add hooks to ASIO to allow building of dependency graphs in PHP
[hiphop-php.git] / hphp / runtime / ext / ext_options.h
1 /*
2 +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
3 | HipHop for PHP |
4 +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
5 | Copyright (c) 2010- Facebook, Inc. ( |
6 | Copyright (c) 1997-2010 The PHP Group |
7 +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
8 | This source file is subject to version 3.01 of the PHP license, |
9 | that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is |
10 | available through the world-wide-web at the following url: |
11 | |
12 | If you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to |
13 | obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send a note to |
14 | so we can mail you a copy immediately. |
15 +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
18 #ifndef incl_HPHP_EXT_OPTIONS_H_
19 #define incl_HPHP_EXT_OPTIONS_H_
21 #include <runtime/base/base_includes.h>
22 #include <util/process.h>
24 namespace HPHP {
25 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
27 Variant f_assert_options(int what, CVarRef value = null_variant);
28 Variant f_assert(CVarRef assertion);
29 int64_t f_dl(CStrRef library);
30 bool f_extension_loaded(CStrRef name);
31 Array f_get_loaded_extensions(bool zend_extensions = false);
32 Array f_get_extension_funcs(CStrRef module_name);
33 String f_get_cfg_var(CStrRef option);
34 String f_get_current_user();
35 Array f_get_defined_constants(CVarRef categorize = null_variant);
36 String f_get_include_path();
37 void f_restore_include_path();
38 String f_set_include_path(CStrRef new_include_path);
39 Array f_get_included_files();
40 Array f_inclued_get_data();
41 int64_t f_get_magic_quotes_gpc();
42 int64_t f_get_magic_quotes_runtime();
43 Array f_get_required_files();
44 Variant f_getenv(CStrRef varname);
45 int64_t f_getlastmod();
46 int64_t f_getmygid();
47 int64_t f_getmyinode();
48 int64_t f_getmypid();
49 int64_t f_getmyuid();
50 Array f_getopt(CStrRef options, CVarRef longopts = null_variant);
51 Array f_getrusage(int who = 0);
52 bool f_clock_getres(int clk_id, VRefParam sec, VRefParam nsec);
53 bool f_clock_gettime(int clk_id, VRefParam sec, VRefParam nsec);
54 bool f_clock_settime(int clk_id, int64_t sec, int64_t nsec);
55 int64_t f_cpu_get_count();
56 String f_cpu_get_model();
57 String f_ini_alter(CStrRef varname, CStrRef newvalue);
58 Array f_ini_get_all(CStrRef extension = null_string);
59 String f_ini_get(CStrRef varname);
60 void f_ini_restore(CStrRef varname);
61 String f_ini_set(CStrRef varname, CStrRef newvalue);
62 int64_t f_memory_get_allocation();
63 int64_t f_memory_get_peak_usage(bool real_usage = false);
64 int64_t f_memory_get_usage(bool real_usage = false);
65 String f_php_ini_scanned_files();
66 String f_php_logo_guid();
67 String f_php_sapi_name();
68 String f_php_uname(CStrRef mode = null_string);
69 bool f_phpcredits(int flag = 0);
70 bool f_phpinfo(int what = 0);
71 String f_phpversion(CStrRef extension = null_string);
72 bool f_putenv(CStrRef setting);
73 bool f_set_magic_quotes_runtime(bool new_setting);
74 void f_set_time_limit(int seconds);
75 String f_sys_get_temp_dir();
76 Variant f_version_compare(CStrRef version1, CStrRef version2, CStrRef sop = null_string);
77 bool f_gc_enabled();
78 void f_gc_enable();
79 void f_gc_disable();
80 int64_t f_gc_collect_cycles();
81 String f_zend_logo_guid();
82 int64_t f_zend_thread_id();
83 String f_zend_version();
85 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
88 #endif // incl_HPHP_EXT_OPTIONS_H_