Multiply entities beyond necessity even more (force better build parallelism)
[hiphop-php.git] / hphp / hack / src / parser /
1 // Copyright (c) 2019, Facebook, Inc.
2 // All rights reserved.
3 //
4 // This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
5 // LICENSE file in the "hack" directory of this source tree.
7 use ocamlpool_rust::{caml_raise, ocamlvalue::Ocamlvalue, utils::*};
8 use parser_rust::{
9     lexer::Lexer, minimal_token::MinimalToken, minimal_trivia::MinimalTrivia,
10     source_text::SourceText,
12 use rust_to_ocaml::{to_list, SerializationContext};
13 use syntax_tree::mode_parser::parse_mode;
15 use oxidized::relative_path::RelativePath;
17 #[macro_export]
18 macro_rules! parse {
19     ($name:ident, $parser:ident, $syntax:ty) => {
20         use ocamlpool_rust::caml_raise;
21         use $name::{ocamlpool_enter, ocamlpool_leave};
22         mod $name {
23             use super::*;
24             extern "C" {
25                 pub fn ocamlpool_enter();
26                 pub fn ocamlpool_leave();
27             }
29             use ocaml::Value;
30             use ocamlpool_rust::{caml_raise, ocamlvalue::Ocamlvalue, utils::*};
31             use parser_rust::{
32                 self as parser,
33                 lexer::Lexer,
34                 parser_env::ParserEnv,
35                 source_text::SourceText,
36                 stack_limit::StackLimit,
37             };
38             use rust_to_ocaml::{to_list, SerializationContext, ToOcaml};
39             use syntax_tree::{mode_parser::parse_mode, SyntaxTree};
40             use oxidized::relative_path::RelativePath;
42             pub unsafe fn parse(ocaml_source_text : Value, opts : Value, mut l : Value) -> Value {
43                     let ocaml_source_text_value = ocaml_source_text.0;
45                     let is_experimental_mode = bool_field(&opts, 0);
46                     let hhvm_compat_mode = bool_field(&opts, 1);
47                     let php5_compat_mode = bool_field(&opts, 2);
48                     let codegen = bool_field(&opts, 3);
49                     let allow_new_attribute_syntax = bool_field(&opts, 4);
50                     let leak_rust_tree = bool_field(&opts, 5);
51                     let env = ParserEnv {
52                         is_experimental_mode,
53                         hhvm_compat_mode,
54                         php5_compat_mode,
55                         codegen,
56                         allow_new_attribute_syntax,
57                     };
59                     // Note: Determining the current thread size cannot be done portably,
60                     // therefore assume the worst (running on non-main thread with min size, 2MiB)
61                     const KI: usize = 1024;
62                     const MI: usize = KI * KI;
63                     const MAX_STACK_SIZE: usize = 1024 * MI;
64                     let mut stack_size = 2 * MI;
65                     let mut default_stack_size_sufficient = true;
66                     parser::stack_limit::init();
67                     loop {
68                         if stack_size > MAX_STACK_SIZE {
69                             panic!("Rust FFI exceeded maximum allowed stack of {} KiB", MAX_STACK_SIZE / KI);
70                         }
72                         // Avoid eagerly wasting of space that will not be used in practice (WWW),
73                         // but only for degenerate test cases (/test/{slow,quick}), by starting off
74                         // with small stack (default thread) then fall back to bigger ones (custom thread).
75                         // Since we're doubling the stack the time is: t + 2*t + 4*t + ...
76                         // where the total parse time with unbounded stack is T=k*t, which is
77                         // bounded by 2*T (much less in practice due to superlinear parsing time).
