Wrap `File_heap` in `File_provider` abstraction
[hiphop-php.git] / hphp / hack / src / naming / namingGlobal.ml
1 (**
2 * Copyright (c) 2015, Facebook, Inc.
3 * All rights reserved.
5 * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
6 * LICENSE file in the "hack" directory of this source tree.
8 *)
10 (** Module "naming" a program.
12 * The naming phase consists in several things
13 * 1- get all the global names
14 * 2- transform all the local names into a unique identifier
16 open Core_kernel
17 open Utils
18 module SN = Naming_special_names
20 (*****************************************************************************)
21 (* The types *)
22 (*****************************************************************************)
24 let canon_key = String.lowercase
26 module GEnv = struct
27 let get_full_pos (pos, name) =
28 try
29 match pos with
30 | FileInfo.Full p -> p, name
31 | FileInfo.File (FileInfo.Class, fn) ->
32 let res = unsafe_opt (Ast_provider.find_class_in_file fn name) in
33 let (p', _) = res.Ast.c_name in
34 p', name
35 | FileInfo.File (FileInfo.Typedef, fn) ->
36 let res = unsafe_opt (Ast_provider.find_typedef_in_file fn name) in
37 let (p', _) = res.Ast.t_id in
38 p', name
39 | FileInfo.File (FileInfo.Const, fn) ->
40 let res = unsafe_opt (Ast_provider.find_gconst_in_file fn name) in
41 let (p', _) = res.Ast.cst_name in
42 p', name
43 | FileInfo.File (FileInfo.Fun, fn) ->
44 let res = unsafe_opt (Ast_provider.find_fun_in_file fn name) in
45 let (p', _) = res.Ast.f_name in
46 p', name
47 with Invalid_argument _ ->
48 (* We looked for a file in the file heap, but it was deleted
49 before we could get it. This occurs with highest probability when we
50 have multiple large rebases in quick succession, and the typechecker
51 doesn't get updates from watchman while checking. For now, we restart
52 gracefully, but in future versions we'll be restarting the server on
53 large rebases anyhow, so this is sufficient behavior.
55 TODO(jjwu): optimize this. Instead of forcing a server restart,
56 catch the exception in the recheck look and start another recheck cycle
57 by adding more files to the unprocessed/partially-processed set in
58 the previous loop.
60 let fn = FileInfo.get_pos_filename pos in
61 Hh_logger.log "File missing: %s" (Relative_path.to_absolute fn);
62 Hh_logger.log "Name missing: %s" (name);
63 raise File_provider.File_provider_stale
65 let type_canon_name name = Naming_table.Types.get_canon_name (canon_key name)
66 let type_pos name =
67 let name = Option.value (type_canon_name name) ~default:name in
68 match Naming_table.Types.get_pos name with
69 | Some (pos, Naming_table.TClass) ->
70 let p, _ = get_full_pos (pos, name) in
71 Some p
72 | Some (pos, Naming_table.TTypedef) ->
73 let p, _ = get_full_pos (pos, name) in
74 Some p
75 | None -> None
77 let type_canon_pos name =
78 let name = Option.value (type_canon_name name) ~default:name in
79 type_pos name
81 let type_info name = match Naming_table.Types.get_pos name with
82 | Some (pos, Naming_table.TClass) ->
83 let p, _ = get_full_pos (pos, name) in
84 Some (p, Naming_table.TClass)
85 | Some (pos, Naming_table.TTypedef) ->
86 let p, _ = get_full_pos (pos, name) in
87 Some (p, Naming_table.TTypedef)
88 | None -> None
90 let fun_canon_name name = Naming_table.Funs.get_canon_name (canon_key name)
92 let fun_pos name =
93 match Naming_table.Funs.get_pos name with
94 | Some pos ->
95 let p, _ = get_full_pos (pos, name) in
96 Some p
97 | None -> None
99 let fun_canon_pos name =
100 let name = Option.value (fun_canon_name name) ~default:name in
101 fun_pos name
103 let typedef_pos name = match Naming_table.Types.get_pos name with
104 | Some (pos, Naming_table.TTypedef) ->
105 let p, _ = get_full_pos (pos, name) in
106 Some p
107 | Some (_, Naming_table.TClass)
108 | None -> None
110 let gconst_pos name =
111 match Naming_table.Consts.get_pos name with
112 | Some pos ->
113 let p, _ = get_full_pos (pos, name) in
114 Some p
115 | None -> None
118 let compare_pos p q =
