Multiply entities beyond necessity even more (force better build parallelism)
[hiphop-php.git] / hphp / hack / src / parser / schema /
1 (*
2 * Copyright (c) 2016, Facebook, Inc.
3 * All rights reserved.
5 * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
6 * LICENSE file in the "hack" directory of this source tree.
8 *)
10 (* If you make changes to the schema that cause it to serialize / deserialize
11 differently, please update this version number *)
12 let full_fidelity_schema_version_number = "2019-08-22-0001"
14 (* TODO: Consider basing the version number on an auto-generated
15 hash of a file rather than relying on people remembering to update it. *)
16 (* TODO: It may be worthwhile to investigate how Thrift describes data types
17 and use that standard. *)
19 include Operator_schema_definition
20 include Token_schema_definition
21 include Schema_definition
23 let schema_map =
24 let add map ({ kind_name; _ } as schema_node) =
25 SMap.add kind_name schema_node map
27 List.fold_left add SMap.empty
28 @@ {
29 kind_name = "Token";
30 type_name = "Token.t";
31 func_name = "token";
32 description = "token";
33 prefix = "token";
34 aggregates = [Expression; Name];
35 fields = [];
37 :: {
38 kind_name = "error";
39 type_name = "error";
40 func_name = "error";
41 description = "error";
42 prefix = "error";
43 aggregates = [];
44 fields = [];
46 :: schema
48 type trivia_node = {
49 trivia_kind: string;
50 trivia_text: string;
53 type transformation = {
54 pattern: string;
55 func: schema_node -> string;
58 type token_transformation = {
59 token_pattern: string;
60 token_func: token_node list -> string;
63 type trivia_transformation = {
64 trivia_pattern: string;
65 trivia_func: trivia_node list -> string;
68 type aggregate_transformation = {
69 aggregate_pattern: string;
70 aggregate_func: aggregate_type -> string;
73 type operator_transformation = {
74 operator_pattern: string;
75 operator_func: operator_node list -> string;
78 type template_file = {
79 filename: string;
80 template: string;
81 transformations: transformation list;
82 token_transformations: token_transformation list;
83 token_no_text_transformations: token_transformation list;
84 token_variable_text_transformations: token_transformation list;
85 token_given_text_transformations: token_transformation list;
86 trivia_transformations: trivia_transformation list;
87 aggregate_transformations: aggregate_transformation list;
88 operator_transformations: operator_transformation list;
91 let make_template_file
92 ?(transformations = [])
93 ?(token_transformations = [])
94 ?(token_no_text_transformations = [])
95 ?(token_given_text_transformations = [])
96 ?(token_variable_text_transformations = [])
97 ?(trivia_transformations = [])
98 ?(aggregate_transformations = [])
99 ?(operator_transformations = [])
100 ~filename
101 ~template
102 () =
104 filename;
105 template;
106 transformations;
107 token_transformations;
108 token_no_text_transformations;
109 token_given_text_transformations;
110 token_variable_text_transformations;
111 trivia_transformations;
112 aggregate_transformations;
113 operator_transformations;
116 module Language_flags = struct
117 let php_and_hack = "php_and_hack"
119 let hack_only = "hack_only"
121 let is_hack_only : string -> bool = function
122 | "php_and_hack" -> false
123 | "hack_only" -> true
124 | f -> failwith ("Unknown language flag " ^ f ^ " for token.")
127 module LF = Language_flags
129 module Optional_flags = struct
130 let xhp = "xhp"
132 (* See documentation of token_node.allowed_as_identifier. *)
133 let allowed_as_identifier = "allowed_as_identifier"
135 let is_recognized : string -> bool = function
136 | "xhp"
137 | "allowed_as_identifier" ->
138 true
139 | _ -> false
141 let is_xhp : string list -> bool = (fun flags -> List.mem xhp flags)
143 let is_allowed_as_identifier : string list -> bool = function
144 | flags -> List.mem allowed_as_identifier flags
147 module OF = Optional_flags
149 let trivia_node_from_list l =
150 match l with
151 | [trivia_kind; trivia_text] -> { trivia_kind; trivia_text }
152 | _ -> failwith "bad trivia schema"
154 let trivia_kinds =
156 trivia_node_from_list
158 ["WhiteSpace"; "whitespace"];
159 ["EndOfLine"; "end_of_line"];
160 ["DelimitedComment"; "delimited_comment"];
161 ["SingleLineComment"; "single_line_comment"];
162 ["FixMe"; "fix_me"];
163 ["IgnoreError"; "ignore_error"];
164 ["FallThrough"; "fall_through"];
165 ["ExtraTokenError"; "extra_token_error"];
166 ["AfterHaltCompiler"; "after_halt_compiler"];
169 let escape_token_text t =
170 (* add one extra backslash because
171 it is removed by Str.replace_first downstream *)
