Remove unused module aliases
[hiphop-php.git] / hphp / hack / src / typing /
1 (**
2 * Copyright (c) 2015, Facebook, Inc.
3 * All rights reserved.
5 * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
6 * LICENSE file in the "hack" directory of this source tree.
8 *)
10 open Core_kernel
11 open Common
12 open Typing_defs
13 open Typing_dependent_type
14 open Utils
16 module Env = Typing_env
17 module TUtils = Typing_utils
18 module TGenConstraint = Typing_generic_constraint
19 module Subst = Decl_subst
20 module MakeType = Typing_make_type
22 (* Here is the general problem the delayed application of the phase solves.
23 * Let's say you have a function that you want to operate generically across
24 * phases. In most cases when you do this you can use the 'ty' GADT and locally
25 * abstract types to write code in a phase agonistic way.
27 * let yell_any: type a. a ty -> string = fun ty ->
28 * match ty with
29 * | _, Tany -> "Any"
30 * | _ -> ""
32 * Now let's add a function that works for all phases, but whose logic is phase
33 * dependent. For this we can use 'phase_ty' ADT:
35 * let yell_locl phase_ty =
36 * match phase_ty with
37 * | DeclTy ty -> ""
38 * | LoclTy ty -> "Locl"
40 * Let's say you want to write a function that has behavior that works across
41 * phases, but needs to invoke a function that is phase dependent. Our options
42 * are as follows.
44 * let yell_any_or_locl phase_ty =
45 * let ans = yell_locl phase_ty in
46 * match phase_ty with
47 * | DeclTy ty -> ans ^ (yell_any ty)
48 * | LoclTy ty -> ans ^ (yell_any ty)
50 * This would lead to code duplication since we can't generically operate on the
51 * underlying 'ty' GADT. If we want to eliminate this code duplication there are
52 * two options.
54 * let generic_ty: type a. phase_ty -> a ty = function
55 * | DeclTy ty -> ty
56 * | LoclTy ty -> ty
58 * let yell_any_or_locl phase_ty =
59 * let ans = yell_locl phase_ty in
60 * ans ^ (yell_any (generic_ty phase_ty))
62 * generic_ty allows us to extract a generic value which we can use. This
63 * approach is limiting because we lose all information about what phase 'a ty
64 * is.
66 * The other approach is to pass in a function that goes from 'a ty -> phase_ty'
68 * let yell_any_or_locl phase ty =
69 * let ans = yell_locl (phase ty) in
70 * ans ^ (yell_any ty)
72 * Here we can use 'ty' generically (without losing information about what phase
73 * 'a ty' is), and we rely on the caller passing in an appropriate function that
74 * converts into the 'phase_ty' when we need to hop into phase specific code.
76 let decl ty = DeclTy ty
77 let locl ty = LoclTy ty
79 type env = expand_env
81 let env_with_self env =
82 let this_ty = Reason.none, TUtils.this_of (Env.get_self env) in
84 type_expansions = [];
85 substs = SMap.empty;
86 this_ty = this_ty;
87 from_class = None;
88 validate_dty = None;
90 (*****************************************************************************)
91 (* Transforms a declaration phase type into a localized type. This performs
92 * common operations that are necessary for this operation, specifically:
93 * > Expand newtype/types
94 * > Resolves the "this" type
95 * > Instantiate generics
96 * > ...
98 * When keep track of additional information while localizing a type such as
99 * what type defs were expanded to detect potentially recursive definitions..
