Consume decls from Tast and decl_provider for functions
[hiphop-php.git] / hphp / hack / src / ifc /
1 (*
2 * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.
4 * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
5 * LICENSE file in the "hack" directory of this source tree.
7 *)
9 open Hh_prelude
10 open Ifc_types
11 module Utils = Ifc_utils
12 module K = Typing_cont_key
14 (* See ifc_env.mli for the docmentation *)
16 (* Only elementary logic about the environments should
17 be in this file to avoid circular dependencies;
18 use higher-order functions to parameterize complex
19 behavior! *)
21 (* - Read-only environments (renv) - *)
23 let new_policy_var { re_scope; re_pvar_counters; _ } prefix =
24 let prefix = String.lstrip ~drop:(Char.equal '\\') prefix in
25 let suffix =
26 match Caml.Hashtbl.find_opt re_pvar_counters prefix with
27 | Some counter ->
28 incr counter;
29 "'" ^ string_of_int !counter
30 | None ->
31 Caml.Hashtbl.add re_pvar_counters prefix (ref 0);
34 Pfree_var (prefix ^ suffix, re_scope)
36 let new_renv scope decl_env saved_tenv ctx =
38 re_scope = scope;
39 re_decl = decl_env;
40 re_pvar_counters = Caml.Hashtbl.create 10;
41 re_tenv = saved_tenv;
42 (* the fields below are initialized with dummy values *)
43 re_this = None;
44 re_ret = ();
45 re_gpc = pbot;
46 re_exn = ();
47 re_ctx = ctx;
50 let prep_renv renv this_ty_opt ret_ty exn_ty gpc_pol =
52 re_scope = renv.re_scope;
53 re_decl = renv.re_decl;
54 re_pvar_counters = renv.re_pvar_counters;
55 re_tenv = renv.re_tenv;
56 re_this = this_ty_opt;
57 re_ret = ret_ty;
58 re_gpc = gpc_pol;
59 re_exn = exn_ty;
60 re_ctx = renv.re_ctx;
63 (* - Read/write environments (env) - *)
65 type yes = unit
67 type no = unit
69 type ('has_locals, 'can_throw) env = {
70 e_nxt: cont;
71 e_exn: cont option;
72 e_acc: prop list;
73 e_deps: SSet.t;
76 type blank_env = (no, no) env
78 type stmt_env = (yes, no) env
80 type expr_env = (yes, yes) env
82 let empty_cont = { k_pc = PSet.empty; k_vars = LMap.empty }
84 let empty_env =
85 { e_nxt = empty_cont; e_exn = None; e_acc = []; e_deps = SSet.empty }
87 let prep_stmt env cont = { env with e_nxt = cont; e_exn = None }
89 let prep_expr env = { env with e_exn = None }
91 let get_lpc env = env.e_nxt.k_pc
93 let get_gpc renv env = PSet.add renv.re_gpc (get_lpc env)
95 let get_deps env = env.e_deps
97 let get_constraints env = env.e_acc
99 let get_locals env = env.e_nxt.k_vars
101 let get_next env = env.e_nxt
103 (* Not exported, see with_pc, with_pc_deps, and throw *)
104 let set_pc env pc = { env with e_nxt = { env.e_nxt with k_pc = pc } }
106 let with_pc env pc (fn : stmt_env -> blank_env * 'a) =
107 let env = set_pc env pc in
108 (* there is nothing to restore in the resulting env because
109 fn returns a blank env (i.e., with e_nxt cleared) *)
110 fn env
112 let with_pc_deps env deps = with_pc env (PSet.union (get_lpc env) deps)
114 let acc env update = { env with e_acc = update env.e_acc }
116 let add_dep env name = { env with e_deps = SSet.add name env.e_deps }
118 let close_expr env =
119 let out_throw =
120 match env.e_exn with
121 | None -> KMap.empty
122 | Some cont -> KMap.singleton K.Catch cont
124 let env = prep_stmt env env.e_nxt in
125 (env, out_throw)
127 (* To merge contexts we need to compute union types for local variables;
128 we don't want to be smart here, to avoid lagging behind the fancy
129 heuristics in the Hack typechecker, so we are instead very dumb!
130 This lack of sophistication is mitigated by the logic in the IFC
131 analysis that keeps looking for better types in the annotated AST *)
132 let union_types t1 t2 =
133 if phys_equal t1 t2 then
135 else
136 Tunion [t1; t2]
138 (* Merge two local envs, if a variable appears only in one local
139 env, it will not appear in the result env *)
140 let merge_cont cont1 cont2 =
141 let combine _ = Utils.combine_opts false union_types in
142 let k_vars = LMap.merge combine cont1.k_vars cont2.k_vars in
143 let k_pc = PSet.union cont1.k_pc cont2.k_pc in
144 { k_vars; k_pc }
146 let merge_cont_opt = Utils.combine_opts true merge_cont
148 let throw env deps =
149 let env = set_pc env (PSet.union (get_lpc env) deps) in
150 { env with e_exn = merge_cont_opt env.e_exn (Some (get_next env)) }
152 let analyze_lambda_body env fn =
153 let e_nxt = get_next env in
154 let e_exn = env.e_exn in
155 let env = fn env in
156 { env with e_nxt; e_exn }
158 let get_local_type env lid = LMap.find_opt lid env.e_nxt.k_vars
160 let set_local_type env lid pty =
161 let k_vars = LMap.add lid pty env.e_nxt.k_vars in
162 { env with e_nxt = { env.e_nxt with k_vars } }
164 let set_local_type_opt env lid pty =
165 let k_vars = LMap.update lid (fun _ -> pty) env.e_nxt.k_vars in
166 { env with e_nxt = { env.e_nxt with k_vars } }
168 (* - Outcomes - *)
170 let merge_out out1 out2 = KMap.merge (fun _ -> merge_cont_opt) out1 out2
172 let close_stmt ?(merge = KMap.empty) env k =
173 let out = KMap.singleton k (get_next env) in
174 let out = merge_out out merge in
175 let env = { env with e_nxt = empty_cont; e_exn = None } in
176 (env, out)
178 let strip_cont out k = (KMap.remove k out, KMap.find_opt k out)
180 let merge_in_next out k =
181 let (out, cont_k) = strip_cont out k in
182 let (out, cont_next) = strip_cont out K.Next in
183 match merge_cont_opt cont_k cont_next with
184 | None -> out
185 | Some cont -> KMap.add K.Next cont out
187 let merge_next_in out k =
188 let (out, cont_k) = strip_cont out k in
189 let (out, cont_next) = strip_cont out K.Next in
190 match merge_cont_opt cont_k cont_next with
191 | None -> out
192 | Some cont -> KMap.add k cont out