Consume decls from Tast and decl_provider for functions
[hiphop-php.git] / hphp / hack / src / ifc /
1 (*
2 * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.
4 * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
5 * LICENSE file in the "hack" directory of this source tree.
7 *)
9 open Hh_prelude
10 open Format
11 open Ifc_types
12 module Env = Ifc_env
13 module Logic = Ifc_logic
14 module Utils = Ifc_utils
15 module T = Typing_defs
17 let comma_sep fmt () = fprintf fmt ",@ "
19 let blank_sep fmt () = fprintf fmt "@ "
21 let newline_sep fmt () = fprintf fmt "@,"
23 let rec list pp_sep pp fmt = function
24 | [] -> ()
25 | [x] -> fprintf fmt "%a" pp x
26 | x :: xs -> fprintf fmt "%a%a%a" pp x pp_sep () (list pp_sep pp) xs
28 let smap pp_sep pp fmt map =
29 let prop_pol fmt (prop, pol) = fprintf fmt "%s=%a" prop pp pol in
30 list pp_sep prop_pol fmt (SMap.bindings map)
32 let option pp fmt opt =
33 match opt with
34 | Some x -> fprintf fmt "%a" pp x
35 | None -> fprintf fmt "None"
37 let show_policy = function
38 | Pbot _ -> "PUBLIC"
39 | Ptop _ -> "PRIVATE"
40 | Ppurpose (_, p) -> p
41 | Pfree_var (v, _s) -> v
42 | Pbound_var n -> Printf.sprintf "<bound%d>" n
44 let policy fmt p = fprintf fmt "%s" (show_policy p)
46 let array_kind fmt = function
47 | Avec -> fprintf fmt "vec"
48 | Adict -> fprintf fmt "dict"
49 | Akeyset -> fprintf fmt "keyset"
51 let rec ptype fmt ty =
52 let list' sep l =
53 let pp_sep fmt () = fprintf fmt "%s@ " sep in
54 fprintf fmt "(@[<hov2>%a@])" (list pp_sep ptype) l
56 match ty with
57 | Tprim p
58 | Tgeneric p ->
59 fprintf fmt "<%a>" policy p
60 | Ttuple tl -> list' "," tl
61 | Tunion [] -> fprintf fmt "nothing"
62 | Tunion tl -> list' " |" tl
63 | Tinter tl -> list' " &" tl
64 | Tclass { c_name; c_self; c_lump } ->
65 fprintf fmt "%s<@[<hov2>%a,@ %a@]>" c_name policy c_self policy c_lump
66 | Tfun fn -> fun_ fmt fn
67 | Tcow_array { a_key; a_value; a_length; a_kind } ->
68 fprintf fmt "%a" array_kind a_kind;
69 fprintf fmt "<%a => %a; |%a|>" ptype a_key ptype a_value policy a_length
70 | Tshape (kind, m) ->
71 let field fmt f =
72 if f.sft_optional then fprintf fmt "?";
73 ptype fmt f.sft_ty
75 fprintf fmt "shape(";
76 Nast.ShapeMap.pp field fmt m;
77 (match kind with
78 | T.Closed_shape -> fprintf fmt ")"
79 | T.Open_shape -> fprintf fmt ", ...)")
81 (* Format: <pc, self>(arg1, arg2, ...): ret [exn] *)
82 and fun_ fmt fn =
83 fprintf fmt "<%a, %a>" policy fn.f_pc policy fn.f_self;
84 fprintf fmt "(@[<hov>%a@])" (list comma_sep ptype) fn.f_args;
85 fprintf fmt ":@ %a [%a]" ptype fn.f_ret ptype fn.f_exn
87 let fun_proto fmt fp =
88 Option.iter ~f:(fprintf fmt "(this: %a)->" ptype) fp.fp_this;
89 fprintf fmt "%s%a" fp.fp_name fun_ fp.fp_type
91 let prop =
92 let is_symmetric = function
93 | (Cflow (_, a, b), Cflow (_, c, d)) -> equal_policy a d && equal_policy b c
94 | _ -> false
96 let equate a b =
97 if a b <= 0 then
98 `q (a, b)
99 else
100 `q (b, a)
102 let rec conjuncts = function
103 | Cconj ((Cflow (_, a, b) as f1), Cconj ((Cflow _ as f2), prop))
104 when is_symmetric (f1, f2) ->
105 equate a b :: conjuncts prop
106 | Cconj ((Cflow (_, a, b) as f1), (Cflow _ as f2)) when is_symmetric (f1, f2)
108 [equate a b]
109 | Cconj (cl, cr) -> conjuncts cl @ conjuncts cr
110 | Ctrue -> []
111 | c -> [`c c]
113 let bv =
114 let rec f = function
115 | [] -> ['a']
116 | 'z' :: n -> 'a' :: f n
117 | c :: n -> Char.(of_int_exn (1 + to_int c)) :: n
119 (fun i -> String.of_char_list (Utils.funpow i ~f ~init:[]))
121 let pp_policy b fmt = function
122 | Pbound_var n -> fprintf fmt "%s" (bv (b - n))
123 | p -> policy fmt p
125 let rec aux b fmt =
126 let pol = pp_policy b in
127 function
128 | [] -> fprintf fmt "True"
129 | [`q (p1, p2)] -> fprintf fmt "%a = %a" pol p1 pol p2