101 (*****************************************************************************)
103 let rec localize_with_env ~ety_env env (dty: decl ty) =
105 Option.iter ety_env.validate_dty (fun validate_dty -> validate_dty dty);
106 match dty with
107 | r, Terr ->
108 env, (ety_env, (r, TUtils.terr env))
109 | r, Tany ->
110 env, (ety_env, (r, TUtils.tany env))
111 | _, (Tnonnull | Tprim _ | Tdynamic) as x ->
112 env, (ety_env, x)
113 | r, Tmixed ->
114 env, (ety_env, MakeType.mixed r)
115 | r, Tnothing ->
116 env, (ety_env, MakeType.nothing r)
117 | r, Tthis ->
118 let ty = match ety_env.this_ty with
119 | Reason.Rnone, ty -> r, ty
120 | Reason.Rexpr_dep_type (_, pos, s), ty ->
121 Reason.Rexpr_dep_type (r, pos, s), ty
122 | reason, ty when ety_env.from_class <> None -> reason, ty
123 | reason, ty ->
124 Reason.Rinstantiate (reason, SN.Typehints.this, r), ty in
125 let env, ty =
126 match ety_env.from_class with
127 | Some cid ->
128 ExprDepTy.make env cid ty
129 | _ -> env, ty in
130 env, (ety_env, ty)
131 | r, Tarray (ty1, ty2) ->
132 let env, ty = match ty1, ty2 with
133 | None, None -> env, Tarraykind AKany
134 | Some tv, None ->
135 let env, tv = localize ~ety_env env tv in
136 env, Tarraykind (AKvec tv)
137 | Some tk, Some tv ->
138 let env, tk = localize ~ety_env env tk in
139 let env, tv = localize ~ety_env env tv in
140 env, Tarraykind (AKmap (tk, tv))
141 | None, Some _ ->
142 failwith "Invalid array declaration type" in
143 env, (ety_env, (r, ty))
144 | r, Tdarray (tk, tv) ->
145 let env, tk = localize ~ety_env env tk in
146 let env, tv = localize ~ety_env env tv in
147 let ty = Tarraykind (AKdarray (tk, tv)) in
148 env, (ety_env, (r, ty))
149 | r, Tvarray tv ->
150 let env, tv = localize ~ety_env env tv in
151 let ty = Tarraykind (AKvarray tv) in
152 env, (ety_env, (r, ty))
153 | r, Tvarray_or_darray tv ->
154 let env, tv = localize ~ety_env env tv in
155 let ty = Tarraykind (AKvarray_or_darray tv) in
156 env, (ety_env, (r, ty))
157 | r, Tgeneric x ->
158 begin match SMap.get x ety_env.substs with
159 | Some x_ty ->
160 env, (ety_env, (Reason.Rinstantiate (fst x_ty, x, r), snd x_ty))
161 | None ->
162 env, (ety_env, (r, Tabstract (AKgeneric x, None)))
164 | r, Toption ty ->
165 let env, ty = localize ~ety_env env ty in
166 let ty_ =
167 if TUtils.is_option env ty then
168 snd ty
169 else
170 Toption ty in
171 env, (ety_env, (r, ty_))
172 | r, Tlike ty ->
173 let env, ty = localize ~ety_env env ty in
174 let env, lty = TUtils.union env (MakeType.dynamic r) ty in
175 env, (ety_env, lty)
176 | r, Tfun ft ->
177 let env, ft = localize_ft ~use_pos:ft.ft_pos ~ety_env env ft in
178 env, (ety_env, (r, Tfun ft))
179 | r, Tapply ((_, x), argl) when Env.is_typedef x ->
180 let env, argl = List.map_env env argl (localize ~ety_env) in
181 TUtils.expand_typedef ety_env env r x argl
182 | r, Tapply ((p, x), _argl) when Env.is_enum env x ->
183 (* if argl <> [], nastInitCheck would have raised an error *)
184 if Typing_defs.has_expanded ety_env x then begin
185 Errors.cyclic_enum_constraint p;
186 env, (ety_env, (r, Typing_utils.tany env))
187 end else begin
188 let type_expansions = (p, x) :: ety_env.type_expansions in
189 let ety_env = {ety_env with type_expansions} in
190 let env, cstr =
191 opt (localize ~ety_env) env (Env.get_enum_constraint env x) in
192 env, (ety_env, (r, Tabstract (AKenum x, cstr)))
194 | r, Tapply ((_, cid) as cls, tyl) ->
195 let env, tyl =
196 if not (tyl_contains_wildcard tyl)
197 then List.map_env env tyl (localize ~ety_env)
198 else match Env.get_class env cid with
199 | None ->
200 List.map_env env tyl (localize ~ety_env)
201 | Some class_info ->
202 let tparams = Decl_provider.Class.tparams class_info in
203 localize_tparams ~ety_env env (Reason.to_pos r) tyl tparams
205 env, (ety_env, (r, Tclass (cls, Nonexact, tyl)))
206 | r, Ttuple tyl ->
207 let env, tyl = List.map_env env tyl (localize ~ety_env) in
208 env, (ety_env, (r, Ttuple tyl))
209 | r, Taccess (root_ty, ids) ->
210 let env, root_ty = localize ~ety_env env root_ty in
211 TUtils.expand_typeconst ety_env env r root_ty ids
212 | r, Tshape (fields_known, tym) ->
213 let env, tym = ShapeFieldMap.map_env (localize ~ety_env) env tym in
214 env, (ety_env, (r, Tshape (fields_known, tym)))
216 and localize_tparams ~ety_env env pos tyl tparams =
217 let length = min (List.length tyl) (List.length tparams) in
218 let tyl, tparams = List.take tyl length, List.take tparams length in
219 let ety_env = { ety_env with validate_dty = None; } in
220 let (env, _), tyl = List.map2_env (env, ety_env) tyl tparams (localize_tparam pos) in
221 env, tyl
223 and localize_tparam pos (env, ety_env) ty { tp_name = (_, name); tp_constraints = cstrl; tp_reified = reified; tp_user_attributes; _ } =
