Disallow ... without type in function typehints
[hiphop-php.git] / hphp / hack / test / typecheck / using_trait_does_not_make_private_req_extends_properties_visible.php.exp
1 File "using_trait_does_not_make_private_req_extends_properties_visible.php", line 13, characters 44-44:
2 Could not find member x in an object of type Child (Typing[4053])
3 File "using_trait_does_not_make_private_req_extends_properties_visible.php", line 13, characters 37-41:
4 This is why I think it is an object of type Child
5 File "using_trait_does_not_make_private_req_extends_properties_visible.php", line 11, characters 7-11:
6 Declaration of Child is here