Introduce the ConstFun attribute
[hiphop-php.git] / hphp / hack / src / decl /
1 (*
2 * Copyright (c) 2018, Facebook, Inc.
3 * All rights reserved.
5 * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
6 * LICENSE file in the "hack" directory of this source tree.
8 *)
10 open Hh_prelude
11 open Aast
12 open Typing_defs
14 let conditionally_reactive_attribute_to_hint env { ua_params = l; _ } =
15 match l with
16 (* convert class const expression to non-generic type hint *)
17 | [(p, Class_const ((_, CI cls), (_, name)))]
18 when String.equal name SN.Members.mClass ->
19 (* set Extends dependency for between class that contains
20 method and condition type *)
21 Decl_env.add_extends_dependency env (snd cls);
22 Decl_hint.hint env (p, Happly (cls, []))
23 | _ ->
24 (* error for invalid argument list was already reported during the
25 naming step, do nothing *)
26 mk (Reason.none, Typing_defs.make_tany ())
28 let condition_type_from_attributes env user_attributes =
29 Naming_attributes.find SN.UserAttributes.uaOnlyRxIfImpl user_attributes
30 |> ~f:(conditionally_reactive_attribute_to_hint env)
32 let get_classname_or_literal_attribute_param = function
33 | [(_, String s)] -> Some s
34 | [(_, Class_const ((_, CI (_, s)), (_, name)))]
35 when String.equal name SN.Members.mClass ->
36 Some s
37 | _ -> None
39 let fun_reactivity_opt env user_attributes =
40 let module UA = SN.UserAttributes in
41 let rx_condition = condition_type_from_attributes env user_attributes in
42 let rec go = function
43 | [] -> None
44 | { Aast.ua_name = (_, n); ua_params } :: tl ->
45 if String.equal n UA.uaPure then
46 Some (Pure rx_condition)
47 else if String.equal n UA.uaNonRx then
48 Some Nonreactive
49 else if String.equal n UA.uaCipp then
50 Some (Cipp (get_classname_or_literal_attribute_param ua_params))
51 else if String.equal n UA.uaCippLocal then
52 Some (CippLocal (get_classname_or_literal_attribute_param ua_params))
53 else if String.equal n UA.uaCippGlobal then
54 Some CippGlobal
55 else
56 go tl
58 go user_attributes
60 let fun_reactivity env user_attributes =
61 fun_reactivity_opt env user_attributes |> Option.value ~default:Nonreactive
63 let find_policied_attribute user_attributes : ifc_fun_decl =
64 match Naming_attributes.find SN.UserAttributes.uaPolicied user_attributes with
65 | Some { ua_params; _ } ->
66 (match get_classname_or_literal_attribute_param ua_params with
67 | Some s -> FDPolicied (Some s)
68 | None -> FDPolicied None)
69 | None
70 when Naming_attributes.mem SN.UserAttributes.uaInferFlows user_attributes ->
71 FDInferFlows
72 | None -> default_ifc_fun_decl
74 let has_constfun_attribute user_attributes =
75 Naming_attributes.mem SN.UserAttributes.uaConstFun user_attributes
77 let has_accept_disposable_attribute user_attributes =
78 Naming_attributes.mem SN.UserAttributes.uaAcceptDisposable user_attributes
80 let has_external_attribute user_attributes =
81 Naming_attributes.mem SN.UserAttributes.uaExternal user_attributes
83 let has_can_call_attribute user_attributes =
84 Naming_attributes.mem SN.UserAttributes.uaCanCall user_attributes
86 let has_atom_attribute user_attributes =
87 Naming_attributes.mem SN.UserAttributes.uaAtom user_attributes
89 let has_return_disposable_attribute user_attributes =
90 Naming_attributes.mem SN.UserAttributes.uaReturnDisposable user_attributes
92 let fun_returns_mutable user_attributes =
93 Naming_attributes.mem SN.UserAttributes.uaMutableReturn user_attributes
95 let fun_returns_void_to_rx user_attributes =
96 Naming_attributes.mem SN.UserAttributes.uaReturnsVoidToRx user_attributes
98 let get_param_mutability user_attributes =
99 if Naming_attributes.mem SN.UserAttributes.uaOwnedMutable user_attributes then
100 Some Param_owned_mutable
101 else if Naming_attributes.mem SN.UserAttributes.uaMutable user_attributes then
102 Some Param_borrowed_mutable
103 else if Naming_attributes.mem SN.UserAttributes.uaMaybeMutable user_attributes
104 then