224 match ty with
225 | r, Tapply ((_, x), _argl) when x = SN.Typehints.wildcard ->
226 let enforceable = Attributes.mem SN.UserAttributes.uaEnforceable tp_user_attributes in
227 let newable = Attributes.mem SN.UserAttributes.uaNewable tp_user_attributes in
228 let env, new_name = Env.add_fresh_generic_parameter env name ~reified ~enforceable ~newable in
229 let ty_fresh = (r, Tabstract (AKgeneric new_name, None)) in
230 let env = List.fold_left cstrl ~init:env ~f:(fun env (ck, ty) ->
231 let env, ty = localize ~ety_env env ty in
232 TUtils.add_constraint pos env ck ty_fresh ty) in
233 (* Substitute fresh type parameters for original formals in constraint *)
234 let substs = SMap.add name ty_fresh ety_env.substs in
235 let ety_env = { ety_env with substs; } in
236 (env, ety_env), ty_fresh
237 | _ ->
238 let env, ty = localize ~ety_env env ty in
239 (env, ety_env), ty
241 and tyl_contains_wildcard tyl =
242 List.exists tyl begin function
243 | _, Tapply ((_, x), _) -> x = SN.Typehints.wildcard
244 | _ -> false
247 and localize ~ety_env env ty =
248 let env, (_, ty) = localize_with_env ~ety_env env ty in
249 env, ty
251 and localize_cstr_ty ~ety_env env ty tp_name =
252 let env, (r, ty_ as ty) = localize ~ety_env env ty in
253 let new_inference = TypecheckerOptions.new_inference (Env.get_tcopt env) in
254 let ty = if new_inference
255 then (Reason.Rcstr_on_generics (Reason.to_pos r, tp_name), ty_)
256 else ty in
257 env, ty
259 (* For the majority of cases when we localize a function type we instantiate
260 * the function's type parameters to be a Tunresolved wrapped in a Tvar so the
261 * type can grow. There are two cases where we do not do this.
263 * 1) In Typing_subtype.subtype_method. See the comment for that function for why
264 * this is necessary.
265 * 2) When the type arguments are explicitly specified, in which case we instantiate
266 * the type parameters to the provided types.
268 and localize_ft ~use_pos ?(instantiate_tparams=true) ?(explicit_tparams=[]) ~ety_env env ft =
269 (* set reactivity to Nonreactive to prevent occasional setting
270 of condition types when expanding type constants *)
271 let saved_r = Env.env_reactivity env in
272 let env = Env.set_env_reactive env Nonreactive in
273 (* If no explicit type parameters are provided, set the instantiated type parameter to
274 * initially point to unresolved, so that it can grow and eventually be a subtype of
275 * something like "mixed".
276 * If explicit type parameters are provided, just instantiate tvarl to them.
278 let env, substs =
279 let (tparams, _) = ft.ft_tparams in
280 if instantiate_tparams
281 then
282 let default () =
283 List.map_env env tparams (fun env tparam ->
284 let reason = Reason.Rtype_variable use_pos in
285 let env, tvar = TUtils.unresolved_tparam ~reason env in
286 Typing_log.log_tparam_instantiation env use_pos tparam tvar;
287 env, tvar) in
288 let env, tvarl =
289 if List.length explicit_tparams = 0
290 then default ()
291 else if List.length explicit_tparams <> List.length tparams
292 then begin
293 Errors.expected_tparam ~definition_pos:ft.ft_pos ~use_pos (List.length tparams);
294 default ()
296 else
297 let type_argument env hint =
298 match hint with
299 | (pos, Nast.Happly ((_, id), [])) when id = SN.Typehints.wildcard ->
300 TUtils.unresolved_tparam ~reason:(Reason.Rwitness pos) env
301 | _ -> localize_hint_with_self env hint in
302 List.map_env env explicit_tparams type_argument
304 let ft_subst = Subst.make tparams tvarl in
305 env, SMap.union ft_subst ety_env.substs
306 else
307 env, List.fold_left tparams ~f:begin fun subst t ->
308 SMap.remove (snd t.tp_name) subst
309 end ~init:ety_env.substs
311 let ety_env = {ety_env with substs = substs} in
312 let env, params = List.map_env env ft.ft_params begin fun env param ->
313 let env, ty = localize ~ety_env env param.fp_type in
314 env, { param with fp_type = ty }
315 end in
316 (* restore reactivity *)
317 let env =
318 if saved_r <> Env.env_reactivity env
319 then Env.set_env_reactive env saved_r
320 else env
323 (* Localize the constraints for a type parameter declaration *)
324 let localize_tparam env t =
325 let env, cstrl = List.map_env env t.tp_constraints begin fun env (ck, ty) ->
326 let env, ty = localize_cstr_ty ~ety_env env ty t.tp_name in
327 let name_str = snd t.tp_name in
328 (* In order to access type constants on generics on where clauses,
329 we need to add the constraints from the type parameters into the
330 environment before localizing the where clauses with them. Temporarily
331 add them to the environment here, and reset the environment later.
