rename Tunresolved to Tunion
[hiphop-php.git] / hphp / hack / src / typing /
1 (**
2 * Copyright (c) 2015, Facebook, Inc.
3 * All rights reserved.
5 * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
6 * LICENSE file in the "hack" directory of this source tree.
8 *)
10 open Core_kernel
11 open Common
12 open Typing_defs
13 open Type_mapper
15 module Env = Typing_env
16 module TUtils = Typing_utils
17 module Reason = Typing_reason
19 (* Mapper used by update_array* functions. It traverses Tunion and
20 * modifies the type "inside" the Tvars - so it has side effects on the input
21 * type (the type variables inside env change)! *)
22 class update_array_type_mapper: type_mapper_type = object
23 inherit shallow_type_mapper
24 inherit! tunion_type_mapper
25 inherit! tvar_substituting_type_mapper
26 end
28 (* Abstract types declared "as array<...>" permit array operations, but if
29 * those operations modify the array it has to be downgraded from generic
30 * to just an array.*)
31 class virtual downcast_tabstract_to_array_type_mapper = object(this)
32 method on_tabstract env r ak cstr =
33 let ty = (r, Tabstract(ak, cstr)) in
34 match TUtils.get_all_supertypes env ty with
35 | _, [] -> env, ty
36 | env, tyl ->
37 let is_array = function
38 | _, Tarraykind _ -> true
39 | _ -> false in
40 match List.filter tyl is_array with
41 | [] ->
42 env, ty
43 | x::_ ->
44 (* If the abstract type has multiple concrete supertypes
45 which are arrays, just take the first one.
46 TODO(jjwu): Try all of them and find one that works
48 this#on_type env x
50 method virtual on_type : env -> locl ty -> result
51 end
53 let union env tyl = match tyl with
54 | [] -> Env.fresh_unresolved_type env Pos.none (* TODO: position *)
55 | ty::tyl' -> List.fold_left_env env tyl' ~init:ty ~f:TUtils.union
57 let union_keys = union
59 let union_values env values =
60 let unknown = List.find values (fun ty ->
61 snd (snd (TUtils.fold_unresolved env ty)) = Tany) in
62 match unknown with
63 | Some (r, _) -> env, (r, TUtils.tany env)
64 | None -> union env values
66 (* Apply this function to a type after lvalue array access that should update
67 * array type (e.g from AKempty to AKmap after using it as a map). *)
68 let update_array_type p ~is_map env ty =
69 let mapper = object
70 inherit update_array_type_mapper
71 inherit! downcast_tabstract_to_array_type_mapper
73 method! on_tarraykind_akempty env _ =
74 if is_map
75 then
76 let env, tk = Env.fresh_unresolved_type env p in
77 let env, tv = Env.fresh_unresolved_type env p in
78 env, (Reason.Rused_as_map p, Tarraykind (AKmap (tk, tv)))
79 else
80 let env, tv = Env.fresh_unresolved_type env p in
81 env, (Reason.Rappend p, Tarraykind (AKvec tv))
83 end in
84 let env, ty = mapper#on_type (fresh_env env) ty in
85 env, ty