Apply Ocamlvalue derive to oxidized aast related types
[hiphop-php.git] / hphp / hack / src / utils /
1 (*
2 * Copyright (c) 2015, Facebook, Inc.
3 * All rights reserved.
5 * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
6 * LICENSE file in the "hack" directory of this source tree.
8 *)
10 open Hh_core
12 (* Utility functions *)
14 let make_pair (a: 'a) (b: 'b) : ('a*'b) =
15 (a,b)
17 let common_prefix (s1: string) (s2: string) : int =
18 let i=ref 0 in
19 let l1 = String.length s1 in
20 let l2 = String.length s2 in
21 while (!i < l1) && (!i < l2) && (s1.[!i] = s2.[!i]) do
22 i:=!i+1
23 done;
26 let drop s c =
27 let l = String.length s in
28 String.sub s c (l-c)
30 let take s c =
31 String.sub s 0 c
33 let (|>) (o : 'a) (f : 'a -> 'b) : 'b = f o
35 let id (x : 'a) : 'a = x
37 type 'a return = { return : 'b . 'a -> 'b }
39 let with_return (type t) (f : _ -> t) =
40 let module Capture =
41 struct exception Return of t end
43 let return = { return = (fun x -> raise (Capture.Return x)); } in
44 try f return with Capture.Return x -> x
46 (* Trie implementation *)
48 type 'a t = Leaf of 'a | Node of ('a t) SMap.t ref
49 let create (): 'a t = Node (ref (SMap.empty))
51 exception Inconsistent_trie of string
53 let get_node (trie : 'a t) : ('a t) SMap.t ref = match trie with
54 | Node n -> n
55 | _ -> raise (Inconsistent_trie "Cannot match to leaf")
57 let get_leaf (trie : 'a t) : 'a = match trie with
58 | Leaf v -> v
59 | _ -> raise (Inconsistent_trie "Cannot match to node")
61 (* Match a string s with a key; return a tuple:
62 i : int -- position where the match ends
63 k : string -- the full key matched
64 n : 'a t -- the node associated with key k
66 let trie_assoc_partial (trie : 'a t) (w : string) : (int * string * 'a t) option =
67 with_return (fun e ->
68 !(get_node trie)
69 |> SMap.iter (fun key elt ->
70 let c = common_prefix key w in
71 if (not (c = 0)) || ((key = "") && w = "") then
72 e.return (Some (c, key, elt)));
73 None)
76 let rec mem (trie : 'a t) (w : string) : bool =
77 with_return (fun e ->
78 let (i, key, child) = match trie_assoc_partial trie w with
79 | Some x -> x
80 | None -> e.return false in
82 if key = "" then
83 e.return true;
85 if String.length key = i then
86 e.return (mem child (drop w i));
88 false)
90 let add_one (node : 'a t) (c : string) (inner :'a t): unit =
91 let elts = get_node node in
92 elts := SMap.add c inner !elts
94 (* split key in position c, put left part as new key to a new node n
95 * and put right part as child of n, then return n *)
96 let split_key (parent : 'a t) (key : string) (child : 'a t) (c : int) : 'a t =
97 let left_key = take key c in
98 let right_key = drop key c in
99 let parent_list = get_node parent in
100 parent_list := SMap.remove key !parent_list;
102 let n = create () in
103 add_one parent left_key n;
104 add_one n right_key child;
107 let add_leaf (node : 'a t) (key : string) (v : 'a) : unit =
108 let leaf = match key with "" -> Leaf v
109 | _ -> let res = create () in
110 add_one res "" (Leaf v);
111 res in
112 add_one node key leaf
115 let rec add ?(if_exist : 'b -> 'a -> unit = fun _ _ -> ())
116 ~(transform : 'a -> 'b)
117 (trie : 'b t)
118 (w : string)
119 (v : 'a) : unit =
121 with_return (fun e ->
122 let (c, key, child) = match trie_assoc_partial trie w with
123 | Some x -> x
124 | None -> e.return (add_leaf trie w (transform v)) in
126 if (String.length key = c) && (w = "") then (* leaf exists; use if_exists callback *)
127 e.return (if_exist (get_leaf child) v);
129 if c = String.length key then (* full key match; do final recursive call *)
130 e.return (add child (drop w c) v ~if_exist ~transform);
132 (* Partial match: need to split key with common parts *)
133 let n = split_key trie key child c in
134 add_leaf n (drop w c) (transform v))
137 let to_list (limit : int option)
138 (trie : 'b t)
139 (kmap : string -> 'a)
140 (vmap : 'a -> 'b -> 'c) : 'c list =
142 with_return (fun e ->
143 let reslist = ref [] in
144 let rescount = ref 0 in
146 let more () = match limit with Some i -> i > !rescount | None -> true in
148 let rec to_list_aux t s = match t with
149 | Leaf v -> if more () then