130 | [`c (Cflow (_, p1, p2))] -> fprintf fmt "%a < %a" pol p1 pol p2
131 | [`c (Cquant (q, n, c))] ->
132 fprintf
134 "@[<hov2>%s @[<h>%a@].@ %a@]"
135 (match q with
136 | Qexists -> "exists"
137 | Qforall -> "forall")
138 (list blank_sep pp_print_string)
139 (snd
140 (Utils.funpow
142 ~f:(fun (i, l) -> (i + 1, l @ [bv i]))
143 ~init:(b + 1, [])))
144 (aux (b + n))
145 (conjuncts c)
146 | [`c (Ccond ((_, p, x), ct, ce))] ->
147 fprintf fmt "@[<hov>if %a < %s@" pol p x;
148 let cct = conjuncts ct in
149 let cce = conjuncts ce in
150 fprintf fmt "then %a@ else %a@]" (aux b) cct (aux b) cce
151 | [`c (Chole (_, fp))] -> fprintf fmt "@[<h>{%a}@]" fun_proto fp
152 | l ->
153 let pp = list comma_sep (fun fmt c -> aux b fmt [c]) in
154 fprintf fmt "@[<hov>%a@]" pp l
156 (fun fmt c -> aux 0 fmt (conjuncts c))
158 let cont fmt k =
159 pp_open_vbox fmt 0;
160 fprintf fmt "@[<hov2>%a@]" (LMap.make_pp Local_id.pp ptype) k.k_vars;
161 let policy_set fmt s = list comma_sep policy fmt (PSet.elements s) in
162 if not (PSet.is_empty k.k_pc) then
163 fprintf fmt "@,@[<hov2>pc: @[<hov>%a@]@]" policy_set k.k_pc;
164 pp_close_box fmt ()
166 let renv fmt renv =
167 pp_open_vbox fmt 0;
168 fprintf fmt "* @[<hov2>pc: @[<hov>%a@]@]" policy renv.re_gpc;
169 fprintf fmt "@,* @[<hov2>This:@ @[<hov>%a@]@]" (option ptype) renv.re_this;
170 fprintf fmt "@,* @[<hov2>Return:@ @[<hov>%a@]@]" ptype renv.re_ret;
171 fprintf fmt "@,* @[<hov2>Exception: @[<hov>%a@]@]" ptype renv.re_exn;
172 pp_close_box fmt ()
174 let env fmt env =
175 let rec flatten = function
176 | Cconj (p1, p2) -> flatten p1 @ flatten p2
177 | prop -> [prop]
179 let rec group_by_line =
180 let has_same_pos p1 p2 =
181 Option.equal Pos.equal (unique_pos_of_prop p1) (unique_pos_of_prop p2)
183 function
184 | [] -> []
185 | prop :: props ->
186 let (group, rest) = List.partition_tf ~f:(has_same_pos prop) props in
187 let pos_opt = unique_pos_of_prop prop in
188 let prop = Logic.conjoin (prop :: group) in
189 (pos_opt, prop) :: group_by_line rest
191 let group fmt (pos_opt, p) =
192 match pos_opt with
193 | Some pos -> fprintf fmt "@[<hov2>%a@ %a@]" Pos.pp pos prop p
194 | None -> fprintf fmt "@[<hov2>[no pos]@ %a@]" prop p
196 let groups = list newline_sep group in
198 pp_open_vbox fmt 0;
199 fprintf fmt "@[<hov2>Deps:@ %a@]" SSet.pp (Env.get_deps env);
200 let props = List.concat_map ~f:flatten (Env.get_constraints env) in
201 let prop_groups =
202 let compare (pos1, _) (pos2, _) = pos1 pos2 in
203 group_by_line props |> List.sort ~compare
205 fprintf fmt "@,Constraints:@, @[<v>%a@]" groups prop_groups;
206 pp_close_box fmt ()
208 let class_decl fmt { cd_policied_properties = props; _ } =
209 let policied_property fmt { pp_name; pp_purpose; _ } =
210 fprintf fmt "%s:%s" pp_name pp_purpose
212 let properties fmt = list comma_sep policied_property fmt in
213 fprintf fmt "{ policied_props = [@[<hov>%a@]] }" properties props
215 let fun_decl fmt decl =
216 let kind =
217 match decl.fd_kind with
218 | FDPolicied (Some policy) -> show_policy policy
219 | FDPolicied None -> "implicit"
220 | FDInferFlows -> "infer"
222 fprintf fmt "{ kind = %s }" kind
224 let decl_env fmt de =
225 let handle_class name decl =
226 fprintf fmt "class %s: %a@ " name class_decl decl
228 fprintf fmt "Decls:@. @[<v>";
229 let handle_fun name decl =
230 fprintf fmt "function %s: %a@ " name fun_decl decl
232 SMap.iter handle_class de.de_class;
233 SMap.iter handle_fun de.de_fun;
234 fprintf fmt "@]"
236 let implicit_violation fmt (l, r) =
237 fprintf
239 "Data with an implicit policy is leaked by %a in context %a."
240 policy
242 policy
245 let security_lattice fmt lattice =
246 let flow fmt (l, r) = fprintf fmt "%a < %a" policy l policy r in
247 let flows = FlowSet.elements lattice in
248 fprintf fmt "{%a}" (list comma_sep flow) flows