Implementing quickfix for Lint Code 5644 (Pointless booleans)
[hiphop-php.git] / hphp / hack / src / utils / pos.mli
1 (*
2 * Copyright (c) 2015, Facebook, Inc.
3 * All rights reserved.
5 * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
6 * LICENSE file in the "hack" directory of this source tree.
8 *)
10 (* Note: While Pos.string prints out positions as closed intervals, pos_start
11 * and pos_end actually form a half-open interval (i.e. pos_end points to the
12 * character *after* the last character of the relevant lexeme.) *)
13 type 'a pos [@@deriving eq, ord, show]
15 (** The underlying type used to construct Pos instances.
17 * See "val make: 'a -> b -> 'a pos" *)
18 type b = Pos_source.t
20 type t = Relative_path.t pos [@@deriving eq]
22 val pp : Format.formatter -> t -> unit
24 type absolute = string pos [@@deriving eq, ord, show]
26 val none : t
28 val filename : 'a pos -> 'a
30 val start_offset : 'a pos -> int
32 val end_offset : 'a pos -> int
34 val line : 'a pos -> int
36 val line_column : 'a pos -> int * int
38 val end_line : 'a pos -> int
40 val end_line_column : 'a pos -> int * int
42 (** Return line number, beginning of line character number and character number of start position. *)
43 val line_beg_offset : t -> int * int * int
45 val end_line_beg_offset : t -> int * int * int
47 (** For spans over just one line, return the line number, start column and end column.
48 This returns a closed interval.
49 Undefined for multi-line spans. *)
50 val info_pos : 'a pos -> int * int * int
52 (** Return start line, end line, start column and end column.
53 This returns a closed interval. *)
54 val info_pos_extended : 'a pos -> int * int * int * int
56 (** Return start character number and end character number. *)
57 val info_raw : 'a pos -> int * int
59 (** Return start line, start column, end line and end column.
60 This returns a half-open interval. *)
61 val destruct_range : 'a pos -> int * int * int * int
63 val length : 'a pos -> int
65 (* This returns a closed interval. *)
66 val string : absolute -> string
68 (* This returns a half-open interval. *)
69 val multiline_string : absolute -> string
71 (* This returns a closed interval. *)
72 val string_no_file : 'a pos -> string
74 (* This returns a half-open interval. *)
75 val multiline_string_no_file : 'a pos -> string
77 (* This returns a closed interval. *)
78 val json : absolute -> Hh_json.json
80 val json_no_filename : absolute -> Hh_json.json
82 (* This returns a half-open interval. *)
83 val multiline_json : absolute -> Hh_json.json
85 val multiline_json_no_filename : 'a pos -> Hh_json.json
87 val inside : 'a pos -> int -> int -> bool
89 val exactly_matches_range :
90 'a pos ->
91 start_line:int ->
92 start_col:int ->
93 end_line:int ->
94 end_col:int ->
95 bool
97 val contains : t -> t -> bool
99 (* Does first position strictly overlap the second position? *)
100 val overlaps : t -> t -> bool
102 val make : 'a -> b -> 'a pos
104 val make_from_lexing_pos : 'a -> Lexing.position -> Lexing.position -> 'a pos
106 val make_from : 'a -> 'a pos
108 val btw_nocheck : 'a pos -> 'a pos -> 'a pos
110 val is_hhi : t -> bool
112 (** Fill in the gap "between" first position and second position.
113 Not valid if from different files or second position precedes first *)
114 val btw : t -> t -> t
116 (* Symmetric version of above: order doesn't matter *)
117 val merge : 'a pos -> 'a pos -> 'a pos
119 val last_char : t -> t
121 val first_char_of_line : t -> t
123 val to_absolute : t -> absolute
125 val to_relative : absolute -> t
127 val to_relative_string : t -> string pos
129 val get_text_from_pos : content:string -> 'a pos -> string
131 (* Advance the ending position by one character *)
132 val advance_one : 'a pos -> 'a pos
134 (* Reduce the size of this position element by one character on the left and
135 * one character on the right. For example, if you've captured a position
136 * that includes outside apostrophes, this will shrink it to only the contents
137 * within the apostrophes. *)
138 val shrink_by_one_char_both_sides : 'a pos -> 'a pos
140 (* Compare by filename, then tie-break by start position, and finally by the
141 * end position *)
142 val compare : t -> t -> int
144 val set_file : 'a -> 'b pos -> 'a pos
146 (* Return a zero-width position that occurs at the start of input position. *)
147 val shrink_to_start : 'a pos -> 'a pos
149 val set_col_start : int -> 'a pos -> 'a pos
151 val set_col_end : int -> 'a pos -> 'a pos
153 val make_from_lnum_bol_offset :
154 pos_file:Relative_path.t ->
155 pos_start:int * int * int ->
156 pos_end:int * int * int ->
159 module Map : WrappedMap.S with type key = t
161 module AbsolutePosMap : WrappedMap.S with type key = absolute
163 module Set : Set.S with type elt = t
165 val print_verbose_absolute : absolute -> string
167 val print_verbose_relative : t -> string
169 val pessimize_enabled : t -> float -> bool
171 val set_from_reason : 'a pos -> 'a pos
173 val get_from_reason : 'a pos -> bool