105 Some Param_maybe_mutable
106 else
107 None
109 exception Gi_reinfer_type_not_supported
111 let cut_namespace id =
112 let ids = String.split id ~on:'\\' in
113 List.last_exn ids
115 let rec reinfer_type_to_string_exn ty =
116 match ty with
117 | Tmixed -> "mixed"
118 | Tnonnull -> "nonnull"
119 | Tdynamic -> "dynamic"
120 | Tunion [] -> "nothing"
121 | Tthis -> "this"
122 | Tprim prim ->
123 (match prim with
124 | Tnull -> "null"
125 | Tvoid -> "void"
126 | Tint -> "int"
127 | Tnum -> "num"
128 | Tfloat -> "float"
129 | Tstring -> "string"
130 | Tarraykey -> "arraykey"
131 | Tresource -> "resource"
132 | Tnoreturn -> "noreturn"
133 | Tbool -> "bool")
134 | Tapply ((_p, id), _tyl) -> cut_namespace id
135 | Taccess (ty, id) ->
136 let s = reinfer_type_to_string_exn (get_node ty) in
137 Printf.sprintf "%s::%s" s (snd id)
138 | _ -> raise Gi_reinfer_type_not_supported
140 let reinfer_type_to_string_opt ty =
141 try Some (reinfer_type_to_string_exn ty)
142 with Gi_reinfer_type_not_supported -> None
144 let must_reinfer_type tcopt (ty : decl_phase ty_) =
145 let reinfer_types = GlobalOptions.tco_gi_reinfer_types tcopt in
146 match reinfer_type_to_string_opt ty with
147 | None -> false
148 | Some ty_str -> List.mem reinfer_types ty_str ~equal:String.equal
150 let hint_to_type_opt ~is_lambda env reason hint =
151 let ty = hint ~f:(Decl_hint.hint env) in
152 let tcopt = Provider_context.get_tcopt env.Decl_env.ctx in
153 let tco_global_inference = GlobalOptions.tco_global_inference tcopt in
154 let tvar = mk (reason, Tvar 0) in
155 if tco_global_inference && not is_lambda then
156 let ty =
157 match ty with
158 | None -> tvar
159 | Some ty ->
160 let rec create_vars_for_reinfer_types ty =
161 match deref ty with
162 | (r, Tapply (id, [ty']))
163 when String.equal (snd id) SN.Classes.cAwaitable ->
164 let ty' = create_vars_for_reinfer_types ty' in
165 mk (r, Tapply (id, [ty']))
166 | (r, Toption ty') ->
167 let ty' = create_vars_for_reinfer_types ty' in
168 mk (r, Toption ty')
169 | (r, Tapply ((_p, id), []))
170 when String.equal (cut_namespace id) "PHPism_FIXME_Array" ->
171 if must_reinfer_type tcopt (get_node ty) then
172 let tvar = mk (r, Tvar 0) in
173 mk (r, Tvarray_or_darray (tvar, tvar))
174 else
176 | (r, Tvarray ty) ->
177 let ty = create_vars_for_reinfer_types ty in
178 mk (r, Tvarray ty)
179 | (r, Tdarray (tyk, tyv)) ->
180 let tyk = create_vars_for_reinfer_types tyk in
181 let tyv = create_vars_for_reinfer_types tyv in
182 mk (r, Tdarray (tyk, tyv))
183 | (r, Tvarray_or_darray (tyk, tyv)) ->
184 let tyk = create_vars_for_reinfer_types tyk in
185 let tyv = create_vars_for_reinfer_types tyv in
186 mk (r, Tvarray_or_darray (tyk, tyv))
187 | (_r, ty_) ->
188 if must_reinfer_type tcopt ty_ then
189 tvar
190 else
193 create_vars_for_reinfer_types ty
195 Some ty
196 else
199 let hint_to_type ~is_lambda ~default env reason hint =
200 Option.value (hint_to_type_opt ~is_lambda env reason hint) ~default
202 let make_param_ty env ~is_lambda param =
203 let param_pos = Decl_env.make_decl_pos env param.param_pos in
204 let ty =
205 let r = Reason.Rwitness param_pos in
206 hint_to_type
207 ~is_lambda
208 ~default:(mk (r, Typing_defs.make_tany ()))
210 (Reason.Rglobal_fun_param param_pos)
211 (hint_of_type_hint param.param_type_hint)
213 let ty =
214 match get_node ty with
215 | t when param.param_is_variadic ->
216 (* When checking a call f($a, $b) to a function f(C ...$args),
217 * both $a and $b must be of type C *)
218 mk (Reason.Rvar_param param_pos, t)
219 | _ -> ty
221 let module UA = SN.UserAttributes in
222 let has_at_most_rx_as_func =
223 Naming_attributes.mem UA.uaAtMostRxAsFunc param.param_user_attributes
225 let ty =
226 if has_at_most_rx_as_func then
227 make_function_type_rxvar ty
228 else
231 let mode = get_param_mode param.param_callconv in
232 let rx_annotation =
233 if has_at_most_rx_as_func then
234 Some Param_rx_var
235 else
236 Naming_attributes.find UA.uaOnlyRxIfImpl param.param_user_attributes