119 let open FileInfo in
120 match p, q with
121 | Full p', Full q' -> Pos.compare p' q' = 0
122 | Full q', File(_, fn)
123 | File (_, fn), Full q' ->
124 let qf = Pos.filename q' in
125 if fn = qf then
126 assert_false_log_backtrace(
127 Some "Compared file with full pos in same file"
129 else false
130 | File (x, fn1), File (y, fn2) ->
131 fn1 = fn2 && x = y
136 (* The primitives to manipulate the naming environment *)
137 module Env = struct
138 let check_not_typehint (p, name) =
139 let x = canon_key (Utils.strip_all_ns name) in
140 if SN.Typehints.is_reserved_hh_name x ||
141 SN.Typehints.is_reserved_global_name x
142 then
143 let p, name = GEnv.get_full_pos (p, name) in
144 Errors.name_is_reserved name p; false
145 else true
147 (* Dont check for errors, just add to canonical heap *)
148 let new_fun_fast fn name =
149 let name_key = canon_key name in
150 match Naming_table.Funs.get_canon_name name_key with
151 | Some _ -> ()
152 | None ->
153 Naming_table.Funs.add name (FileInfo.File (FileInfo.Fun, fn))
155 let new_cid_fast fn name cid_kind =
156 let name_key = canon_key name in
157 let mode = match cid_kind with
158 | Naming_table.TClass -> FileInfo.Class
159 | Naming_table.TTypedef -> FileInfo.Typedef in
160 match Naming_table.Types.get_canon_name name_key with
161 | Some _ -> ()
162 | None ->
163 (* We store redundant info in this case, but if the position is a *)
164 (* Full position, we don't store the kind, so this is necessary *)
165 Naming_table.Types.add name ((FileInfo.File (mode, fn)), cid_kind)
167 let new_class_fast fn name = new_cid_fast fn name Naming_table.TClass
168 let new_typedef_fast fn name = new_cid_fast fn name Naming_table.TTypedef
170 let new_global_const_fast fn name =
171 Naming_table.Consts.add name (FileInfo.File (FileInfo.Const, fn))
173 let new_fun (p, name) =
174 let name_key = canon_key name in
175 match Naming_table.Funs.get_canon_name name_key with
176 | Some canonical ->
177 let p' = Option.value_exn (Naming_table.Funs.get_pos canonical) in
178 if not @@ GEnv.compare_pos p' p
179 then
180 let p, name = GEnv.get_full_pos (p, name) in
181 let p', canonical = GEnv.get_full_pos (p', canonical) in
182 Errors.error_name_already_bound name canonical p p'
183 | None ->
184 Naming_table.Funs.add name p
186 let attr_prefix, attr_prefix_len =
187 let a = "\\__attribute__" in (* lowercase because canon_key call *)
188 a, String.length a
190 let new_cid cid_kind (p, name) =
191 let validate canonical error =
192 let (p', _) = match Naming_table.Types.get_pos canonical with
193 | Some x -> x
194 | None -> failwith ("Failed to get canonical pos for name " ^ name ^ " vs canonical " ^ canonical)
196 if not @@ GEnv.compare_pos p' p
197 then
198 let p, name = GEnv.get_full_pos (p, name) in
199 let p', canonical = GEnv.get_full_pos (p', canonical) in
200 error name canonical p p'
202 if not (check_not_typehint (p, name)) then () else
203 let name_key = canon_key name in
204 match Naming_table.Types.get_canon_name name_key with
205 | Some canonical ->
206 validate canonical Errors.error_name_already_bound
207 | None ->
208 (* Check to prevent collision with attribute classes
209 * If we are checking \A, check \__Attribute__A and vice versa *)
210 let name_len = String.length name_key in
211 let alt_name_key =
212 if name_len > attr_prefix_len &&
213 String.equal attr_prefix (String.sub name_key 0 attr_prefix_len)
214 then
215 "\\" ^ String.sub name_key attr_prefix_len (name_len - attr_prefix_len)
216 else
217 attr_prefix ^ String.sub name_key 1 (name_len - 1) in
218 begin match Naming_table.Types.get_canon_name alt_name_key with
219 | Some alt_canonical ->
220 validate alt_canonical Errors.error_class_attribute_already_bound
221 | None ->
223 end;
224 Naming_table.Types.add name (p, cid_kind)
226 let new_class = new_cid Naming_table.TClass
228 let new_typedef = new_cid Naming_table.TTypedef
230 let new_global_const (p, x) =
231 match Naming_table.Consts.get_pos x with
232 | Some p' ->
233 if not @@ GEnv.compare_pos p' p
