disallow keywords as identifiers
[hiphop-php.git] / hphp / hack / src / parser / ast_check.ml
1 (**
2 * Copyright (c) 2016, Facebook, Inc.
3 * All rights reserved.
5 * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
6 * LICENSE file in the "hack" directory of this source tree.
8 *)
10 open Ast
12 let rec check_lvalue errorf = function
13 | pos, Obj_get (_, (_, Id (_, _)), OG_nullsafe) ->
14 errorf pos "?-> syntax is not supported for lvalues"
15 | pos, Obj_get (_, (_, Id (_, name)), _) when name.[0] = ':' ->
16 errorf pos "->: syntax is not supported for lvalues"
17 | pos, Array_get ((_, Class_const _), _) ->
18 errorf pos "Array-like class consts are not valid lvalues"
19 | _, (Lvar _ | Obj_get _ | Array_get _ | Class_get _ |
20 Unsafeexpr _ | Omitted | BracedExpr _ | Dollar _) -> ()
21 | pos, Call ((_, Id (_, "tuple")), _, _, _) ->
22 errorf pos "Tuple cannot be used as an lvalue. Maybe you meant list?"
23 | _, List el -> List.iter (check_lvalue errorf) el
24 | pos, (Array _ | Darray _ | Varray _ | Shape _ | Collection _
25 | Null | True | False | Id _ | Clone _
26 | Class_const _ | Call _ | Int _ | Float _ | PrefixedString _
27 | String _ | String2 _ | Yield _ | Yield_break | Yield_from _
28 | Await _ | Suspend _ | Expr_list _ | Cast _ | Unop _
29 | Binop _ | Eif _ | InstanceOf _
30 | New _ | NewAnonClass _ | Efun _ | Lfun _
31 | Xml _ | Import _ | Pipe _ | Callconv _ | Is _ | Execution_operator _ | As _
32 | ParenthesizedExpr _) ->
33 errorf pos "Invalid lvalue"