237 |> ~f:(fun v ->
238 Param_rx_if_impl (conditionally_reactive_attribute_to_hint env v))
241 fp_pos = param_pos;
242 fp_name = Some param.param_name;
243 fp_type = { et_type = ty; et_enforced = false };
244 fp_flags =
245 make_fp_flags
246 ~mode
247 ~mutability:(get_param_mutability param.param_user_attributes)
248 ~accept_disposable:
249 (has_accept_disposable_attribute param.param_user_attributes)
250 ~has_default:(Option.is_some param.param_expr)
251 ~ifc_external:(has_external_attribute param.param_user_attributes)
252 ~ifc_can_call:(has_can_call_attribute param.param_user_attributes)
253 ~is_atom:(has_atom_attribute param.param_user_attributes)
254 ~readonly:(Option.is_some param.param_readonly)
255 ~const_function:(has_constfun_attribute param.param_user_attributes);
256 fp_rx_annotation = rx_annotation;
259 (** Make FunParam for the partial-mode ellipsis parameter (unnamed, and untyped) *)
260 let make_ellipsis_param_ty :
261 Decl_env.env -> Pos.t -> 'phase ty Typing_defs_core.fun_param =
262 fun env pos ->
263 let pos = Decl_env.make_decl_pos env pos in
264 let r = Reason.Rwitness pos in
265 let ty = mk (r, Typing_defs.make_tany ()) in
267 fp_pos = pos;
268 fp_name = None;
269 fp_type = { et_type = ty; et_enforced = false };
270 fp_flags =
271 make_fp_flags
272 ~mode:FPnormal
273 ~mutability:None
274 ~accept_disposable:false
275 ~has_default:false
276 ~ifc_external:false
277 ~ifc_can_call:false
278 ~is_atom:false
279 ~readonly:false
280 ~const_function:false;
281 fp_rx_annotation = None;
284 let ret_from_fun_kind ?(is_constructor = false) ~is_lambda env pos kind hint =
285 let pos = Decl_env.make_decl_pos env pos in
286 let default = mk (Reason.Rwitness pos, Typing_defs.make_tany ()) in
287 let ret_ty () =
288 if is_constructor then
289 mk (Reason.Rwitness pos, Tprim Tvoid)
290 else
291 hint_to_type ~is_lambda ~default env (Reason.Rglobal_fun_ret pos) hint
293 match hint with
294 | None ->
295 (match kind with
296 | Ast_defs.FGenerator ->
297 let r = Reason.Rret_fun_kind (pos, kind) in
299 ( r,
300 Tapply
301 ((pos, SN.Classes.cGenerator), [ret_ty (); ret_ty (); ret_ty ()]) )
302 | Ast_defs.FAsyncGenerator ->
303 let r = Reason.Rret_fun_kind (pos, kind) in
305 ( r,
306 Tapply
307 ( (pos, SN.Classes.cAsyncGenerator),
308 [ret_ty (); ret_ty (); ret_ty ()] ) )
309 | Ast_defs.FAsync ->
310 let r = Reason.Rret_fun_kind (pos, kind) in
311 mk (r, Tapply ((pos, SN.Classes.cAwaitable), [ret_ty ()]))
312 | Ast_defs.FSync -> ret_ty ())
313 | Some _ -> ret_ty ()
315 let type_param = Decl_hint.aast_tparam_to_decl_tparam
317 let where_constraint env (ty1, ck, ty2) =
318 (Decl_hint.hint env ty1, ck, Decl_hint.hint env ty2)
320 (* Functions building the types for the parameters of a function *)
321 (* It's not completely trivial because of optional arguments *)
323 let check_params paraml =
324 (* We wish to give an error on the first non-default parameter
325 after a default parameter. That is:
326 function foo(int $x, ?int $y = null, int $z)
327 is an error on $z. *)
328 (* TODO: This check doesn't need to be done at type checking time; it is
329 entirely syntactic. When we switch over to the FFP, remove this code. *)
330 let rec loop seen_default paraml =
331 match paraml with
332 | [] -> ()
333 | param :: rl ->
334 if param.param_is_variadic then
336 (* Assume that a variadic parameter is the last one we need
337 to check. We've already given a parse error if the variadic
338 parameter is not last. *)
339 else if seen_default && Option.is_none param.param_expr then
340 Errors.previous_default param.param_pos
341 (* We've seen at least one required parameter, and there's an
342 optional parameter after it. Given an error, and then stop looking
343 for more errors in this parameter list. *)
344 else
345 loop (Option.is_some param.param_expr) rl
347 loop false paraml
349 let make_params env ~is_lambda paraml =
350 paraml ~f:(make_param_ty env ~is_lambda)