Make experimental files be considered as strict during typing
[hiphop-php.git] / hphp / hack / src / typing /
1 (**
2 * Copyright (c) 2017, Facebook, Inc.
3 * All rights reserved.
5 * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
6 * LICENSE file in the "hack" directory of this source tree.
8 *)
10 open Hh_core
12 open Delta
13 open Tast_expand
14 open Typing_defs
15 open ETast
17 module C = Typing_continuations
18 module Cont = Typing_lenv_cont
19 module Env = Typing_env
20 module Phase = Typing_phase
22 (** This happens, for example, when there are unsafe blocks, or gotos *)
23 exception Cant_check
24 exception Not_implemented
26 let expect_ty_equal env (pos, ty:Pos.t * locl ty) (expected_ty:locl ty_) =
27 let expected_ty = (Reason.none, expected_ty) in
28 if not @@ ty_equal ~normalize_unresolved:true ty expected_ty then
29 let actual_ty = Typing_print.debug env ty in
30 let expected_ty = Typing_print.debug env expected_ty in
31 Errors.unexpected_ty_in_tast pos ~actual_ty ~expected_ty
33 let refine ((_p, (_r, cond_ty)), cond_expr) _cond_is_true gamma =
34 let is_refinement_fun fun_name =
35 match fun_name with
36 | "\\is_int" | "\\is_float" | "\\is_string" | "\\is_bool"
37 | "\\is_array" | "\\is_vec" | "\\is_dict" | "\\is_keyset"
38 | "\\is_resource" -> true
39 | _ -> false in
40 match cond_expr with
41 | Call (Aast.Cnormal, (_, Id (_, id)), [], _, []) when is_refinement_fun id ->
42 raise Not_implemented
43 | Call (
45 (_, Class_const ((_, CI (_, "\\Shapes")), (_, "keyExists"))),
48 _) ->
49 raise Not_implemented
50 | InstanceOf _
51 | Is _
52 | As _
53 | Binop _
54 | Unop _
55 | True
56 | False ->
57 raise Not_implemented
58 | _ when cond_ty = Tprim Nast.Tbool -> gamma
59 | _ ->
60 raise Not_implemented
62 let check_assign (_lty, lvalue) ty gamma =
63 match lvalue with
64 | Lvar (_, lid) ->
65 let gamma_updates = add_to_gamma lid ty empty_gamma in
66 gamma, gamma_updates
67 | _ -> raise Not_implemented
69 (* TODO for now check_expr is done with a visitor to deal more gracefully
70 * with the unimplemented nodes: implemented nodes will be checked even if
71 * they are not at the top-level. When all nodes are implemented, check_expr
72 * might be simply redefined using the definition of on_expr. *)
73 (* This uses the iter visitor as an accumulator using a mutable variable
74 * gamma as the accumulator, as showcased in the visitor documentation (fig. 2)
75 * However, this results in a quite ugly programming style.
76 * TODO write a proper accumulator visitor `accum` inheriting from iter and
77 * using an `acc` mutable variable, then here inherit from `accum` instead of
78 * `iter`. *)
79 let check_expr env (expr:ETast.expr) (gamma:gamma) : gamma =
80 let expect_ty_equal = expect_ty_equal env in
81 let expr_checker = object (self)
82 inherit [_] ETast.iter as super
84 val mutable gamma = gamma
86 method gamma () = gamma
88 method! on_expr env (ty, expr as texpr) =
89 match expr with
90 | True | False ->
91 expect_ty_equal ty (Tprim Nast.Tbool)
92 | Int _ ->
93 expect_ty_equal ty (Tprim Nast.Tint)
94 | Float _ ->
95 expect_ty_equal ty (Tprim Nast.Tfloat)
96 | String _ ->
97 expect_ty_equal ty (Tprim Nast.Tstring)
98 | Lvar (_, lid) ->
99 let expected_ty = match lookup lid gamma with
100 | None -> Tany
101 | Some (_p, (_r, ty)) -> ty
103 expect_ty_equal ty expected_ty
104 | _ -> (* TODO *) super#on_expr env texpr
106 method! on_Binop env bop expr1 (ty2, _ as expr2) =
107 match bop with
108 | Ast.Eq None ->
109 let gamma_, updates = check_assign expr1 ty2 gamma in
110 gamma <- gamma_;
111 self#on_expr env expr2;
112 gamma <- update_gamma gamma updates
113 | Ast.Eq _ -> raise Not_implemented
114 | Ast.Ampamp | Ast.Barbar ->
115 self#on_expr env expr1;
116 let gamma_ = gamma in
117 gamma <- refine expr1 (bop = Ast.Ampamp) gamma;
118 self#on_expr env expr2;
119 gamma <- gamma_
120 | _ -> (* TODO *) super#on_Binop env bop expr1 expr2
122 method! on_Efun _env _fun _id_list = raise Not_implemented
124 method! on_Class_const env class_id const_name =
125 match class_id, const_name with
126 | (_, CI (_, "\\Shapes")), (_, "removeKey") -> raise Not_implemented
127 | _ -> super#on_Class_const env class_id const_name
129 method! on_Eif _env _cond _e1 _e2 = raise Not_implemented
