Add type annotations to ``
[hiphop-php.git] / hphp / hack / src / server /
1 (**
2 * Copyright (c) 2016, Facebook, Inc.
3 * All rights reserved.
5 * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
6 * LICENSE file in the "hack" directory of this source tree.
8 *)
10 open Core_kernel
11 open File_content
12 open Option.Monad_infix
13 open ServerEnv
14 open File_heap
16 let try_relativize_path x =
17 Option.try_with (fun () -> Relative_path.(create Root x))
19 let get_file_content_from_disk path =
20 let f () = (Relative_path.to_absolute path) in
21 Option.try_with f
23 let get_file_content = function
24 | ServerCommandTypes.FileContent s -> s
25 | ServerCommandTypes.FileName path ->
26 begin try_relativize_path path >>= fun path ->
27 match File_heap.FileHeap.get path with
28 | Some (Ide f) -> Some f
29 | Some (Disk c) -> Some c
30 | None -> get_file_content_from_disk path
31 end
32 (* In case of errors, proceed with empty file contents *)
33 |> Option.value ~default:""
35 (* Warning: this takes O(global error list) time. Should be OK while
36 * it's only used in editor, where opening a file is a rare (compared to other
37 * kind of queries) operation, but if this ever ends up being called by
38 * other automation there is room for improvement (i.e finally changing global
39 * error list to be a error map)
41 let update_diagnostics diag_subscribe editor_open_files errorl =
42 diag_subscribe ~f:begin fun diag_subscribe ->
43 Diagnostic_subscription.update diag_subscribe
44 ~priority_files:editor_open_files
45 ~reparsed:Relative_path.Set.empty
46 ~rechecked:Relative_path.Map.empty
47 ~global_errors:errorl
48 ~full_check_done:true
49 end
51 let open_file ~predeclare env path content =
52 let prev_content = get_file_content (ServerCommandTypes.FileName path) in
53 let new_env = try_relativize_path path >>= fun path ->
54 (* Before making any changes, pre-load (into Decl_heap) currently existing
55 * declarations so there is always a previous version to compare against,
56 * which makes incremental mode perform better. *)
57 if predeclare && (not (Relative_path.Set.mem env.editor_open_files path)) then
58 Decl.make_env env.tcopt path;
59 let editor_open_files = Relative_path.Set.add env.editor_open_files path in
60 FileHeap.remove_batch (Relative_path.Set.singleton path);
61 FileHeap.add path (Ide content);
62 let ide_needs_parsing, diag_subscribe =
63 if content = prev_content && (env.full_check = Full_check_done) then begin
64 (* Try to avoid telling the user that a check is needed when the file
65 * was unchanged. But even in this case, we might need to push
66 * errors that were previously throttled. They are available only
67 * when full recheck was completed and there were no further changes. In
68 * all other cases, we will need to (lazily) recheck the file. *)
69 env.ide_needs_parsing,
70 update_diagnostics env.diag_subscribe editor_open_files env.errorl
71 end else
72 Relative_path.Set.add env.ide_needs_parsing path, env.diag_subscribe
74 (* Need to re-parse this file during next full check to update
75 * global error list positions that refer to it *)
76 let disk_needs_parsing =
77 Relative_path.Set.add env.disk_needs_parsing path in
78 let last_command_time = Unix.gettimeofday () in
79 Some { env with
80 editor_open_files; ide_needs_parsing; last_command_time; diag_subscribe;
81 disk_needs_parsing;
82 } in
83 Option.value new_env ~default:env
85 let close_relative_path env path =
86 let editor_open_files = Relative_path.Set.remove env.editor_open_files path in
87 let contents = (match (FileHeap.find_unsafe path) with
88 | Ide f -> f
89 | _ -> assert false) in
90 FileHeap.remove_batch (Relative_path.Set.singleton path);
91 let new_contents = File_heap.get_contents path in
92 let ide_needs_parsing =
93 if new_contents = Some contents then env.ide_needs_parsing
94 else Relative_path.Set.add env.ide_needs_parsing path in
95 let disk_needs_parsing =
96 Relative_path.Set.add env.disk_needs_parsing path in
97 let last_command_time = Unix.gettimeofday () in
98 { env with
99 editor_open_files; ide_needs_parsing; last_command_time; disk_needs_parsing
102 let close_file env path =
103 let new_env = try_relativize_path path >>| close_relative_path env in
104 Option.value new_env ~default:env
106 let edit_file ~predeclare env path (edits: File_content.text_edit list) =
107 let new_env = try_relativize_path path >>= fun path ->
108 (* See similar predeclare in open_file function *)
109 if predeclare && (not (Relative_path.Set.mem env.editor_open_files path)) then
110 Decl.make_env env.tcopt path;
111 ServerBusyStatus.send env ServerCommandTypes.Needs_local_typecheck;
112 let fc = match FileHeap.get path with
113 | Some Ide f -> f
114 | Some Disk content -> content
115 | None ->
116 try (Relative_path.to_absolute path) with _ -> "" in
117 let edited_fc = match edit_file fc edits with
118 | Ok r -> r
119 | Error (reason, _stack) ->
120 Hh_logger.log "%s" reason;
121 (* TODO: do not crash, but surface this to the client somehow *)
122 assert false
124 let editor_open_files =
125 Relative_path.Set.add env.editor_open_files path in
126 FileHeap.remove_batch (Relative_path.Set.singleton path);
127 FileHeap.add path (Ide edited_fc);
128 let ide_needs_parsing =
129 Relative_path.Set.add env.ide_needs_parsing path in
130 let disk_needs_parsing =
131 Relative_path.Set.add env.disk_needs_parsing path in
132 let last_command_time = Unix.gettimeofday () in
133 Some { env with
134 editor_open_files; ide_needs_parsing; last_command_time;
135 disk_needs_parsing
136 } in
137 Option.value new_env ~default:env
139 let clear_sync_data env =
140 let env = Relative_path.Set.fold env.editor_open_files
141 ~init:env
142 ~f:(fun x env -> close_relative_path env x)
144 { env with
145 persistent_client = None;
146 diag_subscribe = None;
149 let get_unsaved_changes env =
150 Relative_path.Set.fold env.editor_open_files
151 ~init:Relative_path.Map.empty
152 ~f:begin fun path acc ->
153 match FileHeap.get path with
154 | Some Ide ide_contents ->
155 begin match get_file_content_from_disk path with
156 | Some disk_contents when ide_contents <> disk_contents ->
157 Relative_path.Map.add acc path (ide_contents, disk_contents)
158 | Some _ -> acc
159 | None ->
160 (* If one creates a new file, then there will not be corresponding
161 * disk contents, and we should consider there to be unsaved changes in
162 * the editor. *)
163 Relative_path.Map.add acc path (ide_contents, "")
165 | _ -> acc
168 let has_unsaved_changes env =
169 not @@ Relative_path.Map.is_empty (get_unsaved_changes env)
171 let toggle_dynamic_view (env : env) (t : bool) : env =
172 ServerDynamicView.toggle := t;
174 env with
175 ide_needs_parsing = env.editor_open_files