Refactor hhbc_from_nast into statement and expression emitters
[hiphop-php.git] / hphp / hack / src / hhbc /
1 (**
2 * Copyright (c) 2017, Facebook, Inc.
3 * All rights reserved.
5 * This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the
6 * LICENSE file in the "hack" directory of this source tree. An additional grant
7 * of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.
9 *)
10 open Core
11 open Hhbc_ast
12 open Instruction_sequence
13 open Emit_type_hint
15 let has_type_constraint ti =
16 match ti with
17 | Some ti when (Hhas_type_info.has_type_constraint ti) -> true
18 | _ -> false
20 let emit_method_prolog params =
21 gather (List.filter_map params (fun p ->
22 let param_type_info = Hhas_param.type_info p in
23 let param_name = p in
24 if has_type_constraint param_type_info
25 then Some (instr (IMisc (VerifyParamType (Param_named param_name))))
26 else None))
28 let tparams_to_strings tparams =
29 tparams (fun (_, (_, s), _) -> s)
31 let verify_returns body =
32 let rewriter i =
33 match i with
34 | IContFlow RetC ->
35 [ (IMisc VerifyRetTypeC); (IContFlow RetC) ]
36 | _ -> [ i ] in
37 InstrSeq.flat_map body ~f:rewriter
39 let from_ast ~self tparams params ret b =
40 let tparams = tparams_to_strings tparams in
41 Label.reset_label ();
42 Local.reset_local ();
43 Iterator.reset_iterator ();
44 Emit_expression.set_self self;
45 let params = Emit_param.from_asts tparams params in
46 let return_type_info =
47 match ret with
48 | None ->
49 Some (Hhas_type_info.make (Some "") (Hhas_type_constraint.make None []))
50 | Some h -> Some (hint_to_type_info ~always_extended:true tparams h) in
51 let stmt_instrs = Emit_statement.from_stmts b in
52 let stmt_instrs =
53 if has_type_constraint return_type_info then
54 verify_returns stmt_instrs
55 else
56 stmt_instrs in
57 let ret_instrs =
58 match List.last b with Some (A.Return _) -> empty | _ ->
59 gather [instr_null; instr_retc]
61 let fault_instrs = extract_fault_instructions stmt_instrs in
62 let begin_label, default_value_setters =
63 Emit_param.emit_param_default_value_setter params
65 let (is_generator, is_pair_generator) = is_function_generator stmt_instrs in
66 let generator_instr =
67 if is_generator then gather [instr_createcont; instr_popc] else empty
69 let body_instrs = gather [
70 begin_label;
71 emit_method_prolog params;
72 generator_instr;
73 stmt_instrs;
74 ret_instrs;
75 default_value_setters;
76 fault_instrs;
77 ] in
78 let params, body_instrs =
79 Label_rewriter.relabel_function params body_instrs in
80 let function_decl_vars = extract_decl_vars params body_instrs in
81 let body_instrs = Local_id_rewriter.unname_instrseq
82 ( params @ function_decl_vars)
83 body_instrs
85 body_instrs,
86 function_decl_vars,
87 params,
88 return_type_info,
89 is_generator,
90 is_pair_generator