rename Tunresolved to Tunion
[hiphop-php.git] / hphp / hack / src / typing / tast_check /
1 (**
2 * Copyright (c) 2018, Facebook, Inc.
3 * All rights reserved.
5 * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
6 * LICENSE file in the "hack" directory of this source tree.
8 *)
10 open Core_kernel
11 open Tast
12 open Typing_defs
14 module Env = Tast_env
15 module Reason = Typing_reason
16 module TySet = Typing_set
17 module Cls = Decl_provider.Class
19 type validity =
20 | Valid
21 | Invalid: Reason.t * string -> validity
23 type validation_state = {
24 env: Env.env;
25 validity: validity;
28 let update state new_validity =
29 if state.validity = Valid
30 then { state with validity = new_validity }
31 else state
33 let visitor = object(this)
34 inherit [validation_state] Type_visitor.type_visitor as _super
35 (* Only comes about because naming has reported an error and left Hany *)
36 method! on_tany acc _ = acc
37 (* Already reported an error *)
38 method! on_terr acc _ = acc
39 method! on_tprim acc r prim =
40 match prim with
41 | Aast.Tvoid -> update acc @@ Invalid (r, "the void type")
42 | Aast.Tnoreturn -> update acc @@ Invalid (r, "the noreturn type")
43 | _ -> acc
44 method! on_tfun acc r _fun_type = update acc @@ Invalid (r, "a function type")
45 method! on_tvar acc r _id = update acc @@ Invalid (r, "an unknown type")
46 method! on_tabstract acc r ak _ty_opt =
47 match ak with
48 | AKenum _ -> acc
49 | AKdependent (`this, _) -> acc
50 | AKgeneric name when Env.is_fresh_generic_parameter name -> acc
51 | AKgeneric name when AbstractKind.is_generic_dep_ty name ->
52 (* The when constraint guarnatees that there is a :: in the name *)
53 let acc = match Str.split (Str.regexp_string "::") name with
54 | [class_id; tconst_id] ->
55 (* If a Taccess resolves to an abstract type constant, it will be given
56 * to this visitor as a Tabstract, and the recursive bounds check below
57 * will eventually resolve to the abstract type constant's constraint.
58 * However, a subtype of this constraint could have a type parameter, so
59 * we check whether the abstract type constant is enforceable. In the case
60 * where Taccess is concrete, the locl ty will have resolved to a
61 * Tclass/Tprim/etc, so it won't be checked by this method *)
62 let open Option in
63 let tconst_opt = Env.get_class acc.env class_id >>=
64 (fun cls -> Cls.get_typeconst cls tconst_id) in
65 Option.value_map ~default:acc tconst_opt ~f:(fun tconst ->
66 if not (snd tconst.ttc_enforceable)
67 then update acc @@
68 Invalid (r, "the abstract type constant " ^
69 tconst_id ^ " because it is not marked <<__Enforceable>>")
70 else acc
72 | _ ->
73 acc in
76 let bounds = TySet.elements (Env.get_upper_bounds acc.env name) in
77 List.fold_left bounds ~f:this#on_type ~init:acc
78 | AKgeneric name ->
79 begin match Env.get_reified acc.env name, Env.get_enforceable acc.env name with
80 | Nast.Erased, _ -> update acc @@
81 Invalid (r, "an erased generic type parameter")
82 | Nast.SoftReified, _ -> update acc @@
83 Invalid (r, "a soft reified generic type parameter")
84 | Nast.Reified, false -> update acc @@
85 Invalid (r, "a reified type parameter that is not marked <<__Enforceable>>")
86 | Nast.Reified, true ->
87 acc end
88 | AKnewtype _ -> update acc @@ Invalid (r, "a newtype")
89 | AKdependent _ -> update acc @@ Invalid (r, "an expression dependent type")
90 method! on_tanon acc r _arity _id =
91 update acc @@ Invalid (r, "a function type")
92 method! on_tunion acc r _tyl =
93 update acc @@ Invalid (r, "a union")
94 method! on_tobject acc r = update acc @@ Invalid (r, "the object type")
95 method! on_tclass acc r cls _ tyl =
96 match Env.get_class acc.env (snd cls) with
97 | Some tc ->
98 let tparams = Cls.tparams tc in
99 begin match tyl with
100 | [] -> acc (* this case should really be handled by the fold2,
101 but we still allow class hints without args in certain places *)
102 | tyl ->
103 let open List.Or_unequal_lengths in
104 begin match List.fold2 ~init:acc tyl tparams ~f:(fun acc targ tparam ->
105 if this#is_wildcard targ
106 then acc
107 else
108 match tparam.tp_reified with
109 | Nast.Erased -> update acc @@ Invalid (r, "a type with an erased generic type argument")
110 | Nast.SoftReified -> update acc @@ Invalid (r, "a type with a soft reified type argument")
111 | Nast.Reified -> this#on_type acc targ
112 ) with
113 | Ok new_acc -> new_acc
114 | Unequal_lengths -> acc (* arity error elsewhere *)
117 | None -> acc
118 method! on_tapply acc r (_, name) tyl =
119 if tyl <> [] && Typing_env.is_typedef name
120 then update acc @@ Invalid (r, "a type with generics, because generics are erased at runtime")
121 else acc
122 method! on_tarraykind acc r _array_kind =
123 update acc @@ Invalid (r, "an array type")
124 method is_wildcard = function
125 | _, Tabstract (AKgeneric name, _) ->
126 Env.is_fresh_generic_parameter name
127 | _ -> false
130 let validate_type env root_ty emit_error =
131 let should_suppress = ref false in
132 let validate env ty =
133 let state = visitor#on_type {env = env; validity = Valid} ty in
134 match state.validity with
135 | Invalid (r, msg) ->
136 if not !should_suppress
137 then emit_error (Reason.to_pos (fst root_ty)) (Reason.to_pos r) msg;
138 should_suppress := true
139 | Valid -> ()
141 let env, root_ty =
142 Env.localize_with_dty_validator env root_ty (validate env) in
143 validate env root_ty
145 let validate_hint env hint emit_error =
146 let hint_ty = Env.hint_to_ty env hint in
147 validate_type env hint_ty emit_error
149 let handler = object
150 inherit Tast_visitor.handler_base
151 method! at_expr env = function
152 | _, Is (_, hint) -> validate_hint env hint (Errors.invalid_is_as_expression_hint "is")
153 | _, As (_, hint, _) -> validate_hint env hint (Errors.invalid_is_as_expression_hint "as")
154 | _ -> ()