333 let env = match ck with
334 | Ast.Constraint_as ->
335 Env.add_upper_bound env name_str ty
336 | Ast.Constraint_super ->
337 Env.add_lower_bound env name_str ty
338 | Ast.Constraint_eq ->
339 Env.add_upper_bound (Env.add_lower_bound env name_str ty) name_str ty
340 | Ast.Constraint_pu_from -> failwith "TODO(T36532263): Pocket Universes" in
341 env, (ck, ty)
342 end in
343 env, { t with tp_constraints = cstrl }
346 let localize_where_constraint env (ty1, ck, ty2) =
347 let env, ty1 = localize ~ety_env env ty1 in
348 let env, ty2 = localize ~ety_env env ty2 in
349 env, (ty1, ck, ty2)
352 (* Grab and store the old tpenvs *)
353 let old_tpenv = env.Env.lenv.Env.tpenv in
354 let old_global_tpenv = env.Env.global_tpenv in
356 (* Always localize tparams so they are available for later Tast check *)
357 let env, tparams = List.map_env env (fst ft.ft_tparams) localize_tparam in
358 let ft_tparams = (
359 tparams,
360 if instantiate_tparams then FTKinstantiated_targs else FTKtparams
361 ) in
363 (* Localize the 'where' constraints *)
364 let env, where_constraints =
365 List.map_env env ft.ft_where_constraints localize_where_constraint in
367 (* Remove the constraints we added for localizing where constraints *)
368 let env = Env.env_with_tpenv env old_tpenv in
369 let env = Env.env_with_global_tpenv env old_global_tpenv in
371 (* If we're instantiating the generic parameters then add a deferred
372 * check that constraints are satisfied under the
373 * substitution [ety_env.substs].
375 let env =
376 if instantiate_tparams then
377 let env = check_tparams_constraints ~use_pos ~ety_env env (fst ft.ft_tparams) in
378 let env = check_where_constraints ~use_pos ~definition_pos:ft.ft_pos ~ety_env env
379 ft.ft_where_constraints in
381 else env in
383 let env, arity = match ft.ft_arity with
384 | Fvariadic (min, ({ fp_type = var_ty; _ } as param)) ->
385 let env, var_ty = localize ~ety_env env var_ty in
386 env, Fvariadic (min, { param with fp_type = var_ty })
387 | Fellipsis _ | Fstandard (_, _) as x -> env, x in
388 let env, ret = localize ~ety_env env ft.ft_ret in
389 env, { ft with ft_arity = arity; ft_params = params;
390 ft_ret = ret; ft_tparams = ft_tparams;
391 ft_where_constraints = where_constraints }
393 (* Given a list of generic parameters [tparams] and a substitution
394 * in [ety_env.substs] whose domain is at least these generic parameters,
395 * check that the types satisfy
396 * the constraints on the corresponding generic parameter.
398 * Note that the constraints may contain occurrences of the generic
399 * parameters, but the subsitution will be applied to them. e.g. if tparams is
400 * <Tu as MyCovariant<Tu>, Tv super Tu>
401 * and ety_env.substs is
402 * Tu :-> C
403 * Tv :-> I
404 * with
405 * class C extends MyContravariant<I> implements I { ... }
406 * Then the constraints are satisfied, because
407 * C is a subtype of MyContravariant<C>
408 * I is a supertype of C
410 * In fact, the constraint checking isn't done immediately, but rather pushed
411 * onto the env.todo list. Typically we haven't resolved types sufficiently
412 * (e.g. we have completely unresolved type variables) and so the actual
413 * constraint checking is deferred until we have finished checking a
414 * function's body.