131 method! on_Pipe _env _lid _e1 _e2 = raise Not_implemented
133 method! on_As _env _e1 _ty = raise Not_implemented
135 method! on_Callconv _env param_kind _expr =
136 match param_kind with
137 | Ast.Pinout -> raise Not_implemented
138 end in
139 expr_checker#on_expr env expr;
140 expr_checker#gamma ()
142 let rec check_stmt env (stmt:ETast.stmt) (gamma:gamma) : delta =
143 let check_expr = check_expr env in
144 match stmt with
145 | Noop ->
146 empty_delta_with_next_cont gamma
147 | Expr expr ->
148 let gamma = check_expr expr gamma in
149 empty_delta_with_next_cont gamma
150 | Fallthrough ->
151 empty_delta_with_cont C.Fallthrough gamma
152 | Break _ ->
153 empty_delta_with_cont C.Break gamma
154 | Continue _ ->
155 empty_delta_with_cont C.Continue gamma
156 | Throw (_is_terminal, expr) ->
157 let gamma = check_expr expr gamma in
158 empty_delta_with_cont C.Catch gamma
159 | Return (_, expropt) ->
160 let gamma = match expropt with
161 | None -> gamma
162 | Some expr ->
163 let gamma = check_expr expr gamma in
164 gamma in
165 empty_delta_with_cont C.Exit gamma
166 | If (cond, block1, block2) ->
167 let gamma = check_expr cond gamma in
168 let gamma1 = refine cond true gamma in
169 let delta1 = check_block env block1 gamma1 in
170 let gamma2 = refine cond false gamma in
171 let delta2 = check_block env block2 gamma2 in
172 union env delta1 delta2
173 | Do _
174 | While _
175 | For _
176 | Foreach _
177 | Switch _
178 | Try _
179 | Using _
180 | Def_inline _
181 | Let _
182 | Static_var _
183 | Global_var _
184 | Awaitall _ ->
185 raise Not_implemented
186 | Goto _
187 | GotoLabel _
188 | Unsafe_block _
189 | Block _
190 | Markup _
191 | Declare _ ->
192 raise Cant_check
195 and check_block env (block:ETast.block) gamma =
196 let rec go block gamma delta =
197 match block with
198 | [] -> delta
199 | stmt :: block ->
200 let delta_s = check_stmt env stmt gamma in
201 let delta = drop_cont C.Next delta in
202 (* TODO there shouldn't be any need for 'env' because there shouldn't be
203 * any type variable to resolve any more. *)
204 let delta = union env delta delta_s in
205 match get_next_cont delta_s with
206 | None -> delta
207 | Some gamma -> go block gamma delta in
208 go block gamma (empty_delta_with_next_cont gamma)
210 let check_func_body env (body:ETast.func_body) gamma =
211 if body.fb_annotation = Tast.Annotations.FuncBodyAnnotation.HasUnsafeBlocks
212 then raise Cant_check
213 else
214 let _ = check_block env body.fb_ast gamma in
217 (* TODO It's annoying to have to carry this giant 'env' everywhere. Can we
218 * localize without it? *)
219 let localize env hint =
220 match hint with
221 | None -> failwith "There should be a hint in strict mode."
222 | Some decl_ty ->
223 let ty = Decl_hint.hint env.Env.decl_env decl_ty in
224 let _env, ty = Phase.localize ~ety_env:(Phase.env_with_self env) env ty in
227 let gamma_from_params env (params:ETast.fun_param list) =
228 let add_param_to_gamma gamma param =
229 if param.param_user_attributes <> [] then raise Not_implemented;
230 let name = make_local_id param.param_name in
231 let ty = localize env param.param_hint in
232 (* TODO can we avoid this? *)
233 let reas_ty_to_pos_reas_ty (r, _ as ty) = (Typing_reason.to_pos r, ty) in
234 let ty = reas_ty_to_pos_reas_ty ty in
235 add_to_gamma name ty gamma in
236 List.fold ~init:empty_gamma ~f:add_param_to_gamma params
238 let check_fun env (f:ETast.fun_def) =
239 if not (FileInfo.is_strict f.f_mode) then () else
240 let gamma = gamma_from_params env f.f_params in
241 if f.f_tparams <> []
242 || f.f_where_constraints <> []
243 || f.f_variadic <> FVnonVariadic
244 then raise Not_implemented else
245 check_func_body env f.f_body gamma
246 (* TODO check return type *)
248 let check_def env (def:ETast.def) =
249 try match def with
250 | Fun f -> check_fun env f
251 | _ -> ()
252 with
253 | Cant_check ->
254 Printf.printf "The TAST for this definition is not checkable.\n"
255 | Not_implemented ->
256 Printf.printf "The TAST for this definition contains nodes which are not yet implemented.\n"
258 let check_program env (program:ETast.program) =
259 List.iter ~f:(check_def env) program
261 let check env tast =
262 let errors, () = Errors.do_ (fun () -> check_program env tast) in
263 errors