150 (reslist := (vmap (kmap s) v)::!reslist;
151 incr rescount)
152 else
153 e.return (List.rev !reslist)
154 | Node cs ->
155 SMap.fold (fun tail rhs _acc ->
156 to_list_aux rhs (s ^ tail))
157 !cs ()
160 to_list_aux trie "";
161 List.rev !reslist)
164 let find_impl ?(limit : int option = None)
165 (exact : bool)
166 (trie : 'a t)
167 (pre : string)
168 (vmap : string -> 'a -> 'c) : 'c list =
170 with_return (fun e ->
171 let append = (^) pre in
172 let rec find_impl_aux trie p =
173 let (c, key, child) = match trie_assoc_partial trie p with
174 | Some x -> x
175 | None -> e.return [] in
177 match (String.length key = c), (not exact) && (String.length p = c) with
178 | true, _ when String.length p = 0 -> to_list limit child append vmap
179 | true, true -> to_list limit child append vmap
180 | true, _ -> find_impl_aux child (drop p c)
182 | false, true -> to_list limit child (fun k -> pre ^ (drop key c) ^ k) vmap
184 | _ -> []
186 find_impl_aux trie pre)
189 let find (trie : 'a t) (s : string) : 'a =
190 match find_impl true trie s make_pair with
191 | (_s, v)::_tl -> v
192 | _ -> raise Not_found
195 let find_prefix (trie : 'a t)
196 (s : string)
197 (vmap : string -> 'a -> 'b): 'b list =
198 find_impl false trie s vmap
200 let find_prefix_limit (i : int)
201 (trie : 'a t)
202 (s : string)
203 (vmap : string -> 'a -> 'b) : 'b list =
204 find_impl false trie s vmap ~limit:(Some i)
206 let remove_one (trie : 'a t) (key : string) : unit =
207 let elts = get_node trie in
208 elts := SMap.remove key !elts
210 let rec remove_impl (exact: bool) (trie : 'a t) (s : string): unit =
211 with_return (fun e ->
212 let (c, key, child) = match trie_assoc_partial trie s with
213 | Some x -> x
214 | None -> e.return () in
216 match (String.length key = c), exact, (String.length s = c) with
217 | true, true, true when c = 0 -> remove_one trie (take s c)
218 | true, false, true -> remove_one trie (take s c)
220 | true, _, _ -> remove_impl exact child (drop s c)
221 | _ -> ())
224 let remove (trie : 'a t) (s : string) : unit =
225 remove_impl true trie s
227 let remove_prefix (trie : 'a t) (s : string) : unit =
228 remove_impl false trie s
230 (* let rec merge ?(if_exist : 'a -> 'a -> unit = fun _ _ -> ()) *)
231 (* (trieDes : 'a t) *)
232 (* (trieSrc : 'a t) : unit = *)
233 (* let rec merge_one des s n = *)
234 (* try *)
235 (* let (c, key, child) = trie_assoc_partial des s in *)
236 (* if String.length key = c then begin *)
237 (* (\* matched whole key. *)
238 (* * Either continue to merge child, if whole s matched, *)
239 (* * or continue to match in des's path, if some s left*\) *)
240 (* if (String.length s = c) && (not (s = "")) then *)
241 (* merge child n ~if_exist *)
242 (* else if (not (s = "")) then *)
243 (* merge_one child (string_drop s c) n *)
244 (* else *)
245 (* (\* empty key match, means same value exist *)
246 (* * resolve use if_exist *\) *)
247 (* let desv = get_leaf child in *)
248 (* let srcv = get_leaf n in *)
249 (* if_exist desv srcv *)
250 (* end *)
251 (* else *)
252 (* (\* partially match key, need to split key, and merge into *\) *)
253 (* let common = string_take s c in *)
254 (* remove_one des key; *)
255 (* if (c = String.length s) then begin *)
256 (* (\* when s is fully match, just take the node keyed by s *)
257 (* * no need to create new one *\) *)
258 (* add_one des common n; *)
259 (* merge_one n (string_drop key c) child *)
260 (* end *)
261 (* else begin *)
262 (* let t = create () in *)
263 (* add_one t (string_drop key c) child; *)
264 (* add_one t (string_drop s c) n; *)
265 (* add_one des common t *)
266 (* end *)
267 (* with Not_found -> *)
268 (* add_one des s n *)
269 (* in *)
270 (* let l = get_node trieSrc in *)
271 (* List.iter (fun (s, n) -> merge_one trieDes s n) !l *)
273 let rec to_string_impl (buf : Buffer.t) (trie : 'a t) : unit =
274 match trie with
275 | Node elts -> SMap.fold
276 (fun k v _ ->
277 Printf.bprintf buf "%S:{" k;
278 to_string_impl buf v;
279 Printf.bprintf buf "}")
280 !elts ()
281 | Leaf _v -> ()
284 let to_string (trie : 'a t) : string =
285 let buf = Buffer.create 250 in
286 to_string_impl buf trie;
287 Buffer.contents buf