416 and check_tparams_constraints ~use_pos ~ety_env env tparams =
417 let check_tparam_constraints env t =
418 List.fold_left t.tp_constraints ~init:env ~f:begin fun env (ck, ty) ->
419 let env, ty = localize_cstr_ty ~ety_env env ty t.tp_name in
420 match SMap.get (snd t.tp_name) ety_env.substs with
421 | Some x_ty ->
422 begin
423 Typing_log.(log_with_level env "generics" 1 (fun () ->
424 log_types use_pos env
425 [Log_head ("check_tparams_constraints: add_check_constraint_todo",
426 [Log_type ("ty", ty);
427 Log_type ("x_ty", x_ty)])]));
428 TGenConstraint.add_check_constraint_todo env ~use_pos t.tp_name ck ty x_ty
430 | None ->
432 end in
433 List.fold_left tparams ~init:env ~f:check_tparam_constraints
435 and check_where_constraints ~use_pos ~ety_env ~definition_pos env cstrl =
436 List.fold_left cstrl ~init:env ~f:begin fun env (ty1, ck, ty2) ->
437 let contains_type_access =
438 match ty1, ty2 with
439 | (_, Taccess ((_, Tgeneric _), _)), _
440 | _, (_, Taccess ((_, Tgeneric _), _)) -> true
441 | _ -> false in
442 if contains_type_access then
443 let ty_from_env = localize ~ety_env in
444 TGenConstraint.add_check_tconst_where_constraint_todo
446 ~use_pos
447 ~definition_pos
449 ty_from_env
452 else
453 let env, ty1 = localize ~ety_env env ty1 in
454 let env, ty2 = localize ~ety_env env ty2 in
455 TGenConstraint.add_check_where_constraint_todo
457 ~use_pos
458 ~definition_pos
466 (* Performs no substitutions of generics and initializes Tthis to
467 * Env.get_self env
469 and localize_with_self env ty =
470 localize env ty ~ety_env:(env_with_self env)
472 and localize_with_dty_validator env ty validate_dty =
473 let ety_env = {(env_with_self env) with validate_dty = Some validate_dty;} in
474 localize ~ety_env env ty
476 and localize_hint_with_self env h =
477 let h = Decl_hint.hint env.Env.decl_env h in
478 localize_with_self env h
480 and localize_hint ~ety_env env hint =
481 let hint_ty = Decl_hint.hint env.Env.decl_env hint in
482 localize ~ety_env env hint_ty
484 (* Add generic parameters to the environment, localize their bounds, and
485 * transform these into a flat list of constraints of the form (ty1,ck,ty2)
486 * where ck is as, super or =
488 let localize_generic_parameters_with_bounds
489 ~ety_env (env:Env.env) (tparams:Nast.tparam list) =
490 let env = Env.add_generic_parameters env tparams in
491 let localize_bound env ({ Nast.tp_name = (pos,name); tp_constraints = cstrl; _ }: Nast.tparam) =
492 let tparam_ty = (Reason.Rwitness pos, Tabstract(AKgeneric name, None)) in
493 List.map_env env cstrl (fun env (ck, h) ->
494 let env, ty = localize env (Decl_hint.hint env.Env.decl_env h) ~ety_env in
495 env, (tparam_ty, ck, ty)) in
496 let env, cstrss = List.map_env env tparams localize_bound in
497 env, List.concat cstrss
499 let localize_where_constraints
500 ~ety_env (env:Env.env) (where_constraints:Nast.where_constraint list) =
501 let add_constraint env (h1, ck, h2) =
502 let env, ty1 =
503 localize env (Decl_hint.hint env.Env.decl_env h1) ~ety_env in
504 let env, ty2 =
505 localize env (Decl_hint.hint env.Env.decl_env h2) ~ety_env in
506 TUtils.add_constraint (fst h1) env ck ty1 ty2
508 List.fold_left where_constraints ~f:add_constraint ~init:env
510 (* Helper functions *)
512 (* Ensure that types are equivalent i.e. subtypes of each other *)
513 let unify_decl env ty1 ty2 =
514 let env, ty1 = localize_with_self env ty1 in
515 let env, ty2 = localize_with_self env ty2 in
516 ignore (TUtils.sub_type env ty2 ty1);
517 ignore (TUtils.sub_type env ty1 ty2)
519 let sub_type_decl env ty1 ty2 =
520 let env, ty1 = localize_with_self env ty1 in
521 let env, ty2 = localize_with_self env ty2 in
522 ignore (TUtils.sub_type env ty1 ty2)