Remove unused module aliases
[hiphop-php.git] / hphp / hack / src / typing /
1 (**
2 * Copyright (c) 2015, Facebook, Inc.
3 * All rights reserved.
5 * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
6 * LICENSE file in the "hack" directory of this source tree.
8 *)
10 open Core_kernel
12 module Reason = Typing_reason
13 module Env = Typing_env
14 module SubType = Typing_subtype
15 module Phase = Typing_phase
16 module MakeType = Typing_make_type
18 (*****************************************************************************)
19 (* Exporting. *)
20 (*****************************************************************************)
22 (* Tries to add constraint that ty_sub is subtype of ty_super in envs *)
23 let sub_type p ur env ty_sub ty_super =
24 Typing_log.(log_with_level env "sub" 1 (fun () ->
25 log_types p env
26 [Log_head ("Typing_ops.sub_type",
27 [Log_type ("ty_sub", ty_sub);
28 Log_type ("ty_super", ty_super)])]));
29 let env = { env with Env.pos = p; Env.outer_pos = p; Env.outer_reason = ur } in
30 Errors.try_add_err p (Reason.string_of_ureason ur)
31 (fun () -> SubType.sub_type env ty_sub ty_super)
32 (fun () -> env)
34 let coerce_type ?sub_fn:(sub=sub_type) p ur env ty_have ty_expect =
35 Typing_coercion.coerce_type ~sub_fn:sub p ur env ty_have ty_expect
37 let can_coerce env ty_have ty_expect =
38 Typing_coercion.can_coerce env ty_have ty_expect
40 let sub_type_decl p ur env ty_sub ty_super =
41 let env, ty_super = Phase.localize_with_self env ty_super in
42 let env, ty_sub = Phase.localize_with_self env ty_sub in
43 ignore (sub_type p ur env ty_sub ty_super)
45 (* Ensure that types are equivalent i.e. subtypes of each other *)
46 let unify_decl p ur env ty1 ty2 =
47 let env, ty1 = Phase.localize_with_self env ty1 in
48 let env, ty2 = Phase.localize_with_self env ty2 in
49 ignore (sub_type p ur env ty2 ty1);
50 ignore (sub_type p ur env ty1 ty2)
52 module LeastUpperBound = struct
53 open Typing_defs
54 open Nast
56 let exact_least_upper_bound e1 e2 =
57 match e1, e2 with
58 | Exact, Exact -> Exact
59 | _, _ -> Nonexact
61 let prim_least_up_bound tprim1 tprim2 =
62 match tprim1, tprim2 with
63 | Tint, Tstring | Tstring, Tint -> Some Tarraykey
64 | Tint, Tfloat | Tfloat, Tint -> Some Tnum
65 | _ , _ -> None
67 let rec type_visitor ~f ~default ty1 ty2 =
68 let array_kind ak1 ak2 =
69 match ak1, ak2 with
70 | AKmap (ty1, ty2), AKmap (ty3, ty4) ->
71 let ty1_ = type_visitor ~f ~default ty1 ty3 in
72 let ty2_ = type_visitor ~f ~default ty2 ty4 in
73 Some (AKmap (ty1_, ty2_))
74 | AKdarray (ty1, ty2), AKdarray (ty3, ty4) ->
75 let ty1_ = type_visitor ~f ~default ty1 ty3 in
76 let ty2_ = type_visitor ~f ~default ty2 ty4 in
77 Some (AKdarray (ty1_, ty2_))
78 | AKvarray ty1, AKvarray ty2 ->
79 let ty = type_visitor ~f ~default ty1 ty2 in
80 Some (AKvarray ty)
81 | AKvec ty1, AKvec ty2 ->
82 let ty = type_visitor ~f ~default ty1 ty2 in
83 Some (AKvec ty)
84 | _ -> None
86 let (r1, ty_1), (_, ty_2) = (ty1, ty2) in
87 match ty_1, ty_2 with
88 | Ttuple tyl1, Ttuple tyl2 ->
89 begin try let tyl = List.map2_exn ~f:(type_visitor ~f ~default) tyl1 tyl2 in
90 r1, Ttuple tyl
91 with _ -> default
92 end
93 | Tclass ((p, id1), e1, tyl1), Tclass((_, id2), e2, tyl2) ->
94 if id1 = id2 then
95 begin try let tyl = List.map2_exn ~f:(type_visitor ~f ~default) tyl1 tyl2 in
96 r1, Tclass ((p, id1), exact_least_upper_bound e1 e2, tyl)
97 with _ -> default
98 end
99 else
100 default
101 | Tarraykind ak1, Tarraykind ak2 ->
102 begin match array_kind ak1 ak2 with
103 | None -> default
104 | Some ak -> r1, Tarraykind ak
106 | Tprim tprim1, Tprim tprim2 ->
107 begin match prim_least_up_bound tprim1 tprim2 with
108 | None -> f ty1 ty2
109 | Some ty -> r1, Tprim ty
111 | Toption ty1, Toption ty2 ->
112 let ty = type_visitor ~f ~default ty1 ty2 in r1, Toption ty
113 | Toption ty1 , ty_2 | ty_2, Toption ty1 ->
114 let ty = type_visitor ~f ~default ty1 (r1, ty_2) in r1, Toption ty
115 | _ -> f ty1 ty2
117 (* @TODO expand this match to refine more types*)
118 let pairwise_least_upper_bound env ~default ty1 ty2 =
119 if SubType.is_sub_type env ty1 ty2 then ty2
120 else if SubType.is_sub_type env ty2 ty1 then ty1
121 else default
123 let rec full env types =
124 match types with
125 | [] -> None
126 | [t] -> Some t
127 | (r, _ as ty1) :: ty2 :: ts ->
128 let default = MakeType.mixed r in
129 let ty =
130 type_visitor
131 ~f:(pairwise_least_upper_bound env ~default)
132 ~default ty1 ty2
134 full env (ty :: ts)
136 let rec compute types =
137 match types with
138 | [] -> None
139 | [t] -> Some t
140 | (tenv, p, k, (r, _ as ty1)) :: (_, _, _, ty2) :: ts ->
141 let default = MakeType.mixed r in
142 let ty =
143 type_visitor
144 ~f:(pairwise_least_upper_bound tenv ~default)
145 ~default ty1 ty2
147 compute ((tenv, p, k, ty) :: ts)