234 then
235 let p, x = GEnv.get_full_pos (p, x) in
236 let p', x = GEnv.get_full_pos (p', x) in
237 Errors.error_name_already_bound x x p p'
238 | None ->
239 Naming_table.Consts.add x p
242 (*****************************************************************************)
243 (* Updating the environment *)
244 (*****************************************************************************)
245 let remove_decls ~funs ~classes ~typedefs ~consts =
246 let types = SSet.union classes typedefs in
247 Naming_table.Types.remove_batch types;
248 Naming_table.Funs.remove_batch funs;
249 Naming_table.Consts.remove_batch consts
251 (*****************************************************************************)
252 (* The entry point to build the naming environment *)
253 (*****************************************************************************)
255 let make_env ~funs ~classes ~typedefs ~consts =
256 List.iter funs Env.new_fun;
257 List.iter classes Env.new_class;
258 List.iter typedefs Env.new_typedef;
259 List.iter consts Env.new_global_const
262 let make_env_from_fast fn ~funs ~classes ~typedefs ~consts =
263 SSet.iter (Env.new_fun_fast fn) funs;
264 SSet.iter (Env.new_class_fast fn) classes;
265 SSet.iter (Env.new_typedef_fast fn) typedefs;
266 SSet.iter (Env.new_global_const_fast fn) consts
269 (*****************************************************************************)
270 (* Declaring the names in a list of files *)
271 (*****************************************************************************)
273 let add_files_to_rename failed defl defs_in_env =
274 List.fold_left ~f:begin fun failed (_, def) ->
275 match defs_in_env def with
276 | None -> failed
277 | Some previous_definition_position ->
278 let filename = Pos.filename previous_definition_position in
279 Relative_path.Set.add failed filename
280 end ~init:failed defl
282 let ndecl_file_fast fn ~funs ~classes ~typedefs ~consts =
283 make_env_from_fast fn ~funs ~classes ~typedefs ~consts
285 let ndecl_file fn
286 { FileInfo.file_mode = _; funs; classes; typedefs; consts;
287 comments = _; hash = _} =
288 let errors, _ = Errors.do_with_context fn Errors.Naming begin fun () ->
289 dn ("Naming decl: "^Relative_path.to_absolute fn);
290 make_env ~funs ~classes ~typedefs ~consts
291 end in
292 if Errors.is_empty errors
293 then errors, Relative_path.Set.empty
294 else
296 * If a file has name collisions, we MUST add the list of files that
297 * were previously defining the type to the set of "failed" files.
298 * If we fail to do so, we will be in a phony state, where a name could
299 * be missing.
301 * Example:
302 * A.php defines class A
303 * B.php defines class B
304 * Save the state, now let's introduce a new file (foo.php):
305 * foo.php defines class A and class B.
307 * 2 things happen (cf serverTypeCheck.ml):
308 * We remove the names A and B from the global environment.
309 * We report the error.
311 * But this is clearly not enough. If the user removes the file foo.php,
312 * both class A and class B are now missing from the naming environment.
313 * If the user has a file using class A (in strict), he now gets the
314 * error "Unbound name class A".
316 * The solution consist in adding all the files that were previously
317 * defining the same things as foo.php to the set of files to recheck.
319 * This way, when the user removes foo.php, A.php and B.php are recomputed
320 * and the naming environment is in a sane state.
322 * XXX (jezng): we can probably be less conservative about this -- instead
323 * of adding all the declarations in the file, why not just add those that
324 * were actually duplicates?
326 let failed = Relative_path.Set.singleton fn in
327 let failed = add_files_to_rename failed funs GEnv.fun_canon_pos in
328 let failed = add_files_to_rename failed classes GEnv.type_canon_pos in
329 let failed = add_files_to_rename failed typedefs GEnv.type_canon_pos in
330 let failed = add_files_to_rename failed consts GEnv.gconst_pos in
331 errors, failed