172 if t = "\\" then
173 "\\\\\\"
174 else
177 let map_and_concat_separated separator f items =
178 String.concat separator ( f items)
180 let map_and_concat f items = map_and_concat_separated "" f items
182 let filter_map_concat p f items = map_and_concat f (List.filter p items)
184 let transform_schema f = map_and_concat f schema
186 let transform_aggregate f = map_and_concat f generated_aggregate_types
188 let replace pattern new_text source =
189 Str.replace_first (Str.regexp pattern) new_text source
191 let generate_string template =
192 let syntax_folder s x = replace x.pattern (transform_schema x.func) s in
193 let tokens_folder token_list s x =
194 replace x.token_pattern (x.token_func token_list) s
196 let trivia_folder trivia_list s x =
197 replace x.trivia_pattern (x.trivia_func trivia_list) s
199 let aggregate_folder s x =
200 replace x.aggregate_pattern (transform_aggregate x.aggregate_func) s
202 let operator_folder operators s x =
203 replace x.operator_pattern (x.operator_func operators) s
205 let result =
206 List.fold_left syntax_folder template.template template.transformations
208 let result =
209 List.fold_left (tokens_folder tokens) result template.token_transformations
211 let result =
212 List.fold_left
213 (tokens_folder no_text_tokens)
214 result
215 template.token_no_text_transformations
217 let result =
218 List.fold_left
219 (tokens_folder given_text_tokens)
220 result
221 template.token_given_text_transformations
223 let result =
224 List.fold_left
225 (tokens_folder variable_text_tokens)
226 result
227 template.token_variable_text_transformations
229 let result =
230 List.fold_left
231 (trivia_folder trivia_kinds)
232 result
233 template.trivia_transformations
235 let result =
236 List.fold_left
237 (operator_folder operators)
238 result
239 template.operator_transformations
241 let result =
242 List.fold_left aggregate_folder result template.aggregate_transformations
244 result
246 let generate_file template =
247 let file = open_out template.filename in
248 let s = generate_string template in
249 Printf.fprintf file "%s" s;
250 close_out file
252 module GenerateFFJSONSchema = struct
253 let to_json_trivia { trivia_kind; trivia_text } =
254 Printf.sprintf
255 " { \"trivia_kind_name\" : \"%s\",
256 \"trivia_type_name\" : \"%s\" }"
257 trivia_kind
258 trivia_text
260 let to_json_given_text x =
261 Printf.sprintf
262 " { \"token_kind\" : \"%s\",
263 \"token_text\" : \"%s\" },
265 x.token_kind
266 (escape_token_text x.token_text)
268 let to_json_variable_text x =
269 Printf.sprintf
270 " { \"token_kind\" : \"%s\",
271 \"token_text\" : null },
273 x.token_kind
275 let to_json_ast_nodes x =
276 let mapper (f, _) = Printf.sprintf "{ \"field_name\" : \"%s\" }" f in
277 let fields = String.concat ",\n " ( mapper x.fields) in
278 Printf.sprintf
279 " { \"kind_name\" : \"%s\",
280 \"type_name\" : \"%s\",
281 \"description\" : \"%s\",
282 \"prefix\" : \"%s\",
283 \"fields\" : [
285 ] },
287 x.kind_name
288 x.type_name
289 x.description
290 x.prefix
291 fields
293 let full_fidelity_json_schema_template =
294 "{ \"description\" :
295 \"@"
296 ^ "generated JSON schema of the Hack Full Fidelity Parser AST\",
297 \"version\" : \""
298 ^ full_fidelity_schema_version_number
299 ^ "\",
300 \"trivia\" : [
302 \"tokens\" : [
305 { \"token_kind\" : \"EndOfFile\",
306 \"token_text\" : null } ],
307 \"AST\" : [
309 { \"kind_name\" : \"Token\",
310 \"type_name\" : \"token\",
311 \"description\" : \"token\",
312 \"prefix\" : \"\",
313 \"fields\" : [
314 { \"field_name\" : \"leading\" },
315 { \"field_name\" : \"trailing\" } ] },
316 { \"kind_name\" : \"Missing\",
317 \"type_name\" : \"missing\",
318 \"description\" : \"missing\",
319 \"prefix\" : \"\",
320 \"fields\" : [ ] },
321 { \"kind_name\" : \"SyntaxList\",
322 \"type_name\" : \"syntax_list\",
323 \"description\" : \"syntax_list\",
324 \"prefix\" : \"\",
325 \"fields\" : [ ] } ] }"
327 let full_fidelity_json_schema =
328 make_template_file
329 ~transformations:[{ pattern = "AST_NODES"; func = to_json_ast_nodes }]
330 ~token_given_text_transformations:
333 token_pattern = "GIVEN_TEXT_TOKENS";
334 token_func = map_and_concat to_json_given_text;
337 ~token_variable_text_transformations:
340 token_pattern = "VARIABLE_TEXT_TOKENS";
341 token_func = map_and_concat to_json_variable_text;
344 ~trivia_transformations:
347 trivia_pattern = "TRIVIA_KINDS";
348 trivia_func = map_and_concat_separated ",\n" to_json_trivia;
351 ~template:full_fidelity_json_schema_template
352 ~filename:"hphp/hack/src/parser/js/full_fidelity_schema.json"
356 let schema_as_json () =
357 generate_string GenerateFFJSONSchema.full_fidelity_json_schema