78                         let next_stack_size = if default_stack_size_sufficient {
79                             13 * MI // assume we need much more if default stack size isn't enough
80                         } else { // exponential backoff to limit parsing time to at most twice as long
81                             2 * stack_size
82                         };
83                         // Note: detect almost full stack by setting "slack" of 60% for StackLimit because
84                         // Syntax::to_ocaml is deeply & mutually recursive and uses nearly 2.5x of stack
85                         // TODO: rewrite to_ocaml iteratively & reduce it to "stack_size - MB" as in HHVM
86                         // (
87                         let relative_stack_size = stack_size - stack_size*6/10;
88                         let content = str_field(&ocaml_source_text, 2);
89                         let relative_path_raw = block_field(&ocaml_source_text, 0);
91                         let env = env.clone();
92                         let try_parse = move || {
93                             let stack_limit = StackLimit::relative(relative_stack_size);
94                             stack_limit.reset();
95                             let stack_limit_ref = &stack_limit;
96                             let relative_path = RelativePath::from_ocamlvalue(&relative_path_raw);
97                             let file_path = relative_path.path_str().to_owned();
98                             ocamlpool_enter();
99                             let maybe_l = std::panic::catch_unwind(move || {
100                                 let source_text = SourceText::make_with_raw(
101                                     &relative_path,
102                                     &,
103                                     ocaml_source_text_value,
104                                 );
105                                 let mut parser = $parser::make(&source_text, env);
106                                 let root = parser.parse_script(Some(&stack_limit_ref));
107                                 let errors = parser.errors();
108                                 let state = parser.sc_state();
110                                 // traversing the parsed syntax tree uses about 1/3 of the stack
111                                 let context = SerializationContext::new(ocaml_source_text_value);
112                                 let ocaml_root = root.to_ocaml(&context);
113                                 let ocaml_errors = errors.ocamlvalue();
114                                 let ocaml_state = state.to_ocaml(&context);
115                                 let tree = if leak_rust_tree {
116                                     let required_stack_size = if default_stack_size_sufficient {
117                                         None
118                                     } else {
119                                         Some(stack_size)
120                                     };
121                                     let mode = parse_mode(&source_text);
122                                     let tree = Box::new(SyntaxTree::build(&source_text, root, errors, mode, (), required_stack_size));
123                                     Some(Box::leak(tree) as *const SyntaxTree<$syntax, ()> as usize)
124                                 } else {
125                                     None
126                                 };
127                                 let ocaml_tree = tree.ocamlvalue();
129                                 let res = caml_tuple(&[
130                                     ocaml_state,
131                                     ocaml_root,
132                                     ocaml_errors,
133                                     ocaml_tree,
134                                 ]);
135                                 let l = ocaml::Value::new(res);
136                                 l
137                             });
138                             ocamlpool_leave();  // note: must run even if a panic occurs
139                             match maybe_l {
140                                 Ok(l) => Some(l),
141                                 Err(_) if stack_limit.exceeded() => {
142                                     // Not always printing warning here because this would fail some HHVM tests
143                                     let istty = libc::isatty(libc::STDERR_FILENO as i32) != 0;
144                                     if istty || std::env::var_os("HH_TEST_MODE").is_some() {
145                                         eprintln!("[hrust] warning: parser exceeded stack of {} KiB on: {}",
146                                                   stack_limit.get() / KI,
147                                                   file_path,
148                                         );
149                                     }
150                                     None
151                                 }
152                                 Err(msg) => panic!(msg),
153                             }
154                         };
155                         stack_size = next_stack_size;
157                         let l_opt = if default_stack_size_sufficient {
158                             try_parse()
159                         } else {
160                             std::thread::Builder::new().stack_size(stack_size).spawn(try_parse)
161                                 .expect("ERROR: thread::spawn")
162                                 .join().expect("ERROR: failed to wait on new thread")
163                         };
165                         match l_opt {
166                             Some(ocaml_result) => {
167                                 l = ocaml_result;
168                                 break;
169                             },
170                             _ => default_stack_size_sufficient = false,
171                         }
172                     }
173                     l
174             }
175         }
177         caml_raise!($name, |ocaml_source_text, opts|, <l>, {
178             l = $name::parse(ocaml_source_text, opts, l)
179         } -> l);
180     }
183 extern "C" {
184     fn ocamlpool_enter();
185     fn ocamlpool_leave();
188 caml_raise!(rust_parse_mode, |ocaml_source_text|, <l>, {
189     let relative_path_raw = block_field(&ocaml_source_text, 0);
190     let relative_path = RelativePath::from_ocamlvalue(&relative_path_raw);
191     let content = str_field(&ocaml_source_text, 2);
192     let source_text = SourceText::make(&relative_path, &;
194     let mode = parse_mode(&source_text);
196     ocamlpool_enter();
197     let ocaml_mode = mode.ocamlvalue();
198     l = ocaml::Value::new(ocaml_mode);
199     ocamlpool_leave();
200 } -> l);
202 macro_rules! scan_trivia {
203     ($name:ident) => {
204         caml_raise!($name, |ocaml_source_text, offset|, <l>, {
205             let relative_path_raw = block_field(&ocaml_source_text, 0);
206             let relative_path = RelativePath::from_ocamlvalue(&relative_path_raw);
207             let content = str_field(&ocaml_source_text, 2);
208             let source_text = SourceText::make(&relative_path, &;
210             let offset = offset.usize_val();
212             let is_experimental_mode = false;
214             let mut lexer : Lexer<MinimalToken> = Lexer::make_at(
215                 &source_text,
216                 is_experimental_mode,
217                 offset,
218             );
220             let res : Vec<MinimalTrivia> = lexer.$name();
222             ocamlpool_enter();
223             let context = SerializationContext::new(ocaml_source_text.0);
224             let trivia_list = to_list(&res, &context);
225             l = ocaml::Value::new(trivia_list);
226             ocamlpool_leave();
227         } -> l);
228     };
231 scan_trivia!(scan_leading_xhp_trivia);
232 scan_trivia!(scan_trailing_xhp_trivia);
233 scan_trivia!(scan_leading_php_trivia);
234 scan_trivia!(scan_trailing_php_trivia);