with Unix.Unix_error (Unix.ESRCH, "kill", _) ->
76 (* no such process *)
77 ());
78 wait_for_death env.root 3
79 with e ->
80 print_endline (Exn.to_string e);
81 false
83 if not success then (
84 Printf.eprintf
85 "Failed to kill server meanly for %s. Try manually killing it with `pkill hh_server`\n%!"
86 root_s;
87 raise FailedToKill
88 ) else
89 Printf.eprintf "Successfully killed server for %s\n%!" root_s
91 let do_kill env =
92 try nice_kill env
93 with FailedToKill ->
94 (try mean_kill env
95 with FailedToKill -> raise Exit_status.(Exit_with Kill_error))
97 let main (env : env) : Exit_status.t Lwt.t =
98 HackEventLogger.set_from env.from;
99 HackEventLogger.client_stop ();
100 do_kill env;
101 Lwt.return Exit_status.No_error
103 let kill_server root from = do_kill { root; from }