Move return in finally to nast_check
[hiphop-php.git] / hphp / hack / tools / augmented_types /
1 (**
2 * Copyright (c) 2014, Facebook, Inc.
3 * All rights reserved.
5 * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
6 * LICENSE file in the "hack" directory of this source tree.
8 *)
10 module C = Convert_ty
11 module DP = Docblock_parse
12 module H = Hack_ty
13 module PC = Common
14 module PC2 = Common2
15 module T = At_ty
17 exception Test_failure of string
19 let test_at_parse () =
20 let cases = [
21 "string", T.ATstring;
22 "My_klass", T.ATclass "My_klass";
23 "string|Klass", T.ATcomposite [T.ATstring; T.ATclass "Klass"];
24 "*int[]", T.ATvariadic (T.ATarray (T.ATint));
25 "int|string[]", T.ATcomposite [T.ATint; T.ATarray T.ATstring];
26 "(int|string)[]", T.ATarray (T.ATcomposite [T.ATint; T.ATstring]);
27 "(int|string)|bool", T.ATcomposite [T.ATint; T.ATstring; T.ATbool];
28 ] in
29 let check (input, output) =
30 if (At_parse.parse input) <> output then
31 raise (Test_failure input)
32 else ()
34 List.iter check cases
36 type test_convert_ty_case =
37 {name: string;
38 input: T.at_ty;
39 strict: C.result;
40 loose: C.result;
43 let test_convert_ty () =
44 let cases = [
45 {name = "simple";
46 input = T.ATstring;
47 strict = Common.Left H.Hstring;
48 loose = Common.Left H.Hstring;
50 {name = "mixed";
51 input = T.ATmixed;
52 strict = Common.Right "";
53 loose = Common.Left H.Hmixed;
55 {name = "nullable class";
56 input = T.ATcomposite [T.ATclass "foo"; T.ATnull];
57 strict = Common.Left (H.Hnullable (H.Hclass "foo"));
58 loose = Common.Left (H.Hnullable (H.Hclass "foo"));
60 {name = "nullable mixed 1";
61 input = T.ATcomposite [T.ATmixed; T.ATnull];
62 strict = Common.Left H.Hmixed;
63 loose = Common.Left H.Hmixed;
65 {name = "nullable mixed 2";
66 input = T.ATcomposite [T.ATmixed]; (* Not sure how meaningful this is. *)
67 strict = Common.Right "";
68 loose = Common.Left H.Hmixed;
70 {name = "loose composite";
71 input = T.ATcomposite [T.ATuint; T.ATfloat];
72 strict = Common.Right "";
73 loose = Common.Left H.Hnum;
75 {name = "multiple reduce";
76 input = T.ATcomposite [T.ATint; T.ATnull; T.ATfloat];
77 strict = Common.Left (H.Hnullable H.Hnum);
78 loose = Common.Left (H.Hnullable H.Hnum);
80 ] in
81 let check_single name output expected = match output, expected with
82 | Common.Left e1, Common.Left e2 when e1 = e2 -> ()
83 | Common.Right _, Common.Right _ -> ()
84 | _ -> raise (Test_failure name) in
85 let check {name; input; strict; loose} =
86 check_single (name ^ " (strict)") (C.convert C.Strict input) strict;
87 check_single (name ^ " (loose)") (C.convert C.Loose input) loose;
90 List.iter check cases
92 let test_docblock_parse () =
93 let input =
95 /**\n\
96 * This is a cool docblock!\n\
97 * @param int|Fun_class $first_arg\n\
98 * @param string $second_arg\n\
99 * @return bool\n\
100 */" in
101 let m = DP.parse input in
102 let check var expected =
103 let actual = match Smap.find var m with
104 | None -> raise (Test_failure var)
105 | Some x -> x in
106 if actual <> expected then raise (Test_failure var) else () in
107 check "$first_arg" (T.ATcomposite [T.ATint; T.ATclass "Fun_class"]);
108 check "$second_arg" T.ATstring;
109 check DP.ret_key T.ATbool;
112 let test_integration () =
113 let testdir = Sys.argv.(1) in
114 let testfiles = PC2.glob (testdir ^ "/*.php") in
115 List.iter begin fun testfile ->
116 let (dir, base, _) = PC2.dbe_of_filename testfile in
117 let outfile = PC2.filename_of_dbe (dir, base, "out") in
118 let errfile = PC2.filename_of_dbe (dir, base, "err") in
120 let outopt, errl = Convert.convert C.Loose testfile in
121 let out = match outopt with
122 | Some out -> out
123 | None -> "" in
124 let err = (String.concat "\n" errl) ^ "\n" in
126 let outtmpfile = PC.new_temp_file "augtytest" "php" in
127 PC.write_file ~file:outtmpfile out;
128 let errtmpfile = PC.new_temp_file "augtytest" "err" in
129 PC.write_file ~file:errtmpfile err;
131 let outdiff = PC2.unix_diff outtmpfile outfile in
132 if List.length outdiff > 1 then begin
133 List.iter prerr_endline outdiff;
134 raise (Test_failure "output differs")
135 end;
137 let errdiff = PC2.unix_diff errtmpfile errfile in
138 if List.length errdiff > 1 then begin
139 List.iter prerr_endline errdiff;
140 raise (Test_failure "err differs")
141 end;
143 end testfiles;
146 let test () =
147 test_at_parse ();
148 test_convert_ty ();
149 test_docblock_parse ();
150 test_integration ();
151 print_endline "Success!"
153 let () = test ()